DREAMSCAPE Written by & copyright of Foxonian Foxonian@aol.com Featuring Cassie, Cassie's Band, Dominic (Rachel's boyfriend) and Shiva (Cassie's security chief) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org Please read the prequil, "Moments In Time," Featuring Cassie, Alex (Cassie's drummer) and Rafe (Alex's boyfriend) at http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/moments_in_time.txt Please read the sequil, "Christmas Tale," featuring Cassie and Cassie's Band, Dominic (Rachel's boyfriend), Cloudchaser (Vixina's's man) Victor (Cindy's boyfriend), Foxonian (Cassie's fiancee') at http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/christmas_tale.txt All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina, who is created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor, who is copyright himself. "Dreamscape" Something wasn't right. As he stared out at the falling autumn leaves that dropped in front of his NYC Condo window, the collie morph could feel a sense of nausea and dis-entachment with reality. He had never felt this way before. At first, he thought it was simply a case of nerves. He had vowed that he would revel his "true" nature to his beloved, a gothic doe furry-morph named Ratchel. The deer femme, who resembled a beer-hall maid in Transylvania had taken his heart and he wanted to share all with her. Including his future. As he prepared to put on his long black woolen coat over his black Armani suit and stepped outside, the nausea stuck again. As he grabbed his stomach his entire body began to feel intense pain. Just before he lost consciousness, The collie-morph heard a distant voice inside his mind exclaim "At last! My vengence is at hand! I will be waiting for you Dom! We will finnish the battle you started!" "Rachel!" What's wrong? Get some help, Quick!" exclaimed Alex as she saw the gothic doe collapse behind her stack of keyboards as the band finished playing their last set. Cassie, turning to see Rachel fall over, took off her electric guitar and ran to where the doe had fallen. "That's it! Close the curtan, Slim! Get Andy up here to make an annuncement or something." Cindy exclaimed as she threw her bass guitar to aone of the roadies just off stage and ran to Rachel's side. "Is she all right? What's worng? Laretta said as she came running over to the scene, her electric guitar still strapped to her body. The gothic doe lay flat on her back. Alex was tapping the sides of Rachel's muzzle,hoping in vain that she would wake up. "Rachel! can you here me?It's Alex! Please wake up!" "Raight over thar. She just plum fainted. Not even a cry," Vixina told the two EMTs, a human and a tiger-morph who came with the stretcher and proceeded to work on her. As Cindy and Cassie stood by and watched the two EMTS begin to remove Rachel's combat boots and start to roll up the short sleeves of her white lace blouse, a human police officer approached. "Ms. Vixina? Ms. Mccormic? I'm officer Flint from the 86th precent. I know that you are concerened with what's happened to Ms. Johnston, but I must ask these questions." "Whose Ms. Johnston?" Cindy asked. "That's Rachel's last name.If there is anything we can help you with,just ask." Cassie told the officer. "A moment" officer Flint said to Cassie as one of the EMTS came over to the three of them. "Were taking her to Bellview Memorial. We really can't tell what's wrong with her. She Came to for a moment said the name ‘Dominic' the became unconscous again." "Who is this Dominic guy? Could you tell me all about him?" Flint said as he pulled out a small notepad from his uniform shirt pocket. "He's her boyfriend. A collie-morph who lives in downtown Mahattan. He's about 6'4" inches. Dresses in expensive suits. Frankly, we really don't know that much about him, only that he's been a real friend to the band and to myself." Cassie said, as she looked passed Flint to see two EMTS place the uncounscious Rachel on to a stretcher. Vixina and Alex beagn to help the roadies gather up any personal belongings that were lying about the stage area,such as her combat boots, her purse etc. "Hey! Did you say a fancy dressed collie-morph?" the tiger emt asked as he came over to stand next to Flint. "That's right," Cindy said, looking at the tiger morph with a suprised expression on her snowleopard face. "Just before we got here, one of our other crews picked up a guy matching that description. He was out just like her. I think they brought him to Bellview as well. Listen, we gotta go. Is the path clear?" the emt said to Flint. "Got nearly 3/4 of our officers out there clearing a path for your ambulance and to get these crowds dispersed without having a riot. Stopping a show as big as this one is like throwing a brick wall in front of a speeding train. Hang on," Flint picked up his radio and turned away from Cassie, Cindy and the EMT for a moment, then turned and said "Okay. You guys are all clear. I have arranged for a police escort for the ambluance. If you ladies want to come along, we can insure your safety. I have some police officers waiting just offstage to escort you all to the police crusiers." Cassie the turned arround and explained to Laretta, Alex and Vixina how they could fallow Rachel's ambulance to the hospital. "Cassie! I