Christmas Time Is Here Written by & copyright of Earl Bacon Featuring Cassie, Alex (Cassie's drummer), Cindy (Cassie's bassist), Laretta (Cassie's rhythm guitarist), Rachel (Cassie's keyboardist) Vixina (Casie's fiddler) and Slim (Cassie's chief roadie) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Homecoming," featuring Laretta (Cassie's rhythm guitarist) at Please read the sequil, "And the Winner Is..." featuring Cassie, her band and Andy (her manager) at All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andrew Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz and Vixina & Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage "Thanks for being with us and have a very Merry Christmas! We love you all!" Cassie exclaimed to the cheering fans in front of her. Normally, the band wouldn’t be doing a show, since they were off tour, but an old friend of Andy, the band’s furry-morph wolf manager had asked if Cassie’s band wouldn’t mind doing a special concert to raise money for a homeless shelter he was in charge of. Not only did the band agree to do the show, but each member decided to get into the holiday spirit onstage as well. Cassie, the tall red fox furry morph vixen,had a santa hat on top of her very long black wavy mane of hair. Cindy, the snow lepoard bass player wore a green t-shirt that said "Santa Rules!" around a pick of the Jolly Old Elf dress up in red and white trimmed leather biker wear and sporting a pair black shades on his eyes. Laretta, the wolfess guitarist, had candy cane earrings on and she had painted the steel spikes on her wrist bands different colors of red and green. Vixina, the bi-spectcaled fiddle player, wore a pair of denim short-shorts that had a Santa face stitched into the left front pocket. She also had the words "Peace on Earth" written along the edge of her green fiddle. Rachel wore her usual gothic beer-maid’s outfit, but she sported bands of real holly around her wrists and a small snow globe on top of her keyboards. Alex, as usual, went all out. The arctic fox drummer sported a custom made sleveless mini-dress that looked like it was made out of green and red striped Christmas wrapping paper (actually, it was made out of plastic). Her drum case was out lined with strings of chasing multi-colored Christmas lights and she had a pic of a snowman taped to her large snare drum. For an encore, the band went into a heavy metal instrumental version of "Deck The Halls" that would have put Ted Nugent’s cover to shame. After the concert, Cassie and Cindy had arranged a little Christmas party for the band in the suite of the hotel that Cassie and her band were staying in. As the the rest of the band came in and began to sample some of the buffet that the hotel staff had set up for them, the red fox vixen sat down on the sofa, removed the light blue pumps that matched the color of her sleveless low cut double thigh slitted dress and placed her human like, nylon stocking covered feet on the coffee table just in front of her. "Cassie?" Alex began as she sat down on the sofa next to the red fox vixen. "What are you doing for Christmas, if it’s okay to ask?" "No, it’s okay" Cassie began as she put down the diet soda she had strted to drink on a coster next to her feet on the table." Let’s see, Foxonian and I are going to spend Christmas Eve together at our home on the Berkshires. Then we will give each other our presents, both the "wrapped" and the "unwrapped" ones." Alex giggled at Cassie’s "unwrapped" remark, but allowed the red fox vixen to continue. "Then, on the day itself, we go to visit Foxonian’s family. Nice people,by the way." "Later that day, both my parents will come up to Foxonian’s parents for dinner. My dad and his dad have become quite close. Must be age, plus a shared love of Cab Calloway." "That sounds really neat, Cassie!" Alex began, "I’m spending my Christmas with Rafe! He’s going to take me to meet his parents too. I can’t wait to meet them!" "Sounds like you-all hav' a dandy tahme comin’ fer sho!" Vixina said as she walked over to sit next to Alex on the sofa. "Ah remebah mah fust Christmas with Cloud an' all his kin. Whut a fine bunch of people they ah! Whut a time we had! Plus, mah kinfolk to real nice shine to Cloud! Ah cain't wait t' see them all again this yeah, 'specially mah Cloud!" "Well, I have you gals all beat! Guess what I’m doing?" Cindy said as she brought over a chair and sat down backwards on it, resting her arms on the back as she did so. Usually, a woman wearing a mini-skirt wouldn’t sit backwards on a chair (especially if there were men in the room.) However, since this was an "all-female" sort of thing and Cindy really didn’t care what she did, it seemed perfectly natural. "Okay, I’ll bite. What are you doing for Christmas, Cind?" Cassie asked with a slight grin on her muzzle. "I’m riding with a bunch of female Harely owners, both furry-morph and human. We’re starting in Frisco, Ca. on the 23rd and were heading straight down to Tijuana Mexico for the 25th!" "Guess Santa will be on a dune buggy when he visits you guys, huh?" Alex said with a slight laugh. "No way, lady!" Cindy said. "He rides a Harley Road King with Ms. Claus in the side car!" "You would say that, Cindy!" Rachel the deer-femme replied from across the room where she was currently engaged in a conversation with Laretta. During this little discussion, Cassie sat back and reflected at how well everybody in the band was getting along. No fighting, egos,or any of the other rubbish that clouded her past times in various bands. This group was turning into a "family" of sorts, with herself as the matriarch. Cassie thought that this was the best Christmas present anyone could recieve. A band with great chemistry, making great music. Who could ask for more? "Hey! What are you two guys doing for Christmas?" Cindy said in a loud voice across the room in Laretta and Rachel’s direction. "I’m going up to Canada to visit my family. Haven’t seen them in a long time," Laretta said as she gave a wink to Cassie who returned the gesture. "Umm," Rachel began hesitantly, "I’m going to finnish putting my 58 New Yorker into storage for the winter, then do some work on the