The Furry Who Wasn't There Written by & copyright of Earl Bacon Featuring Cassie, Alex (Cassie's drummer), Rachel (Cassie's keyboardist), Slim (Cassie's chief roadie) and Dominic & Carmelita (both created for this story) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Quality Television" featuring Cassie and her band at Please read the sequil "Reaching the Limit" featuring Cassie, Laretta (Cassie's rhythm guitarist), Slim (Cassie'schief roadie) and Cindy (Cassie's bassist) at All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andrew Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, and Vixina & Cloudchaser, who is created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage Dominic wasn’t all that sure why he was here. He knew that the youngest tended to hang out at these kind of events. After all,if you survive by drinking someone’s blood, shouldn’t you try to get the best at hand? Yet,he was uneasy. It had only been 10 scant years since the handsome, collie furry-morph became romantiaclly involved with a human woman named Carmelita. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Little did he know that she also happened to be a 300+ year old vampire. Despite this, he loved her dearly. It saddened him the day she told him that, despite their love, she couldn’t go on any more and wanted to release herself from the curse. After one final night of passion, Carmileta walked over to the window of the bedroom and as the sun began to rise,stabbed herself in the heart with a wooden stake. Dominic heald back tears as he remebered finding the dying vampire. As he held her in his arms, she whispered to him, "I’m sorry, My Love. I should never have bitten you. Forgive me..." With that, Carmilita’s body disintigrated from withered flesh, to bone, then to a pile of dust. Over the next ten years,Dominic discovered just what that lovely, old vamp had done to him. Unlike human vampires, the usual things that destroyed them didn’t seem to affect him. he could walk in the sunlight, wasn’t replused by garlic and (possibly due to his gentetic background) his skin was practcally puncture proof. No wooden stake could ever work on him. He also didn’t seem to age. The one thing, however, that replused Dominic about the change to his body was the craving for blood. He tried to use animals that he either found abandoned (like stray cats) or purchased (like rabbits). But, once he tasted the blood of a human or a furry-morph (in both cases, he tried to control the bleeding of two accident victims he came across) he discovered that nothing else would satisfy his almost insane craving. Carmilita had left him a substantial amount of money in her will. The result of 300+ years of acquireing. This gave the collie-morph some discresion on how and where to select his "food sources". Mind you, Dominic didn’t drink blood solely to survive. He also ate regular food as most vamps did. But, without new blood to refresh his own, his body would slowly shut down and death would be the result. Dominic knew this first hand. His personal disgust for his blood compulsion had led him a few years before to try to fight his cravings and to abstain from taking blood, no matter what happened. It was the worst time of his life. It felt like he was being flayed alive. The pain was so severe,that he spend three days screaming at the top of his lungs. By the night of the third day of his "fast," the hansome collie-morph looked like a thin, old dog who had spent his whole life in a POW camp. His eyes were wide and glossy and his muzzle was twiching errratically. Suddenly, a knock on the door of the house that he was staying in. Dominic snapped. With almost incredible speed, the collie-morph ran to the door and pulled the hopeless, dark-suited young man into the house, pinning him to the floor. As dominic sank his inch-long cannine fangs into the man’s neck, he was unconcerened about the man’s screams or the pamphlets from the Mormon Church that lay strewn across the blood-stained floor. Dominic closed his eyes drank and drank like a man who had been dying in the desert and and put his face into a water-filled pool. When he finished,the collie-morph looked down at his victim. The young-man’s body resembled a dried-out egyptian mummy. Domninic had drained the man off all his blood. As he stood to rise, the collie morph caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror that hung by the front door. He was back to his young, hansome self. It was as though none of the hell he had put himself through had ever occured. His pain was gone, plus he had an almost euphoric high. Knowing that this man would be missed (especially if he was a Morman missionary), Dominic began to prepare his departure. Since most of his possessions were still at large mansion he inherited from Carmilita down in Mexico, he didn’t feel bad about torching this place. After all, he usually rented property in case an incident like this should ever occur and he would be forced to go "underground" again. Making sure that the body as well inside the house, the collie-morph went into the kitchen turned on the gas jets and closed all the windows. Just before he walked out and closed the door, Dominic thew in the lit match and ran. "Man!, wasn’t that a great show, or what?" a very excited Alex said as she entered the dressing room she shared with a gothic looking deer-morph femme named Rachel. "Alex, you always say that after ever show we do." the deer femme said to the arctic fox femme who was sitting in front of the other vanity mirror. "Yeah, I know," Alex said as she removed her stilletto heeled