just heard what happened!" Andy said. The wolf morph was looking quite nervoius as police began to push the crowd towrd the exits. "I'm Andy Marks, that band's manager. I was down in the ticket office during all this. Is she all right?" "They have taken her to Bellview. I just arranged a police escort to follow the ambulance. Do wish to join them?" officer Flint asked Andy. "I will later. I have to talk to the promoters and the record label to let them know what's going on," then an aside to Cassie, Andy said "has Foxonian been called?" "Everything has been happening so fast. I-I know he hasn't. I'll call him from the hospital," Cassie said as she put a pair of light blue pumps on her stocking covered human-like furred feet and hastily grabbed her handbag. "I'll call him. You guys get going. I'll be there when I can," Andy said as he then walked over to have a private chat with officer Flint. "What do you think is wrong with her and Dominic, Cass?" Cindy asked as the two of them walked over to where Alex, Laretta, Vixinia and at least 6 uniformed NYPD officers stood. "I wish I knew,but I'm afraid for them both," The Rock Vixen replied as she walked over to the waiting crowd. The folds of her twin-slitted light blue sleeveless stage dress swaying back and form in motion with her stocking covered legs. All around there was nothing but darkness. Dominic could see nothing,hear nothing. He felt totally alone. "You are not alone, my old friend. In fact, I brought a friend of yours here as well," came a familliar voice. Though he could not see himself,the collie-morph could see another figure suspended just a few inches in front of him. Rachel! The gothic doe was surrounded by what looked like a light blue-flames but she wasn't burned by them. She looked terrified and was screaming his name,but he could not hear her. "WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO HER? IF YOU'RE ARGUMENT IS WITH ME,THEN LET US HAVE AT IT ! LEAVE HER ALONE!" Dominic screamed into the darkness at the being he knew was there. "My argument is with you and your kind. She is not only the 'bait' I needed to get you out of hiding, but a representive of all I despise in this world. However, if your memory needs refershing.BEHOLD!" Less the a foot away from his muzzle, a familar shape appeared. He was human, roughly as tall as Dominic, but was far older. He was thin and gaunt and resembled an old English Actor with very long hair. What was his name? Dominic srained to recall the actor in question. At any rate the human was dressed in what looked like either a magician's outfit or formal dinner suit. Dominic knew who this was. He had gone by many names over his rather long life as a vampire, but the most famous of the lot was one that ended with "Borgia." He was known now as Marchon, head of one of the largest clans of Vampires in the world and had been one Dominic's most powerful enemies. Marchon hated his late beloved, Carmilita the vamp that turned him into what he was. But the one thing he couldn't understand was, how could she have done this to him? "I know what you are thinking. You are not dead. I had to use some rather crude methods to get you into this mental 'dreamscape' I created. Your mind and that doe bitch have been carefully removed your bodies and telepathically removed and have been broght here by my will" "Couldn't face me in person. Had to result to trickery." Dominic said with disgust. "You have gained many fallowers amoung our kind who are protecting you.I,or my minions had to plan this very carefully. I came upon the idea while watchiung a move called "Nightmare On Elm Street." You have heard of it, I trust?" Marchon said with a smug expression on his face. "W-what's happening?" Rachel said as she watched what was happening. Startled that he could now hear his lover, Dominic asked, "Are you okay Rachel?" "Yes. Just a little terrified. Where are we and who is that old guy? He looks like Peter Cushing doing a magic act." "I am Marchon. You are at my mercy as well as your pathetic vampire lover here," the old human said as he began to walk toward Dominic. "Vampire? Dom? You??" Rachel said with suprise. "We will talk later about that," then facing Marchon, "you said before I went out that you wish to battle me, well then, free me and let us begin. "As you wish." Malchon then gave a wave of his hand and Dominic could see his body and feel himself able to move. Just then the darkess parted and the both He, Rachel and the old human were standing it what appeared to be grassy medow. Next, a group of human men dressed in 19th century dress (top hats and black coats and pants) One man carried a box, while the other carried a chair. The human with the chair placed it next to Rachel. With a suprised look, the gothic doe gave a worried look to her lover. Dominic motioned her to sit down on the wooden chair while Malchon began to speak. "Since I am a civilised man, I will give you a chance. This is a reenactment of an ancient contest of dueling. In the box are two pistols, each has one shot. We walk 30 paces away from each other back to back,then we turn and fire. I will give you a few moments to prepare. You may talk to her, if you wish." As he approached the sitting Rachel, he kissed her and said "I'm sorry, My