BACK TO BUSINESS Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie, Cassie's Band, Foxonian (Cassie's fiancee'), Andy (Cassie's Band manager) and Shiva (Cassie's security chief) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Moments In Time," featuring Cassie, Alex (Cassie's drummer) and Rafe (Alex's boyfriend) at Please read the sequil, "Dreamscape," Featuring Cassie, Cassie's Band, Dominic (Rachel's boyfriend) and Shiva (Cassie's security chief) at All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina, who is created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor, who is copyright himself. "Back To Business" “So far, so good,” Cassie thought as she observed the reactions of the group before her. Cindy, the snow leopard bassist of Cassie’s Band sat in her all black leather jacket, black mini-skirt and black biker boots. Next to her Rachel,the gothic doe-furry-morph keyboardist for the band sat on the large sofa. The sofa was along the wall, just below the loft in the Berkshire home that the Rock Vixen shared with her fiance, a human named Foxonian. Cassie loved snuggleing up with her beau and looking out the large glass windows that gave a perfect view of the surrounding Berkshire hills. On the other sofa that faced the large stone fireplace, Alex the arctic fox drummer sat, wearing a red leather mini-dress. accented by a pair of open-toed red stilletto heeled sandles,that were lying on the floor. Alex had her white-fur covered human like feet tucked under her as she slightly reclined. On the oposite end of the sofa, Vixina, a red fox vixen that sported long dark red hair and a pair of large, round-rim glasses perched on her muzzle.She occupied a unique postion,being the only violin player in a heavy metal band.And a darn good one at that. The southern vixen had made a slight modification to her usual stage outfit. Instaed of wearing a pair of “daisy-duke” type cut-off shorts,accented by a white bikini-type top, she now sported a very short mini-skirt that looked a lot like her usual shorts, right down to the frayed cloth on the skirt’s hem. She still wore the white bikini top and her gold cross pendant around her neck. On her digigrade feet (the only member of the band with such a pair), the southern vixen wore a pair of specially made “flip-flop” sandles (they had a sole only 3 inches in diameter, since a digigraded furry-morph’s foot only touched the ground in a such a small area). On a small chair, the band’s second guitarist, Laretta, a grey wolf who had hher shoulder length head hair in alternating shades of orange grey and white, sat. She wore a red busiarre and very short black leather mini-skirt. On her grey fur covered human like feet were a pair of white frilly ankle socks. Over them, the wolfess wore a pair of black high heeled pumps. Sitting as she was, Rachel had her legs crossed so her left foot was off the floor. As the meeting contuned, Laretta uncousciuosly dangled her left black pump shoe on the end of her left socked big toe. Around her neck and on her wrists, Laretta sported her black leather metallic-spiked collars. Standing in front of the stone fireplace were four figures. Shiva, the long white head haired silver-black vixen in charge of the band’s security force, wearing her black-leather, low-cut, sleeveless ankle-length dress, thigh-slitted on her right and accented by a pair of thigh-high black leather boots and a pair of black leather “opera-length” gloves on both of her arms. Next to Shiva, Andy, the wolf morph that was also the band’s manager, stood dressed in his usual sport shirt dress pants and loafers. He was going over the tour schedule for the upcoming year. Cassie and Foxonian had requested that the band go off tour at the end of May. Cassie and her lover had pegged their wedding date at July 15, so time would be needed for that at their honeymoon, wherever they decided eventually to go. “Okay, this is where we stand,” Andy began as he thumbed through his notes. “We hit La, Phily, Boston, San Antonio, then Seattle, Vancouver and Toronto. That should bring us up to March. Then we go over the water and do London Frankfurt, Moscow, Paris and Istanbaul. We may add Bejing if the authorities will allow Shiva and her people greater access. They like to have their own government provide security. Anyway,that should take us up to the end of May, at which time the tour ends, so we can get ready for another special event, right Cassie?” At that momemnt, Foxonian walked in and put his arm around a slightly started Rock Vixen who then smiled and said, “Yes. And we will be needing some help in that dept. I’m going to need a maid of honor and some bride’s maids. Any suggestions?” “Ah’ll be on of yer brahd’s Maid’s, Cass,” Vixina said with enthusiam. “Me too Cassie!” Laretta said with such excitement that it caused her shoe that she had dangling on her foot to go crashing to the floor. “Me, too! “Alex said happily. “I’ll do it, but I would like to choose