CHRISTMAS TALE Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie and Cassie's Band, Dominic (Rachel's boyfriend), Cloudchaser (Vixina's's man), Victor (Cindy's boyfriend) and Foxonian (Cassie's fiancee') Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Dreamscape," Featuring Cassie, Cassie's Band, Dominic (Rachel's boyfriend) and Shiva (Cassie's security chief) at Please read the sequil, "The Guardian," featuring Shiva (Cassie's security chief) and Foxonian (Cassie's fiance') at All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina, who is created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor, who is copyright himself. "Christmas Tale" "Just a few more ornaments and it will be perfect, " Rachel said as she put the last two dark grey balls on her Christmas tree. The Gothic doe, in her dark grey beer-maid’s outfit, accented by black fishnet stockings and combat boots, then took a look back at her handy work. She was amazed that the tree looked as well as it did. After all, the black spraypaint she used on all the needles and the trunk took longer to dry than she thought, but it still it was worth it. "Dom? Do you have the tree star?" Rachel asked. "It’s here, My Sweet. Just let me put it up for you," said the tall collie morph, dressed in a light brown tweed vest with matching tie, trousers and loafers. Dominic took the black painted star and placed it atop the all black tree. "What do you think?" the collie morph said as he stood next to the gothic doe, placing his arm around her waist and kissing her on her muzzle in one graceful motion. "It’s just great! Thanks, Love!" Rachel replied, retuning her lover’s kiss. "How long before our guests arrive?" Dominic asked. Rachel led Dominic to the large antique sofa that occupied the wall opposite the Christmas tree in Rachel’s condo. "Well, Cassie and Foxonian are due soon. They both went down to 5th Ave. to do some last minute Christmas shopping. Laretta and Alex are should be here soon as well, however Alex said that she couldn’t stay too long, because she was going to meet Rafe when he got of his watch at the police station. Cindy is at the Park Hotel with Vic and said that they shoud be here within an hour or two." "What about Vixina?" Dominic asked. *knock,knock* "I’ll get it," Rachel began as she stood up and went to the condo door. "Think you could check to see how everything is cooking in the kitchen?" "Of course. I’ll be back presently," the collie morph said as he walked into the kitchen area. When he was just in the doorway, Dominic felt his fangs begin to extend slightly. Reaching into his vest pocket, the collie-morph pulled out a silver flask that contained an extremely red liquid. He took a few gulps from the flask and closed is eyes as the feeling of exstacy briefly crept over him. When Dominc was satisfied that his fangs had returned to their normal size and his level of self-control was regained, he checked on the glazed ham and the pies that Rachel had been working on for most of the day. Dominic was amazed at how good a cook she was."Yet another reason why I love her so," the Collie-morph thought to himself as he closed the oven door. "Dom! Vixina and Cloud are here! Could you get them some drinks?" Rachel called from the next room. "Okay," Dominic replied, pushing the drink Caddie into the next room. He was grateful that he had told Rachel to buy this little ’60’s piece of camp, even though neither of them drank. The doe had wanted to use it as a plant stand, before the collie-morph sugested it could be used for entertaining. Of course in now sported soda,tea coffie and cups. "This has got t' be thah most different place Ah have evah had Christmas in. Whut do yew think, hun?" Vixina said, as she adjusted her wide-rimmed glasses on her fox-like muzzle. The red-wolf morph dressed in jeans, dark green shirt with a smiling Santa and his "CATS" baseball cap looked at all the black painted holly, ivy and the black wreath on the wall over the sofa and said "Yeah, sure is diffrunt" "Hey! This place is soo Friggen’ Cool! Hey Laretta! C’om here! Get a load of this tree!" A small arctic fox dressed in a green and red mini-dress that looked more like a vynil tablecloth, with candy and holly designs all over it. Laretta came into the main living area next to Alex and stared at the all black Christmas tree. The wolfess had painted her shoulder length head hair alternating colors of red and green, in keeping with the season. On her red leather bustiere, Laretta sported a small grean wreath pendent over her right breast. On her feet, besides her black stilletto pumps, were frilly white ankle socks with small images of snowmen and Christmas trees stitched into them. "It’s wonderful! Great job, Rachel!" Laretta said as she turned to see the gothic doe coming into the room with a plate full of Christmas cookies that Dominic had brought. "Thanks. I know that a lot of people just don’t get the whole ’goth" scene, so I wasn’t expecting you guys to think to much of it," Rachel replied. "I like it, because it’s so different! After all, I like to be that way too," Laretta replied with a grin on her wolf-like muzzle. "Well, I think that any celebration of Christmas is just great!" Alex said as she took a Christmas cookie and sat down to talk to Cloudchaser and Vixina. "Hello! Anybody home?" A human voice called from the doorway. "Please come in!" Dominic said as he let Foxonian and Cassie in. The Rock vixen was dressed in a low cut pencil thin dark blue sleeveless dress that had large snnowflakes all over it. She wore light blue sheer stocking and garters on her human like furred legs,accented by dark blue pumps. She also wore her black neck choker with it’s oval blue centered gem around her neck. In extremely long black head hair, Cassie sported what looked like a real pointsetta flower behind her left ear. "Cass, Ah jes' luv thet dress! Better than the one you had last yer, that’s fer shur!" Vixina said as she walked up to the rock vixen. "Thanks! I always like to do something a little different," Cassie said as she turned to Rachel, "Thanks for hosting the Christmas party this