SIGN OF THE TIMES Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's fiance'), Rachel (Cassie's keyboarist) and Cindy (Cassie's bassist) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Cupid's Arrow," featuring Laretta (Cassie's rhythm guitarist), Ben Mouse (Laretta's boyfriend), Alex (Cassie's drummer), Rafe (Alex's boyfriend), Cindy (Cassie's bassist), Victor (Cindy's boyfriend), Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's fiancee), Vixina, (Cassie's fiddler), Cloudchaser (Vixina's man), Rachel, (Cassie's keyboardist), Shiva, (Cassie's security chief) and Gandalf (Shiva's companion) at Please read the sequil, "At First Glance," featuring Cassie, Cindy (Cassie's bassist) and an unnamed male 'coon morph at All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina, who is created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor, who is copyright himself. "Sign of the Times" "Hey, Cass! Take a gander down there!" Cindy yelled as she pointed the crowd outside the hotel. Coming over to the window, the Rock Vixen glanced down. Among the crowd, Cassie spotted at least three young vixens wearing the same outfit (light blue twin thigh slitted dress, accented by garters and light blue or brown nylon stockings on their legs. Each of the vixens had long black head hair (although one vixen had blond "fringes" on the ends of her hair). What Cassie found so funny was, that there were also Cindy lookalikes (one was a snow leopard, the other a white tigress who, even though she wore the same outfit that Cindy sported and had long white head hair with cornrow "bangs", she was nearly a good foot taller than Cindy.) as well as a doe dressed like Rachel and a small Fennec fox wearing a blond curly wig and a small red minidress (a close copy of Alex, but a good foot shorter). "Starting to see more of these cosplay fans. Kind of makes me wonder if one day, we could hire some of them to do our touring for us," Cindy said with a laugh. "Actually, some of the "cover" bands Slim and I have checked out are pretty spot on," Cassie said as she waved to the fans and blew a few kisses. "Really? How come you haven"t told me about them?" the snow leopard asked as she began to wave to the crowd. "Maybe she thought you would say no," Rachel said as she came into the hotel room. "Cassie? Foxonian is on the phone." The gothic doe said as she walked up to the window and began to wave to the cheering crowd. "Thanks! I was hoping he would call me," Cassie said. The rock vixen then walked over to the table and sat down on the chair next to it, crossing her stocking covered human like legs as she did so. "Hello, Hun. What"s up?" Cassie began. "Well, Dearest. It"s like this. Remember I once told you that I was thinking of going back to what I used to do before I met you?" The rock vixen felt a slight sinking feeling. She knew that her fiancé hadn't been happy doing the band"s business affairs. The first thing he did was to hire Andy, the wolf-morph away from his record company job to manage the band. Then he made the deal to have the band promoted by M T Productions(A furry-morph owned promotion Co. that was currently handling MetalMorph, among other acts.) It was clear to Cassie that her lover and future husband was reducing his role in order to do what he wanted, like resign. Since Cassie had made sure that Foxonian had no need for money (she had been diverting half of all her royalties, both current and past to a special account for him. Without his knowledge, since Foxonian had given himself a very modest salary out of the band's profits.) "Yes. I do. So, I take it that you are going back to being a writer?" Cassie said,in a sly tone of voice. "I can't surprise you anymore, Can I? the human said in a low even tone. Cassie let out a loud laugh and said" Dearest, I knew that you were unhappy about managing the band's affairs. I told you to keep at it because I wanted you to believe in yourself. You know that you have done a terrific job getting us to this point. But, you are right. We have gotten to big to be handled by just one or two people. That's why I was grateful that you turned us over to MT Productions." "Yeah, I took a big risk doing that. Since you didn"t say anything, I assumed it was the smart thing to do. I really want you guys to succeed. I think that you and the rest of ladies are almost there. But, my time with you guys has to end. I have this feeling it's for the best. Besides, I want to return to that novel I started." Foxonian replied. Cassie looked at the "come here" gestures from Cindy and Rachel and realized that she was going to have to end her phone conversation soon. "Hun," Cassie began, "I will be happy no matter what you decide to do. Go to our home, and write your novel. I'll tell Andy for you, since he's going to be stopping by for the band meeting later tonight. I'll tell the rest of the gang of your decision." "I love you, vixen!" Foxonian began in a tender voice, "tell the gang that I'll stop by during the tour from time to time. If anything, to see a certain beautiful lady I know." *giggle* "I hope you do. That "certain lady" I think, would miss you too much! Gotta go, Love! Be good! Cassie said. "Always, for you, Love! You be good, too! BYE!" the human replied as Cassie hung up the receiver. "So, how's Foxonian doing?" Rachel asked, seeing Cassie walk up to the window. "Much better, now. I think he's finally happy with himself," the Rock Vixen replied as she began to wave at the crowd once more. "That"s great! I know how always looked a little depressed whenever we had band meetings and such." Cindy replied,then whispered in Cassie's left ear, "did he quit?" Cassie then turned and whispered in the snowleopard's right ear, "He's NOT a quitter Cind. Don't ever say that about him again, kay? I mean it! He's doing what he wants and I love him for it. Just like we are doing what we want." Cindy then turned to look at the Rock Vixen and said, "Sorry, Cass. You are right. I wish him the best." "You guys might want to see what they are holding up," Rachel said as she pointed to the crowd of fans on the street. Cassie and Cindy saw a group of humans and furry morphs holding a gigantic banner that read "Humans and Furry-Morphs have one thing in common: WE LOVE CASSIE'S BAND!" Cassie, Cindy and Rachel hugged each other. Cassie, fighting back tears said, "just like Foxonian just told me, we are almost there. Now,I know we are going to succeed!" THE END