love. I was trying to save you from this, but he more clever than I expected." "I-s this all real? Is he real?" Rachel asked. "He's real, but none of this is. You see, we are both unconscous somewhere. He created this situation with his telepathic powers in order to destory both you and me. His own body is probably back in his English castle. He couldn't get at me directly, becasue I have many defensive teleplathic abilities of my own and both you and I are being watched by others. That's why he used this "sneaky method" of getting at us." Dominic whispered. "Is there anything yo can do?" Rachel asked. "Once chance," Dominic began, "I can feel myself slipping in and out of this 'reality' from time to time, which means that it's taking all his telepathic powers to maintain this dreamscape. Plus, I can feel myself resisting. If I hit him with the bullet, then that might be enough to end this. If we are sucessful, the sudden telepathic shock could kill him as well." "And if he hits you?" the doe said as she looked fearfully at her collie-morph lover. "Then I will die, fallowed by you since your mind is at his disposal as well." As soon as he said this, one of the humans tapped Dominic on his shoulder. "It's time, My Lord. Are you ready?" The collie morph nodded and procedded to walk up to where Malchon was standing. Dominic took the ancient duling flintlock pistol and tuned his back to the old vamp. "Gentlemen! Are you ready?" said the human who handed the pistols to Dominic and Malchon. "We are ready. Begin!" the old vamp said, as Dominc nodded. As the human in the black top hat and suit began to count off the 30 pace disatnce, Rachel could only watch in horror as she feared for her lover's safety. Knowing that he was really fighting a telepathic attack, rather than this whole ficticous duel that Malchom had created to his mind an Dominc's could have a point of concertration, did not make the collie-morph feel any easier. He knew that it would take all his effort to fight this enemy and he knew he had to win. Rachel's life was at stake. "27..28..29..30." the human cried. Dominic turned and took his shot. The phantom bullet whizzed through the air and over the left shoulder of Malcohn. HE MISSED! "And now, my turn. Good-bye, you abomination!" Malchon said as he took aim and fired. Dominic saw the bullet whizz htrough the air toward his head. He stood and waited for the end, but something happened that he didn't expect. The bullet changed direction and returned to it's owner. "NOOOO!!!!!" Malchon screamed as the bullet pierced his chest causing him to explode in blue flame. Dominic blinked and saw for a brief moment the form of a silver-black vixen with long white head hair wearing a sleveless black leather thigh slitted dress and thigh-high boots on her human-like legs between him and Malchorn. The vixen was holding a shield and long broardsword that she had used to defect the bullet. Then,all went black agian. "He's awake," a familiar voice said. Domic awake to find himself in a hospital bed. Shiva was standing on his right with her left hand on his forhead. To Shiva's right, Rachel lay in the next bed, the silver-black vixen's right and was on the doe's forehead. "Shiva. Is he?" Dominic began, "Destoyed, but it was close. If I hadn't heard your mind call to me, you would both be lost," Shiva said in an extremely tired voice. Just then, Rachel began to awake. "Dominic! Is he?" Rachel began before Shiva spoke in a firm voice. "Dominic is fine, you will feel refreshed and well." Then aside to Dominic, "do want her to remember any of this?" "Only up to the point she fainted. I don't want her to worry. But don't earse her memories. I want them intact, in case she needs them for her own protection. I'll use the memory techniques you once tought me to reawaken them, if needed. Thank you, Shiva. I owe you," The collie-morph said as he took the silverbackvixen's hand. "I'll remember that. In the meantime, you have both have quite a few frends who want to see you both." Shiva then mumbled some words under her breath and gave Rachel a light tap on her forehead. The doe awoke and said "What happened, Dom? What happened to us?" "Remember that lousy resturant we went to? Well, we both got food poisoning from it." Dominic said as reached over to take the doe's hand in his. "Guess you guys better watch where you eat!" Cassie said as she Cindy, Alex, Vixina and Laretta entered the hopsital room. "Sorry I ruined the show, Cassie." Rachel said with a down-cased look on her deer-like face. "As long as you are alive and well, the show doesn't matter." Besides, since the next band into the arena pulled-the plug on their tour do to loss of funding, we can stay an extra day in the city and make up the show. that is, if you feel up to it." Cassie said. "If you will excuse me, I have to rest for a while. You will let me know if tomorrow's show is still on?" Shiva asked as she walked out of the hotel room. "Of course. Thanks, Shiva." Cassie said, then turned to look at Dominic. "You know, I find it a little hard to believe that the both of you had an attack of food posioning that the very same moment." "Guess, we are really made fore each other,huh?" Dominic said as she held Rachel's hand and retured her loving smile. THE END