year, Rach. I really appreciate it." "No problem. After all, you and Foxonian have enough to do running the band and getting your future plans settled. Besides, I wanted to do an event with Dominic. He’s been such a joy to have around." "Any chance that we could be hearing some wedding bells in your future yet?" Alex said to the doe with a sly wink. Rachel gave the Arctic fox a return wink and smile and then waked over to where Dominic was talking with Foxonian without saying a word. "What do you think about that, Cass?" Alex said in an excited voice. Cassie let out a slight giggle before replying, "No comment." she then gave Alex a slight tap on her small black nose with her index finger and walked over to join Foxonian. Alex then turned to Laretta, who gave her an "I don’t know" kind of shrug. "Sorry were late, but we took the wrong turn and...Holy crap!" Cindy exclaimed as she entered the condo and saw all the black trimmed Christmas decor accented by Rachels antique furnature and dark avant guard wall paintings. "Hey Babe! What’s the problem?" Victor said as he came in behind the snow leopard. "Come on in, guys! Food will be out soon." Rachel said as she took Cindy and Vick’s matching Holiday Biker jackets. As she entered the room, Cindy continued to stare at all the decor, not saying a word. Seeing something was wrong with her best friend, Cassie took the snow leopard aside, while Vic went to talk to Cloudchaser and Foxonian. "Cass. This whole place looks like a funeral home! Why did you let her host the party this year?" "Cind. That’s not fair. Rachel agreed to host the party as a way of doing something with Dominic and to help Foxonian and I out. You know full well that this is her home and we have no right to make judgement calls," Cassie said in a level quiet tone. "I know, I know. It’s just that, this place is making me so depressed! I don’t know if...." Cindy then paused. "What is it Cind that bugs you about all this.You can tell me, you know that." Cassie said as she put her hand on the snow leopard’s shoulder. "Well. It’s just that this all reminds me of the funeral home that my old aunt was in. I was 16 when she died, but she was soo kind to me. I miss her. She died 4 days before Christmas. I thought I forgotten about it, but now..It’s all coming back. I-I " tears beagn to well in the snow leopard’s eyes. "Anything wrong?" Rachel said as she came up to where Cindy and Cassie were standing. "I’m sorry, Rachel. *sniff* Everything is just so nice. I’m a little overwhelmed, that’s all. You know. Christmas and such!" Cindy said with a grin on her face. "Uh, kay. We are going to be putting out dinner soon, just to let you know. If you guys want a bit of privacy, you can use the small den. I have a table and a couple of chairs set up for when I do my bills." "Thanks Rach. We will be back in a bit." Cassie said as she led the snow leopard, who was dressed in black leather from her vest, down to her pants and biker boots, into the little room. When the two sat down, Cindy said to the Rock Vixen, "You gonna smell my breath?" "Cind. I know that you aren’t drinking. That’s not why I wanted you in here. I just wanted someplace where you could open up to me. After all, we are best friends." "T-Thanks, Cass. I-I Damn it!!!" Cindy then began to break down and cry. Cassie then put her arm around the snow leopard who continued to weep. "Shh It’s okay, Cind! Let it out. I know you miss her. Why didn’t you tell me about her before? We've known each other so long." "I-I almost did when Rose died, but I didn’t want to start crying. I hate to cry. It makes me feel so weak. You see, my Aunty Sue practically raised me my sister when my folks were busy running the store. She was so kind. She also bought me my first bass guitar. I got it the Christmas after she died in the accident. She was hit by a drunk while crossing the street near my parent’s store. I guess it was just all the black wreaths and this old furnature that brought all the memories back. It’s not Rachel’s fault, it’s mine." "It’s not your fault, Hun. Don’t for a minute think that," Vic said from the doorway. As the suprised snowleopard looked up, the large tiger morph put his arm around her and gave her a hug and kiss. "You guys okay?" Cassie asked as she stood up. "Y-Yeah. But we need to be alone for a bit," Cindy said. "Thanks Cass." Vic said as Cassie walked out of the room. "Babe, where is your Aunt Sue bruied?" Vic asked as he stroked her hair. "Over in Queens. In fact, not very far from here, really." Cindy replied, looking up at the tigermorph. "Well," Victor began, "We were going to visit your folks and your sister and give them their gifts, so why don’t we visit your aunt and give her a gift too?" "How can we give my aunt a gift? She’s dead?" Cindy asked in a slightly irritaed voice. "I think having her favorte niece close by would be a gift. I would be for me, if I was in a similar spot." the tiger morph replied. Cindy then wrapped her arms around Vic and gave him repeated kisses saying," I love you so much! Thank you for making feel happy again over this!" "Anytime,Babe! you are everything to me." Vic said as he turned each kiss given to him. "Hey Lovebirds! Time for dinner!" Alex said with a grin as she opened the door. Victor and Cindy then joined the rest of Rachel’s guests at the table for the feast. Just before the meal began, Dominic stood up and said, "Where I used to live, it was the custom for the host to offer toast to the good fortune of his guests, Since this Rachel’s home, not mine, I asked her to do the honors. However, since she felt that I have away with words, she said that I could." The collie-morph picked up his glass of water and said," To Cassie and Foxonian, I wish you the best in the upcoming year, may your future marrage be blessed. To all others present, may the happiness of this season shine forth in your lives. Rachel and I both wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!" As glasses clinked, a light snow could be seen falling outside the window and the sounds of the Big Apple grew silent as the Season of Peace came down on the Earth. THE END