sandles and wiggled her white furred toes on the end of her human like feet. "Still, I think it was a good show." Rachel smiled and let out a slight snort, before she resumed touching up her white-gothic makeup on her face. *knock* "Sorry. We don’t want any!" the arctic fox exclaimed. ""Come in,it’s open" Rachel said. The door opened to reveal a tall, red fox vixen morph with long, full brunette colored hair that went down her back to her tail root. The vixen had on a light blue dress, slit on her right side. The slit revealed two shaply-human-like legs and feet. Both legs were covered in red orange fur that changed to black below her knees. The vixen had light brown nylon seamed stockings hooked with garter straps on both legs. The top of the sleveless dress was low-cut, giving support to two large-sized shapely, orange and white fur-covered breasts. Around the vixen’s neck was an black leather choaker with an oval blue gem in the center. The overall look of the vixen-morph was that of being sexy, but sophisticated as well. "What’s up, Cassie?" Rachel said to the vixen standing in the doorway. "Rachel," Cassie began," Do you know a collie-morph by the name of Dominic?" "Dominic? No. I don’t think so. Why?" the deer-morph said as she began to walk over to where Cassie was standing. "He claims to know you. Quite well. He’s over by the back door. Do you want me to have the security guys get rid of him?" Cassie asked. Rachel replied as she walked by Cassie and headed toward the door. "I’ll see what he wants. Could be he’s just another of my ex’s old friends looking for money. Don’t worry." "Sure you don’t want me to come with you?" Alex asked. "I know a little judo!" "Don’t worry, kiddo. I can handle myself," Rachel said with a smile. "Thanks for the offer, anyway." "Be careful, Rachel. I’ll be near the backdoor talking with Slim, so we will be keeping watch." Cassie said as she followed the deer femme to the door. As Rachel approached the tall, collie-morph standing in the door, she didn’t notice Cassie walking into the room next to the stage door. She couldn’t take her eyes off the collie morph. Rachel felt her heart racing in her chest as she approached the most handsome furry-morph she had ever seen. In his hand, he held a single black rose that matched the one that the deer-femme wore around her neck "I saw your performance tonight, Rachel. Please take this from your biggest fan," Dominic said as he held the rose out to Rachel. With trembling hands,rachel accepted the roase and gazed into the strangers’ beautiful eyes. She didn’t know what was happeneing to her. Why was she acting like this man was a god sent to make her wildest dreams come true? Yet, she couldn’t resist. She felt like she would swoon any minute, but she managed to keep her composure. "T-th-thanks. You are named Dominic??" Rachel said in trembly voice. "Yes. I am. And I am in love with you. I hope you are me" Dominic then reached out and kissed the deer-femme’s hand. While this was going on,Cassie glanced over in the direction of Rachel and her "guest," She had to admit, dressed in that expensive tailored suit and tie, the collie morph was certianly a looker. He obviously was quite well off, judging by his clothes. Yet, there was something about him, Cassie couldn’t quite put her finger on it, that struck her as odd. "Slim, what do you make of that guy taking to Rachel?" the vixen asked the otter in jeans and wearing a T-Shirt that said:" Cassie’s band Road Crew". "Hmm.Looks like he’s either a porn star or a business exec. Why do you ask?" Slim asked as he looked in Rachel’s direction. "I don’t know. It’s none of my business who Rachel is seeing, is it?" Cassie said with a slight sigh. "Your damn right it isn’t." Slim began as turned and looked up at the vixen, "Look Cass. I know you care about Rachel, Alex, Vixina and Laretta. But,they are big girls and know as much as you do and you are not their mother. You have to think of yourself as just their boss and leave it at that. The band isn’t their life, nor should it be yours, dig?" Cassie reached down and gave the otter a peck on the cheek and said "You're right as usual, Slim. Now I know why I have you on staff." "And I thought it was because I was such a STUD!" the otter said with a perfectly straight face. "You wish!" Rachel said as she came over to join them. Cassie noticed that the collie-morph had left. "I take it you knew this Dominic fellow." Cassie asked. "Yes I do. And I love him a lot." Rachel said as she smelled the black rose. Cassie was going to say something,but held her tougne. "Cassie,since this is the last show for a while, how soon do plan to go back into the studio? I would like to spend some time with Dominic" the deer-femme asked Cassie gave Rachel a hug and said "Not for a bit. Spend as much time as you like with him. I’m so happy that you found someone you love." "Thanks Cassie," Rachel began, I don’t think I been so happy." As Dominic walked away from the stage door,he felt conflicted. Yes,he did love the deer femme from the moment he saw her playing her keyboards in this night’s concert. But, he also felt that he was betrying Carmilita in some way. True,she was dead, but his love for her was still as stong as it was now for Rachel. Then there was his own problem. How could he tell her. Could he EVER tell her? It was the cowning irony of his life. He came to the concert looking for fresh game, but fell in love instead. At least he would not condemn Rachel to his personal Hell. He vowed not to take her blood. No matter what the cost. But could he resist? Time would tell. TO BE CONTINUED...