SIGN OF THE TIMES Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie, Cindy (Cassie's bassist) and an unnamed male 'coon morph Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Sign of the Times," featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's fiance'), Rachel (Cassie's keyboarist) and Cindy (Cassie's bassist) at Please read the sequil, "Golden Repast," featuring Featuring Rachel (Cassie's keyboardist), Dominic (Rachel's fiance) and Wu (Old friend of Dominic) at All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina, who is created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor, who is copyright himself. WARNING This story rated PG-13 for adult content "At first glance" Cassie sat at her dressing table. She felt tired after doing 3 sold out shows. As she touched up her eyeliner, the furry-morph vixen thought of the recent events in her life. Her fiancee, the human who called himself Foxonian, had basically quit all involvment in her carrear and was now at their home in the Berkshires of Massacusettes, writing his novel. She had just approved the final desgins on her wedding dress and with Cindy's help, finished the design of the brides maids dresses. That just left the tour to finnish. After some though and talks with the rest of the ladies in the band Slim and and his road crew and Shiva's security concerns the tour would end a month early. There was just too much to do to get her and Foxonian's wedding underway. With a slight sigh, Cassie as up and walked over to the sofa in the dressing room. The Rock Vixen then stretched out on it, allowing the folds of her light blue double-sltted dress to part, giving an ample view of the light brown nylon stockings and garters that graced her human-like legs and feet. Cassie leaned up slightly. She then placed a hand paw on her fox-like head and gently pushed back her huge mane of human-like black head hair, so the majority of the hair fell down behind her back. "Oh, I feel like I'm getting too old for this," Cassie thought as she closed her light blue, cat-like eyes. Just then the door opened and a familar snow leopard came in. Dressed in a light black t-shirt that for once didn't have any sayings on it, the snow leopard also sported a black leather mini-skirt and something else. "Hey,Cass.What do you think of these?" Cindy asked the reclining vixen. Cassie opened her eyes and saw Cindy sporting a small change to her usual attire. On each of her human like legs, the snow leopard now wore black sheer(except for the re-enforced heel and toe and the black like running up the back of each leg, Simmiar to Cassie's brown ones) nylon stockings. Each stocking anchored by a pair of back garter straps, jutting out in full view from under her black leather mini-skirt. On her human like feet, Cindy now sported strapless high heeled, open toed sandles, instead of the biker boots she had worn in the past. "I finally converted you,after all these years," Cassie said with a laugh. "Yeah. Actually, they were a gift from Vic. He always though I would look good in them, seeing how you wear yours, so he got me a few pairs and some garter belts. Mind you, I had a heck of time figuring out how to hook them up," Cindy said as she sat down on Cassie dressing room table chair and crossed hers stocking covered legs. "Would have been more than happy to show you," Cassie said as she sat up on the sofa, lifting her left leg out straight and running both her paw-hands down the length of her shapely human like left leg, adjusting her garter straps slightly. "Better get used to doing this in sudden manuvers. Keeps them looking smooth," Cassie said as she repeated the same procedure with her other leg. "Gotcha! I wanted to suprise you and all, so I really had to figure this out myself," Cindy then removed her sandles and practiced the same leg stocking adjustments that she observed Cassie performing. As Cassie watched Cindy, she let out a slight chuckle and said "see what you have been missing all these years?" "Yeah. You were right Cass. They feel just great! I love they way they feel against my leg fur. Plus, they give me more of a "tough babe" look that I think I want to nuture a bit." Cindy then padded over to where Cassie was sitting and taking a seat next to her began "Cass, listen. I know how I was ribbing you over Foxonian. I know that he didn't really want to do what he was doing, business-wise for us. He did it mainly for you and for that, I'm happy. Plus, he really did a pretty good job. But do you think he's really happy now?" "What do you mean, Cind?" Cassie asked. The snow leopard then turned slightly on the sofa to face the Rock Vixen before continuing, "Well, look. All he's doing now is spending his days in front of his word processor and writing. You told me he hasn't really gone anywhere, except to put gas in that old Dodge Intrepid he keeps hanging on to. I know Vic has invitied him out to spend some time with him at our place in Calfornia while we are on tour. But, each time Vic asks, Foxonian tells him he's in the middle something and can't go out. He hasn't seen you in over a month now and that has to be getting to him. I know it's been bothering Vic. Lord knows, I hear about it every time I call him." "Yes. I have been worried about him. He keeps telling me that he's making progress with his novel and that feels much better. It's just that I keep getting the impression that he's not telling me the whole truth," Cassie replied with a concerened look on her muzzle. "You think he's BS'ing you, don't you Cass?" Cindy said as she put her arm around the vixen sitting next to her. "I really don't know what to think." Cassie