MOMENTS IN TIME Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie, Alex (Cassie's drummer) and Rafe (Alex's boyfriend) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "The Tide Turns," featuring Cassie, Foxonian, Cindy (Cassie's bassist) Victor (Cindy's boyfriend) and Shiva (Cassie's security chief) All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina, who is created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor, who is copyright himself. "Moments in Time" "Sorry,Cass.We had a problem with this recording deck.’Fraid you will have to record the whole track again." Cassie put her left dark furred hand paw over her eyes and slowly nodded her head,causing her large mane of sable black head hair to fall over her face and muzzle.She didn’t know why she wanted to go into a recording studio alone,less than two weeks after her return from CF.Her fiance,a tall human who went by the name Foxonian,had wondered why as well. The Rock Vixen looked up to see the recording engineer, a bulldog morph named Bill gently tapping on the window that seperated the mixing room from the recording area. Cassie nodded as she adjusted the headphones on her two fox-like pointed ears. Since she wanted to get herself in a proper mood for this little session,Cassie had arrived in her stage outfit, consisting of a black choker around her neck with an oval blue gem in it’s center, her light blue, low-cut, sleeveless dress slit thigh high on her right side. On her human like legs, were light black 50’s style seamed stockings, with black garter straps coming from under her dress holding each stocking in place. Two light blue pumps were lying on the floor next to the stool that Cassie sat on. The vixen’s left human like stocking covered feet was placed on one of the stool’s lower rails, while her right was on the upper rail. Cassie sat in this position so she could balance the larger electric guitar she was playing. "I’m ready. Let’s go!" The rock vixen said as she began to strum the large white 63 Gretsch White Falcon with a large rose on it’s front. In front of Cassie on a music stand were some sheets of music. The title on the sheet was "For Rose". As The Rock Vixen began to play,a small tear could be seen rolling down her left eye. "Would you stop feeing him so much? Geez. He looks like a trout!" Rafe looked with dismay as his girlfriend, a small arctic fox in a white t-shirt that said "Cops do it in Handcuffs" and a dark blue denim mini-skirt that had a slit to allow her large white black-tipped tail to poke out,accented by a pair of dark blue Converse sneakers on her humanlike feet, continued to dump fish food in to the rather large fish swimming around in tank that was slowly becomming too small for it. "Fish needs his vitamins. Gotta make sure he’s happy,especially when I’m gone for a bit," Alex replied as she changed the filter on the fish tank’s system. The bobcat shook his head and sat down the kitchen table. He had been on two stake outs in less than two months, plus he was also doing that "special" job for Dominic. He was hoping that his captan down at the precient didn’t get wind of it since the dept. frowned on "moonlighting." The bobcat reached into the back pocket of his jeans to make sure that he didn’t forget to carry his shield,since he was required to at all times. "I hope you are checking to see if you have some extra money, ’cuz I got a special place for us to go to," Alex said as she place her arms around the bobcat. One thing the arctic fox learned when dating Rafe was to never suprise him. Considering he usually had his "piece" with him,and his reflexes were very quick,due to his furry-morph heritage.She found this out the first time she tried to lay a hug on him without making a sound and ended up with a police special revolver pointed inches away from her black nose. "Okay, Al. What place do you have in mind?" the bobcat said as he began to lick the little vixen’s muzzle. "It’s called Jimy’s. They have the best food around and..." Alex said before Rafe cut her off. "Sorry,Love.The guys downtown have an investigation going on down there.I had to do an undercover recently nearby. Can’t risk blowing that or I’ll hear about it." Alex crossed her white furred human like arms and with an annoyed expression said "Isn’t there any restarunt this whole city that you haven’t done some ’investigation’ on?" Rafe though for a moment before replying, " Arby’s." "That figures. Who would want to anything illegal there?" Alex said with a laugh. "Well,they do have an excellent pot roast sandwich.Got when when I was between stakeouts. What do you say?" Rafe said as he began to stand up from the kitchen table in Alex’s apt. The arctic fox vixen morph reached over and grabbed her purse off the front door knob. "Okay. Arby’s it is. At least I can steal your fries." Rafe gave her a sly look as he took her by the arm. "Do that and I’ll have to arrest you for theft." "Only if you put me in handcuffs first." Alex said as she licked Rafe’s nose. THE END