GOLDEN REPAST Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Rachel (Cassie's keyboardist), Dominic (Rachel's fiance) and Wu (Old friend of Dominic) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "At First Glance," Featuring Cassie, Cindy (Cassie's bassist) and an unnamed male 'coon morph at Please read the prequil, "Damage Control," Featuring Cassie and Foxonian (Cassie's fiance') at All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina, who is created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor, who is copyright himself. "So,what do you think of this fine repast that has been so carefully prepared for us?" Dominic and Rachel nodded and smiled as their host, an 8 ft tall gold dragon named Wu asked his question. Dominic had been a little reluctant for Rachel to meet Wu, given his somewhat " shaded" repuation. True, Wu did run a legitimate foreign export business and was quite weathy from it. It was his contacts with various criminal elements that operated out of the Orient, that bothered the collie-morph. He didn’t want his betrothed to get too close to that side of the world. The Chinese restaurant Wu chose was located in the heart of Chinatown in NYC. Being one of the few Morphic Dragons in the whole city, Wu had the singular distinction of being treated like a celebrity wherever he went. Most Chinese humans and many furry-morphs of Asian extraction tended to view Morphic dragons (gold ones in particular) as being fountians of wisdom and knowlege. Dominic knew that a lot of this was due to ancient human folklore, that many furry-morphs who grew up amoung Asian humans absorbed. What did bother him was the way that Wu and others of his kind both played up and reaped the benefits of those who believed. It was a form of exploitation that the collie-morph found disgusting. Stil, Wu was an old friend and had saved his fur on quite a few occasions. Especially when the human vamps were after him. The golden dragon morph reached into the vest pocket of his green suit and pulled out a small gold plated pocket watch that had Chinese numerals instead of the Roman ones more commonly known. Lowereing his tall snakelike head so that it was almost level with the table, Wu studied the watchface for a moment. Then, in a very graceful move, the dragon-morph raised his reptilian head, accented by two long rope like feelers that sported from each side of his muzzle and curled around the latter, so it looked like the dragon morph sported a 19th century curled moustache. Like the kind that old villans wore, as they tied helpless women to railroad tracks in old silent films of that era. Placing the watch in his pocket, Wu loked toward the waiting staff of Chinese humans and furry-morphs (2 redpanda femmes and two red fox femmes, dressed in close fitting sarongs that ended just above the knee). Wu then let out a snort (creating a hint of smoke) and thumped his snakelike tail, tipped with a triangular shaped stud once. As if they had been lit on fire, all six waitressess cleared the table in record time and placed a bowl for fortune cookies the center. All three water glasses were re-filled and with courtieous bows to Wu, the restaraunt staff returned to the corner of the room and began cleaning and setting up tables for the evenings dinner crowd. "I must say I have never before encountered a lady like yourself, Miss Rachel. Dominic is a very rich man, indeed for befriending a woman so fine as you" Wu said lowering his smiling face so that his head was level with Rachel’s. Upon hearing the Wu, Dominic rolled his eyes and turned to whisper in the deer femme’s right ear, "watch this old fellow. He will smother you with compliments while triying to pump you for information. Just be carful what you say." "No need to caution her. I’m quite certian Miss Rachel is a most honest and forthright person, yes?" Wu replied as he jerked his snakelike head quickly in the direction of Dominic. "Damn! Frogot those hidden ears of yours are that good," the collie said. "Thank you Wu for being so nice a host. I’m very grateful for all you have done for Dominic over the years. Rachel said as she broke open her fortune cookie. The golden dragon-morph then clasped his claw-like hands across his chest and lowering his long head and closing his snake-like eyes replied, "I am most honored, gracious lady." "Any news on that little matter we talked about before, WU?" Dominc said as reached under the table and took the doe-morph’s right hand in is, causing Rachel to turn and give him a loving smile. "All is proceeding according to plan. A resolution will soon be at hand. Now,I must ask, if I might be forgiven so bold question, have you made any plans yet for your upcoming nupuals?" "Not yet, we are still trying work out being involved in Cassie’s wedding, since we are each in the wedding party," Rachel said. "Ah, yes! I am most greatful to have been given an invitation to attend so important an occassion ." "So,you are coming?" Dominic asked. "Of course! It would be dishonorable to refuse. I have even offered the services of Mr. Lee in planning the reception," The dragon then motioned with his left hand to a middle-aged Chinese human dressed in a black suit accented with a red tie. Mr. Lee gave a wide smile and a bow and then proceeded to speak in Mandrin to a one of the red fox vixen morphs setting tables. "Did Cassie and Foxonian take you up on your offer?" the gothic doe asked. "Most certianly! Both are quite familar with Mr. Lee’s repuation in the area of authentic Mandarin Sezchuan cuisine." Wu replied as began to use his long, slender forked tounge to lap up water in the glass in front of him. Dominc continued to be amazed the grace and dexterity that the dragon-morph used when did this. Wu never spilled a drop and managed to empty the glass within a minute. "In addition, I am supplying a wedding gift from my gallery. A fine exampile of the Hunan Dynasty, I might add." "What is it?" Dominic asked, knowing with Wu it could be anything from a piece of furnature to sculpture. "Alas, It would not be proper to reveal my gift before the bride and groom see it. You will have to wait," Wu replied with a solemn look on his snake-like muzzle. "Translation: He hasn’t a clue what to give them" the collie morph thought to himself with a smirk foring on his muzzle. Just then Mr. Lee ented and whisperd something into Wu’s left ear hole. The Dragon-morph moved his head up and down in the gesture of a nod. The dragon then stood up as Mr. Lee carefully moved his chair, so as not to have his long scaled tail get caught. From his vantage point sitting at the table, Dominic only now realised just how large Wu was. With his neck at full stretch and his arm extened,he towered a good 8 ft. Fortunately, Wu tended to keep his head at half that height, so he could avoid most ceilings and doorways. "A thousand pardons, but I must attend to my business affairs. Everything has been taken care of, since you are my guests. You are free to remain if you wish. Mr. Lee has an excellent dinner special prepared." Dominc and Rachel looked at each other before Rachel said," Thank you, but we really have to get going. I have to meet Cassie and Cindy tomarrow for an informal meeting. Mostly around the wedding. You understand." "And I have a meeting with Shiva," Dominic added. "Of course. I bid you both good evening. I hope we can do this again soon. I so enjoy your company," Wu said with a slight bow before he left. As Rachel and Dominic left the restaraunt, the gothic-doe turned to ask the collie morph "Is that guy for real? He talks like a bad Charlie Chan impersonator and why does everyone in Chinatown treat him like he’s Elvis?" "He’a very powerful figure. Has connections going back to Far East. He’s not to be trifled with or made fun of, if you get my meaning." Domnic said as he looked at the doe with a very stern expression. "You mean he’s like a Crime Boss or something?" Rachel asked. "For you own sake, keep your speculations about him to a minimum. All you need to know is that he is an old and dear friend of mine and I trust his jugement. Since you are my best friend, you can consder Wu to be a good friend also. So can Cassie and Foxonian, since Wu seems to have taken a liking to them," Dominic said as bet down to kiss the gothic doe as the two of them stood in front of Rachel’s vintage 58 Chrysler New Yorker convertable that was parked on the street two blocks up from the restaurant. As both turned to get in, Rachel asked Dominc, "Does Wu have a part to play in all this Vamp business you and Shiva are in? "Oh,yes. And be thankful we have him. The storm is coming and we need all the help we can get." Rachel silently nodded and started the car. THE END