Radio Waves Written by & copyright of Earl Bacon Featuring Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "The Jester", featuring Cassie and Alex at Please read the sequil, "Girl's Night Out", featuring Alex, Racheal, Rafe and Jim at Cassie and all other characters are created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except for Vixina, who is copyright Cloudchaser Shaconage, Laretta, who is copyright Andre Cotton and Alex, who is copyright her creator. *Click* Announcer: "And now,the 'Bill and Bob! Show!' On 108.1 WMTL! You won't believe your ears!" Bill: "Hello, and welcome to the Bill and Bob Show on WMTL. I'm Bob!" Bob: "And I'm Bob!" Bill: "And today we have in the studio, some of the best looking and sounding ladies in Metal. Here with us is Cassie, The Rock Vixen, along with her band: Cindy, Vixina, Laretta, Rachel and Alex! They are here to promote their new CD, 'Solstice'. Plus they're going to be playing tonight at the Millsburg Arena." Bob: "Welcome to the show, ladies!" Cassie: "Thanks! It's really great to he here!" Cindy: "Sure is!" Laretta: "That's right!" Rachel: "You bet!" Vixina: "Sho' is!" Alex: "Yup!" Bob: "I would just like to say that,as a coyote-morph, I'm always proud to see a Furry Metal band go all the way. You gals, Cassie and your band here, are so good that you bring a tear to my eye!" Bill: "Being a human, I can say that I really like your music and that Bob and I had the privilege to see Cassie and her band play at the Johnstown Civic Center a few nights ago. I was just amazed at how powerful your sound is, plus how graceful your music can be as well." Cassie: "Thanks, guys! We always try to give a good show, don't we, girls?" Vixina: "That's fo' sho!" Bob "Boy, I just love your southern accent! What part of the South are you from, Vixina? Vixina: "Ah'm from Tennosee!" Bill: "Um, I should warn you, Vixina. Bob has a thing for Southern ladies, so..." Vixina: "Aww! Ah already have a boyfriend!" Bob: "Damn! I should have known!" Vixina: "Sony to dissapoint ya!" Bill: "Don't worry, Vixina. Bob will get over it." Bob: "Yeah, right!" (laughter) Bill: "The number is: 444-1216 if you want to call in to say 'Hi!' to all these lovely furry ladies. We also have some tickets to give away tor the show tonight featuring Cassie's Band at the Millsburg Arena, along with some free copies of the band's new CD, 'Solstice'." Bob: "You know, I think we should have a contest or something, you know? I mean, we shouldn't just give these away I think that if you really like Cassie and her band, then you should prove it. You should have to jump a hurdle or two." Bill: "What do you suggest?" Bob: "Oh, I don't know. Something good." Bill: "Well, let's take a call before we decide what we are going to do with these tickets and such. Hello! WMTL! Caller 1: "Hi guys! And "Hi!' to Cassie and her band! You guys are awsome!" Cassie: "Hey, thanks! And 'Hi!' to you too!" Caller 1: Thanks Cassie! Hey, I saw you and Cindy when you were playing with Furrosity around 4 years ago. I managed to catch one of your shoes, too!" Cassie: "WOW! You must have had to jump to get them, 'cuz I usually fling them pretty high!" Caller 1: "Well, I used to play center on my basketball team in high school, so it was no big deal!" (laughter) Bill: "Okay, hold on for a minute there, caller. You know, that's an idea. Why don't we have any listener who happens to he in possession of one of Cassie's famous autographed shoes that she usually kicks into the audience during each show bring them down to the studio within the next 20 min. and we will give them a pair of tickets to the show, along with a copy of the band's CD?" Bob' "I have a better idea. Don't we also have a couple of backstage passes in our posession as well?" Bill: "We do." Bob: "Okay, get this. Out of all the people who come to the station with their Cassie shoes, we choose two people at random. These two, we bring them up here to the studio and have them see if their shoes fit on Cassie's feet. If they do, we give them the backstage passes. How's that sound? Bill: "Well, Cassie? Want to help us play our little game of 'Cinderella'?" Cassie: "Sure, why not? Sounds like fun!" Bob: "Great! I'll have our intern Joe set it up and I'll talk to the caller off the air and give him directions to the station." Bill. "Okay. In the meantime, we'll just play some music and then come back. This is WMTL!" Music: Ozzy Ozbourne-Over The Mountain Bill: "That was OZZY! Over The mountain, from the album "Diary of a Madman". This the Bill and Bob show on WMTL. I'm Bill and Bob is just coming into the studio with Alex, the very sexy young drummer with Cassie's Band. Also with them is Laretta, the equally sexy wolfess who plays rhythm guitar with Cassie's band." Bob: "Yep! I'm back. l was just showing' Alex and Laretta around the station." Bill: "Bob is our official goodwill ambassidor, whenever nice young, attractive ladies happen to drop by the studio. So, Alex, Laretta, did Bob give you the