CUPID'S ARROW Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Laretta (Cassie's rhythm guitarist), Ben Mouse (Laretta's boyfriend), Alex (Cassie's drummer), Rafe (Alex's boyfriend), Cindy (Cassie's bassist), Victor (Cindy's boyfriend), Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's fiancee), Vixina, (Cassie's fiddler), Cloudchaser (Vixina's man), Rachel, (Cassie's keyboardist), Shiva, (Cassie's security chief) and Gandalf (Shiva's companion) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "The Guardian," Featuring Shiva (Cassie's security chief) and Foxonian (Cassie's fiance') at Please read the sequil, "Sign of the Times," featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's fiance'), Rachel (Cassie's keyboarist) and Cindy (Cassie's bassist) at All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina, who is created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor, who is copyright himself. "Due to the Holiday and such, this story does have some "mature themes." However,I felt that I tried to do this as tastefully as possible" --Foxonian "Cupid’s Arrow" As the sunlight began to set, the snow covered grass of NYC’s Central Park could be seen glowing with an golden sheen. Horse drawn carrages could be seen making their way slowly up and down the roads leading into and out of the park. Since it was the fourteenth of Febuary, love was in the air. In carrage, a tall, thin grey furry-morph wolfess could be seen riding alone. Or at least, that’s how it appeared. Upon closer inspection, the wolfess, with shoulder length black hair, with slight shades of multi-colors in it, was dressed in a long silver low-cut fancy evening gown. Over this, she wore a long woolen coat. The wolfess had a small mouse furry-morph, dressed in a black tux sitting on her right shoulder. As the carrage moved on, the mouse had his tiny hands on the wolfess’ face, kissing her passionately. "You are so sweet, Ben! A dinner at a fancy restuarant and a carrage ride throgh the park. I do love you so!" Laretta said in a sweet voice as she carefully gave the little mouse a kiss. "Anything for you, Sweet! I’m just lucky we could meet up to do this. Wasn’t wasn’t easy to arrange, but I got it all together," Ben replied as he snuggled up against Laretta’s breasts as she lovingly held him with her right hand paw so he wouldn’t fall. "I know what you mean. This tour has been a real stressful trip! We had gigs cancelled due to possible terrorist threats in the building we were playing in or the hotels we were staying at. *sigh* I just hope everyone else manages to see their loved one’s over the few weeks that we are off tour. I’m so happy that we could be together on this night, Ben. I missed you so!" Laretta the closed her eyes and rubbed her muzzle against the small mouse’s side. "And I missed you. Any chance you could sneek me on the road with you for a bit?" Ben said as he turned to lick Laretta’s muzzle. "You know how I would worry about you, dearest. Not because of your size, but because of all that seems to be happeneing. Ever since Cassie wedding was confirmed, I feel like we are all being watched somehow. I’m a little scared by it all. Especially,since I’m a bridesmaid in Cassie’s Party," Laretta replied. "And I’m an usher, remember?" Ben said with a laugh. "Okay. If that causes you worry, then I’ll just stay at home and we can work on getting together. That okay?" Ben said as he climbed down Laretta’s dress to the small bag of candy Valentine hearts that sat on the black vynyl carrage seat next to the wolfess. As the Laretta watched, Ben took two of the candy hearts and climbed up into the wolfess’ waiting cupped handpaws. "Thanks, Ben. Now, let's have some sweets, Sweet!" Laretta replayed with a laugh as she opened her mouth, so the little mouse could place a candy heart on her tounge. "Man! What a sappy movie! Why on earth did you rent this?" Alex, a white-arctic fox vixen with shoulder-lengh wavy hair said to the male bobcat furry morph that shared the sofa with her. "It was all I could get out of the video store, remember I had to work double shifts this week," Rafe said as he reached over Alex to garb the heartshaped box of choclates that sat in front of them. Alex continued to stare at the screen. She was wearing a red colored, frilled short length "nighty" over matching red satin bra and panty set that she got to get Rafe’s attention. Rafe, however, was dressed in a matching grey t-shirt and boxers that both said NYPD on them. "Oh, don’t be so grumpy. After all, I didn’t think we would be watching much of the movie," the bobcat said as he set the popcorn down and playfully lunged at the arctic fox vixen. Alex responed with giggles as she wrapped her arms and her small white furred body around Rafe. "Your’e right. After all, this is much