THE TIDE TURNS Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie, Foxonian, Cindy (Cassie's bassist) Victor (Cindy's boyfriend) and Shiva (Cassie's security chief) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Contemplation," featuring Cassie, Cindy (Cassie's bassist), Victor (Cindy's boyfriend) Shiva (Cassie's security chief) and Gandalf (Shiva's companion) at Please read the sequil, "Moments In Time," featuring Cassie, Alex (Cassie's drummer) and Rafe (Alex's boyfriend) All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina, who is created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor, who is copyright himself. "Contemplation" On a beach in southern CF, two figures could be seen lying together on a beach under the hot summer sun.One was a red fox vixen morph,with extremely long,full, black colored head hair.The vixen wore a black choker with an oval blue gem in it’s center around her neck.She also one a very tight one-piece light blue swimsuit with a low-cut front that showed ample cleaveage. Across the front torso of the swimsuit was a large black treble clef. Next to the vixen a very tall human male with dark brown hair wearing a pair of dark blue swim trunks. Both the human and the vixen appeared to be sleeping in each other’s arms. “Mmm. That feels nice.” Cassie quietly said as Foxonian began to gently stroke her back. “Glad you like it, Hun. It’s the least I can do for all the happiness you have given me,” Foxonian said as he reached over and tilted his head to give the lovely vixen morph a kiss on her open muzzle. “Oh,isn’t that a touching scene?” a voice said from above. both Cassie and Foxoinan looked up to see a snow leopard with very long white head hair,accented by braided “bangs.” The leopard had on a black string bikini and was holding a surfboard that was all black except for the words “ Surf Cat” written in gothic script. “Very funny” Cassie said. “So,you guys gonna neck all day on the beach, or are you gonna get in the ocean? The surf is up right now. Just take a gander at Vic.” Cindy said as she pointed to the large tiger morph in blue jean cut-off shorts riding a wave on his board just a few yards out. As they watched, Vic started to wave, then lost his balalnce and fell off the board into the sea, causing Cindy to laugh. “Hey Cind. Are you sure Vic’s okay?” Cassie said as she stood up and walked next to the snow leopard. “Oh, he’s fine. He does this so much,it’s a wonder he doesn’t have gills.” Cindy then returned the the wave that Vic gave along with a “thumbs up” sign as he bobbed up and down in the surf. "Cind, I just want to say thanks for taking Cassie and I out to dinner last night for my birthday. It really ment a lot,” Foxonian said as he walked up and put his arm around Cassie. “Hey, no sweat. You guys are our guests for this weekend. Vic and I plan to have a BBQ out on the deck tonight. Since it’s the fourth, we should be able to see the fireworks display from here. BTW,what did you think of the gift that Vic and I gave you?” Foxonian thought about the pair of black bikini briefs that had the HD logo on them. He knew that it had to be a joke because Cassie acted like she was trying not to laugh at the human’s embarrasement. Especially when both the vixen and the snow leopard wanted him to model it. Fortunely, Vic came to his rescue and suggested they have the birthday cake instead. Foxonian owed that big guy a favor and wouldn’t soon forget it. “Uhh. It’s nice. But I really don’t think I’ll get a chance to wear it.” the human replied. “Oh, I’ll make sure you do.You see, I have a matching pair myself” Cassie said with a very sultry look and a slight lick of her tounge. “Ohh. Tell me the details when he does, Kay Cass?” Cindy said with an evil grin. “I’m going back up. I have a call to make.” Foxonian said as he turned to walk back to Cindy and Vic’s beachhouse. “Take your time!” Cassie said as both she and the Cindy began to laugh. “Honestly, Cass. That fiance of yours is a real riot! No wonder you are always in such a good mood! He must keep you in stitches” Cindy said as she stuck her board straight up in the sand and laid out her beach towel next to the one Cassie was laying on. “You discovered the secret to a healthy relationship. Comic relief!” the rock vixen replied as she closed her light blue “cat-like”eyes and streached out on her back on the beach blanket. Her long hair flowing around her head like a dark halo. “I’ll have to keep that in mind. Wonder if Vic likes having a rubber snake in his bed?” Cindy said as she laid down on her back in a similar pose to