The Last Rose of Summer This story is dedicated to the memory of Michael Scott-McMurray. Written by & copyright of Earl Bacon Featuring Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Family Matters", featuring Cassie at Please read the sequil, "The Jester", featuring Cassie and Alex at Cassie and all other characters are created by & copyright of Earl Bacon This story is dedicated to the memory of Michael Scott-McMurray Cassie was in heaven. Stretched out on a blanket on the wooden deck, wearing nothing but her neck choker and her blue satin thigh-cut satin panties, she basked in the summer sun. Yes, she was sunbathing topless, but who cared? Cassie and her human lover had chosen the ideal hideaway home. Located in the Berkshires of Western Mass., the house was located on the summit of a 1000 ft. mountian peak. The house used to be a lodge for a now defunct ski resort. When the ski resort came on the auction block, Cassie's mate, Foxonian, jumped at the chance of getting it. The Swiss chalet-style lodge had a panoramic view of the whole Berkshire Mt. range. Plus, due to it's remote location, the house was far enough off the beaten path to give the owners complete privicy from prying eyes (and great skiing in the winter, with most of the trails still clear). The modifications to the lodge had been minor. Aside from converting the basement into a music room, and converting the large kitchen to a smaller domestic one and using the rest of the space for an office. The semi-nude red fox vixen stood up from the blanket. She was standing on a second floor balcony that had one of those wooden-carved block rails running and enclosing the lower 3 ft of the balcony, giving a waist-high railing. Cassie reached down and slipped the white and blue flowered sun mini-dress over her vulpine like body. The dress' hemline ended just above her knees, allowing her bushy fox-like tail to poke out from under the skirt. The mini-dress had a flowing cut to the both the bodice and the skirt, so as to give a loose flowing fit. Once done, the vixen put her black furred hand paws on the balcony railing and gazed out at the Berkshire range spread out before her. "Foxonian's right. It is beautiful up here," Cassie thought to herself. Since she was usually on tour for most of the year, she hadn't spent that much time at the house. Foxonian stayed here most of the time, running the band's business dealings out of the office on the first floor. Cassie padded her black-furred human like foot pads into the main living area. The first thing one noticed was, aside from the Danish-modern furnature, were two large paintings. The first hung over the large stone mantle piece It was an oil painting of a fox that dated from the mid-l9th century. Cassie had a collection of fox stuff scattered all over the lodge (small porcelain statues, prints, etc.), but this pic was her favorite. Foxonian often commented that she was just trying to "get in touch with her roots," with all the fox stuff. Cassie usually just ignored him, but he was correct. She did have an affinity for the animal that she shared part of her genetic heritige with. The vixen often wondered why Foxonian didn't have pictures of apes around his office. "0h,well. Humans are a strange lot. Guess that's why I find them so interesting," Cassie chuckled to herself. The second picture in the living room was on the wall at the opposite side of the room. A few years ago, Cassie had her portrait painted by a wildlife artist named Rebecca Kemp. It showed her standing on a stage, bathed in spotlights, holding her favorite guitar. Foxonian was so taken by the pic that he had a life size (7'x7') oil done of the same pic. It hung in a large guilded frame. Cassie would look at the huge pick of herself and smile. "If anyone ever doubted how much my human mate loved me, a look at this should answer their questions," Cassie said to herself. *RING* Cassie went over the cell phone that was on one of the two coffee tables and answered it. "Hello?" the vixen asked as she put the phone to one of her fox-like pointed ears. "Hello? Ms. Vixena?" the voice began. "I'm Dr. Michaels, of the Concord Hospice in Concord N.H. I'm calling in regards to a Ms. Rose Brown. Do you know such a person?" Cassie's fox-like blue colored eyes widened in both shock and horror. "Yes, I do. What's happened?" Cassie replied in a trembling voice. "I'm afraid that it's not good news Ms.Brown has just entered Stage II of her Synjer's Syndrome, and has asked if you could see her" Cassie stood for a moment in silence as she contemplated the information. Synjer's Syndrome was a condition that affected