A Friend In Need Written by & copyright of Earl Bacon Foxonian@aol.com This story is dedicated to Louve in hopes that it'll help her to feel better. Special thanx to Foxonian for writing this story. Featuring Vixina (Cassie's fiddler), Cloudchaser (Vixina's boyfriend) and Louve (Wild animals lead guitarist and Cloudchaser's sister) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen http://members.aol.com/rufinoform/Cassie.htm Vixina http://cloudchaser.esmartweb.com/Vixina07.htm Cloudchaser http://cloudchaser.esmartweb.com/Cloud002.htm Louve (link to Louve's personal website available) http://cloudchaser.esmartweb.com/louversd.htm Please read the prequil, "What Goes Around Comes Around", featuring Alex (Cassie's drummer), Vixina (Cassie's fiddler), Cloudchaser (Vixina's boyfriend) http://members.aol.com/CassieRockVixen7/what_goes_around_comes_around.txt Please read the sequil, "Tea for Two", Featuring Laretta (Cassie's rhythm guitarist), Cindy (Cassie's bassist) and Ben Moss http://members.aol.com/CassieRockVixen7/what_goes_around_comes_around.txt All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andrew Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina & Cloudchaser, who is created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Louve, who is created by and copyright of herself. Inside a small dressing room in the civic center,a bi-specticled red fox femme with dark red hair halfway down to her waist, "Daisy-Duke" cut off shorts and a torn T-top, sat laughing as her boyfriend and mate, a red wolf wearing a black t-shirt and baseball cap, blue denim shorts and "flip-flop" type sandles on his furried feet, knelt on one knee next to his vixen. He kissed her on her muzzle before saying "Think Alex got the message?" "Oh, Ah think so! She won’t be a problem now. Thanks for evrythin’ Sugar Plum!" Vixina relied as she returned Cloudchaser’s kiss. "What message?" another, taller red fox femme asked. Vixina and Cloudchaser both turned to see the figure of a tall red fox vixen furry morph, with an extremely long, flowing black mane of heard hair that reached all the way down her back to the base of her bushy fox-like tail. The vixen had a black neck choker with an oval blue gem in it’s center around her neck. She had on a low-cut sleeveless dress, light blue in color that was slit thigh-high on both her right and left sides. Light brown nylon stockings covered both of her shapely, human like legs and feet. Each stocking hooked on a two black garter straps that dissapeared under that very sexy dress. Vixina was suprised that she didn’t ear Cassie walk up to her open doorway, since the tall vixen was wearing a pair of her light blue pumps. "Oh, we played a prank on Alex," Cloudchaser said. "Yah, Aftah all she’s been doin’, we figgered she needed som' handlin’," Vixina added. Cassie let out a chuckle before adding, "Okay! That explains the ‘I’m soo serious now’ expression on her face and that bracelet on her arm. Just tell me what you guys are planning before you do it? After all,I’m supposed to be the BOSS around here, so I have to know what’s going on. Oh, Hi Cloudchaser! Didn’t see you arrive." "Hi, Cassie." Cloudchaser said as he stared at the tall vixen with a look of awe on his face. The red wolf was a HUGE fan of the Rock Vixen and tended to think of her as a major celebrity, much to Vixina’s exasperation at times. Even though Vixina herself was just as taken with Cassie, she tried not to show it and remain professional around her mate. "Wild Animals is on a break from the tour, so I thought I would use the time to see my Honey Bunch!" Cloudchaser noticed Vixina had turned to look at him while he was speaking. Huge loving eyes were peering out through the oval lenses of the vixen’s glasses. Just then,the phone on the wall of the dressing room rang. Vixina got up and answered it, leaving Cloudchaser and Cassie to talk amoungst themselves. While the two band leaders "Talked Shop" about each other’s tour, Vixina nearly dropped the phone reciever on the floor. "Vixina, what’s wrong?" a started red wolf morph asked. "I-I’ts Louve. She’s been hurt inna accident! She was helpin’ one of the roadies with her amp stack when part of the stage at the last place you guys played fell on her!" Cassie stood in stunned silence. She knew of the grey Cajun wolfess. She was Cloudchaser’s lead guitarist and an extremely good one at that. "Is she all right? Where is she?" an excited Cloudchaser asked. "She’s at St. Francis. I got the Head Nurse on heah. You two bettah talk!" Vixina said as she handed the phone to the red wolf. Cassie walked over to Vixina, who had removed her glasses and was rubbing her eyes to keep tears from forming. As she put her arm around the smaller vixen, Cassie said, "I’m so sorry Vixina. I hope Louve is okay. I know how much she means to both you and Cloud." *sniff* "I’ll be okay." Vixina said,as she put her glasses back on her muzzle. "Ah worry more fer Cloudchasah. He’s known Louve a