WINTER'S CHILL Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cindy, Victor, Dominic, Shiva, Cassie and Foxonian. Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Year's End," featuring Rachel, Dominic, Shiva, Cassie and Foxonian at Please read the sequil, "Roadshow," featuring Cassie, Cindy, Shiva, Rachel, Alex, Vixina and Laretta at All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta and Bob, who are created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex and Dominic, who are created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Ben Moss & Victor Hernandez, who are copyright themselves and Vixina & Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage "Winter's Chill" Cassie looked at the snow falling from her balcony. Over a foot of the white powder had fallen since last night. The red fox vixen ran one of her hand paws htough her very long, full, black head hair. She wore a white blouse and long (the hem ended just below her knees) woolen skirt. By the fire were her dark blue leather boots (a Christmas gift from Cindy). Because it was down a little below 10 degrees, Cassie wore her light brown stockings on her human like shapely legs. "Honey? Where are you?" Cassie called out. "Oh,I'm in here." a low voice replied. Cassie knew that her human lover was in his den. She padded over to the doorway on stocking-covered human like feet. Sitting at his desk, a tall human with dark hair started at a pile of papers, looking depressed. Cassie knew that look well, her lover was feeling depressed. She hated to see him like this. "I'm sorry, Dearest. I tried but we lost most of our gigs for this month. Andy (the band's wolf-morph manager) is working on getting some dates in Febuary. He should have better luck, since he's so much better at it than me. *sigh* Guess I should just mind my own business. Never was good at this kind of stuff anyway." As soon as she heard this, Cassie sat on her lover's desk, directly in front of the human, forcing him to back his chair up a bit. "Foxonian, look at me." Cassie said in a low,stern tone. Startled (since she rarely used his name, unless she was upset with him) the human looked up and stared into the blue,cat-like slitted eyes staring at him. "Would you please stop putting your self down? It drives me nuts when you do that. You are very bright, clever, intellegent person that I love dearly. But, you have to believe in yourself. I do. I know it's hard for you to, since before you met me, no one ever gave you any reason to have any confidence in your decisions, but I TRUST you with my whole carrear. And I wouldn't have stayed with you if I didn't think you were worth it. Now,let's have a smile, huh?" Foxonian, with a smile on his face, reached up and placed his arms around the vixen, pulling her down so she could sit in his lap. Placing her around around his neck, Cassie gave him a kiss on the cheek. The human returned a long passionate kiss to his lover, then said "Thanks for believeing in me,Cass. I have been able to do so much knowing you have such faith in me." "I'm just trying to show you that you should have faith in yourself. I know it's been hard, but I see so much in you, I just wish you would believe me at times. It does get fusrtating to see you like this. Try not to let happen again, okay?" Cassie said as she rested her head on Foxonian's plaid wool shirt, just below his neck. Kissing her just behind her right ear, Foxonian said,"I will do my best to be more upbeat. Just remind me when I get like that again, won't you?" Laughing slightly, Cassie replied, "You can count on it, Hon." "Hey,Lazy! You are gonna roast out there!" Cindy said to the tiger sunning himself out on beach. The snow leopard had just finnished her move to the small beachfront house in Malibu that she and Victor bought. It was a balmy 78 degress in January. Boy, did she love being in the sun! Despite the fact that she was a snow leopard furry-morph, Cindy hated winter! Plus, out here, she could ride her Harley year-round. Something she couldn't do back East. "Naw! Still not done yet! Give me a call in an hour, okay Cind?" replied Victor. The tiger way lying on his back on a large beach towel wearing nothing but his dark blue swim trunks and some ray-ban shades on his eyes. With a slight grin, Cindy slipped off her black t-shirt and grey athletic shorts, revealing a black-string bikini. The snow leopard then strode to the beach and stood next to the towel where Vic lay. Playfully kicking some sand on him with her human-like feet, Cindy put up her fists in a mock-fighting pose and said "Hey tough guy.Get your butt off