Written by & copyright of Earl Bacon Foxonian@aol.com Featuring Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen http://members.aol.com/rufinoform/Cassie.htm And Vixina http://cloudchaser.esmartweb.com/Vixina07.htm Please read the prequil, "Fifteen Minuites To Showtime" featuring Cassie at http://members.aol.com/katkottage/fifteen_minuites_to_showtime.txt Please read the sequil, "Stage Sisters", featuring Cassie and Laretta at http://members.aol.com/CassieRockVixen6/stage_sisters_ch1.txt Cassie and all other characters are created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except for Vixina, Cloudchaser and Wild Animals, who are created by & copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage. More on Wild Animals at http://cloudchaser.esmartweb.com/Myfurry.htm The old theater mentioned in this story, the Tennessee Theatre, is a real theater in Knoxville, Tennessee that is on the National Register of Historic Places, is in need of restoration and is on the web at http://www.tennesseetheatre.com Cassie was in a dilema. After her solo performance for a bunch of music execs, she had been talked into doing a small tour. It would be playing at small venues (clubs, civic centers) across the southeastern states of the U.S. "Sounds good," Cassie thought to herself. "I can try out some new songs, plus do some singing. It will be fun." Well, mabey not that much fun. The first warning signs appeared when two guitarists that she wanted on her tour both backed out. One had just been arrested for drug posession (again!) and the other had just gotten off a tour with her own band and didn't want to commit. So that meant that Cassie had to do all the lead and rhythm guitar work herself. It also meant that she would have to adjust her song list too. The second came when her bass player, a snow leopard named Cindy, came down with an illness and had to drop off the tour. Her manager (and mate), Foxonian, tried in vain to find a replacement. The best he could do was a german shepherd named Otto who was really a jazz bass player. As such, his timing was all over the place and Cassie was becoming annoyed with his constant flubs and mistakes. A nice guy, sure, but he just couldn't follow a metal bass line. The red fox vixen sat in her dressing room, adjusting the garter straps on her brown colored nylon stockings, feeling downcast while doing so. The tour was a disaster. More than once she wanted to call Foxonian and tell him to pull the plug on the whole project. She always thought of him whenever things would go wrong. He always knew how to solve whatever problem she was in.,and she loved him for it. Despite his name, Foxonian was not a furry-morph. He was, in fact, quite human. He used this alias because of his involvement with furry-morphs. Humans tended to look down on their own kind who hung around with "beasties". Likewise, there were a few furry-morphs the didn't approve of one of their own being managed by (or romantically involved with) a human. In Cassie's case, both situations applied to her. Giving herself a yawning stretch, the tall vixen stood up and tossed her head, causing her extremely long black head heair to move like a wave upon a stormy ocean, her long bushy tail fluffing out for just a moment before dropping. *knock* "Yes?" Cassie asked. "Hey, Cass, wanna check out this band?" The person asking this was a small otter named Slim. He had been Cassie main roadie for a few years and was also a good friend to her whenever she needed it. Slim was also a connoisseur (his term) of all the local rock talent of whatever city they happened to be stuck in. If there was a local band playing nearby, Slim always had the lowdown on it. There's this band called Wild Animals playing at the Tennessee Theatre tonight," Slim began, "You gotta hear them Cass! They have such a killer sound! Plus they play metal with, get this, a fiddle player!" The Vixen's ears perked up "Really! You aren't pullimg my leg, are you Slim?" The otter grinned, "Lady, that's one of my lifelong ambitions! Physically pulling your leg! But Foxonian told me that if I ever did that I would need a new one of my own!" "Oh, you!" Cassie laughed as she threw a towel off her dressing table at him. "Okay, Slim," the vixen began as she started to slip on a pair of her blue pumps that matched to color of her thigh slitted dress. "You talked me into it! Lead on!" The Tennessee Theatre was once a majestic theater in its day. Long golden walls with paintings of angels and knights on horseback chasing dragons lines its walls. But everything was in such a state of neglect that the dragons could have looked like housecats with all the years of grime and filth on them. "Over here, Cass. Nice seats right here." Cassie had a smirk on her face. Slim always like to sit right in the middle of any theater he was in, no matter how lousy the seats or how many fat people or screaming kids were next to him. At least the row was empty. The vixen looked down at the threadbare seat. She then looked at Slim, his whiskers forming a wide smile. Sighing, she took her seat. Within minuites, Wild Animals took the stage. The lead singer, a red wolf named Cloudchaser, was an impressive musician. She thought the idea of using a midi guitar to controll the Tennessee Theatre's theater organ was quite clever. But the standout was the vixen with a fiddle. She was called Vixina, and boy could she play! The dark red head haired specticled red fox vixen, wearing a tank top, cutoff denim shorts and a cross pendant could make her fiddle scream like a guitar or sing like an angel! Moreover, she could play metal with it too! The sound made Cassie tremble with excitement! She felt her pelt stand on end when Vixina played along with Cloudchaser on a cover of a old Metallica song: "Of Wolf and Man". When the show ended, Cassie stood and clapped quickly. "Told ya you would like 'em Cass." Slim said as he watched her clap. As she turned to respond to slim, she heard a voice behind her. "Ah yew Cassie, th' Rock Vixen?" A voice with a deep southern accent asked. Cassie turned to see a vixen with wide rimmed glasses on her muzzle and a wide eyed look on her eyes. "Yes I am. And you have to be the best fiddle player I have ever heard!" Vixina started to laugh, "Oh, Ah'm not thet good. Ah jes' been practicin' a lot. But yew always have been mah favorahte guita' playah! Ah was thar when yew and thet band, Furrosity, played at th' Tehnnosee rock festivah." The two vixens just stared at each other for a few minuites, smiling. "Vixina, wanna play on my tour with me?" Cassie asked. Vixina grinned "Ah'd luv ta!"