long time. He think’s of her as the sistah he should have had." For a moment, a memory of Rose* came into Cassie’s mind. She shook it off and said "Listen. You two go to her right now. I’ll postpone tomorrow’s concert. It’s not that big a gig, anyway" "Oh, Cassie! Don’t do that just fer me! What about all them fans of ours? Cain’t you just go on without me?" Vixina asked. Cassie turned and, placing both her hand paws on Vixina’s shoulders, looked her stright in the eye as she said, "How many times have I told you, Vixina that I consider every member of this band as family. If one member does’t go on, we ALL do not go on. I know what it’s like not to be there when a loved one need’s you. I don’t want you to be put in that situation, if I can help it. You and Cloud go to Louve, okay?" "Thank you, Cassie! that’s very nice of you!" Cloudchaser said as he kissed the Rock Vixen on her muzzle. Vixina hugged Cassie before saying "Thank ya so much,Cass!" "Just let me know what happens. I’ll try stop by the hospital as soon as I can," Cassie said as she walked with Vixina and Cloudchaser toward the exit of the civic center. St. Francis Veterenary Hospital was located in a slightly seedy section of the city that the civic center was located. Even though furry morphs now held most of the civil rights that humans had, there were still some old laws that were still on the books. Chief among these were that furry-morphs could only be treated in veterenarty hospitals and only veternarians (many of them now furry morphs themselves) could treat furry morphs. "Yes, can I help you?" a deer femme, dressed in a nurse’s whites asked both Cloudchaser and Vixina when they approached the main desk. "We're looking for Louve’s room. She’s a cajun wolfess who was brought in this morning," Cloudchaser replied. "Oh,the rock muscian! Yes! I just came on shift when she arrived. I’ll check on her status. Your names,please?" the deer femme said as she got a note pad to write on. "Cloudchaser Shaconage. This is my girlfriend, Vixina." "Hi ya!" Vixina said with a slight wave of her paw. "Please take a seat over there in the waiting area." the nurse said, pointing to the row of chairs in the lobby near the main doors. "I’ll be back in a minute or two," the deer femme then went down the corridor tword the patient rooms. As the pair sat down,Vixina glaced at her lover. She had never seen the red wolf so depressed. Cloudchaser stared down at his flip-flop sandled feet. His paw hands on both of his knees. After a few moments of silence, Vixina said "I’m shore she’s okay, Cloud. Aftah all, ya always said that Louve’s a fightah." "That she is," Cloudchaser began,still in the afore mentioned position,"all the same,I’m still worried." As Vixina put her hand paws on her lover’s right knee, a tall German Shepherd morph, in a white doctor’s coat walked up to where they were sitting. "Mr. Shaconage? Miss Vixina? I’m Dr. Green. I’m handling Louve’s case." "How is she, Doc?" Cloudchaser asked. "I’m afraid that it’s going to be touch and go.She’s had some internal injuries that we had to operate on. The next 24 hours will be crucial." "Can we see her?" Vixina asked. Dr. Green turned aside to talk to a small bobcat nurse who had just come up behind the shepherd. He then said "Yes. But not for long. She’s heavly medicated and may not be too coherent. Plus, we would like her to rest, so she can heal. This way." Cloudchaser and Vixina followed the Doc into the room where Louve was. Lying on her back, the young wolfess lay with her head propped up on pillows. Aside from the IV drips, she looked quite healthy. Cloudchaser was relieved to see his close friend in such a good state, all things considered. As is on cue, Louve weakly opened her eyes and said in a quiet voice "Iss that Cloud?" The red wolf rushed to her side and said,"Yep! Vixina is here, too!" "How are ya, Louve, Honey?" Vixina asked as she came to sit by Cloudchaser on two chairs that were next two Louve’s bed. "I’ve been better. But, I am still here, so I am not out for the count!" Louve said. "Don’t worry, You will get better! We need you!" Cloudchaser said hopefully. "I’ll be back with you soon," Louve began. I won’t let this get me down. In fact, since you always say I work too hard, I’ll think of this as a little break. Though I didn’t mean that literally. Guess I got to be careful what I wish for, huh?" with that, Louve drifted off to sleep. The bobcat nurse put a hand paw on Cloudchaser’s shoulder and said, "Time to go. She needs her rest. I’ll let you know when she wakes. Where are you going to be?" "We will be in the waiting area," Cloudchaser replied as he and Vixina got up to leave. The hours dragged on as the red wolf and the red fox vixen sat in the waiting area. A catering cart came through the waiting area, bringing some needed refreshment. Cloudchaser only nibbled on his doughnut as he continued to stare down the corridor where Louve’s room was. "I don’t like it," the red wolf began. "She