synth programs I keep putting off." "That doesn’t seem very Christmassy" Alex said in a muted voice. "Sorry, Guys," Rachel replied between sips of non-alcholic egg nog, "But I’m only a marginal Christmas person. I look at the day as a chance to get caught up on things I usually don’t have time to do. I don’t have any family, so it makes sense for me." After some offers to share their Christmas by each of the other members (which Rachel refused politely) the discussion was brought to an end by a knock on the door. Laretta opened the door to reveal a short, brown faced, furry morph Santa that sprouted 3 in. whiskers on his short muzzle and had a long, thin brown tail that jutted out behind his suit. The faux Sanda arrived a big red bag filled with presents. "Ho! Ho! Ho!, Merry Christmas everybody!" the faux Claus said as he enterd the room with his bag. "Hey, Slim! Are moonlighting now?" Cindy asked with a laugh. "Very funny" Slim began, "Keep that up and Santa will give you a lump!" "Of what, Coal?" the snow lepoard asked. "No. Just a lump on your head by this!" Slim said as he swing the bag of goodies in the direction of the smirking Cindy. "C’om on ladies.I have gifts for all of you!" the Slim-Claus said as he placed his sack down and opened in in the center of the group. He then proceeded to hand out gifts to all the band members, though Slim pretended to hide Cindy’s gift before giving it to her. As the furry morph ladies began to unwrap their gifts, Cassie gave the otter-Claus a slightly stern look and asked, "These aren’t ’gag’ gifts. Are they Slim?" "What?? From me??? " Slim replied with a shocked look on lis otter-like face. "Yeah, from you," Cindy began. "If I should find either a sex toy or edible underwear in here, you've had it, Slim ol' boy!" "I’m shocked that you would think that I would do such a thing!" Slim said with a wide smile on his muzzle. "Watch out, Cass. I don’t like that look on him!" Cindy commented as she began to open her gift. "Hey! Lookit this!" Alex said as she held up an ornament shaped like an arctic fox and a set of eight drumsticks with her name engraved on them. "Thanks Slim!" the arctic fox vixen said before going over to the otter Claus and ginig him a big kiss on his muzzle. "Mine’s even bettah!" Vixina said as she held up a pair of denim "Daisy Dukes" type short shorts with both her name and an American flag stiched into the front left pocket. She also got a cute little plush fox that she quickly brought up to her face and snuggled. "This heah li'l fella is just cute as a dickens!" the bi-specticalled vixen said as she looked at the plush fox again. Vixina then walked up to Slim and said "Thank yew so much, Slim!" She also gave the otter a kiss on the muzzle. As the gifts continued to be opened, Cindy rushed over to Cassie's side and began to whisper in her ear, glancing at slim as she did so. A very mischevous grin formed on Cassie’s muzzle as she nodded in agreement to everything Cindy was telling her. The gifts contuned to be opened. Rachel got a set of gothic jewery and some black nail polish, Laretta recived multi-colored guitar picks and a set of new studded lether collars and open-fingered leather gloves. After each gift, Slim got a nice kiss on the muzzle, the otter looking happier each time. After Cindy showed her gifts, an ornament of Santa riding A Harley and a black t-shirt that said "You got a problem with that?" in white letters, the snow lepoard walked up to Slim and threw her arms around him. Hugging him tight and lifting her left leg and wrapping the same leg around the otter’s back, she gave him a slow, passionate kiss. At first, the rest of the band was slight suprised by Cindy’s behavior, but upon seeing Cassie trying not to giggle, they soon caught on that the two of them were up to some mischief of some sort and decided to applaud Cindy. As the snow lepoard pulled away from a still stunned Slim, Cassie opened her gifts, an ornament shaoed like a purple electric guitar and a heart shaped ornament that was signed by Slim and the rest of the road crew. "Why, Thanks you so much, Slim! I think you know what’s coming now," Cassie said in the most sultry voice she could muster. The tall red fox vixen then slowly rose from the sofa and slink-walked over to the slightly trembling Slim. When came within inches of otter-Claus, Cassie pushed Slim down until he was flat on his back. Then Cassie spread her stocking-covered legs until they stood out from the sides of her twin-thigh slitted dress. The red fox vixen then lowered herself onto Slim’s stomach, her legs pressed tight aginst the otter's sides. With a sly grin, Cassie then took her two black furred paw hands and ran them through her long wavy head hair in one of those ultra-sexy slow gestures, tilting her head back and closing her eyes as she did so. Then, looking down on an otter with eyes like hubcaps, Cassie slid off the shoulder straps of her dress, so the front fell down almost to the nipples of her large white fur-covered breasts. With a slight giggle, Cassie then bent down and gave Slim a slower passionate kiss. The vixen’s head hair coverd both faces as Cassie continued kissing the otter Claus. "All Right,Cass!! " Cindy exclaimed as the rest of the ladies cheered and applauded. As Cassie rose up from being on top of a smiling Slim, pulling up the front of her dress as she did so, she asked. "What do you want for Christmas Slim?" "I got my presents for the next 20 years!" an extremely happy Slim replied as he stood up. "Hey, how bout’ a toast?" Vixina said as she began to pass cups of egg nogg around to everybody in the room. As the cups were in hand, Laretta asked "could you make the toast, Cassie?" Cassie smiled and raising her mug in the air, said "You have made a dream of mine come true. To make the best music possible. I toast you all!" After drinking to that toast, Alex then raised her cup and said "I want to toast Cassie. Without you,I never would have the happiness that I have now. Merry Christmas Cassie!" After the rest of the group echoed Alex’s toast, Cassie looked upon the crowd and with tears in her eyes said "Thank you. You are the best present I could ever get" The End.