THE GUARDIAN Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Shiva (Cassie's security chief) and Foxonian (Cassie's fiance') Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Christmas Tale," Featuring Cassie and Cassie's Band, Dominic (Rachel's boyfriend), Cloudchaser (Vixina's's man), Victor (Cindy's boyfriend) and Foxonian (Cassie's fiancee') at Please read the sequil, Cupid's Arrow, featuring Laretta (Cassie's rhythm guitarist), Ben Mouse (Laretta's boyfriend), Alex (Cassie's drummer), Rafe (Alex's boyfriend), Cindy (Cassie's bassist), Victor (Cindy's boyfriend), Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's fiancee), Vixina, (Cassie's fiddler), Cloudchaser (Vixina's man), Rachel, (Cassie's keyboardist), Shiva, (Cassie's security chief) and Gandalf (Shiva's companion) at All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina, who is created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor, who is copyright himself. "The Guardian" Shiva was on alert. The silver-black furrymorph vixen strode around the corridors of the Berkshire ski-lodge cum house. It was her decision to personally guard the tall human who called himself Foxonian. She had entrusted Cassie and her band’s security to a tall black bear named Sid. She had worked with Sid before during one of her previous employments. The bear had a keen sense for danger and was not one to be triffled with. Besides, Shiva knew that Cassie and her group were not in danger right now. The human was. Wearing her usual black leather low-cut sleeveless minidress, accented by a fox-head pendant on a silver chain around her neck. However, instead of her thigh-high boots, Shiva wore black leather "booties" that looked like strapless ballet slippers. The silverblack vixen had them specially made so she could walk across a hardwood floor without the sound of her toe-claws clacking. As she looked out the large picture window in the main living area, Shiva reached under her skirt and checked to see if her 9mm. was secure in her thigh holster. "Mistress!" a familar voice called in the silverblack vixen’s mind. "What is it Gandalf?" Shiva asked, looking at the barn owl pearched outside on the rail of the lodge’s suspended deck. "The human is asleep now. You told me to tell you when he was." the owl replied as he began to prune is right wing. "Thank you. Any sign of them?" Shiva asked as she walked over to the kitchen to glance out the rear window. "I will check, Mistress!" Gandalf said as he flew away into the dark moonlit sky. Shiva closed her golden cat-like eyes and shook her foxlike head, so her long full white locks of head hair flew like a sheet in the breeze. The owl forgot to look when she asked him. "This could mean trouble," Shiva thought as she headed into Foxonian’s bedroom. As she looked down at the sleeping human, she thought she understood what her employer, Cassie the Rock Vixen saw in him. He was attractive and quite intelligent. With her keen senses,Shiva felt something approching the house. Two somethings. Vamps! She could try to head them off,but she knew that they were almost in the lodge. Using her psyonic ablities, she could tell that they weren’t aware of her yet. Thinking quickly, the silverblack vixen took off her leather dress and her black leather booties. Wearing only her Fox pendant around her neck,white satin bra and matching white bikini satin panties,Shiva climbed into the bed and placed her arm around the human. "Wah?" a started Foxonian began before Shiva put claw finger to her muzzle in a gesture of silence. "Be quiet and feign sleep. Your life depends on it now. Trust me," Shiva replied in a whisper. Foxonian closed his eyes and remained motionless as two dark figures could be seen walking down the hallway tword the bedroom. Shiva saw them too. It was taking all her willpower to maintain her mental shield while lying this close to a male. Her natural arousal was trying to engage her vampyric tendencies and the last thing she needed now was her enemies to know what she was. Pulling the covers down so her face and muzzle couldn’t be seen under the folds of her long white head hair, Shiva saw the two. Both vamps were from the human clan. Although she didn’t recognize them, she knew what their mission was. To turn Foxonian into one of them,then set him against Dominic and herself. "Any time now. Get ready." Shiva thought as she reached down for her "special 9mm" filled with bullets that had wooden tips. As the vamps came into the room, Shiva was a blur of black and white. The first vamp went down without knowing what hit him. As the second vamp, a tall grey haired-middle aged man in a dark business suit went twords the now fully awake and shocked