should be awake by now. Something’s wrong. I can feel it." Vixina placed her arm around Cloudchaser and said "She’s undah a lot of med’s, Cloud. That’s gonna goof up her sleepin’, that’s fer sho'. I think she’s fine." The main doors of the hospital opened, letting Cassie and her human lover, Foxonian, enter. Both walked over and sat down next to Vixina and Cloudchaser. "We came as soon as we could. How is she?" Cassie asked. "Sleepin’. Doc said that they had to operate on her. They're gonna watch her for a while," Vixina replied. "Are you okay, Cloud?" Foxonian asked. "No, I’m not. But I’ll try to be." the red wolf said looking at the human briefly before shifting his gaze back to the corridor. "CODE BLUE RM 15! CODE BLUE!" "That’s Louve’s room!" Cloudchaser exclaimed as he go up from his chair and started down the corridor at a fast pace. "Cloud! Wait!" Vixina said as she ran after the red wolf. Cloudchaser was within a door of Louves roon,when he ran into (almost literally!) the bobcat nurse. "Mr.Shaconage! Stop right there!"The nurse said in a stern voice, "You aren’t going to help your friend by getting in our way! Please go back to the waiting area. We know what were doing. She’s in good hands. Dr.Green is one of the best. We’ll let you know what happens." Cloudchaser stood in fear and shock before replying, "You're right. Sorry. I’m just so worried about her,that’s all." Vixina came over and placing her arm around his shoulder, led the wolf back to the waiting area. Instead of sitting down in his seat, Cloudchaser turned to face the sitting Cassie and Foxonian,as well as Vixina ,who stood before him. "There is something that I have to do for Louve’s sake. You can join me if you wish," With that,the red wolf dropped to his knees, folded his pawed hands, closed his eyes and began to recide aloud the Lord’s Prayer. Vixina joined him on her kness at his side and began to recide with him Cassie and Foxonian both still sitting, closed their eyes and bowed their heads. After saying the prayer 3 times,Dr.Green walked toward the group. "Sorry to interrupt, but Ms. Louve had to go back into surgery. She had a bit of internal bleeding that we didn’t catch the fisrt time. I’m pleased to say that she’s doing well and should have a full recovery. You can all see her if you want. She should be coming out of the anesthetic in about an hour or so. Will let you know." "Thank you so much for all you did for Louve, Doc! I’ll never forget it!" Cloudchaser said as he shook the shepard’s hand. "You're welcome," Dr. Green replied. "Louve has a lot of stamina. An ordinary person would have had more complications. Not her. She’s a real fighter!" An hour passed quickly and soon the whole group entered Louve’s room. Cloudchaser was the first to see Louve when she woke up and gave the wolfess a kiss on her muzzle. Vixina also kissed Louve and the three began to talk as if nothing bad had happened. Louve noticed someone standing behind Vixina. "Cloud! Iss that Cassie_The Rock Vixen?" Louve asked. "Yes, it is. She’s here to see you too," a smiling Cloudchaser replied. Cassie walked over to Louve’s bedside and held the outstreached pawhand that the wolfess extended. "It’s not every day that I get to meet a living legend!" Louve began to say, "I think you are the best guitarist I have ever heard. You have been a great influence on my playing. I’ve always admired you!" Cassie smiled and replied "After today, I should be admiring you!" Louve smiled a fanged grin and said,"Think I can jam with you,sometime?" "It’s a date. just let me know when you are ready," Cassie said. Six Months Later Cloudchaser was walking through the studio that he had leased for rehersal space for his band. It had been just 6 months since Louve was discharged from the hospital, but being the person she was, she wanted to get right back to work. The red wolf stopped. He heard music coming out of studio B. Not just any music, but terrific guitar chords and licks. Rounding the corner, he looked through the doorway of studio B. Inside, sitting on a stool, A wolfess with soulder length blond hair dressed in a blue blouse and miniskirt, jamming away on her guitar. Across from her sat none other that Cassie herself, holding her electric guitar. "Hi, Cloud! What do you think?" an enthusiastic Louve asked. "It’s great! I didn’t know you were here, Cassie!" Cloudchaser said. "Well," The tall vixen began,"you suprised me at my digs, so I figured I owed you one! Besides, I wanted to do some free-form work and I couldn’t think of a better jamming partner than this gal right over here!" Cassie then gave a high five to Louve, who returned the gesture. "After all", Louve began, "I need to get back into shape, musically speaking, So Cassie said she’d help me. Sound good?" Cloudchaser gave a wide smile and said, "I’m not worried at all." THE END *To find out who Rose is, please read "The Last Rose of Summer" at http://members.aol.com/katkottage/the_last_rose_of_summer.txt