Kathryn sat in the dressing room thrumming a discordant punk rock song on her ultra-snyth (a merging of electric guitar and synthesizer). She was a slender almost anorexic plain gray tabby. She was dressed in the latest pop fashions which didn't suit her music nor her for that much either. She didn't notice the other feline that had opened the door behind her. This cat was beautiful calico and looked much like Kathryn except her body was much curvier and she was taller. She was also hissing mad. The calico leaped forward and yanked the cord out of the amp and scaring Kathryn into falling backwards off the suitcase she'd been sitting on. "What the hell did I tell you about playing that crap," she shrieked at the fallen Kathryn. "Not to play it in the dressing rooms," Kathryn mumbled. "I said not to play it at ALL stupid, Heart to Heart doesn't play that junk. What do you think would happen if a fan or the press came back here and your playing that crap? Huh? Well duh, you didn't think about that. I just wish you'd think of us once and a while. I don't even know why I let you in the band," she yelled and stormed from the room slamming the door. "Because I'm the only one who can write music and songs," she mumbled wishing she had the courage to yell it at her sister. She got up off the floor and put on a vacant bimbo smile and began to play some pop bubble gum music. She played and danced the stupid dance their queer dance instructor had taught them. He wasn't queer in the way of meaning he was gay, he was queer in the way of liking things one shouldn't yiff at all. He gave her the creeps but all the girls thought his dance moves were so hot. After all it was part of the image of Heart to Heart, cute girls, sugar sweet music, and stupid dancing. "ON IN FIVE," a voice yelled from outside. Kathryn sighed as she went out to face fifty thousand fans that had come to see Kathryn Heart and her sister Delia, and Buffy, Wendy, and Shasha. Sometimes she just wished there was one fan out there to see her, not who they thought she was. * * * After the concert they were hustled into a limo and hauled of for an after show party for the record people, the money people, and the important people. Kathryn just wanted to go to bed. As the limo sped away Delia exploded in another fit. "What the hell did you think you were doing Kathryn," she yelled loud enough to startle the driver. Kathryn was stunned as she wasn't sure what she had done. "Jeez, Delia," Wendy said, "What did she do now?" "She was singing on stage!" "Lighten up girl, she doesn't even have a mike," Buffy said trying to head off the row that was about to happen. "Yeah, no one could have heard her over the amps," Shasha told then trying hard not to look at Kathryn. "I could and she was distracting me!" No one said a word, it was going to be one of those nights where nothing pleased Delia. Kathryn looked at Shasha and gave her a weak smile. Shasha was a friend even if the others weren't all the time. She was a Husky and had even nicer curves that Delia but that didn't show all that much as she was their drummer. She had confided in her one night that she had a quart of salt water boosting her figure. She had suggested Kathryn get herself a boost as well. Delia had went bezerk when she had found out that Kathryn had looked up plastic surgery on the internet. Wendy and Buffy were a mouse and a vixen but they might as well have been part of some bimbo cloning program. The had maybe twelve active brain cells between them, but they could sing the backgrounds and play the bass and tambourine well enough. Kathryn though that all the other members of the band had been chosen because that wouldn't be able to compete with Delia's talents. It never occurred to her that was why her sister hated her so much. Delia couldn't compete with Kathryn's talent. At the hotel everyone was all bouncy smiles as they strutted in past the press and the fans. It was all an act for the masses. A private elevator took them up to a penthouse suite that cost more a night than a Motel 6 for a month. Inside was all the important people talking, drinking, and smoozing. Kathryn went to the food table, it was piled with expensive tidbits and liquor. She got a small plate and dumped on anything that didn't look like eyeballs or tentacles. She'd traded it in for a double bacon chili cheese burger in a heart beat. She took a seat in a bean bag chair away from all the smoozing. She was ignored except by Delia who told her to stop stuffing her face or she was going to get fat. In silent rebellion she gorged herself sick. So it was a rather ill Kathryn that was wondering if she was going to puke or burst when most of the sane and sober guest left. "I've got an idea for some fun," said a rather sleazy looking rat. He was one of the record people. "What," Buffy asked being very drunk. "You've heard of Muti-Cosine L" There were blank stares and a lot of looking about. "Isn't that suppose to be the Super Power Drug," Kathryn asked, remembering something about that on the internet "Right on the first try, just a dose of this and