better than some 30 year old thing called "Love Story" Alex said as she and Rafe began a long passionate kiss. "Come on,Vic! There’s a great wave coming!" Cindy exclaimed as she charged into the waiting surf. Wearing her black string bikini and clutching her surfboard, the snowleopard furry-morph waited as a large tiger-morph in dark blue swim trunks and holding a surfboard under his large shoulders came running down the beach. "Man! I see it! Hold on, I gotta catch that one!" Vic said, as he lay down on his board and paddled with his long arms toward the wave. As he contiued to struggle, Vic saw that Cindy was standing on her board and was riding the wavy toward him. "Vic!" Cindy began to yell. "Get on your board or you will get swept out! Hurry!" The tiger-morph quickly jumped up in time to catch the wave just to Cindy’s left. Vic gave a "thumbs-up" to the snowleopard who te blew him a kiss as they rode the wavy down to the beach. With the spotlight of the their cottage lighting up the beachfront and part of the Pacific Ocean, Vic and Cindy layed down and wrapped themselves around each other. Soon, only two sillouettes of two large cat furry-morphs could be seen moving slowly back and forth in a side to side motion off in the shadows. On the beach in the light, a black bikini top and a pair of dark blue swim trunks lay side by side where their owners had discarded them. "That looks so nice!" Foxonian said as he beheld the tall red fox vixen furry morph came into the main room of the lodge. Cassie had on light blue lace "teddie" accented by light blue stockings and garter straps. Her extremely long(down to her tail root) waavy center parted black head hair flowed like slow moving sail as she did a quick twirl to show her lover what she had bought. "I’m so happy you like it, Hon, It feels great," Cassie replied as she lowered herself onto the blanket in front of the roaring stone fireplace. The tall human, wearing a pair of drak blue satin boxers cradled the vixen in his arms and began to nibble at her left ear. "Just think, Love. Next year at this time, you and I will be Husband and Wife. Isn’t that a scary thought?" Foxonian said as he held Cassie against his chest. "Mmm. I’m not scared. It’s the one thing that means more to me than anything. Being your wife, that is. I’m so happy you asked me, after all this time," Cassie said as she layed her fox-like head aganst the human’s chest and slowly closed her eyes. As he gently strked her long waavy head hair, Foxonian felt Cassie’s long bushy fox-like tail rub against the side of his left leg in a slow, gentle motion. "Cass, I want you to know that I feel so sorry for not asking you sooner. I honestly didn’t know what effecct or marrage would have on our lives. I mean,you have your carrear and are in the media spotlight so much. If I was a furry-morph it might have..." Cassie then cut the human off by saying "Hush! Don’t talk like that, Hon. I love you because of YOU! Not because you are human or not. Okay? Please don’t feel so guilty about that.I told you once and I will repeat this ony my wedding day. I love you and will do anything you ask of me. I will even die for you if it came to that." "Don’t talk of dying. I couldn't live without you and I would be extremely pissed if you did that. But I get the hint," Foxonian then gave the red-foxen a passionate kiss. As they kissed, tears formed in both Cassie and Foxonian’s eyes. "I love you so much, Cass!" the human said as his tears began to flow. "I-I *sniff* love you so much as well! I want to be with you forever!" Cassie replied as she continued to return Foxonian’s kisses. As the wood fire continued to crackle in the stone fireplace,a human and a red fox vixen embraced in the orange glow. "That’s so purdy! Ah, cain’t get how nahce it looks up thar," Vixina said as she gazed up into the southern night sky. The stars were out tonight and it was rather warm to be stargazing. Especially in Febuary. "Yeah, but Ah’m with my gal, so that takes the chill off a bit," Cloudchaser said as he walked arm and arm with his lady love. The red wolf furry morph had on a black leather jacket, his usual "Cats" baseball cap and his dark blue jeans. In his arm, a bespectacalled red fox vixen with long dark red head hair also sported a matching black leather jacket that she wore over a short denim-mini-skirt. Both Clouchaser and Vixina walked down the dirt path near Cloudchaser’s house. The moon was so bright that you could see the path clearly. Good thing, since there were no electric light that far out in the Smoky MTs. of Tennessee. "Ah’m so happy Ah could have this Valentine’s Day to be with mah Love! It was gonna be a close one, but Ah’m glad Cass could get this time for us, huh Hun?" Vixina said as she placed her head against Clouchaser’s shoulder and lovingly