then smiled and put her arm around the snowleopard. "Thanks for being such a good freind to me, Cind. Even if I treat you a little had at times." "Hey, no sweat! By the way," Cindy then streched her stocking-covered legs out straight in front of her and said, "think they look good on me? Vic says so, but I would like an expert opinion." Cassie then parted the fold of her light-blue right thigh slitted dress. Now, with her legs exposed up to her underwear, the Rock vixen streched her own light brown stocking-covered legs out in front of her (so both Her's and Cindy's formed a row of nylon) and said," As good as mine look on me. Relax. Soon, you become so used to them, that you will feel undressed without them on." At that moment, a slight rap came on the dressing room door. A young male raccoon holding a clipboard looked in the door and began, "Ms. Vixina? 5 minutes to. Oh WOW!!!!" the young male furry-morph stopped and stared with eyes like saucers and his lower jaw nearly hitting the floor at the two pairs of shpaely, siky, very sexy legs and feet pointing in his direction. "What's the matter, dude? Haven't you seen a gal's legs before??" Cindy said with an evil grin that began to spread to Cassie. "Uh-Uh... Yeah. Y-Y your instruments are onstage and it's 2 minutes to showtime. I-I I'll tell them you are almost ready," the then sweating raccoon morph began to slowly back out of the dressing door. All the while Cassie and Cindy still held their stocking covered legs out straight, flexing their toe-paws seductively as they did so. Cindy then quickly whispered in the vixen's ear. With an evil grin, Cassie then called to the young furry morph male. "Excuse me. Could I ask you something?" Cassie said in an innocent voice. The still nervoius raccoon male, slowly re-opened the door, this time he saw the snow leopard lying on top of the red fox vixen, who was now on her back. Both had intertwined their stocking covered legs and were kissing each other in tight embrace on the sofa. "M-M-Ma'am??? the raccoon morph replied, looking like he was having a massive stroke over the suggestive eroticisim he was witnessing. "Could you take my guitar picks up to the stage? One of the roadies for go to. Thanks!" Cassie replied as she snuggled next to Cindy, who, as she lay on top of Cassie, sported one of those "want to join us?" expessions so common in prono vids. "S-Sure thing. Bye!" The raccoon-morph then made a speedy exit. Cindy then sepereated from Cassie and began rolling with laughter, "Way to go Cass! We gave that guy the biggest thrill of his life!" With a slight sigh, Cassie replied, I don't know how you talk me into doing this crazy stuff." "Aww, C'mon Cass. It was fun! I'm gonna cherish the look on his face all night. Can't wait to tel Vic about it. He's gonna be in stiches!" Cindy replied as she walked over and put on her open toed sandles and headed for the door. "He might not be so happy if he read in a tabloid that you and I were lovers. Remember, you can't judge a book by it's cover and our little shenanigans just a few minutes ago would be perfect fodder for them. Worse, if that little guy had a concealed camera on him," Cassie replied as she put on her light blue autographed pumps and proceeded to follow the snowleopard out the door. "You worry to much, vixen! He's just a stage hand. How would he know what we were going to do?" Cindy said as her words echoed down the corrdor of the back stage area. In a dark room a figure could be seen working on two color plates. As they began to deveop, the figures of a red fox vixen in a low-cut sleveless blue dress that had its thigh slit opened to reveal the light brown stockings, garter straps and light blue satin panites that she was wearing. The vixen was lying on a sofa on her back. On top of her was a snow leopard with long white head hair and cornrow braids. She had on a light black t-shirt, black mini dress, hiked up so that part of her black satin panties were visible. Also two black garter straps could bee seen coming over the panties and attaching to a pair of RHT nylon stocking covered legs, intertwined with the light brown stocking overed legs of the vixen. Both the vixen and the snow leopard were kissing each other on the muzzle and had their arms wrapped around each other in a loving embrace. As the picture came into focus, the dark figure placed it on a wire to dry. The individual then pulled out his cell and began to dial. "Hello. It's me. It's taken me quite a while, but I finnaly have what you are looking for. Yep! Both of them, in a picture that is just too perfect for words. Yes. I know that's what we agreed to, but I could easly sell this to any fur mag and make 3 times what you are gonna give me. I mean, look who is in it for Pete's sake!" As the next few picks of Cindy and Cassie were hung up to dry, a pause fallowed, then the individual began to speak. "Okay. Okay. That's fine. I'll have the prints and the negatives brought to you tonight. Now, what name should I ask for when I come by? You never did tell me what your name was." With a slight flick, an over head light was turned on,revealing a young raccoon morph. "Lucy. That's all? Just Lucy? Okay. I'll ask for you. Bye" The raccoon morph cuckled to himself as he looked at the miniature camera that he wore on his lapel when he entered the Rock Vixen‘s dressing room. It cost him a lot to get this little jewel, but boy, was he going to be rich from it. All the months of hanging out near the band, disgusing himself as a stage hand from time to time had now borne fruit. With a good deal of glee, the raccoon morph walked out of the room and turned off the light again. THE END