And the Winner Is... Written by & copyright of Earl Bacon Featuring Cassie, Alex (Cassie's drummer), Cindy (Cassie's bassist), Laretta (Cassie's rhythm guitarist), Rachel (Cassie's keyboardist) and Vixina (Casie's fiddler) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Christmas Time Is Here," featuring Cassie, Alex (Cassie's drummer), Cindy (Cassie's bassist), Laretta (Cassie's rhythm guitarist), Rachel (Cassie's keyboardist) Vixina (Casie's fiddler) and Slim (Cassie's chief roadie) at Please readthe sequil, "Surprise, Surprise!" Featuring Cassie and her band at All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andrew Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz and Vixina & Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage "Wow! I can’t believe that we’re here!" Alex,the the small arctic fox vixen exclaimed as she entered the theater. "Neither can I," Rachel began. "I have never been nominated for anything in my life, let alone a a music award." The gothic doe looked down at the awe struck vixen before remarking, "What’s the name of this award again?" Alex gave the doe a rather shocked look before replying, "You mean you have never heard of the ’Morphys’?" "The ’Morphys" are the ’Morphic Music Awards’ ,the morphic recording industry's highest award," A very tall red fox vixen morph with very long, full, sable black head hair said as she came walking toward Rachel and Alex. The vixen’s double-slitted long blue dress shifting from side to side, revealing her light blue shear nylon stockings and black garters holding them in place on her long shapely legs. "Hi Cassie".Alex said "What award are we up for Cassie?" Rachel asked. "Best New Artist," Cassie said as she stood in front of the deer femme and the arctic fox. "Hey Cass, tell them what award we aren’t getting!" Cindy, the snow leapord bassist said as she came walking up behind Cassie. "Cindy,what’s up with those?" Alex said as she pointed down to the snow lepords’ feet. Instead of the normal biker boots,Cindy was sporting stilletto open-toed strapless sandles. These were accented by Cindy’s usual blackleather mini-skirt and instaed of a black t-shirt that either said "Metal Rules" or "Harley-Davison",a very elegant black satin blouse was on her body. "Yeah, well this is a ritzy event,so I felt I gotta look a little like I have SOME class, ya know?" "Anyway,like I was saying,tell them the one we aren’t getting tonight,Cass." Cassie looked over the the snowlepord ,let off a slight sigh ,then faced both Alex and Rachel. "Best Heavy Metal Band." the tall vixen replied. "WHAT????" Alex exclaimed, "That’s total BS, Cassie! You know that we're a Metal band and a Damn good one too! What’s wrong with these people?" "Whut's goin’ on heah?" another slightly smaller vixen wearing very wide-rimmed glasses said as she walked tword the little group. Like Cindy, Vixina felt that she should "dress up a little bit for the event. Intead of her usual "Dasy-Duke" jean shorts and bikini top, she was wearing a long western-type dress with a slight ruffled hem, accented by cowboy boots. The wolfess waking along side her, Laretta, was still dressed in her usual black leahter mini skirt and red bustier. On her feet were her usual frilly white ankle socks and her black pumps. Alex and Rachel were also waering their usual garb. Upon seeing Vixina, Alex said "Gee, I’m staring to feel a little funny. I didn’t wear anything special. Just my usual red stage mini-dress." "Why? Just take a look here, kid. Think I would dress differently for anything?" Rachel replied as she gasped at the artic fox with a slightly puzzled look. "Well, Ah figgered thet seein' as we ain't performin' at all, Ah could jes' wear somethin' different, thet’s all," Vixina said as she adjusted her glasses on her muzzle. "Actually,I like this outfit, so I wore it" Rachel said in a slightly happy tone. "Now, how come we din’t get the Best Metal Band Category" "I think I can answer that, ladies," a male voice said from across the lobby. Walking toward the members of Cassie’s band was a tall, slightly slender wolf-morph, dressed in a fine Brooks Brothers dark grey suit. "Why Andy! You look look Marvelous! Mrrowl!!!" Cindy said as she saw the band’s manager walking up to join them. "Boy, do you ever. Gotta date for tonight? Do you want one??" Alex asked. "Hey,Alex,what about Rafe? Or have you forgotten your cop boyfriend?" Laretta said with an amused expression on her muzzle. The arctic fox let out a yipping laugh before replying "Oh, I was just kidding, you know how close Rafe and I are now." "Lahke yer both in han'cuffs togethah. Whut’s yer take on whay we didn’t get that Metal award nominashin‘, Andy?" Vixina asked. "Glad you asked, Vixina," Alex began as he put his paw hands into the pants pockets of his suit. "Well, it boils tow to two things. One, Because the band combinds old-style Metal with electric and some country-folk, the academy members gave us the "progressive metal" label. As you know, "prog. metal" isn’t very big right now and is thought of as regressive (ie: not what’s hip right now.) Two, our album sales,with respectable,really aren’t as hight as a lot of the other Metal Bands out there." "Add to the fact that the band is currenly signed to foriegn or as the academy refers to as an "independent" label, stacks the deck against us, so to speak." "That figures.So do think we have a shot at winning this ’best new