Foxonian, Shiva jumped on the man’s back and wrestled him to the ground. As the human vamp and the barelly dressed silverback vixen wrestled for the pistol, Foxonian looked down from his bed at the scene before him in utter dis-belief, thinking that he was watching some kind B-Grade horror flick. *BANG* Foxonian saw the tall human fall off Shiva’s body and fall to one side. Springing up from his bed, dressed in his pajamas, the human looked down at the silverback vixen. Shiva was lying on her back almost spread eagled on the floor of the room. Her eyes were closed and she was barely breathing. "Shiva! Are you all right? Speak to me!" the human said in an excited voice. "No. I’m not alright. Look at my arm" Shiva replied in a weak voice. Foxonian noticed that the bullet had grazed her right shoulder and the wound was oozing a greyish puss from the wound. "What do I do?" Foxonian asked. Shiva opened her eyes and the human could see that the sliverblck vixen was in great pain. "There is a small vile of blue liquid in my hand bag. Please get it." "Do you want me to put you on the bed?" Foxonian asked as he bent over the Silverback vixen. "Please do not move me. You will only make the poison spread. Don’t worry about me. Get the vile please," Shiva replied in a weak voice. As the human left, Shiva reached out and felt Gandalf. He was already going for help. She breathed a sigh of relief. Now, if she could stay alive and keep Foxonian from inadvertatly killing her out of needless concern. "Here it is. Now what do you want me to do?" Foxonian said as he held the vile of blue liquid. "Pour it on them" Shiva said as she slowly and painfully turned her head to look at the two dead vamps at the other end of the room. "What?" Foxonian exclaimed. "Do it!" Shiva said in as loud a voice as she could muster. Almost robotically, Foxonian went over and poured 1/2 the liquid over each man. To his suprise, both bodies began to admit a bright blue glow. Within a 30 seconds, the two vamps vannished without a trace. "Foxonian. Come here please" Shiva called. Kneeling down next to the prone body of the silverblack vixen, Foxonian replied "Yes Shiva." "Bring me the plastic bottle in the fridge. The one with the red liquid" "Y-You don’t want me to pour it on you,do you?" a nervous Foxonian asked. A smile formed on Shiva’s muzzle before she said, "No. This I will drink. Could you help me? I’m far to weak to hold the bottle." With a simple nod, Foxonian went and retrieved the bottle. Openeing the top, the human tiled Shiva’s head up and poured the liquid slowly down her muzzle. As she drank the liquid, Foxonian though he recognized the smell of this liquid. When she was finished, Foxnian lowered the sliverblack vixen’s head onto her natural mat of long white head hair and took the bottle to the kitchen sink. Looking down,he saw a little bit of the liquid on his right hand.He tatsed it and was shocked. It was blood! Shiva turned her head and caught the look on Foxonian’s face as he stared at his hand. "Yes. It’s blood," Shiva said in a louder voice. "What are you??!" A startled and frightened Foxonian asked. "A Vampire," Shiva said. The human ran back to Shiva’s side and said, "you aren’t one of those "cult" members, are you?" "No, I’m the real thing. As were those two men trying to turn you." Shiva said as she began to stand up. "A-are you going to be alright?" Foxonian asked as he helped Shiva into a recliner that was on the other end of the room. "I will recover. I sent my owl Gandalf to Dominic. He will make sure Gandalf returns with what I need. He’s one of us, in case you didn’t know," Shiva replied, adjusting her bra starpes that had become embarrasingly loose in struggle. "Actually, he makes a lot of sense to me now. Question, why did those Vamp guys want to get me in their ranks? Didn’t think I was much of a night person," Foxonian asked as he sat down on the edge of the bed next to Shiva. "To use as a weapon against Dominc and I. You see, the human vampires consider furry-morph vampires to be an abomination. A crime against nature, if you will." Just then,Gandalf entered the room through an open bedroom window,causing Foxonian to dive to the floor. The owl dropped a green leather pouch at Foxonian’s feet. "May I have that please?" Shiva asked. By now, everything was happening so fast, that Foxonian had just given up at trying to make sense out off all the past events. He was along for the ride and might as well enjoy the show. He would talk it over with Cassie later. "No! Don’t tell Cassie or anyone else. Especially Rachel! You will put their lives at risk!" Shiva said in a loud voice as she took the pouch from the human’s hands. "How did you know that? You read my