Better Late Than Never Written by and copyright of Earl Bacon Featuring Cassie, her chief roadie, Slim and her mate, Foxonian Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Happy Birthday Foxonian", featuring Cassie, her band, and her mate, Foxonian, at Please read the sequil, "What Goes Around Comes Around", featuring Vixina (Cassie's fiddler), Alex (Cassie's drummer) and Cloudchaser (Vixina's boyfriend) at All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andrew Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz and Vixina, who is created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage. Cassie was in a slightly depressed mood. After having a teriffic night with her human lover on his birthday, she was planning on spending the 4th of July watching the fireworks display that the Berkshire town near her and Foxonian’s lodge had planned. But, as usual, the music business came first. Andy, the wolf-morph manager of the band, called just before midnight on the 3rd. He said that the Zertag execs from Germany were going to be staying up in Toronto, Canada, and that they were anxious to meet her and Foxonian in order to sign the recording contract. Cassie had hoped that they would wait until after the holiday, but since the fourth is strictly an American celebration, she couldn't expect her new German record label to have an accomidating state of mind. The talks lasted until 8pm on the fourth, by which Cassie inked the deal. "I’m glad that the rest of the band voted for this," the tall red fox vixen morph with the long mane of black head hair thought as she sat next to Foxonian in the passinger seat of his late model Dodge sedan. She had worn her stage outfit to the meeting. Light blue, low cut, sleeveless dress slit thigh-high on her right side and a black neck choker with it’s oval gem around her neck. Light brown nylon stockings on her legs, hooked by garter straps that ran from the top of each stocking to the garter belt that was invisible under the fabric of her dress. She slumped slightly in the seat. Since it was such a nice sunny morning, she had her passinger door window down. The light blue pumps that she usually wore when travelling were laying on the floor of the car just below her seat. She had her stocking feet crossed and resting slightly out of the window. This caused her dress to flip up slightly as the cool air rushed in from the moving car. She leaned her head against Foxonian’s shoulder as he drove. He smiled whenever he would look down at her legs when her dress flipped up. "Like what you see?" Cassie said coyly, as she caught her human lover’s gaze. "Of Course, but I’m just glad we're almost home, else I might have driven off the road a few times," Foxonian replied as he reached over to lovingly stroke Cassie’s stocking covered legs with his right hand as he held onto the steering wheel with his left. The vixen sight and closed her eyes as she felt her lover’s hands stroking her legs. "I’m glad that we got this deal all finished, but I really miss not seeing the fireworks display this year". "Yeah,I do too. But maybe it rained or something and the postponed it until tonight," Foxonian replied. "Maybe, but there is always next year" Cassie said. "Don’t give up, things always have a way of happening you know." Foxonian said as he turned quickly to kiss the vixen morph on her left ear. "Mmm. With you around, I know they will!" Cassie said with a slight giggle. It was nearly dusk as Foxonian’s Dodge pulled up the driveway to the lodge that Cassie and her human lover shared. As soon as he tuned of the ignition, Foxonian reached over and gave Cassie a passionate kiss, turning his head slightly so his human mouth would connect with her fox-like muzzle. As they enterd the lodge, Cassie put down her travel bag and her plue pumps and walked over to the balcony. The sun had sent and the stars were just coming out,as the light blue sky grew slowly black. As the vixen gased out at the stars, she saw a small yellow streak come up from the hill just 100 ft below the lodge. *BOOMM* A large orange and blue starbust formed in the sky just over her head. *BOOM*, *BOOM* More explosions started to light up the sky. Cassie, wide eyed and with her fox-like mouth opened in an wide smile ran toward the human just entering the balcony. Wrapping her arms and her long fox-like tail around him,Cassie excliamed "You were right! They did delay the fireworks! I’m so glad we came back in time to see this!" Foxonian placed his arm around Cassie’s waist as the the two watched the fireworks display unfolding before them. The human marveled how the vixen looked so happy and excited at the fireworks show. Soon, however, it was over and both the human and the vixen stared up at the dark, star-filled sky. "Great show this year, huh?" Foxonian said to the vixen as she rested her head against his chest. "The best! I’m just glad you could see it with me. Tell you what, I’ll get out this dress and show you some of the lingere I picked up in Toronto. Then maybe we can make some fireworks of our own," Cassie replied as she left the human’s side and began to walk into the bedroom,her long fox-like tail swinging back and forth in a lazy "come hither" gesture. *Ring* "I’ll get this. Be there in a second," Foxonian said as he picked up the phone. "Hello?" the human asked. "Hey, Foxonian. How did you like the show?" A familar voice said. "It was great Slim. Thanks for getting that friend of your’s with the firewoks company to come through. I owe you one, Man." The otter chucked on the phone as he replied "Anything for that lovely vixen lady. She’s special to me and the rest of the guys in the road crew. Never was a question for me. Listen, have fun, Guy. Wish I was you! Later!" As Foxonian hung up the phone he turned to see along haired vixen wearing a black neck choker. The rest of her form was covered in her light blue night robe. Suprised, the human began to stutter "L-look Cass. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just felt so bad about you missing out on the fireworks that I just felt that I should do something". Cassie wrapped her arms around his neck and began to shower him with kisses. "This is the sweetest thing you have ever done for me! I Love soo much!" Cassie said with tears in her eyes. Foxonian reached down and picked up the vixen. As he carried her into their bedroom, he said with a tear in his own eye, "I told you things alawys have a way of working out. Especially with a little help from a clever otter!" The laughter of a human and a red fox vixen morph could be heard echoing though the lodge. THE END