IN REVIEW Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie and her band Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Roadshow," featuring Cassie and her band at All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz and Vixina, who is created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage “In Review” From the Morphic Weekly Advertiser: Cassie’s Band -At the Metro Center, Friday night. Reviewed by J.J. The Civic Center really rocked last friday night,as the Cassie the Rock (and Metal) Vixen and her all female band came to say that these ladies know how to get a crowd shaking is an understatement. The band opened with “The Night Has Come” from the group’s first album. Cassie Vixen, if you haven’t seen her play before, is a rock and metal goddess. She can whip out just about any style of guitar riff known, a lot better than some recent male performers. Human or Furry-morph not withstanding. Plus her style of dress, a cross between a lounge singer and a sultry siren really get’s attention. But one performer can’t carry an entire show this good without some equally talented help. Cassie has done her homework and put together a solid group of talented musicians. On guitar,is a wolfess in punk dress named Laretta and on bass a snow leopard in female biker garb. Both ladies provide a solid rythium section that helps compliment Cassie’s various guitar leads. On drums,a very small arctic vixen named Alex brings back memories of such drummers as Keith Moon of the old rock band, The Who. Alex showed she can be just as brutal on a drum case (at one point in the show, standing on her drum seat while doing a driving solo) as Moon used to be, but also showing a lot of restraint, by just lightly tapping her cymbals during a very quiet moment. The band’s keyboard player, a gothic looking deer morph named Rachel, conjured up some errie syinth music during various points in the show, as well as roviding a classic Hammond organ sound. It should be mentioned,that Cassie, unlike other musicians that have backing groups, allowed each of her band members a chance to do a solo performance at various points in the show. One of the most interesting solos, came from the band’s violin player, Vixina. Now I know that the idea of a violin player in what’s basically a metal band sounds like an oxymoron if there ever was one. But this southern lady, wearing big round glasses, a pair of “daisy duke” shorts and a bikini-like sleeveless top played a version of both Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway To Heaven” without any accopaniment that had a crowd of well over 10,000 fans so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. But the star of the show has to be the Rock Vixen. Twirling around the stage like a whirling dervish, kicking her light blue pumps, signed by her, into the crowd. Cassie then played the rest of the show in her stocking feet, as is her custom. Despite these odd stage antics, the lady knows not only how to both play an axe, but her voice is one of the most melodic in the metal scene. During some slow songs, Cassie would sit on a stool and play an electric acoustic guitar. In addition, to most of their regular songs, the band played some great covers by such human bands as Metallica, Dream Theatre and some old stuff by Rush and the afore mentioned Led Zeppelin. The climax of the show had to be Cassie doing a leg split on stage, not easy to accomplish while wearing nylon stockings and garters, while hitting the last note of a powerful guitar solo. At the end of one the two encores the group did, the Rock Vixen not only thanked everyone for showing up, but told to keep there ears open for something “new” from the band soon. An album in the works? We can only hope so, for these ladies continue to prove that rock and metal isn’t the “boy’s club” it used to be. - J.J