you become a super powered Meta-Hybrid," the rat extolled like he was doing a commercial. Most giggled at him and had some comments about what kind of other drugs he was on. "What kind of powers," Delia asked suddenly interested. "That the fun part," he said with a sly grin, "You don't know. Each furson gets a random ability. You could fly, be super strong, or read minds, you won't know till you take it." "Yeah, but what if you get a nasty ability like. . .oh say farting sleeping gas or something like that," Shasha said laughing. "Yucky," Wendy and Buffy chorused. "That's all right, if you take the antidote with in 24 hours you return to normal," he said holding up a bottle of pills. Kathryn didn't think much of the idea as she didn't hold with drugs. Also she had a memory of this drug that was floating in the back of her mind. If she wasn't worried about her stomach hurting so much maybe she could remember it. The others left at the party thought this was so cool, to have powers was a very seductive lure. They were all talking about Dirk Spragget and his ability to bend light and make illusions. His concerts were way kwoool, and how kwool it'd be if Heart to Heart could do the same thing. Kathryn was sneaking off to lay down when Delia decide that they would all try it Including Kathryn who is trying to sneak off again. She was hauled back into the center of the party with Buffy, Wendy, and Shasha and a few other furs she didn't know. She tried to protest but Delia told her to shut up and shoved a pill in her mouth. Kathryn swallowed it by reflex. One by one the others took their pills as well. Kathryn was so mad she ran to the bathroom to try and puke the pill back up. She was bent over the toilet gagging when she heard the screaming start. She tried to get up and felt really strange. The screaming was forgotten as she looked in the mirror, she was pink. Her gray fur had turned pink and her stripes were a lighter pink. She gasped in panic and then discovered she couldn't exhale. No matter how hard she tried to exhale it felt like her lungs were empty. She kept inhaling but nothing would come out. The air had do be going somewhere, it was, it was going to her breasts. She had gone from an A to a D cup and each breath was pushing them out farther. Then she noticed her tummy was swelling too. As she got more frightened her breath came faster and faster. As her pants tightened around her legs she realized she was blowing up every where. In a moment of lucid thought, if I don't calm down I'll explode. She waddled from the bathroom her body starting to burst from her cloths and still expanding. She was stunned at the anarchy in the living room. From the goo dripping from the walls and ceiling some fur appeared to have exploded. Shasha was topless and had something painfully growing out of her back. Buffy seemed to be in convulsions on the floor. Wendy ran past her and was shockingly half her normal size. The others were seemingly in a state of equally frightening and painful transformations. For a moment she wondered if it was her sister that had exploded, then she saw Delia. Or what was wearing Delia's outfit, it looked like something a horror writer would have nightmares about. Kathryn felt her pants seams burst letting her inflating thighs out. She hurried about looking for the antidote pill bottle. At last she found it stuck to the wall, that must have been the rat that exploded. She took one herself and gave one to every fur she could get to take one. Buffy and Shasha were to caught in the pain of what ever was happening to them. Delia proved difficult because she couldn't find the mouth at first. As for the splatters she struck a couple of pills in the biggest chunks, at least she could claim she tried. After twenty minuets Kathryn was approaching sumo sized and was trying to cover herself with a sheet. Nobody had changed back or stopped changing or what ever. She told the room she was calling 911, no one protested, but some of those not changing formed a line at the bathroom to flush what ever they had. The cops didn't believe what she was telling them on the phone, but when she told them she was sure one of them was dead they sent cops and EMTs. Shasha had finished growing her butterfly wings and was fanning them to dry them out. Buffy was in a coma. Mini-Windy was sitting in a chair sobbing. Delia was in shock and mumbling no over and over again. The others that had tried the drug were in various states of freekdom. Kathryn herself looked like she must have weighted a ton. At least she was now breathing normally and wasn't getting any bigger. The EMTs couldn't believe their eyes as they loaded the victims that couldn't walk onto stretchers. Shasha refused to go without Kathryn, but Kathryn wasn't going to be going anywhere soon. She was too big for the door way. After several calls to the doctors at the hospital she was given muscle relaxers to see if that would make her release the air. She hoped it worked because otherwise they'd have to resort to puncturing her with a needle and hope she didn't pop. Soon she was