my own outfit.” Rachel said. Cindy gave a suprised look at the deer femme and then asked Cassie, “Can she do that? I thought the bride decided who wore what? “It’s okay. You can wear what you want, Rachel. But let me see it first before the wedding, okay?” Cassie said with a laugh. “Agreed,” Rachel replied with a smile on her deer-like face. At this point Cassie fixed her gaze directly on Cindy. The snow leopardess began to look at all the eyes now on her and said "Cass? You want me to be the maid of hounor? Really? Me? After all the crap I have put you through over the years?" "Especially after all the crap you have put me through,” Cassie then walked up and knelt down in front of the snow leopardess. The Rock Vixen had on her usual light blue sleeveless dress (accented by a black choker with an oval blue gem that she had on around her neck), slit thigh high on her right side, revealing to human like legs covered in red-orange fur and dark black fur that formed ankle-socks over her feet. On these legs, Cassie had on a pair of light black 50’s style sheer RHT stockings secured with two garter straps that ran from the top of the stockings on her thigh, up to a garter belt decreetly concealed ounder the folds of her dress. Since she was at home, Cassie was not wearing her light blue pumps. She was in her stocking feet as she was when she played her electric guitar onstage. The Rock Vixen took Cindy’s hands in hers and said,”Would you Cindy? For me?” “Hey! You didn’t have to get dramamtic. Of course I would, you nut!” the snow leopard said with a laugh as she bent over to give Cassie a big hug. With that, a round of applause came from the room. “Hey Cassie. What about Shiva over there. Isn’t she going to be in the wedding party?” Alex asked. “Sorry, but I have to make sure everything is safe and sound. I will be present, but not directly involved,” the silverblack vixen said with a level tone to her voice. “Shiva, Cassie and I already discussed this and we felt that, given recent events, we should let Shiva do her job.” Foxonian then walked over to where Cassie was and continued "As far as my end goes, I did ask Andy if he wanted to be in the party, and I found a spot for him” “Head usher right here!” the wolf said while rasing his left paw hand and grinning. “The rest of the ushers are going to be Slim and his road crew,” Foxonian said. “Oh, boy! Will that be riot! Gotta get pictures of this, Cass!” Cindy said with a laugh. “Who’s going to be the best man?” Laretta asked. “Well, I wasn’t sure, since I really don’t have many close frends anymore, but I found a certian fellow who said yes. I think you know him. Especially you, Vixina.” the human replied. “Yah asked mah Cloud? Oh! Ah'm so happy thet we both are gonna be in th’ party! Thanks so much, Foxonian!” the vixen then ran up and gave the tall human a hug. “You're welcome. I have been keeping him inofrmed so often of you and the band’s exploits, that we have become pretty good freinds. He has even offered his band “Wild Animals” to play at the reception. Since you are still part of his band, I guess you both will be doing “double duty,” Foxonian said. “Aw! It would be a plesha! Any tahme ah get to be with mah Cloud is worth it!” Vixina replied as she wiped a tear from her right eye and adjusted her glasses. “Okay, well with that, this band meeting is over. We have some great stuff coming from Mike’s Catering, so if you want to stay and eat, it will be on in a few," Cassie said. She then motioned Cindy into the next room. “What’s this?” Cindy said as she walked over to the laptop comp on the table of the small den. “Thought you might like to see this. It’s an early design of my wedding dress. I’m having a woman in NY do it. What do you think?” Cassie said as she loaded the disk that she had concealed in a small bag. The screen showed an image of Cassie wearing a dress that was loosley moded on her stage out fit. It was low cut and appeared sleeveless, but had sheer matereal on the arms. The neck and bodice line was covered on elegant rose-lace. The entire dress was white, but unlike her stage dress, the thigh slit was doen the front of the dress, so her white stocking covered legs accented by white pumps would be fully exposed when she walked down the aisle. The dress also sported the usual long train behind. Instead of veil, the VR Cassie had a white rose in her black head hair. Around her neck, a special white leather choker with an over blue gem made the dress complete. “My God, Cass. It’s beautiful! That future hubby of yours won’t know what hit him!” Cindy said. “I know, that’s part of the fun.I keep this disk in a locked drawer and I get updates daily from the designer. Wanna see your garb?” Cassie said with a wink. “Yeah, but is there any way I can get a Harley logo on it?” Cindy asked with a grinn. “We ’ll see. Between you and Rachel, it’s gonna be a fun wedding.” Cassie said with a sigh. “Aren’t they always?" Cindy said with wink. THE END