Cassie’s and allowed her long white hair to forma simmilar halo. “Two bucks if you do it.” Cassie said. “Deal.” Cindy replied as she closed her yellow cat-like eyes. Foxonian entered the house and began to dial the cell phone. “Put down the phone.We need to talk.” The human turned to see a very beautiful silver black vixen with full white head hair. She was dressed in a one-piece swimsuit simmilar to Cassie’s, but it was white in color and was accented by a wraparound white skirt. In the vixen’s white head hair was a black rose tucked in just behind her left ear. “Shiva! What are...” Foxonian began before the sliver black vixen cut him off. “Quiet. I’m not here as far as you are concerned. Especially if anyone else asks you. Cassie included.” “What’s wrong?” Foxonian asked in a low voice. Shiva looked around the room for a moment before replying, “both of your lives are in danger.” “By who?” the human asked as he continued to look at Shiva. “The question should be by whom? The answer is many. Both Dominic and I have been keeping a close watch on them for sometime,even before we first met.Some of them you know,the very group that you have taken pains to avoid.” Shiva said. “The human alliance” Foxonian replied as thought about the threats he got over the years from those radicals that believed that furry-morphs were perversions against nature. They also tended to look at humans that associated with furry-morphs to be “race-trators.” “And the “furry fighters,” Shiva added,recalling the furry-morph organization that hated humans(calling them “skin-bags”) and really hated furry-morphs that hung around with humans. Both groups routinely clashed with each other, but as Foxonian began to think, they both now had common enemies.He and Cassie.News of their engagement must have hit the wires by now,this could be why Shiva had come all the way out here. “You are correct.I am concered about them,since they are equally pissed at the both of you over your wedding plans. But there are other players we have to consider that starting to move. My people for one. So much so, that I never travel unarmed.” Shiva then fliped open her skirt to revel a thigh holster on her left leg holding a small Raven pistol. “Y-your people?” Foxonian said as he began to feel nervious. “Yes. They also do not like either of you, for helping me. I cannot tell you anymore about them, for your own sake, but they are far more dangerous than either the furry fighters or the human alliance.” Shiva then looked out the front door to see a barn owl perched on the stair rail. Nodding as if she was listening to some converstaion, the sliverblack vixen closed the hem of her wrap around skirt, concealing her shapely legs and the thigh holster. She then began to walk toward the door on her black furred human like feet. “What’s wrong? Are they here?” the human asked. “They have been here for some time,that is why I am here. Continue with your life as usual.I will do my best to protect you and so will Dominic,since threats have been leveled at Rachel as well.But know this..” Shiva then walked up to face Foxonian and placing her arms around him and a somewhat romantic way that made the human feel very uneasy, the silver black vixen whispered in his ear,” Trust me. They don’t know yet that I am protecting you. They are watching me now. I want them to think that we are more than friends for the moment. If all goes well,you will not see me again. But I felt I must tell you in case my luck runs out.” As she whispered in the human’s ear, Shiva could feel her fangs begining to grow,which ment that she was becoming aroused. She had to get back to her “blood supply” soon, or she would become Foxonian’s biggest threat. Foxonian in stunned silence, watched the silverblack vixen turn and walk away from him and out the front door. The human sat down on the sofa and tried to take all he had heard from Shiva in. All the things that he had tried to protect Cassie from where now starting to come to pass. The dreams he had of the two of them being crucified on buring crossess by radical groups of humans and furry-morphs had made him wake up shaking at night. He never told his beloved vixen of them, out of fear that she would get them as well. And what of Shiva and Dominic and “their people”? His stomach did knots as he looked out from the deck at the sleeping red fox vixen and snow leopard, each on their respective beach towels. The human then watched the large tiger surfing on a large wave just a few feet from shore. He gave a large sigh and thought, “Why do I feel a storm is brewing?” The End