furry-morphs that were derived from common household pets, usually dogs or cats. It is commoly belived in medical circles that the genetic abnormality that triggers Synjer's was the result of some mistakes that the gene-techs made when first re-writing the cat and dog furry-morphs' genetic codes. Since dogs and housecats were among the very first Furry-morphs created, Synjer's began to show up early. As such, the genetic techniques used In creating furry-morphs were revised, therefore eliminating the genetic flaw that causes Synger's Syndrome in future generations of furry-morphs. As a further precaution, the gene-techs began basing their furry-morphs on wild animal strians, rather than domesticated ones. Unfortunately for all dog and cat morphs, the problem that causes Synjer's entered their gene pool. Synjer's has the nasty habit of skipping a generation or two and is almost impossible to test for, since the bad gene doesn't always show up in DNA screenings until a morph shows signs of Stage I of Synger's (a numbness in the hand and foot paws). Being a genetic defect, there is still no cure for Synjer's Syndrome. Those morphs who are unlucky to be afflicted end up paralyzed from the waist down at Stage II. By Stage III, they end up having total circulatory system collapse and then die. "Yes, I'll come as quickly as possible. Just give me the directions," Cassie replied as she began to scour the room for something to write on. Finding a pen and a note pad, Cassie wrote down all she could and with slightly trembling hand paws, switched off the cell phone. She then dialed Foxonian, telling him what was happening and that she would get in touch with him as soon as she could. Her mate was in NYC, along with most of her luggage and all her musical equipment. He was getting her studio time all set for her and the band, so they could start working on that new album. Cassie had planned on driving down tomorrow morning, but these plans were now out the window. She couldn't let Rose down now, not after all she had done for her. When Cassie was starting out, she was a very young (16 yrs.) and very nieve vixen. Her father, a legendary blues guitar player, had told her all he could about "the business," but she was still in the dark about most of it. She was on her way to a possible audition when she ran (literally) into Rose while the collie morph was smoking a cigerette on the sidewalk. At this time,Cassie still hadn't found her stage "look" yet. The young vixen had on a white t-shirt, a denim mini-skirt and Nike sneakers on her feet. Rose, however, was another case in point. The tall collie morph had her blond head hair done in a "beehive" hairdo. She wore a white sweater blouse and a 50's poodle skirt. On her feet were white bobby socks and white and black shoes. She had a red scarf tied around her neck with the knot on her left side to complete the look. Cassie thought that the collie femme looked like she had fallen off the cover of an "Grease" album. As Rose loked at the young vixen holding the black guitar case, she took an instant shine to the girl. Rose introduced herself to Cassie. She said that she was the guitarist in a 50's band called "The Grandvilles" and asked if she wanted to see her show? A delighted Cassie replied "Yes" and Rose got her a seat. Cassie marvelled at the collie femme. There she was playing that white '63 Gretsch White falcon guitar with a rose painted on the body. While the other singers looked like bad Elvis impersonators, the bobby-socker Collie with the big guitar played on. As the days went by, Rose took Cassie under her wing. She found a hotel for her and talked with her agent about getting the kid a booking in a new band, preferably a rock one, since that's what Cassie could play well. Rose also helped Cassie put together her stage outfit. The blue dress was one that Rose had, Cassie suggested the slitting up the sides. Her neck choker was lying around a dressing room at the theater Rose's band was playing in at the time. The nylon stockings and garters were Rose's idea. She felt they would give Cassie that "Sexy Classy" look that the collie knew would work for young vixen. Once Rose showed Cassie how to put them on, the vixen just loved the look and feel of the stockings. She gave Rose a big hug. All of these memories came flooding back in Cassie's mind as she finished hooking her stockings and started to put on her blue thigh-slitted dress and waist belt. After she had her blue punip shoes on, Cassie quickly made sure that all the doors and windows of the house were secure so she could activate the alarm system. She wasn't coming back here for a