sighed. "Me, too! Hey look! Is that a shooting star?" the red wolf said as he pointed up to the sky with his paw finger. "Really! Whar?" Vixina then quickly left Cloudchaser’s side and began to stare up at the starfilled sky, adjusting her wide-rimmed glasses as she did so. "Right here!" the red-wolf replied as he grabbed Vixina around the waist, pulling her around and planting a passionate kiss on her muzzle. "Ah, thet’s the kahnd a saht Ah always wanna see," Vixina giggled as she returned Cloudchaser’s kiss as the two figures embarced under the glow of the southern moon. "How Sweet! Thanks so much!" Rachel couldn’t believe her luck, An entire bouquet of black roses courtesy of her lover Dominic. "The least I could do for you, My Sweetness!" the collie morph replied as he hugged the gothic doe. They both had a splened candle lit dinner at Dominic’s condo. He had some of the furnature that he had inhereited from Carmilita’s estate moved into the place. It gave the small codo a Spanish look, since most of the furnishings came directly from the villa Dominic owned in Spain. "Now, the crowning touch. Open it, my Love!" Dominic then handed Rachel the small box that he slipped out the pocket of his dark blue Armani suit. Rachel looked at the collie morph for a moment,then opened the box. Inside,was a large diamond ring. Then placing his paw hands on the doe’s, he said "Rachel, Will you marry me?" Instead of replying, the gothic doe smiled and with tears in her eyes rapidly nodded. She then threw her arms around Dominic and said, "I’m the happiest I have been in a long time. I don’t want it to end! Thank you so much for asking me!" "Thank you so much for accepting, but.." Dominic then motioned Rachel to sit down next to him on the large "love-seat" sofa that was in the room with them. As the Rachel adjusted her gothic "beer-maid’s" dress and took Dominic’s hand-paws, the collie-morph continued, "I have much to tell you. About myself and about what awaits us. I admit that I should have told you this before I proposed to you, but I acted out of impulse. Everything was so perfect tonight, that I felt I had to ask you. Now, I must tell you all. You can still back out of our engagement if you so desire. I will not hold it against you, but .." Rachel then kissed Dominic’s cheek and said, "I wouldn't care if you were a vampire or something. I will marry you no matter what. Now please, go on." Dominic then paused for a moment to smile, then comtinued to continue tell his new fiancee everything as the city lights glowed in the distance from the windows of the condo. "Mistress! I will go out for a time." Gandalf thought to Shiva. "Very well. Tell me when you want to come in." Shiva replied as she opened the window of the small cottage that she shared with the owl. Wearing her usual white satin bra and matching satin panties, the silver black vixen with the long white flowing head hair padded over to her bedroom on her human-like black furred feet. When she reached the queensize bed, she laid down on top of the sheets and rested her head on the pillow. After a few moments she began to toss and turn. Opening her eyes and staring up into space, Shiva knew what the cause was. It was Valentine’s day. All the people she was in charge of and knew were now with their respective lovers. Since she had attuned herself to their emotional states in order to protect them better, she was now begining to feel all the passionate emotions flowing over her like a slow wave. As turned to lay flat on her back, Shiva felt her fangs begin to grow. Uncounsously, she began to spread her legs and massage her breasts with her paw hands. The emotions were getting stonger and the bloodlust was rising. In a flash of instinct,Shiva spang up and ran out of the cabin. Catching sight of the rabbit,the silverblack vixen dressed in only her underwear,pounced on the rabbit and dove into it’s neck. The animals blood staining her while bra a dark blotchy red. As she drank the rabbit dry and the feelings of passion began to subside, Shiva walked back to the door of the cottage. As she entered the doorway, she fell to the floor and began to weep bitterly. "Why does Cupid’s arrow make everyone else happy, yet wounds me?? It’s not fair! Why can’t I love someone??" The silverblack vixen cried as she ripped her bloodstaned bra off and flung it across the room. "Mistress! I’m back. Please me me in!" Gandalf asked as he stood on the sill of the window. With a heavy sigh, Shiva stood up and replied, "I’m coming." The silverblack vixen then put on a white t-shirt so she would look a little more modest and picked up the discared bra. She then let the owl in. As she shut the window, she gazed out into the night sky. Maybe someday, she would be granted her wish and the arrows wouldn’t hurt anymore. THE END