my beach!" Victor casually lowered his sunglasses and said "make me." With that, the snow leopard lept onto the tiger and wrapped her arms around him, kissing him. "Rowr! You are such a sexy hunk of man, I can't keep my hands off ya!" Cindy said with a giggle. "I won't stop you. In fact, I'll put my hands on you! Victor said as he pulled Cindy closer to his chest. "So, when are you going back on the road?' Victor asked the snow leopard who was rubbing her head and most of her body all over his chest. "Oh, I don't know. I thought we were gonna go in a few weeks, now Andy says it may be into next month. I'm not worried, though. I have more than enough in my "kitty" to last me for a year. Plus, I can mooch of a certian guy who has a lot of extra cash." "Oh? Just who might this 'guy' be?" Victor said with a playful grin. "Oh, just a guy that I happen to like a lot," Cindy said as she kissed the tiger on his mouth while lowering his swim trunks with one hand. Victor then began to undo Cindy's bikni top. "The advantages of owning a private beach with no close neighbors! "Cindy thought as he felt her bikini bottom slide down over her feet, to land unto of a pair of large swim trunks. Dominic stood out to look over the city. From the top floor of Rachel's apt., the collie-morph got a good look at all the snow covered streets and alleys. The gothic doe had gone out to do some shopping, leaving Dominic alone for a time. Yes, he loved Rachel. So much so that Carmileta was becoing a distant memory. Something that he thought would never happen. But he still hadn't told her of his little "secret". Dressed in a dark blue suit and light red tie, the collie-morph felt his vampire side begin to fight within him for dominance. That side of his personality continued to whisper in his mind "Bite her! Make her your immortal mate for all time! Giver her your greatest gift you can bestow on any 'mortal!' You cannot resist the urge! You know the ecstasy you feel when you drink from the one you love! You cannot resist!" "STOP IT!! STOP IT!!" Dominic said aloud as he put his hands to his pointed, collie-like ears. With a few deep breaths,he regained control and the voice was silent withtin him. How much longer can he resist? He did not want to make her into a vamp. He knew how angry he was when Carmileta succumed to her "voice" and how she felt so guilty. A guilt that eventually destroyed her. Plus, he remembered his "transitory" time, and he hated it. Rachel should not suffer that, he vowed. Still,how much longer can he resist? Dominic was still staring out the large window when a voice came from behind him." How are you Dom?" The collie morph turned to see and instead of a gothic doe furry-morph, he saw a silver-black vixen with long white head hair dressed in a long black leather winter coat, covering a very long leather black sleeveless dress, slit on her right side. She also wore long tall black leather boots on her legs. "Fine, Shiva, just fine," Dominic replied, as he turned to face the silver back vixen. "You don't look it.You haven't told Ratchel yet about what we are,have you?" Shiva said with a concerned look on her face. "I will when the time comes. It's not necessary to now," the collie morph said in a slightly stern voice. "Very well. It's your business. Just wanted you to know that I have my team in place and there is no sign of any of our brothers and sisters paying any interest to Cassie and her friends. I am keeping my eye on a few "mortals" that may have an axe or two to grind with a few band members. I assure you, if they try anything, I will deal with them." "Try not to kill them, Shiva. I know how you tend to get a little too committed sometimes," Dominic said. With a grin on her fox-like muzzle, Shiva replied, "I promise you I will not. However, should they cause trouble, they may ask me for it." Looking out the window, Shiva saw her barn own, Gandalf circle near the appt. without landing. "I must go back to Vt now, You will send my good wishes to Rachel for me will you?" Shiva said as she turned to leave. "Trouble?" Dominic said as he showed the showed the silver black vixen to the door. "In a way," Shiva began, "I have a rabbit defrosting in my sink for Gandalf's dinner and he tells me that it's ready for "preparation" He's quite a gourmet, you know." "I won't keep you then. I will tell Rachel what you told me and that you couldn't stay." Dominic said in the doorway. As she walked down the hallway, Shiva turned and said, "you will have to tell her, Dom. Better you than someone else." The collie-moph slowly nodded,as he closed the door and locked it. THE END