The Jester Written by & copyright of Earl Bacon Featuring Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen and Alex Please read the prequil, "The Last Rose of Summer", featuring Cassie and Rose Brown at Please read the sequil, "Radio Waves", featuring Cassie at Cassie and all other characters are created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except for Vixina, who is copyright Cloudchaser Shaconage, Laretta, who is copyright Andre Cotton and Alex, who is copyright her creator. "How much longer are we going to wait, Cass?" Cindy asked as she sat on the stool in the recording studio "I wish I knew," Cassie replied. All of the band's members had assembled. Vixna stood with her new electric fiddle at her side, Laretta was over talking with one of the studio techs, making sure the mikes near her amps were properly placed. Even the newest member of the band, Rachel, a deer femme who sported dark hair (as long as Cassie's, but tied in a long braid, that ran down her back like a snake. Rachel had on what looked like a German barmaid's outfit as invisioned by a Goth (white corset over a black dress with frilly bodice and skirt, the hemline ending just above her ankles). She had on black fishnet stockings on her legs and army combat boots (black, of course) on her human-like feet. In keeping with the rest of her look, Rachel wore black eyeshadow around her black eyes and a necklace with a black rose around her neck. Cassie still didn't get the whole "Goth" culture, but she did appreciate the electronic music that came out of it and Rachel was the best synth keyboardist around. Cassie marvelled at the 8 synth keyboards that were surrounding the gothic doe like the web stands of a spider. "Good analogy," Cassie thougt, even though Rachel was one of the frendliest (if a bit shy) people she knew. "Hey, Cassie! Do ya think this drummer's gonna show?" Vixina asked as she was taking a moment to clean her glasses. "I was about to ask you that also, Cassie," Rachel chimed in from behind her banks of keyboards. Cassie gave a disgusted snort before she replied. "All I know is, she said she was coming. I've played with her before, and she sometimes runs a little late. Just chill out and wait a while longer." There was some grumbling from both Vixina and Laretta, while Rachel just sat down on her stool and stared at her synth banks with her arms folded over her black corset and white blouse. Cindy then motioned Cassie aside for a private chat. "Cass you can't keep lying to them forever. You know that Lucy wasn't fully on board for this. Knowing her, she probably stiffed us!" The long haired red fox vixen nodded slowly to the equally long haired (albet with cornrow bangs) snow lepoard to her right. Lucy was a small lynx femme that had played on drums with both Cindy and Cassie when they were in Furrosity. She had been checking out other bands to play in when Cassie approached her. Lucy told Cassie that she had at least two other bands interested in her, but she would probably accept Cassie's offer. That was a month ago. Since then, both Cassie and Andy, the band's wolf-morph manager, had only spoken with her once. Each time they asked her if she was either a "go" or "nogo". Each time she said she was a "go" and she would be at the first session. However, both Cindy and Cassie knew that Lucy loved the smell of money. More than once, Furrosity's manager had to offer her more dough to stay with the band, with good reason, since she was the best in the business. It was never enough for Lucy. In fact, it was her demanding a larger share of that band's profits that helped break up the band. Cindy had been against contacting Lucy, but Cassie felt that her percussion was essential to the sound she was looking for,so she overruled Cindy. "Hey guys! Your drummer's here!" Slim, the chief roady shouted through the studio door. "Great! Bring her in! Okay guys. Let's be nice to her, even though she's late," Cassie said as she walked back over to the rest of the band. When the door opened, the person who walked through wasn't a lynx morph. In fact, no one, including both Cindy and Cassie had ever seen her before. The young lady that entered the studio was quite a suprise. She was around 5' 2" in height. An arctic fox in winter phase, her fur color was as white as snow. From the top of her head, strands of frizzy blond hair came down to about her shoulder. She was wearing a red low-cut leather minidress, the hem ending about halfway down her thigh. The rest of her dress was obscured by the short black leather "biker" jacket she had on. Around her neck was a gold chain that sported a golden snowflake pendant. She had red open-toed stilleto sandles on her white feet. "That's right. I'm your new drummer! My name's Alexandria, but you can call me Alex!" Cassie then looked at Slim and said "Is this a joke, Slim? If it is, you'll notice I'm not laughing." "No joke, Cass," The otter began, "she showed up at the back door claiming she was the new drummer." "Since you hadn't told me what she looked like, I just let her in. I'll call security if you want." "Do that and you will lost the perfect drummer!" Alex said with a huge grin on her muzzle. "So you say," Cindy replied with a stern look before turning to Cassie. "Call secunty Cass, She's olviosly a nutcase." "Naw, give her ah chance Cassie," Vixina said from across the studio. "Yeah Cassie, What have we got to lose? We need a drummer to lay down the base track anyway. She doesn't have to be that good," Laretta joined in. The snow leopard and the vixen turned to look at the gothic deer. "Well, Rachel?" Cassie asked, "What do you think?" The 6'2' deer stood up adjusting her braid so that it draped over her left shoulder, so it's end was even with her waist. "Sure, what the hell. Beats me having to program a drum track, anyway." Cassie then turned and bent down to look the shorter arctic fox femme in the face. "Okay, Alex. You're in, for now. The drumkit is over there." "Goody!" Alex exclaimed as she practically ran over to the drumset, nearly knocking Laretta over as she was tuning her guitar. "Sorry!" Alex said as she hurredly removed her sandles, so her bare feet could