while, since she was planning on heading direct to NYC from the hospice. Satisfied, Cassie closed the main door of the house and locked it. She then activated the alarm. Cassie walked over to her red-orange colored ZR-I Corvette parked next to the steps. She opened the Vette's trunk and put some last-minuite items inside. As she climbed into the Vette and started the engine, she remembered when Rose first found out that she had Synjer's. Because Cassie was playing in various Metal bands, she didn't get a chance to see Rose a lot. Although they still tried to stay in touch with one another, it was getting harder and harder to meet face to face, since Rose was doing the 50's nostagia circuit while Cassie was playing Rock venues. Then, Cassie found out that Rose's band was going to be in Chicago the same day as her band, so they arranged to have a day together. As the day went on, Rose commented that she was having trouble making her fingers work the fretboard. She joked that "old age" was starting to catch up with her, since she had just turned 30. Cassie, however, was worried and begged Rose to see a doctor. After much arm twisting, Rose agreed. After seeing the doctor, the collie morph got the bad news. Synjer's Synrome. She went to two other doctors that day, but the diagnosis was the same. As she was getting reedy to leave, Rose said that she was not going to give up. "I'll go all over this world and see everyone I can until I find A cure for this." The collie morph then looked Cassie straight in the eye and said with steel determination, "I'll tell you something, Cass. I'm not letting Synjer's take me without a fight!" Since that day, Cassie hadn't heard much from her old friend, save for a postcard from some exotic country in South America or Asia telling of a "promising new treatment" that she was trying. Now, however, the very fact that she was in a hospice meant that all the time and money Rose spent couldn't postpone the inevitable. Synjer's was winning the battle and Rose was losing. After hours of searching, Cassie found the hospice. It was located in an old Catholic hospital on the edge of the city. Locking the Vette, Cassie took a deep breath and willked up the steps and into the hospice. There are some who still refered to these places as "God's Waiting Rooms." Cassie often found that remark heartless, moreso that her oldest friend in the buisiness was dying in one. "Excuse me," Cassie asked the nurse at the desk, a squirrel morph in medical whites. "Could you tell me where Rose Brown's room is?" "I'll show her," said a white ermine wearing a white doctor's coat white pants and a stepthscope around her neck. For a minute,Cassie had trouble seeing the short doctor becasue of the white fur pelt and her white uniform, she seemed to blend into the rest of the white hospice interior. "Hello, Ms. Vixena? I'm Dr Michaels. We spoke on the phone?" the ermine doctor asked. "How is Rose?" Cassie asked as she followed the ermine down the hall "She's going downhill fast Alreedy most of her internal organs have closed down. I don't think she will last the day," Dr. Michaels replied. As she reached the door of Rose's room and began to open it, Dr. Michaels took Cassie aside and spoke to her quietly. "Try to make her feel at ease. She's had no other visitors since she entered here I know that she has no family. Does she have anyone else besides yourself that we can contact?" "Not to my knowledge," Cassie began. "Have you tried to contact her former bandmates or her manager?" The ermine gave a disgusted sigh before she replied. "Yes. We tried to get in touch with all of them, but none replied. Frankly, we had given up all hope of finding anyone, when Rose told us about you." Cassie started to enter the room. "If something should happen, just push the call button on the T.V. control next to Ms. Brown's bed," Dr Michaels said as she went back down the hall. As Cassie approached the bed, she almost didn't recognize her old friend. For one thing,Rose's blond head hair wasn't in it's usual beehive. It was drapped on the pillow around her head so it formed a golden halo. Cassie could tell that the Syngen's had been doing it's work. Rose's once luxurious pelt of cream and light brown, was all dull and matted. Rose's face seemed old. Her eyes seemed sunken into their sockets. Above all, Rose looked so tired and worn out. As Cassie drew closer to to her bedside, Rose slowly opened her eyes. "How are you doing, Cass?" a weak voice asked. "Okay," a very tremble-filled Cassie replied as she sat on a chair that was next to the bed. "Well, it looks like I lost my fight kid," Rose began, "This