artist one?" Cindy said as she beagn to shift back and forth on her sandles. "Yeah, I think so. The only other artist nominated is ‘Lucha’" the wolf morph said. "Lucha? Isn’t that the siamese cat femme with all the pop hits and high voice?" Rahchel asked. "That’s the one," Cassie began, "She’s the hot pop sensation right now. All the high school girls are listening to her ercords and her debut album just went Platinum." "We haven’t got a prayer," Cindy said as she turned to go into the auditorium. "C’mon guys, let’s get this show on the road." "Yeah,let’s take our seats. Where’s Foxonian,Cassie? I thought he would be here." The tall vixen gave a slight sigh before replying" At our home in the Berkshires. He’s been laid up for two weeks, a disk slipped in his back and he’s unable to drive or move around much" "How did he do that Cassie? Was he in an accident or something?" Rachel asked as she walked toward the band’s row of seats followed by Alex, Vixina and Andy. "Did you give him too much lovin'?" Cindy said with a wink and a sly grin. "No, silly," Cassie said as she gave Cindy a playful slap on the shoulder. "He had this injury from a car accident he was in before I met him, he was moving something when it went out. I wanted to stay with him, but he felt this was such an honor, I just couldn’t miss it. He insisted that I go" "A good decision, in my opinion. The band needs all the publicity it can get. An industry award can do wonders for album sales and concert bookings." Andy replied. The band members continued to talk amongst themselves as the rest of the awards show attendees entered the auditorium. As the show began, there were a lot of awards for varoius industy pioneers in the morphic recording industry. Many awards were given for technical achivement and with the awards came the usual long winded speeches. As the show passed the 1 and a half hour mark, the reactions among the band members were running form genuine interest (Alex) mild interest (Cassie, Laretta and Vixina) to outright boredom (Cindy and Rachel). Sometime during the cerimony, Cindy had taken off her stiettos and had propped up her bare, human-like white padded feet up on the back of the seat in front of her (which was unoccupied). The snow lepord had her arms crossed and a annoyed look on her face. Cassie looked over at Cindy and whispered "Hey Cin, put your feet down. We're on supposed to be on tv, you know and what your doing doesn’t look very sophisticated". Cindy gave the tall vixen a slight pissed look and put her feet down. She whispered back" Now I know why I don’t wear these high heeled shoes. My feet are killing me. I don’t care what you say but I’m not wearing them again. I’m waking either up to that stage or out of this dump in my bare feet and I don’t give a crap what you think! When are we up, anyway?" "After the Heavy Metal award" Rachel replied. At the two hour mark, the Heavy Metal Award came up. The winner was MetalMorph. They had a very popular album and Cassie and Cindy knew that they were long overdue for the award, since that band had been one of the first furry heavy metal bands, dating back to the early 80’s. As the members of MetalMorph came off the stage, Cassie and Cindy both got up from their seats and shook the hands of all the members of MetalMorph, having known them for years. "And now, the final award of the evening," said the show’s MC, Furry-Morph actor Jason Berg, a handsome lion and the top moneymaker of the action genre picks. "Best New Artist. The nominees are: Lucha and Cassie’s Band." "Here is comes,cross your fingers, guys!" Andy whispered. "Cassie’s Band!" Cindy sat in total shock. Alex let out a loud whoop and said "YES!" All the band's members got up and went to the stage. As they approached the podium, the award which resembled a boombox held by a golden androgenous morphic statue was about to be given to Cassie, but the tall vixen quckly motioned for her fellow bandmates to extend their handpaws together, so each one held a part of the statue. When Janson Berg motioned Cassie to speak, she said "I would like to thank the academy and the industry for this award, but I can’t thank them alone, since this isn’t my award, so we would all like to say.." then Alex, Cindy, Rachel, Vixina and Cassie said in unison "Thank you!!" The band then left the stage. As they headed back to their seats, they wre met with a lot of handshakes in congraduations from not only the MetalMorph crew but fom other attendees as well. As the band headed out of the auditorum, Alex asked "Well, where’s the award going to go?" Cassie said "I would like to keep it in Andy’s care,since he takes care of most of the band’s business, that okay with you guys?" A chorus of "yeah" and "sure" echoed though the lobby as the band moved out. One voice was absent. "Anybody seen Cindy?" Cassie asked. "Right Here!"Cindy said strutting towrd them in a pair of leather biker boots. "What happened to your fancy sandals, Cind?" Cassie asked. With a self-satisfied smile, the snow lepord began "I traded them for these. Remember that English Setter femme that won "Best New country" star? Well, she just loved my shoes, but the biker boots she had on she hated. Her manager got them for her as part of her "image". Anyway, the long and the short of it is, we both made out well." As Cassie passed the award to Andy,she looked the band and with a tear in her eyes replied "So did we." THE END