work the drum pedals. Laretta gave a fanged grin and replied "No sweat, kid. Er, how old are you?" "I just turned 19," Alex said, as she removed her biker jacket, revealing a sleeveless dress, a lot like Cassie's, execpt that it wasn't slitted on the thighs. It was short enough that it didn't need to be. While Alex was getting settled in, Cassie and Cindy had both waked over to where their instruments were and began to strap them on. Cassie then looked around the studio. "Everybody set?" Cassie asked as she adjusted her guitar's volume. "I'm in," Cindy said with her paw hand on her bass' neck. "Me too," Lareta answered, her left paw hand on her guitar's neck. "Ah'm set," Vixina chimed in, her elctric fiddle on her shoulder and her bow in her right paw hand. "Ready here!" Rachell said as her keyboards were all lit up with various lights indicating her settings. "Okay, let's do it!" Alex said as she twirled her drumsticks in her white furred pawhands. "One, Two, Three...," Cassie began as the band cranked into some old material. As the band played, Cassie would motion to Cindy to look at Alex. The snow lepoard would give suprised looks to the vixen at odd moments. The little arctic fox was amazing! Even better than Lucy ever was! What amazed Cassie most was how well she knew all the songs. Alex also had a mode of attack on the drums that could be very powerful one minute, yet gentle the next. After five songs (and two hours!) Cassie singled a break as Andy stopped in with some sodas and other assorted munchies for the band. "Now, that's what I've been waiting for!" Laretta said as she grabbed a bag of Fritos, tore open the hag and began happily munching away. "Easy on the snacks Wolfie, or we'll be hauling you on the stage in a wheelbarrow!" Cindy said laughingly. Laretta stuck her tounge out playfully and responded "So I'll have to work out a bit, big deal! I do my excersies everyday. I can afford to cheat a little." "Or ya can be lahk Cassie. That lil' old vixen can eat just ahout anythin' and not gain a pound," Vixina said as she opened a can of Coke. Cassie just smiled as Andy walked over to her, "Whose the new drummer?" "Her name's Alex," Cassie began, "She just came in the back door and said that she was our new drummer. We gave her a try and she's wonderful! better than Lucy ever could be." "Funny you mention Lucy! Just got off the phone with her agent. She's claiming that she was "tricked" by us into accepting a non-existant job offer. She went over to where the band "Metal Morph" was playing claiming to be the drummer. Since they had no clue who she was, they called security and had Lucy thrown off the property. Lucy is furious and told you to quote "Drop Dead!" unquote," Andy said. "What???" Cassie said in a raised voice. Alex was sitting with Rachel on a the floor taking bite out of a sandwich when she saw Cassie's outburst. "Ub,oh!" Alex said as she stared at Andy and Cassie. "What's wrong, Alex?" Rachel asked, noticing the arctic fox's stare. They're on to me. Damn. I hoped this gig would work. Well, time to go!" Alex said. The white furred fox slowly crept over for her shoes and holding thein in her right paw hand and her drumsticks in her left, slowly crept toward the studio door. "Sorry, Alex" Rachel said as she blocked the door with her tall frame. As Alex turned, she was facing the rest of the band. "Okay, let's have it," Cassie began, "Were you the one who gave Lucy the phony job offer?" "Hey, she wasn't gonna go with you guys anyway. Heard her say so at the bus station." "What were you doing at a bus station, Alex? Laretia asked. The white fox gave a shrug and replied, "Look, it's like this. I'm broke. I used the last of the cash that my mom left me when she died to hook up with you guys. I've been a fan of Cassie's for years and I always wanted to play for you. When I got off the bus, I hear that Lynx bitch on a payphone screaming at her manager how if that Cassie gig didn't pan out, she was on the first bus ride back to check out another band." "Well, that pissed me off so much that I went over to the Western Union office and had a phony telegram sent to her hotel. I got her addy when she blabbed it to her manager. What an idiot! I used the last of my cash to do that. Anyway, when I saw her speed out on that bus ride to nowhereville, I just waited until it was time for her to show up here and deciede to come. She blabbed that over the phone too. Alex took a look around at all the stunned faces before continuing "Look, I don't care if you guys can me or not. I got my wish and that was to jam with you. So I guess I'll be going, Think you could tell your secunty boss to use a plastic band to tie my hands instaed of cuffs? I hate the way they mess up my pelt." After a few seconds, Cindy burst out laughing "That's rich! Oh, to have seen the look on that lynx's face when she crashed Metal Morph's gig! Huh, Cass?" Cassie burst out laughing so hard that she nearly fell over. Soon the whole band was laughing. This made Alex feel at ease. "Okay Alex, your'e in! Welcome to the band!" Cassie said as she gave the arctic fox a hug. "Only one thing. No tricks on us. Promise?" "Okay, but don't go out that door over there," Alex pointed to the door she was going to use for her escape earlier. "What did you do, put a bucket of water up on the other side?" Cindy said in a joking voice. "Nothing so crude," Alex began with a note of pride in her voice. I put crazy glue on the door handle." "Hey, Somebody help me! I'm stuck to the doorknob!" They all turned to see Slim struggling to free his right hand from the door knob of the stage door. "Alex!" Cassie said in a stern voice. "No sweat! Have him free in a jiffy," Alex replied as she took a bottle of nail polish remover and proceede to free Slim's paw hand. Cindy then turned to look at Cassie and said "Cass, did we make the right decision about the 'Jester' over there?" The vixen looked at the snow lepoard and said. Look at it this way. We get and excellent drummer and comic relief as well. I'll take that as a bonus anyday." Both ladies burst out laughing as Slim fell backwards way from the door knocking both he and Alex to the floor. The End.