ROADSHOW Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie, Cindy, Shiva, Rachel, Alex, Vixina and Laretta. Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Winter's Chill," featuring Cindy, Victor, Dominic, Shiva, Cassie and Foxonian at Please read the sequil, "In Review," featuring Cassie and her band at All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta and Bob, who are created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex and Dominic, who are created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Ben Moss & Victor Hernandez, who are copyright themselves and Vixina & Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage "Roadshow" Moving down an interstate highway,a large private coach type bus sped along.The driver of the bus was a dalmation furry-morph named Lou. "Hey, Lou! How much longer 'till we get to the gig?" asked a snow leopard,with very long white head hair and wearing a black t-shirt with the words "Harley Riders make better lovers." The shirt was tucked into the top of a black mini-skirt that was a little on the short side. All the better to view the long, shapely human-like legs covered in a spotted grey and white pelt. On the leopard’s human like feet, a pair of biker boots made out of black leather, were covering them. "If I were to tell you, Cindy, you would say I was full of it," Lou replied as he made a lane change. "In other words, a few hours, right Lou?" Cindy asked with a slight sound of annoyance in her voice. "You got it, babe." the dalmation morph replied, as he reomved his driver’s hat with his right paw hand and placed it on a hook just behind his seat, all the while keeping his his left paw hand firmly on the bus’s steering wheel and his eyes focused on the road ahead. Cindy, seeing a losing conversation, turned about and headed down to the rear of the bus. As she did so, the snow leopard passed a sliver black vixen with head hair as long and as white as Cindy’s and dressed in a long, black leather sleevess dress sitting in a bus seat reading a book. Next to the vixen was a large white steel box, with a single door and doorknob on it’s front. Cindy knew who (or what) was inside that box. "Sheesh! Does she take that old owl every where?" Cindy though to herself as she smiled politely to Shiva, who returned the smile. Continuting her trip down the bus aisle, Cindy came upon a gothic looking doe furry morph, in a gothic grey laced with black trim beer-maid’s outfit. Rachel was busy with a memo pad. "What’s up Rachel? Doing a diary or some such?" Cindy said as she stopped to place her paw hand on the seat back of the doe’s seat. "Oh, I’m just writing a letter to Dominic. I like to keep him up to date on what I’m doing." "Oh,I see," Cindy began, "Does he ever write you back?" Rachel gave the snow leopard a mysterious grin and replied, "In a way." Startled, Cindy just stared at the doe with stunned look on her cat-like face. Seeing her expression, Rachel simply returned to her letter, albeit with a slight smile on her deer-like face. Cindy shook her head and continued on her way back down the aisle. On her right, Cindy then saw a small arctic fox in a red mini-dress, wearing a gold snowflake pendant around her neck, staring out the bus’s window. The little vixen had a very distant look on her face. "Hey, kiddo. What’s with the sad look?" Cindy asked. Alex let out a slight sigh and said "Oh, it’s Rafe. I’m a little worried abioout him. Just before we left to start this tour, he told me he had to go on an "undercover" with some detectives. He wouldn't tell me what it was, since that could blow the whole case. Oh, Cind! What if something’s happened to him? How will I ever know? Tears began to flow down the white furred face from a pair of light blue eyes. Cindy placed her arm around the little vixen and said "Don’t worry AL. Rafe’s a smart bobcat. He’s been a cop long enough to take care of himself. Plus, I’m sure Rafe has told most of his buddies in the dept. about you, so they will be sure to let you know if....." Cindy paused when she felt the little arctic fox vixen shudder. "T-t-thanks Cind.I appreciate it." Alex said,she then returned to her gaze out the window. Cindy removed her arm from Alex’s shoulder and quitely walked away. "Heh, Cinday! How much longah are we all gonna’ be on this heah ride?" Cindy looked to see a bi-specticalled vixen, with red-orange head hair that was a little