slumped on the floor sighing the air out. She didn't really remember much after that. * * * Three weeks later Kathryn was leaving the mental hospital. She hadn't broke down like Delia had but she had had to learn to control her inflation other wise she ended up nude and needing rolled off by the oompah loomphas. Shasha had quickly proven that while she couldn't fly she could glide, much to the horror of the hospital staff. She was forever jumping from the roof. Mini-Wendy as she was now called had adjusted to her new size and even had been taking deals for movies. Buffy had recovered sort of, she hadn't changed on the outside, but she now was an empath and a healer. Shasha was waiting for her outside in a new car. Shasha lowered her shades at Kathryn's appearance. Since weight wasn't a factor she had opted for a triple H bust line and nicely rounded hips and bottom. Her cloths were to tight too show off her body. "Wow Kathryn, your busting out all over," Shasha exclaimed. "What do you think," she said posing sexily. "I think it's too much." "Good," she said hopping into the car. Kathryn was laughing and rambling on a mile a minuet about the cute doctors, nurses, and orderlies at the hospital. She noticed that Shasha was looking at he oddly but smiling. "What," she asked. "Who are you and what have you done with Kathryn," she said with a giggle. "I don't understand." "I thought Wendy was lying to me after I got released from there." "Lying I don't understand." "She said you had told Delia off in group and that no man was safe from, what was she said they called you, oh the inflatable sex kitten." Kathryn blushed at the mention of that name, "There was only one guy that called me that, and only once." "I know, I heard you ranted him to tears on the floor too. What happened to the mousy little Kathryn I knew?" Kathryn sat for a moment watching the farmland pass by. She looked down at the enormous shot of cleavage she was sporting at the moment. The old Kathryn had thought of bust implants, maybe a D cup. The old Kathryn wouldn't have blown her boobs up till her top couldn't take anymore. The old Kathryn wouldn't have called her older sister a spoiled brat that needed to be spanked and it was her own damn fault she was a twisted freek. But then she didn't really like the old Kathryn that much at all. "I guess that Kathryn Heart died that night and Kat Pink was born."she told Shasha. "Kat Pink, I like that, it fits you. But I don't think she was born that night Kathryn, I think she just decided to show herself. Do you want to get the band back together?" "Truthfully Shasha, I don't want to. Delia won't ever show herself in public. Buffy has become this sort of Zen priestess out to heal the world. And Wendy, well she'd come back." "Running as fast as her little legs would take her," Shasha said with a naughty laugh. "That is just wrong, plus I got sick of hearing short jokes from Wendy. I guess Heart to Heart is over and done with. I'm sorry." "That's good," Shasha said with a sigh of relief, "I had an offer from another band, one of those you'd be stupid to turn down deals." "And you would if I was going to try to keep the act together." "You know us dogs, loyal to the end." "Heart to Heart was Delia's dream. It was flashy, pert, and what the public wanted. But it was ugly on the inside, like Delia. There is a rumor that Muti-cosign L makes you on the outside what you are on the inside. I guess it was true in Delia's case." "Maybe all our cases Kathryn." "I never imagined a bimbo was inside of me trying to get out." "Your only a bimbo if you don't have a brain. What do you plan on doing with out the band?" "Oh just drift around, see what happens." "Well if you need money let me know. . ." Kathryn began to laugh, Shasha looked at her and became quite annoyed. "Shasha, what did you think I did with all the money, it's in stocks and bonds. I make over 100 thousand a year in dividend alone." Shasha slowed the car to a stop and looked closely at Kathryn, "Girl you ain't never going to qualify as a Bimbo." * * * It was six months later and she had rolled into Fur York. Near the bus stop she spied a pawn shop and paused to window shop. Hanging in front was a battered black ultra-snyth with a faded winking skull on it. She went inside and took it down. "They're for sale, not for fiddling with," the owner barked at her, but she didn't listen. She plugged it into an amp and strummed the strings, it was badly out of tune. But all the keys and buttons worked. She tuned it a bit and played a bar or two. By this time the owner had left his seat from behind the counter. "I said. . ." She paused him thunderstruck by handing him her platinum card, "I'll need a case and a good portable amp to go with it. I don't care what they cost I want the best in the shop." "Er um I have better instruments that that one. . ." "Nope I want this one." She left with the case strapped to her backpack, a tiny but powerful amp on her hip, and playing some punk rock as she walked down the street. She was passing by a rather dilapidated motel when several very