MONEY TALKS Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Lucy (Cassie's nemesis) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Damage Control," Featuring Cassie and Foxonian (Cassie's fiance') at Please read the sequil, "Parental Guidance," Featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's fiancee) and Mark "Sparky" Robinson (Cassie's father) at All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina, who is created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor, who is copyright himself. Money Talks "I'm sure that you will find our offer quite generous. After all, pictures like these don't come along that often," the dark suited male ocelot said as he handed the document to the individual seated across the table. Dressed in her black leather pants, matching boots and a black tube top, the furry morph lynx with shoulder-length dark brown hair grabbed the document and began to sign on the space indicated. "Finally, I'll get even with that vixen for the crap she gave me. I just can't understand why no other tabloid or mag wanted to take my call about them. Do they really think that the "Rock Vixen" is that big a goddess?" Lucy replied with irritation. It's clear that our competion doesn't appreciate such important material. You should have called us first," the ocelot said as he folded the document into his briefcase. "You understand the terms of the document you just signed," the ocelot added as he took the folder of photographic negitives and pictures from the lynx's pawhand. "Oh, yes," Lucy began, "I am not to discuss these pictures with anyone else but your publication, else I forfet my royalties, etc. etc. Now, how about that first check? I do have to live, you know." "Ahh, yes. Here you are. I understand that you are out of work again, since that last band dumped you," the ocelot asked as he took a bank check out of his suit pocket and handed it to the lynx femme. "Oh, they just don't appreciate good talent. Don't believe all that talk of me showing up drunk and trying to assault that female guitartist. Heck, how did I know she was a lesbian?" Lucy replied with a surprised look on her catlike face. "The rumor goes that YOU were the one who tried to put the moves on her and that she was the one saying you were the lesbian, I believe." the ocelot said with a slight smirk on his muzzle. "Yeah, well, don't believe everything you hear," Lucy said as she held the check up to the celing light for a moment before stuffing it in her tube top. "Is the matter of the photographer you hired settled?" the ocelot said as he opened the door to Lucy's apt. and motioned to the suited tall bision furry morph standing in the corridor. "How should I know? The guy just up and dissappeared! His place is empty, all his studio stuff gone. I did some checking to see if he was going to screw me over and give the picks to someone on his own, but no one has heard from him in weeks. What's odd is even the cops don't seem to care that he's missing. I mean, what gives?" the lynx femme replied as she opened the door wider for the ocelot. "It's a mystery to be sure. However,we can assume that we have all the pictures in our posession,yes?" the ocelot said with a slightly stern look on his face. "Those are all of them, except for the copies that I sent to the vixen bitch herself," Lucy replied with a nervious laugh. "Excellent. If you have any questions about your payments or our agreement, please don't hesitate to call my office. Good day!" the ocelot said as he walked down the corridor. Lucy looked at the fellow for moment, then closed and locked her apt. door. As the ocelot walked to the waiting limo, the male bison morph walking along side handed a cell phone to the ocelot. "For you Sir. It's the Boss," the bison said in a deep voice that sounded almost like tuba. The ocelot took the cell phone and replied "It's all done, Sir. We have the items in question and will bring them to you. The photographer has been taken care of. Yes. Our men in the police dept closed the investigation quickly. Yes Sir. For the usual fee. Yes. We will keep the lynx on our payroll for now. If she tries anything, we have our own photos of her and the female rabbit guitarist in far more "intimate" positions than Ms. Vixen or Ms. Mcormick were. Yes. I know that we owe all the other tabloids something for not picking up those pictures. I suggest we hold our "suggestive" picks of the lynx for now. She will do herself in soon, I'm sure. Very well. I'll be there shortly. Good bye." As he pushed the button on the speaker phone off, the large golden dragon looked across his desk of ornate carved rosewood at the collie morph and dark sliverblack vixen morph seated in rosewood high back chairs. "Is this satisfactory to you both?" Wu said with a large toothful grin on his reptilian like face. "It will do. But we will watch Lucy. She still cannot be trused," Shiva repled, her foxlike face looking almost un-emotional. "I trust you will keep her payents going for your usual length of time Wu?" Dominic asked. "Slightly longer, then I will have to cut my losses," Wu said. Dominic nodded,knowing that when Wu refered to cutting his loss, it usually meant cutting someone's throat. "Excellent! As always, I'm am most happy to assist you with anything, my dear friend," Wu then snaped his two claw-like fingers on his right hand. A red panda femme dressed in a kimono brought a large "take out" white cardbord box on a golden tray. The red-panda femme smiled, folded her pawhands across her chest and bowed to Wu before leaving. "A gift from Mr. Lee to you and your beloved. His pu-pu platter. I hope your evening meal is filled with good fortune," Wu replied as slight whisps of smoke began to come from his nostrils.The golden dragon then handed a small box that he removed from a drawer in his desk to Shiva who stood up took the gift and bowed to the dragon out of courtesy. "Since it is so rare that I have the privilage of seeing such a beatiful woman as yourself, I felt a keepsake would be in keeping," Wu said as he looked at Shiva. The sliverblack vixen opened the box. A small white jade fox with intricate carvings on it's base stared back at her. "I am honored. Thank you Wu," Shiva said respectfully. "Not at all. Now, I bid you both good day. I look forward to seeing you at Ms. Vixena's wedding in a few weeks. It will be quite a special event,yes?" Wu asked as he showed his guests to the door of his export shop. "It will indeed. Thanks again Wu. Good-bye," Dominic said as he and Shiva walked down the sidewalk in NYC's Chinatown, where Wu's store was located. "I'm glad that this matter is settled. Cindy was compleatly distraught over it. Not a good thing, with the wedding coming quickly," Shiva said as she walked with the collie-morph. "I know. I'm glad that Cassie and her boyfriend Victor were able to put her at ease. The destruction of the photos will take care of the rest." Dominic then checked the take out box for moment and said "Listen. Wu's Mr. Lee has given us more than enough food here. Why don't you have dinner with Rachel and I? It's a long way back to Vermont and you haven't had a chance to eat." Shiva smiled for a moment, then said, "Thanks, but no. I want to get back and prepare for my meeting with my team. The planning for the wedding security is nearing completion. Have a good time. Bye." Shiva then touched the fox-head amulet around her neck and slowly vanished before the collie-morph's eyes. "She should be more discret with that teleportation amulet," Dominic thought to himself as hailed a cab to take him to his beloved. THE END