grand tour?" Laretta: "Oh, yeah!" Alex. "Sure did! Saw a lot. Nice place!" Bill: "Including the room where we make the illegal MP3 downloads?" Laretta: (laughter) Alex: "Huh?" Bob: "Of course not! Sheesh! What do you think I am, anyway?" Bill: (chuckle) "Don't worry, ladies. There is no such room. We were just joking." Bob: "That's part of the show." Bill: "The last song we just played by Ozzy: 'Over The Mountain'. Cassie, you and your band did a really killer cover of that song at the show that Bob and I saw." Cassie: "That was for our encore." Cindy: "Yeah. We started doing that one for this tour. Cassie and Laretta really like the guitar lines in it, plus, I get to sing on this one." Cassie: "Her voice is lower than mine, so she can sound more like Ozzy than I can." Cindy: "Especially if I have shot of Jack Daniel's befor I sing." Bob: "Cindy! (chuckling) You mean to say that you drink onstage?" Cindy: "Of course not! But, if a shot glass full of Jack's happens to he near a stage door, well.." Cassie: "Cindy!" Cindy: "Well, he asked!" (laughter) Bill: "Okay. Let's not go there." Bob: "Gotcha!" Bill: "I just heard that we have some people with shoes in the lobby. Bill, wanna go down and get things rolling?" Bob: "On my way!" Bill: "Okay. While Bob is on his way down to the lobby to get our two lucky fans up here to see if their shoes fit on Cassie's feet, we'll take a little break! This is 108.1 WMTL!" (Music-"The Night Has Come" from Cassie's Band 'solstice' CD) Bill: "108.1 WMTL. This is the Bill and Bob show and that was The first track of the new Cassie's Band CD, 'Solstice.' It's called 'The Night Has Come'. Great CD by the way, due out in two weeks. I'm Bill, Bob is with our intern Joe getting Cassie and our two fans who hope to win backstage pases to tonight's Cassie's Band show by placing their Cassie shoes on Cassie's feet. lf they fit, they win the passes. While that's going on, let's talk to Alex. Now Alex, the rest of the members of Cassie band have been playng in bands for awhile, but this is your first time playing in a band, isn't it?" Alex: "Yeah,it is. But I'm so grateful that Cassie gave me the a chance like this, to play in her band and to make such good friends. I'm having a blast!" Bill: "Let me take a call. Hello, WMTL." Caller 2: "Hello, Bill?" Bill: "Yes?" Caller 2: Yeah, I just want to say 'Hi!' to Alex! Alex, you have to be the best female drunmmer I have ever seen in a long while!" Alex: "Oh, Thank you so much!" Caller 2: "No, I mean it! I have seen a lot Of drummers in my day and you are just terrific and you look great too!" Alex: "Thanks, man!" Bill: "So, are you going to the show tonight, man?" Caller 2: "You bet I'll be there! Bye!" Bill: "Okay, goodbye! How are we doing, Bob?" Bob: (faintly) "Give us a few minutes 'till we get the mikes hooked in, okay?" Bill: "Okay, well, let's talk to Rachel. Now, for those who are listening, Rachel could be described as a Goth. She's a deer furry who is wearing an outfit that looks a lot like a barmaid's outfit in black. Or, as Bob said, she looks like the Swiss Miss from Transylvania." Rachel: "Yeah, that's a good take on my outfit." Bill: "Now Rachel, you have been playing keyboards in mainly Goth bands for a few years, right?' Rachel: "Yeah, that's right" Bill: "What made you want to play in a Metal band, like Cassie's Band?' Rachel: "Well, I had seen Cassie play in Furrosity, so I knew she was a good player. Cassie had seen me play at a rave club during goth night and she made me an offer. It sounded good, so here I am." Bill' "Have you enjoyed your time in Cassie's band?" Rachel: "Oh yeah! Cassie is great and everyone else has beenjust super!" Bill: "Okay, Bob says that we are ready, so I'll switch it over to him." Bob: "Thanks, Bill. With me here is Cassie, who is sitting on a chair with her left foot in the air. Okay, now, what's your name?" Contsetant 1: "Ed" Bob: "And your name?" Coinsetant 2: "Jim" Bob: "Okay, now we flipped a coin and Ed will go first. What he has to do is see if his shoe fits Cassie's foot. If so, he gets a backstage pass for the Cassie's Band show. Whenever you are ready, Ed." Ed: "Okay,here goes!" Cassie: "Perfrct fit!" (applause!) Bob: "Congratulations, Ed! You are getting a backstage pass! Now it's Jim's turn. Ready, Jim?" Jim: "Ready!" Bob: "Okay, since Jim has a right shoe, Cassie has her right foot up and Jim is putting his shoe on her foot" Cassie: "Another perfect fit!" (applause!) Bob: "We have two winners here! Both Jim and Ed are going to be meeting Cassie and her band backsage tonight at the show. Thanks, Cassie, for helping us out with this." Cassie: "No problem!" Bill: "Great, Bob! I would just like to say thanks to Cassie, Cindy, Alex, Rachel and Vixina for hanging around with us today. Don't forget, tonight, at the Millsburg Arena, Cassie's Band. Bob and I will be at the show and we hope to see you there. Untill then, have a good day and if you can't make the show, tune in tomorrow! Later!" *click* The End