dangerous looking guys poured out. She kept playing and walking like normal but now she was looking for a cop or at least a crowd. It was after sundown though and it seemed neither would be found. She stopped playing for a moment and that is when it happened. "Please don't stop," said the toughest looking one said. "What," she asked frightened. "Playing that song," he told her. "Yeah," said another pulling out drumsticks and tapping out the rhythm for her song on a lamppost. "It totally rocks." After playing the song again they asked her to a coffee shop. There they explained they were sort of a band, they needed a lead guitar and singer. If she wanted to play with them they practiced at a bar called The Sludge Pit. They seemed nice enough even with all the leather and chains. She made a date for a try out for the band and even got an address for a nice apartment for a nice girl like her. It was near midnight when she reached an old but nice looking brownstone building. She knew she should wait till morning but she was too tired to walk farther. She went in and climbed the stairs to the top. She groaned as she wondered what kind of super lives on the top floor. She knocked on the door the card said she was to knock on. Inside she could here stumbling and a crash. When the door opened it was a huge black wolf wearing nothing but an overcoat. He was rather cute. "Uh can I help you," he asked unsure as to why she was here. "I need an apartment." "Huh, it's after midnight," he protested. "I need one now," she said with a grin. "All I have is a three bedroom and it's 600 a month," he said helplessly. "How much for deposit," she asked gleefully. "Ah, 600," he said trying to get a grip on reality here. Kathryn pulled out a checkbook and scribbled out a check and after a moment thought she wrote in the amount and handed it to him. "What's this?" "A check for 15000 dollars." "For what," he nearly screamed. "Rent for two years and deposit." "What, how do I know this is good?" "You can have the cops arrest me in the morning," she said with a yawn, "if it bounces, can I have my key it's very late you know." He looked at her and then at the check and shrugged. He pulled a key off the wall from where she couldn't see. He tossed it to her. "I'll be by at noon with the paperwork to sign. There is an old couch, table and chair, and some dishes. I'll have to order a fridge and stove for you what would you like?" "We'll wait till the check clears to discuss that." "Oh it will," he assured her giving her a wink. She wondered at that but would save the questions for another time. "The apartment is 1D and my name is Charon, give me a call if you need anything." "I'm Kat, Kat Pink." She should have know it'd be all the way back down the stairs. As she approached the door to her apartment she noticed the elevator for the first time. Inside was a spacious living room with an ugly striped furry sofa. It was the prettiest thing she ever saw and laid down on it to fall fast asleep. CHAPTER 1:INTRO “Yiff me,” exclaimed a large black wolf as the brown paper grocery bag began to tear. Several creatures on the street turned at the sudden profanity and a way too young squirrel said, “I will.” He rolled his eyes as she giggled and ran away. Setting the bag down on the sidewalk he pulled a roll of duct tape from the deep pockets of his overcoat. A couple quick wraps and all was right with the universe again. And so he though for about a block. Across the street an elderly bear suddenly screamed and was waving her cane about. Running away from her was a young ferret with a purse that just didn’t go with his outfit. Creatures were pointing and shouting but as usual nobody was moving much towards helping. The wolf slowly clenched his fist watching the boy run. The world and the boy seemed to be slowing down. Then suddenly the fist snapped open and the boy’s foot slipped out from under him so hard he flipped in the air. All motion returned to normal. The poor purse snatcher landed hard and before he could get up the old woman was on him cussing and beating him with her cane. No one noticed the wolf slipping away up the street. He turn in at a old brownstone apartment building and checked his mail. The box bore the name CHARON, bills and junk mail. As he was getting ready to open the door a scared stiff fox ran into it, twice. Charon had plenty of time to get out of the way before the fox figured out the door only opened inwards. Charon watched him trip over the doorstep, roll down the steps, leap up, look around, run down the street, then turn around and run up the street. Inside he considered his choices, he hadn’t heard him falling down the stairs so it had to be this floor. He picked a door at random and knocked. “Mike, I knew you’d . . .oh, hi Charon have you seen. . .” The door had opened to reveal a very voluptuous pink tiger cat. She was wearing a purple bikini and appeared to be several months past due on her kittens. “Running as fast as he could. Kitten you are just going to have to stop springing that on people,” told her. “Don’tcallmeKitten. You really