Out of the Past Written by & copyright of Earl Bacon Foxonian@aol.com Featuring Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen http://members.aol.com/rufinoform/Cassie.htm and Rachel, Cassie's keyboardist. http://members.aol.com/cassierockvixen1/donna_fritz_04.jpg Please read the prequil, "Old Habits", featuring Cassie and Cindy, Cassie's Bassist at http://members.aol.com/CassieRockVixen5/old_habits.txt Please read the sequil, "Change of Business", featuring Cassie, her band, her manager Andy and her mate, Foxonian, at http://members.aol.com/CassieRockVixen5/change_of_business.txt Cassie and all other characters are created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except for Laretta, who is copyright Andre Cotton, Alex, who is copyright Donna Fritz and Vixina, who is copyright Cloudchaser Shaconage Rachel sat and stared at her banks of keyboards. She was trying to get her MIDI program to accept some new samples that someone had made for her. They were sounds of various ancient stringed instruments from Asia. Good stuff. Mostly sitar and early fiddle-like instruments. Unfortunetly, her comp. refused to accept the downloaded program. "Damn! I knew he should have sent this on a disk," the deer femme in the gothic "beer maid’s" outfit thought. "Rachel, you busy?" A red fox femme dressed in a low-cut light blue sleeveless dress, slit on her right side, showing her light brown nylon stockings that were covering her human-like (although covered with fox like fur) legs and the garter straps that were attached to the stockings said as she stood in the doorway. "Yeah, I guess I am," the disgusted doe femme replied as she pushed her wheeled stool away from her keyboards, turning to face the vixen. "What’s up,Cassie?" Rachel asked. "There was a funny guy who stopped by the studio last night. He was a wolf morph who looked for all the world like a goth," Cassie began. "He was wearing a a suit with a white frilly undershirt and frilly cuffs. The rest of him was in black. He was wearing a black oval glasses and had a pentiacle pendant necklace on. He also had black crucifix earrings. Anybody you know?" "Oh, Yes. I know him all right," an exasperated Rachel replied. Cassie then took a folding chair and sat down across from the gothic deer femme, crossing her stocking covered legs as she did so. "Is he trouble? Do you want me to have Foxonian to tell him to get lost?" "No, that wouldn’t work. Chris doesn’t think much of humans. I’ll handle him," Rachel replied. "Okay. Just figured you should know." Cassie then got up and turned to leave before she asked "I don’t mean to pry, but is he an old boyfriend or band member?" Rachel stood up to face Cassie and said "Both. Plus,he was also my husband." A suprised Cassie stared at the doe for a moment. She never stopped to consider that she could have been married, since Rachel was only a year younger than herself. "Sorry, It’s old history. I don’t feel like talking about it right now," Rachel said before the vixen could open her mouth." I know where he lives. I’ll go see what he wants." "Okay. But if you need any help, Don’t hesitate to ask me, allright?" Cassie asked. "Sure," the doe said as Cassie left the room. Walking down the hallway of the tenament, the gothic deer did not seem out of place. This old building was a hangout for all those furries that were in the goth scene. Most of the walls, carpets and light fixtures had been spray painted black. Florescent painted sayings and desgins coved the black walls. Special "black light" florecent tubes had been strung up along the hallways by the goths, to make the florecent desgns "stand out" to the viewer. Rachel approached the door to the room Chris was living in. She remebered it well. They had spend most of their "brief" married life here. "What joy!" the doe thought. She just hoped Chris wasn’t looking for money for another "goth" music project or for drugs. Before she could knock, the wolf goth opened the door. "I knew it was you!" he said with a fanged grin. "You got my invitation!" "What do you want, Chris?" Rachel asked with a sigh. "C'mon in and we’ll talk." Chris replied as he motioned her to come in. "Oh,no. I’m not going in there with you, alone. You remember the last time," the doe said. "Rach, I was just a little 'out of it' you know? It happens. Listen,why are you hanging out with the Metal Mundanes? They don’t have a clue what real music is! I have a new project that will do wonders!" The deer femme then walked up to the goth and said in a stern voice "Chris, I’m through with 'the scene' and I’m through with you! If I ever see you hanging around our shows or the studio again, you know what I will do!" The wolf morph then gave Rachel a sneer when he said, "If you are through with the scene, why are you still dressed like us? Huh? Your just screwing with me, aren’t you?" "Think what you want," Rachel replied as she turned to leave, "But I meant what I said, Chris. Leave me alone, Got it?" "Sure, who needs you anyway, you Bambi bitch!" The goth wolf said as he slammed the door to his room. Rachel closed her eyes and shook her head as she walked down the corridor. Cassie was sitting a chair in her hotel room with the door slightly ajar when she spotted Rachel walking down the corridor. Before she could stand up, the doe femme was in the doorway, facing her. "Just thought you should know, Chris won’t be bothering us again." "I see, I guess you had a talk with him," Cassie replied. "Yeah, I did. It was as I figured. He just wanted to cause me grief," Rachel said, digustedly. "How long were you married to him?" Cassie pressed. "Just under two months of pure hell," Rachel replied. "It’s interesting how the closer you get to someone, how they can change. With Chris, he just went crazy, literally psychotic. I guess he was always like this, but I just was blinded by what I thought was love." "That’s awful," the vixen said in a sad voice. Rachel then smiled at Cassie and said "That’s why I envy both you and Foxonian. You two have been together for so long and you are so much in love that even marrage won’t be a problem. *sigh* Wish I had found someone in the goth scene like your fellow." "Why limit youself to the goth scene? There’s plenty of Metalheads and regular guys that would like you. Just give yourself a chance, Rachel," Cassie said as she stood up to put her hand on the doe femme’s shoulder. "Thanks,Cass. I’m glad I met you!" Rachel said with a slight tremble in her voice. Rachel then turned to go, but Cassie asked her "Is there any other thing about your past that could be a problem, Rachel?" The deer femme smiled as she said "If you don’t hear about it, then it’s not a problem. Trust me. The red fox vixen then gave a smile back to the doe and though to herself "Sometimes, it’s best just not pry." THE END