ENGAGEMENTS Written by & copyright of Foxonian Foxonian@aol.com Featuring Foxonian, Vanessa (Cassie's mother) and Dominic. Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org Please read the prequil, "In Review," featuring Cassie and her band at http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/in_review.txt Please read the sequil, "Undercurrents," featuring Cassie, her band Foxonian at http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/undercurrents.txt All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz and Vixina, who is created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage "Engagements" Foxonian walked up and onto the large wooden porch and stood in front of the front door of the large victorian-style house. Just before he could knock, the tall human heard the sound of a harp playing. Just above the door, there was a small key, neatly concealed under a hidden board under the welcome mat. With a slight smile, the human reached down and lifted the welcome mat. With his right hand, Foxonian pushed the small recessed button and the little wooden door in the floorboard. Carefully unlocking the door, Foxonian walked into the house. In a large open room, with a fireplace, light flowery wallpaper and dark mohagany 1920’s style furnature, there was a red-fox vixen furry-morph, wearing a white bose and light tan dress slacks, playing an extremely large Celtic Harp. The vixen woman had long reddish black head hair, albiet with slight grey streaks in it parted in the middle and running down just past her shoulders. Her face had an beautiful elegance in it, that spoke of both sophistication and grace. Even though her muzzle was slightly going grey around her nose from age, Vanessa Robinson still looked quite attractive. It was easy too see, Foxonian mused, that Cassie got the lion’s share of her looks from her mother. The human stood in the doorway as the the vixen continued to play a very moving classical piece. She looked over and saw Foxonian standing by the doorway. She was about to stop, but human motioned her to finish first. As soon as the vixen had finnished, Foxonian said, "Wonderful,Van." "It’s nice to have an appreciate audience. I think I know what my daughter sees in you." Vanessa said as she gave the human a hug. "Where’s Spark?" Foxoinan asked, refering to Cassie’s father. "Oh, he’s hanging out with his buddies down at Ray’s Music. Honestly, I never saw the attraction of a bunch of old blues players sitting on stools and taking all day while customers go in an out. Please, sit down and let me get you some ice tea. I just brewed up some earlier," Vannessa replied as she hurredly left the room. As he waited, Foxonian wondered just how he was going to tell Van what he and Cassie had decided just a few days before the Rock Vixen went on tour. He was certian Sparky already knew, he was good for that. Even though Vanessa liked him, he was still a little nervious taking to this woman. Maybe it was because she was so similar to Cassie (even her voice sounded a lot like her daughters). Before he could finish his thought, Vannessa returned with a tray with a small picture of ice tea and two tall thin glasses. "So, have you given it to her yet?" Vanessa asked as she filled Foxonian’s glass. "What? What are talking about?" the startled human asked. "The engagement ring. Did you think that Sparky and I had gone senile? Especially since that husband of mine has been 'nudging' you two." The vixen said with a smile as she filled her own glass. Foxonian let out a laugh before saying, "Cassie always said she could never get anything past you." "It’s not that," Vanessa began, "You see, Cassie called from LA that very night and told the both of us. I’m so happy that you have made our daughter so happy. It hasn’t been easy for her. With both Sparky and I being involved in such different areas of music, we both had are own ideas of Cassie’s musical talent." "Yes, Cass told me that she had a 'difficult' time there, not knowing which way to go." Foxonian said before taking a sip of ice tea. "Hmm," Vanessa nodded. "In the end, she decided to follow her father’s path, rather then accepting the Gulliard scholorship that I had gotten for her. *sigh* She could have been a wonderful classical guitarist. Oh, well. My dreams are not necessarily hers. Remember that when you two decide to have or adopt children of your own, my dear Foxonian." "I will Van. I have always valued your advice." Foxonian said. Vanessa let out a slight laugh before replying "Having a son-in-law who is adept at flattery is an added bounus. Tell me honestly, Foxonian, is my daughter and her friends in any sort of danger?" "What makes you say that?" Foxonian said. "Just a feeling I have been having lately. Maybe it’s just a nervious mother’s fretting, I’m not sure. She is safe, yes?" Vanessa said as she gave the human a slightly worried expression on her fox-like face. "The woman we hired to run her security detail is an expert. I can assure you that she and the rest of the band are safe," Foxonian said as he began to rise. "Leaving so soon?" Vanessa asked. "Have to. I have a meeting with some promoters downtown. Then I’m flying out tonight to be with Cassie, so we can tell the band together. Cassie assured me that she’s got the ring well hidden, so ‘inquring minds’ won’t find out." "Okay," Vanessa said as she showed the human to the door. "Remember, Sparky and I are expecting the both of you here next month. We're planning a 'little' party to celebrate the announcement." Foxonian could feel himself saying "here we go" to himself. As much as he admired her, Vannessa Robertson tended to make little affairs seem big ones. Usually involving her "classical" crowd. Hopefully, Sparky will persuade his "blues" gang to crash the affair. "Don’t worry. We’ll be there. Tell Sparky that I said hello and that I’ll call him this week, okay?" Foxonian asked as he gave the vixen a hug before leaving. "I will. Give my love to your ’fiannce’ Vanessa replied with a grin as she waved to the tall human getting into his car. In a dark room, located on the top floor of his rented apt., a collie morph, wearing only boxer shorts sat cross-legged on the floor. Dominic stared into the darkness, gathering all his senses into one gigantic "searchlight-like" beam.He bagan to "scan" the area around the room in a slow mental arc. With each mental rotation of his "scan", he kept widening his range, until he was feeling the entire city. Nothing. No vamps, no hostiles, no threat. Utterly peaceful. Then why was the collie-morph vamp so nervous? It was something he couldn’t explain. Shiva had been giving him regular reports (usually in person) of the band’s progress on the tour. He was even aware that foxonian had at last proposed marrage to Cassie and that she had accepted without hesitaition. Had he expected anything less? If only he could do the same to Rachel. What a wonderful wife she would make. However, he knew that marrage would be impossible, given his current "vampiric" state. He felt a tear begin to run from his right eye and down the side of his muzzle. Now he understood the pain that his first love Carmilita had experienced. She decided that suicide was the only way out. What a foolish choice, the collie-morph thought. Yet he still loved the human vamp, despite how she had changed him forever. Two loves, one alive and one dead tore at his being. How could he keep going? Dominic removed his boxer shorts and lay down upon the floor naked. He spread his arms wide and using all of his mental powers called to Carmilita. "If you can hear me, wherever you are, Mi Amore’ I must make the same choice you faced. I love Rachel as much as I loved you, but now I’m the one who must choose between her needs or what I think are her needs. You felt guitly for making me what I am, but I forgave you long ago. I have chosen to live. Rachel needs me and I won’t let my emotions cloud my judgement. I just wanted you to know." As he listened, in the quiet of his mind, a very tiny voice spoke. "Thank you so much, Mi Amore‘. Go to Rachel. My love is for you both" The collie-morph opened his eyes, rose and put on his boxers. He then smiled as he felt the nervous feeling begin to leave him. Now, he could concentrate on more important matters. Dominic walked over to his TV/VCR. He picked up a tape that said "Cassie’s Band-Live," popped it in and sat down and watched the video begin. THE END