think he gone,” she said starting to tear up. “Kathryn. . ,” Suddenly she was crying and hugging him. He was patting her back when he noticed the old shrew was peeping out her door. Actually she was a skunk but that was just by birth. She was the official spy for the apartment building. Charon stuck out his tongue at her and she disappeared inside to write another letter to the owner. Mr. C period Briffen, she would of course die if she was to learn the C stood for Charon. He led Kathryn back into her apartment which at first seemed to be decorated by a colour blind person but then one realised such numerous clashing colours could not be picked at random. They sat down on the furry couch which was shedding badly. Kathryn was snuffling in a pair of under ware Mike had apparently left behind. “Uh, Kitten, shouldn’t you find something a bit more sanitary to blow your nose in,” Charon said rummaging in his pockets. “Don’tcallmeKitten. Huh, oh yeah sure,” she said pulling a bra out from under the couch. Charon at last produced half a roll of toilet paper from his pocket, “Try this and while your at can you do something about all of that.” “Why?” “Just humour me, I like the real you better.” “This is the real me,” she said with a sigh and that sigh went on longer than seemed possible. As she sighed her voluptuousness and her pregnancy began to shrink as if she was deflating. Which she was. In moments she was very thin and lanky. The problem now was her top. It was for a 38HHH and was now pathetically unsupported by her 36B bust line. “Uh now, could you fix that up also,” Charon told her covering his eyes. “Oh picky picky picky,” she said getting up causing her now too loose bottoms to fall to the floor. She returned a moment later wearing a long t-shirt which claimed she was slippery when wet. When she bent over to scoot the bikini bottom under the couch Charon could not help but notice she had forgotten undines. “Unh, you forgot something,” he said recovering his eyes. “No I didn’t,” she replied playfully swishing her tail across his nose. “Well, Kitten, what did you do this time?” Don’tcallmeKitten. Well, we had just finished snuggling on the sofa and he was suggesting we try the bed. We then started to undress one another. He was really skinny and he had this sort of crook in his. . .” “PLEASE! Not all the details,” Charon told her. “But, it has to do with the story.” “Short short version.” “We were getting yiffy, I got excited, and I phlumph I blew up.” “And he wigged and here were are,” Charon finished. Kathryn was beginning to tear up again. Once again Charon wondered how one knew if a cat was having mood swings. She was suddenly hugging him and crying. “Oh Charon, am I so ugly that no one wants me.” “UGLY, Kitten you are anything but ugly. Your just different and most guys can’t deal with that. Being a meta-hybrid bothers people still. But it might help if you told them before you uh, mmm, phlumph.” “You think so,” she said sniffling. “Yes, especially before you know what.” “Charon, I am an inflatable meta-hybrid,” she said and begun to nuzzle him in a suggestive manner. “Whoa, whoa there,” he said pushing her away, “You also need to slow down some. Besides I need to put my groceries up.” “You think I’m ugly too,” she bawled “I knew there was a reason I bought this,” Charon mumbled pulling a pint of B&J’s out of the bag. “Ice Cream,” she squealed and leaped of the sofa for spoons. Once again she had switched from tears to all smiles. Upon her return she snuggled closer than Charon was comfortable with but was intent on sharing ice cream not yiffiness. By the time the pint was gone he had reassured her of her desirability without encouraging yiffiness. Then he escaped out of her apartment. He hurried up the stairs to his apartment on the top floor nearly sprinting all the way. Inside his apartment he breathed a huge sigh of relief. “Damn me, damn me, damn me,” he chanted for awhile. He removed his long overcoat and slowly stretched out his cramped wings. They spread out nearly nine feet tip to tip and were an iridescent white that shimmered in the sun light. As he slowly flapped them he groaned. “Kitten, I am the one to ugly to sleep with, I’m the freak.” he said picking up his bag and heading to the kitchen. * Kathryn was scooping all the cloths into a laundry bag when she found the feather. She thought it had come off one of her costumes but she had no white ones. She looked at it closely and it was all sparkly. “Pretty, I wish I had more of these,” she said looking around, “I wonder where it came from.” Despite her best cleaning she turned up no more feathers. “Great, struck out with Mike, struck out with Charon, struck out on feathers, time to hit the showers.” She pulled off the t-shirt and checked out her body in front of the mirror. She was thin, flat chested, and bony just like she had been before that night but now she was also pink instead of grey. Despite being a cat she loved getting wet, at least as long as the water was hot. Into the shower and soon the steam began to pour forth. Here was her favourite place