What Goes Around Comes Around Written by & copyright of Earl Bacon Foxonian@aol.com Featuring Vixina (Cassie's fiddler), Alex (Cassie's drummer) and Cloudchaser (Vixina's boyfriend) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen http://members.aol.com/rufinoform/Cassie.htm Vixina http://cloudchaser.esmartweb.com/Vixina07.htm Alex http://members.aol.com/katkottage/donna_fritz_02.jpg Cloudchaser http://cloudchaser.esmartweb.com/Cloud002.htm Please read the prequil, "Better Late than Never", featuring Cassie, her chief roadie, Slim and her mate, Foxonian, at http://members.aol.com/CassieRockVixen5/better_late_than_never.txt Please read the sequil, "A Friend In Need", featuring Vixina (Cassie's fiddler), Cloudchaser (Vixina's boyfriend) and Louve (Wild animals lead guitarist and Cloudchaser's sister) at http://members.aol.com/CassieRockVixen4/a_friend_in_need.txt All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andrew Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz and Vixina & Cloudchaser, who is created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage. Vixina sat at her dressing room table, checking her reflection in the mirror. Even though this was just a rehersal for tomorrow's concert, she wanted to look her best. As she placed her wide rimmed glasses on her muzzle, the red fox femme admired her outfit. Her new torn half-"T' top was on straight. This top had a slightly lower cut than her last one. The jagged tear on the bottom came across her white belly for at a slightly higher level than her old one. Vixina liked her new "Daisy Duke" style bluejean shorts. These had two patches on the seat (one for each butt cheek) and on her left front pocket, a heart with her and her lover Cloudchaser's initials was stitched in with red stitches. As she put on her arm jewelry, she happened to spot the heart-shaped ankle bracelet that Cloudchaser had given her. Vixina chuckled as she thought of the similar ones that both Cassie and Alex were now sporting, courtesy of their own boyfriends. "Ah think Ah stahted a fasihon trend. Gotta tell Cloud about that!" Vixina said to herself aloud as she looked at the picture of her beau that sat on her dresser. *KNOCK* Startled by the knock on the dressing room door, the bespecled vixen replied with a slight stutter "C-C'ome on in!" The door opened to reveal a tall, thin red wolf morph, wearing a black T-shirt, blue jean shorts, flip-flop type sandles on his furried feet and a black baseball cap on his head. The T-shirt had the words "Wild Animals" written in electric bolt like red lettering below the initials "WA" in the same lettering and the cap had "CATS" in reference to the famous musical across the front in white letters. "What were you gonna tell me?" the wolf asked. "CLOUD!!!" Vixina exclaimed as she jumped up and into the outstretched arms of her lover. Cloudchaser lifted Vixina in the air, both enjoying a ballet of romantic embrace. After both furry-morphs finished a very passionate kiss, Cloudchaser said "I just had to see you! We had a small break in the tour, so I took advantage of that to track you down." "Ah'm so glad ya did, Honey Bunch! Ah wuz jes' goin' nuts missin' yew!" Vixina replied. Cloudchaser noticed the vixen's fiddle sitting on a chair near her dressing table. "I heard you have a new tune that you've been working on," the red wolf said. The delighted vixen quickly grabbed her bow and the fiddle, placing the latter up to her muzzle as if to play. "Ah came up with this lil' tune a while ago. It's jes fer us, mind yew! Nobody's evah gonna heah this outside a this room. Ah call it 'To my love.' " Vixina then began to move the bow across the strings of her flddle. Something did come out of the fiddle besides music. Smoke. White smoke, to he exact. "Whay, thet dirty lil' polecat! Ah knew she'd trah to git me next!" Vixina angrily said as she looked at the f-holes in her fiddle. "If the stories you told me are true, It has to be Alex!" a half-laughing Cloudchaser replied. A disgusted Vixina walked over and sat in her lovers lap, putting her arms around the wolf morph's neck as she began. "She's been pulling all kinds of lil' tricks, evah since she's been heah. First, she goofed around with Rachel's keyboards. She changed all her samples, so instad of violins, Rachel got sheep calls! Then she re-tuned all of Laretta's strings on her geetar, so all the chords wuz backwards! When Laretta