Synjen's is taking me out." Don't say that!" Cassie cried "You can still beat this! Just don't quit!" "Cass,I'm tired of fighting," Rose began. "I went through all my money and sold most of what I had, and for what? I bought myself an extra year or two. Well, maybe that's all I'm gonna get." Rose then asked from some water. Cassie filled the drinking bowl in the wall sink and brought it over to Rose. She placed the water filled bowl up to Rose's muzzel so she could lap up the liquid. As she drank, Cassie began to lovingly stroke Rose's head. Tears were welling up in her eyes as she did this. Satisfied, Rose told Cassie to put the bowl away. "Cass," Rose started to speak, "I always thought of you as the kid sister I never had, what with me being raised in an orphanage. I'm going to be going up to the nose-bleed seats very soon, I think. Could I ask two last favors from you?" Holding Rose's hand, Cassie replied in a tearful voice, "Whatever you want Rosie. I'll do it!" With that, the collie morph's face managed a weak smile. "Under this bed is the one thing I haven't sold. It's my White Falcon. Take care of it, okay? Rose asked "Okay," Cassie said. Rose then pointed her head in the direction of all urn sitting on the room's window sill. "See that urn with the flower on it over there?" Rose began, I've made arrangements to be cremated. If you wouldn't mind, are you going to NYC sometime?" "Yes," Cassie whispered as she stared at the urn. Rose then leaned as close as she was able, Cassie met her halfway across the bed. "I would like you to spread my ashes on the ocean. Try to do it before dawn, so the cops don't arrest you for littering or something. Promise?" "I'll do it, Rosie," Cassie whispered back. Rose then reached up and gave Cassie a lap on her muzzle. "I love you, kid," Rose rasped, she then fell back and died. Cassie reached down,gave Rose a return kiss on her muzzle and began to weep. It took three days to get everything arranged. Cassie stood at the end of a pier in Manhattan just before dawn. The light breeze was causing her mane of black head hair and her thigh-high slitted blue dress to sway slightly. Foxonian and her roadies were keeping a sharp watch for any police a short distance away from where Cassie stood. Standing on the pier, a short distance behind Cassie, was her longtime bandmate, Cindy McCormick. The 6ft Snow leopard Morph's own long white mane of head hair was swaying in the wind. The cornrow braids on her bangs (a common fashon among snow lepoards) rocked back and forth in time with the rest of her hair. Cindy was dressed in her black motorcycle jacket that said "Harley Davison" across it's back. Beneath that, she wore a black T-shirt that said "Metal Rules" in gothic letters. Cindy had on a black leather mini-skirt, black nylons and black leather riding boots on her feet. Cindy and Cassie have been playing together for at least 7 years and in 5 different bands. Cassie always considered Cindy's bass part of her sound. Whenever she started a new band, she always gave Cindy a call. The reason why the snow lepoard was here was that, aside from Cassie, she was the only other member of Cassie's current band who knew Rose. "Whenever your ready, Cass," Cindy said as she walked down the pier to stand next to the vixen holding the urn. Cassie nodded to Cindy and turning to face the sea, slowly poured Rose's ashes upon the rolling waves. When she was finished, Cassie took the urn and began to walk down the pier toward the wharf and her mate. "Damn it, Cindy," Cassie began. "I should have helped her! I shouldn't have left her to rot!" "Cassie, you know better than that!" Cindy said as she walked at the vixen's side. "Rose wanted you to live your life, not hers. After all, she told you it was her fight. Didn't she?" Cassie nodded as she waked holding the urn close to her chest with both her arms. "Besides Cass," Cindy began, "You were there when she need you most. I think that was what she really wanted." I wish I knew for sure," Cassie replied as she noticed the sun beginning to rise. "What's that?" Cindy asked as she pointed to a small object floating down from the sky, directly in their path. As Cassie stared, the little red object slowly dropped directly onto the pier at her feet. The vixen put the urn down next to her and bent down to look at the mysterious object that fell from the sky. It was a rose blossom. Cassie held the flower in her cupped, black-furred hand paws. She then stared up to the sky with tear-filled catlike blue eyes and said "Now I know." The vixen then smiled. THE END This story is dedicated to the memory of Michael Scott-McMurray.