YEAR'S END Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Rachel, Dominic, Shiva, Cassie and Foxonian. Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "The Christmas Party," featuring Cassie, Foxonian and Domonic at Please read the sequil, "Winter's Chill" featuring Cindy, Victor, Dominic, Shiva, Cassie and Foxonian at All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta and Bob, who are created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex and Dominic, who are created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Ben Moss & Victor Hernandez, who are copyright themselves and Vixina & Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage "Year's End" In a small efficency appartment in midtown NYC, a doe furry-morph, dressed in a gothic grey beer-maid's outfit, accented by army combat boots on her human like feet, sat at a table. Rachel was typing frantically into her laptop. She wanted to get these synth programs down in time for the tour next month. At the far side of the room, a fake Christmas tree that was spray painted black, stood with silver and grey ornaments upon it. In front of this "tree," boxes marked "Xmas Junk" stood by the ready. The gothic doe planned to dismantle the tree as soon as she was finished. So intent was the deer-femme, that she didn't notice the tall collie morph behind her. Dressed in a tweed vest and jacket complete with light brown patches on the elbows and matching tweed pants, Dominic looks all the world like a college professor. With a slight smile on his muzzle, the collie-morph reached into his vest pocket and pulled out a little sleigh bell. *Jingle,Jingle* "I'm so glad you decided to use that Christmas present I gave you," Rachel said as she contined to type away at her laptop, not turning around to see who was there. "How could I not respect My Lady's wishes?" Dominic said as he slipped his arms around Rachel's waist and gave her a kiss on her neck, causing the doe femme to close her eyes and smile. "How come you aren't wearing that bell around your neck? That's what I intended it for, you know." Rachel said with a slight laugh, returning Dominic's kiss on the collie-morph's muzzle. "I'm willing to humor you only so far, Sweetness," Dominic replied as he took a chair and placed it next to the working doe. "Actually, I'm glad you are here. The tour is supposed to start next month and I need to know how you want to spend the time we have left. What are your plans for New Year's?" Rachel asked Dominic as he took his seat. "I can say that right now, I don't have any. With Shiva now on watch, I can relax a little." Dominic said as he began to fondle Rachel's large braided head hair. With a smile, the deer femme left her laptop and instead sat on Dominic's lap, playfully sliding her braid over his muzzle. "What's so important that you had to have Shiva brought in? Neither Cassie nor Foxonian will say a word about it. Not that I mind, I really like Shiva. It's just that, well, my curiosity is a little aroused," Rachel said as she watched the collie morph close his eyes as he ran his nose through the braid and then over to the doe's mouth, giving her another passionate kiss. "You have such a spell on me. I wish I could tell you, my Love, but I can't. You and the rest are as safe with Shiva as you would be with me," Dominic said in between kisses. "Who said you were safe?" Rachel said with a lustful grin on her muzzle,as she began to unbutton the collie-morph's shirt. In a small cottage, a sliver black vixen was reclining on a sofa, occasionally brushing her long snow white head hair out of her eyes. The only articles of clothing Shiva had on were her white satin bra and matching panites. When she was home, the silver black vixen prefered to just lounge around in her underwear with the shades drawn. If someone came to the door, her dark blue satin bathrobe was nearby, within snatching distance. Not that anyone was going to bother her out here. Her new employers, Cassie and Foxonian, owned this little lakesite cottage just 40 miles from where they lived. It wasn't that big, just 3 rooms and a bathroom all on one floor,but it was isolated. Her nearest neighbor was over 4 miles in any direction, plus the little cottage was in Vermont, so keeping her barn owl, Gandalf, was no problem. She was also grateful that they had provided her with a vehicle. The late model Subaru Outback wagon looked like thousands of others in the Berkshires during the winter months, minus the ski racks that most of them had, plus it was great in the snow. Shiva had been going over the personel records of the varoius members of her new security staff. She tried to hire as many "old friends" as she could. Many were people she hired herself for various "jobs" when she functioned as a mercinary for hire. The rest were people Dominic recommended. On the coffie table near where she lay, were her various "weapons." Two PPG's, a raven pistol, with it's matching "thigh" holster that she could wear under a skirt or dress, a dagger, a long,curved Arabic sword that she got when she worked for a Sultan, a S&W .25 caliber gun,an Uzi 9mm coverted to full-auto and a good old fashones 12 gauge sawed off shotgun. Shiva looked at the weapons for a moment. While she had permits for some of her guns, most of them were illegal. Hopefully,her bosses wouldn't find out about that little fact. Looking at her watch, the silver-black vixen decided it was time to do some stretching. After all, she had to stay limber. Pushing the coffie table aside, Shiva lay down flat on the carpeted floor. Raising her black furred, shapely human like leg so her human like foot was pointed to the celing, the silver-black vixen placed her arms around her ankle and pulled her torso up it. She did this 6 times on one leg, then repeated this for the other leg. Watching the whole scene, one that would sent any young male into a drooling frenzy, a barn owl rested on a wooden perch (that had newspapers carefully placed under it), ocassionally moving his head from side to side, with his body staying in place. "Well, it's almost New year's. Your just itiching to get back out there, aren't you?" Foxonian said as he snuggled next to his red-fox vixen-morph lover. Both were seated together on a sofa in front of a large crackling fire in the stone fireplace of their converted ski-lodge. "Shows, doesn't it? Guess I have been a little anxious," Cassie said she placed her arm around her lover. The vixen was dressed in a bathrobe that hid the light blue teddy style lingere with matching stockings and garters that Foxonian had given her for Christmas. The human, for his part, had on under his night robe, the flannel dark blue boxer shorts that Cassie had given him. Both held goblets filled with sparkling cider. "I checked with Shiva. She's putting together a great team. I'm going to have a meeting with our concert promoter next week, so we won't have any problems. I think she's going to work out," Foxonian said, sipping his cider. "Thanks for agreeing to hire her. I feel a lot safer with her running that end. It leaves me free to work on the music side," Cassie said as she placed her goblet on the table to the left of the sofa. "Just what kind of music are you going to work on?" Foxonian said with a sly smile. "I think I'll do some praticing right here," Cassie said with a giggle. The red-fox vixen then wrapped her arms around her human lover's neck pulling him down toward her. As a bird looked through the window at the disatnt sofa near the fire, a pair of stocking covered legs could be seen rising at a 45 degree angle. The human-like feet flexing and toes wiggling within their reinforced coverings as they pointed toward the lodge's celing. THE END.