found out, Alex ran faster than a chicken inna twistah! Somethin's gotta be done 'bout her!" Cloudchaser gave the vixen a kiss on her muzzle, causing Vixina to close her eyes and smile for a minuite. He then carefully slid out from under his lover's shapely butt and walked over to the phone. "Let me handle this, Hon. I have an idea," the wolf said as he dialed. Outside the door of Vixina's dressing room, the form of a small, white-furred arctic fox femme in a red mini-dress could be seen slowly creeping up. Without her open-toed platform sandles on, only her white furred human like feet touching the floor, Alex could be as stealthy as a cat. For someone prone to pulling practical jokes, this was a major advantage. The only sound Alex made was a slight tinking noise from her gold snowflake pendant that bounced off her respectable cleavage. The arctic fox femme pushed her long golden curls of head hair back from her forehead as she strained to listen in at the dressing room door. "This is gonna be rich!" Alex thought to herself, a devilish grin forming on her muzzle at the thought. She had gotten both Rachel and Laretta within the last week (also an NYC cop. She stuck a "This Car Protected By Smith And Wesson" sticker to the bumper of his cop car when he was in a bank). Now, Vixina! She had avoided both Cassie and Cindy since both of them were smart enough to see through her gags and her future in the band would be in serious doubt if she pissed them off. She was within inches of the door when it suddenly flew open. "Help! Somebody, help! Something's wrong with Vixina! She's passed out!" Cloudchaser came screaming out of the dressing room and ran down the hallway, yeling "Help!" the whole way. Shocked and terrified, Alex looked into Vixina's room. The vixen lay sprawled on her back, her glasses half off her muzzle, revealing her closed eyes. Her bow was in her right hand and a still smoking fiddle in her left. She wasn't moving. "What have I done?" Alex cried as tears began to form. Just then, two large furry morphs, a tiger and bear wearing dark blue uniforms and carrying a stretcher, came down the hall with Cloudchaser following close behind. "Out of the way, Lady! Let us Through!" the tiger said as he and the bear rushed passed the sobbing Alex. "What's happening?" Rachel asked as she and Laretta arrived on the scene. "It's all my fault!" Alex began to wail in a loud voice. "They told me at the joke shop that the smoke bomb was harmless! I should have known better!" "Smoke bomb?" Laretta asked. "The one your friend put in her fiddle," the bear said as he took Vixina's pulse. Alex then pushed past the deer femme and the wolfess, ran around the tiger morph and landed on her knees at Vixina's side. "I'm sorry, Vixina! I never meant to hurt you! It was just a joke! Forgive me, please? Don't die!!!" After Alex finished and as she continued to sob, the vixen slowly opened her eyes, turned her head to look at Alex and said "No more pratical jokes, heah?" A shocked Alex slowly stood up and with a stunned expression on her face replied, "This is all a joke on me, isn't it?" "Yeah. It is," Rachel began. "When we heard what you did to Vixina and the idea that Cloudchaser had, we decided to teach you a lesson." Cloudchaser then walked over to the tiger and bear and said "Meet Sam and Dave. They are two of my roadies. The uniforms and stretcher belong to Dave's uncle. He provides medical coverage at our concerts." Alex looked at the two grinning large uniformed furry morphs for a moment, then said "Okay. You got me. No more practical jokes." "Not so fast, Alex," Vixina began. "We wanna make shore yew understand thet we mean whut we say!" As if on cue, Rachel then reached out grabbed Alex's right wrist and attached a silver braclet. "Hey. What gives? This looks like a medic-alert bracelet!" "Read it!" Laretta said. The arctic fox looked down at the words on the back of the bracelet. "Jester-Can cause harm to self or others due to compulsive urge to pay practcal jokes. If found, please call a medic." "Very funny!" Alex began. "Hey! I can't get this off!" "It has a trick release on the catch," Rachel said. "You should be able to figure it out in time," Laretta giggled. "Guess the joke is really on me this time, huh?" Alex said as she continued to fumble with the bracelet. "Yup! An' make sure it stays thar, K'?" Vixina said as she gave the little Arctic fox a smile. The End.