mind!" Foxonian exclaimed. "I have that talent," Shiva began as she placed a slave on the wound which healed on contact. "But before you ask, Dominic does not. Even if he did, he would never use his psy talent to manipulate the feelings of his Lover. Rachel wasn’t "used" by him. He does Love her and her love is also genuine." "So why would knowledge of the two of you be a threat to Cassie and Rachel?" "The human vamps are not our only adversaries. Some of my kind hate us as well. For associating with mortal humans and furry-morphs. For not "turning" them as we should. For Dominic not accepting his place in the clan," Shiva replied as she stood up and walked over to where her sleeveless black mini dress lay. "What is Dominic’s place?" Foxonian asked. "He’s the Progenetor. The first of our kind. There are many in our clan who look upon him with almost godlike reverence. His refusal to acknowldege their praise and take his place as the head of the clan was not well recieved by some. They think that they can force him to accept his destiny if they use his lover and her friends as "pawns" in their crusade," Shiva said as she slipped on her leather mini-dress. "I think I begin to see," Foxonian began as he stood up and walked around the room a bit. "That’s good, but there is more," Shiva said as she slipped her leather "booties" on her human like black furred feet. "The human clan hates Dominic even more. They consider him to be the root cause of our existence. They plan to use him to wipe us all out. I’m not sure how as of yet, but I know he’s at the root of their plans. Although it hasn’t been declared, both the clan of human vampires and furry-morph vampires are in a state of war. Unfortuenly, Dominic’s decision to come into your lives has put all of you, Cassie, Rachel and her band mates in the crossfire." "How could he do this? Didn’t he know what he was putting Rachel through when he began to see her?" the human said as he began to dress himself in jeans and a plaid shirt. "Don’t blame him, Foxonian," Shiva said as she handed Foxonian one of the two cans of diet cola that she brought into the bedroom with her from the kitchen. "He fell in love again. I didn’t think it was possible. He was so close to his first lover, a human vampire named Carmilita. Her destruction was so hard form him to bear." Shiva then sat next to Foxonian as he put on his boots and drank her diet soda. Looking over at the sliverblack vixen, Foxonian was about to ask something, but Shiva once again read his mind. "She ended her existance. I don’t know how. Dominic couldn't bear to tell me. He did say that she felt so guitly for ’turning’ him in a fit of passion, she could no longer endure it. He almost did the same thing to himself, in a vain effort to follow her into the next plane. But he managed to gather his wits about him and soldier on. I’m so happy that he was able to let go of his sorrow and embrace Rachel. Despite all that comes with that Love." Shiva then looked at the wall of the room. "What’s the matter?" Foxonian said as he put his hand on the sliverblack vixen’s shoulder. Shiva then turned to look at the human and a smile formed on her fox-like muzzle. She then placed her hand on Foxonian’s and said, "I envy Cassie, you know. She has made a wonderful choice in a future husband. If you had not met her, I would have persued you myself." "Not for snack,I trust? Foxonian said as he quickly withdrew his hand.from Shiva’s shoulder. The silverback vixen let out melodic laugh (the first time Foxonian had ever heard her laugh) and said, "of course not! You are far too special for that!" "Mistress! Could I eat my dinner now?" Dominic thought as he pearched on top of a small box on the edge of the room. "In a moment. Wait for me outside," Shiva thought as she looked at the owl. As Gandolf flew out the window. Shiva stood up and said," I have to go feed Gandalf and resume my surveilence. You will keep you word and not tell anyone what I have just shared with you, unless ethier Dominic or I tell you it is time to do so?" "You have my word." Foxonian said as he looked into the face of the silverblack vixen. "Good. Now please get some sleep. I promised Cassie that you would be both safe and rested in my care until she returns in two weeks." In yet another suprise gesture, Shiva smiled and playfully tapped Foxonian’s nose with her index paw finger. As she walked out of the bedroom and he climed back under the covers,Foxonian knew that either he had just had one hell of a dream or his life was changed forever. He turned his head and saw the dark silhouette of a long-haired vixen standing on the snowcovered lawn with an owl on her outstreached arm staring into the moonlight. THE END