shorter than Cindy's with two long braids coming over her shoulders from the back of her head. The vixen, known as Vixina, wore her usual bikini-like white cloth top over her very shapely, human like breasts and her "daisy-duke" cut-off jean shorts. Vixina was playing her old brown fiddle, when she saw the snow leopard walk up the aisle. "Gonna be a while. Old Lou’s being obstinate." Cindy said as she continued to walk by. "Thet figgers," Vixina replied as she started to play a tune on her fiddle. Cindy looked up the aisle. Out of the back window, the bus carring the band’s stage gear, instruments (and Slim and the road crew) followed just behind their bus. *snerk* A small noise got the snow leopard’s attention. Curled up on bus seat, a furry-morph wolfess, with shoulder legnth red and orange head hair, red boustree, and wearing a black spiked leather collar and spiked leather wrist bands, lay alseep. As Cindy passed she picked up the two black stilletto pumps that had fallen off the frilly ankle socked, human like feet of Laretta. Cindy carefully paced the shoes on the lap of the wolfess, being careful not to let the spiked heels poke Laretta through her black leather mini-dress. "Be careful! She’s been sleeping for quite some time now." Cindy knew that voice. In the very last seat, near the bus’s restroom (such as it was) a red fox vixen, with very long, full sable black headhair, dressed in a sleeveless, low-cut, light blue dress, slit thigh high on the right to reveal human like legs covered in light brown nylon stocking attached with garter straps that jutted out from underneath.Two light blue pumps covered the human-like stocking covered feet. A heart shaped amulet on a gold chain dangled from the vixen’s right ankle. Cassie adjusted her black neck choker with it’s oval blue centered gem as she greeted Cindy. "Wouldn’t dream of doing so." Cindy replied. Cassie let out a slight giggle before she said, How’s Alex doing?" "Mmmm" Cindy said as she shook her flattened horizontal paw hand from side to side for a second or two before sitting down next to the rock vixen. Cassie let out a sigh, before saying "I hope she can continue to play each night. She’s so worried about Rafe. I wish I could do something to help her." "I know what you mean,Cass. I tried to lift her spirts, but she’s getting really depressed. I think she will keep going, though. She stikes me as a fighter, so I know she won’t let this ruin her performance." Cindy said as she took off her boots and let her human like feet dangle over the seat back in front of her. Cassie saw this and said "I think I’ll join you." With that, the rock vixen slipped off her blue pumps and let her stocking covered feet dangle over the seat back in front of her. Both furry-morph ladies slumped down a bit in their seats and folded their arms and let out a groan as they streached their bodies a bit in their seats, alowing their muscles to relax. Cindy said to Cassie (who along with Cindy had her eyes closed) "Cass,why are we using this old Trailways bus? Couldn’t that Lover of yours get us a bigger coach with beds and a bar and all the other nice stuff in it?" "You know were trying to keep the costs down on this trip, Cind. After all, we did lose a bit when we were off the road for a year. Besides, it wasn’t Foxonian who suggested we use this. It was our head of security," Cassie replied as she wiggled her stocking covered toes a bit. "Shiva? What the heck for?" the snow leopard said as she turned to face the peaceful looking vixen. "She felt we would draw less attention to oursleves. She said that it made sense from a security standpoint and financial standpoint as well. Shiva said that we are staring to get popular again, since the new single we did a month ago hit the charts at number 6. I trust her jugement, don’t you?" Cassie asked. "Yeah. It’s just, well, she kind of creeps me out a bit. I still don’t know why. Keep expecting her to cut off my whiskers with a sword or something. I dunno." Cindy said as she closed her eyes again. The rock vixen let out a slight chuckle and said "Shiva has a sword, you know." The snow leopard opened her eyes wide and looked slight nervous. Seeing her reaction, The rock vixen let out a laugh that could be heard above the din of the large diesel engine that roared as the bus continued down the highway, chasing the sun as it began to rise over the horizon. THE END