Quality Television! Written by & copyright of Earl Bacon Foxonian@aol.com Featuring Cassie, Alex (Cassie's drummer), Cindy (Cassie's bassist), Laretta (Cassie's rhythm guitarist), Rachel (Cassie's keyboardist), Vixina (Casie's fiddler) and Slim (Cassie's cheif roadie) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen http://members.aol.com/rufinoform/Cassie.htm Please read the prequil, "Surprise, Surprise!" featuring Cassie and her band at http://members.aol.com/CassieRockVixen4/and_the_winner_is.txt Please read the sequil, "The Furry Who Wasn't There" Featuring Cassie, Alex (Cassie's drummer), Rachel (Cassie's keyboardist), Slim (Cassie's chief roadie) and Dominic & Carmelita (both created for the story) http://members.aol.com/CassieRockVixen7/the_furry_who_wasnt_there.txt All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andrew Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, and Vixina & Cloudchaser, who is created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage "Hey,Cass! You gotta see this!" Cassie, the redfox vixen with the long black hair and double slitted dress, walked into the main rec room where the rest of the band was watching the TV. "What's up, guys?" Cassie asked. "Cass,it's Ozzy!" Cindy began, as she tried to hold back the laughter. "It's on Mtv. Ozzy invited camera's to film his daily life off tour at his home. You gotta see this! This guy's hilarious!" "Yeah, I can't believe how funny this is!" Rachel said as she joined Alex and Cindy on the sofa. Cassie stood next to Cindy as she watched a one of Ozzy's dogs take a wizz on an expensive looking rug. "You bleedin' terrorist! Your in with Bin Laden, ya F***in *$$@%^" !!!!" Ozzy exclaimed, as he chased after the dog on the television. Cassie let out slight giggle. Of course both Cindy and Alex were literally on the floor rolling around with howling laughter. Rachel stood near the tv and with her arms folder across her gothic blouse, simply closed her eyes and shook her head. Vixina was sitting on the floor in front of the others sitting on the sofa, with her mouth open in shock. After the show ended, Cindy got up and still laughing said, "Man! I gotta tape this show when we are on tour! Ozzy has really lost it! And his old lady is Ms.Kruschev.!" "I agree!" Alex began, "This is terrific! Better than Spinal Tap!" "What do you think, Cassie?'" Rachel said, looking at the vixen as she stared to leave. "Well, I will stay this" Cassie said to all others in the room," Do you want to have a camera crew follow us around for a while, at all hours of the day and night?" "Eww, No way!" Rachel said. "Same here!" Alex said. "Okay, I guess I can tell them to stop shooting then." Cassie said with a smirk and a wink to Cindy. "What are you talking about?" Alex exclaimed, "You mean that they have been recording us all the time???' "Whay din' yew tell us, Cassie?" Vixina said in shock. "Probably so it could be real, eh Cass?" Cindy said as she playfully jabbed Cass in the ribs with her elbow as she stood next to the taller vixen. After saying this, the other members of Cassie's band looked aound the room with wide eyes. As they began to slowly scan the room with their eyes and look under cushins,Cassie and Cindy both broke out in howling laughter. "Relax, guys! I'm just pulling you legs! There's no camera crew or deal! I would never do that you guys." At that, Rachel said, "I think she gave you guys an "Afterschool Special" moral lession. Did you pick up on it?" Alex, Rachel, Vixina let out a collective "Yes". "Not me. I haven't learned a thing!" Cindy said with a laugh. "That figures," Rachel replied as she looked at the laughing snow leopard. "Forget it, Rachel. I gave up on this one long ago!" Cassie replied as she gave Cindy a playful hug. "So, what else is on that thar box, guys?" Vixina said as she grabbed the remote. *click* THE END