on earth. She pick a shampoo from the dozen bottles at random, it was floral and pear scented. A huge squeeze down the front of her and she began to lather herself. All alone in a shower she could be as naughty as she wished. “Hummm, nice,” she murmured as she stroked herself. Who to choose as her lover for today? Charon stepped into the shower with her and began to lather up her back. She felt his strong hands easing the tension from her neck and back. He slowly worked his way down to her pert bottom. She reached behind her to massage his muscular backside and lightly draw her claws through his fur. He leaned forward to nibble and nuzzle her neck. “I love you,” he whispered softly to her. His hands moved around to her front and began to rub her tummy. She responded by doing a slow bump and grind against his groin. She moaned as she felt him stiffen and move his hands to her breasts. She inhaled deeply and as if by magic her B cup slowly expanded on through C to a full fledge D. He massaged her suddenly massive endowments. “More,” she purred. “Always,” he answered turning her to face him. Her chest was pulled flat against his muscular chest. She swelled uncontrollably to a DD from his touch. He slowly rubbed his hardening member back and forth on her teasing her with it. She teasingly pulled away from him but he drew her close. His body was so hot she felt like he was burning her and she couldn’t stop her chest from growing EEE then F and then FF. “Take me,” she moaned. “Not, yet beloved, my sweet, my passion, my sun, my moon, my star lit sky.” He slowly moved his knee between her thighs rubbing her and making her moan. She began to rub his member on her tummy exciting both of them. Her bust line was now steadily swelling. Her chest had grown into the H’s and she couldn’t hold out any longer. He entered her filling her and making her complete. As he thrust in on her, her stomach began to pump outwards. She couldn’t stop it and in fear she looked into his face. To her shock she only saw love and desire. His flat stomach pressed tight to her round bulging belly making it swell even faster. “Bigger, please get bigger,” he moaned to her. Her boobs had passed the mark of the biggest conceivable bra and her belly was at least nine months big. She never felt so beautiful in her life. But like all good things it began to end. Slowly but surely the growing spheres of her front were pushing her lover away from her. Till he could no longer enter her and she began to cry. “No tears beloved,” he said gently turning her about to enter from behind, “There my love, my life, you have plenty of room to grow.” He began to thrust deep and she began to grow. She swelled and swelled till only she could reach the front of her boobs and belly. Poor Charon had to make do with her sides. She came suddenly and frightenly strong. It was very sudden and very powerful and she was barely recovered when another rocked her body. She was expanding and climaxing and. . .and. . .and With a sudden shriek and hiss she flung herself out of the ice cold shower. Tripped on the bathroom rug and belly flopped onto the biggest set of boobs and belly she had ever saw on herself. She wallowed like a great pink beached whale to her feet. She ran to the phone getting stuck in the doorway. With a strain she popped herself free and speed dialled the phone. “Charon. . ,” The phone answered. “Damn it Charon, I ran out of hot water again,” she screamed into the phone. “Kitten?” “DON”TCALLMEKITTEN! I want hot water and I want it now!” “Sure, sure, just stop screaming, I’ll be right down,” he said trying to calm he down. Suddenly Kathryn looked down at her much larger than beach ball sized breasts and her titanic belly. She looked pregnant with dozen upon dozens of kittens. “Uh. . er. .not now,” she said in a sudden panic. “What?” “Not right now! Uh, give me an hour, maybe two! In fact I’ll just call you when I’m ready,” she told him and quickly hung up the phone. She plopped down on the sofa and her blimp of a belly shoved her unbelievable cleavage up into her face. She struggled to get up but discovered it was impossible. She had to pry them apart and force them down to breath. “Just typical, this has't to be a new low. I wonder how this day will get any worse.” * Charon shook his head as he hung up the phone. “Cats! Even if she is cute she needs a shrink,” he exclaimed not knowing just how right he was. On the way to the oven to check his pizza he turned on the hot water tap. He watched the water flow till it steamed then shut it off. With out pausing for mitts or hot pads he pulled the pan from the oven. It sizzled on a drop of water when he set it down. “Well, it looks hot enough up here, so I guess it ain’t the boiler.” He took the pizza in to eat while watching TV. He didn’t even bother with cutting it, just started munching on the crust and working his way inward. He really wasn’t interest in the idiot box now though he was busy think about why he had hot water and Kitten didn’t. At least it was safer than thinking about not thinking of Kitten, which he had been doing.