PARENTAL GUIDANCE Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's fiancee) and Mark "Sparky" Robinson (Cassie's father) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Money Talks," Featuring Lucy (Cassie's nemesis) at Please read the sequil, "Wedding Bells," Featuring Featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's husband), Mark "Sparky" Robinson (Cassie's father), Vanessa (Cassie's mother) and others too numerous to list at All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina, who is created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor, who is copyright himself. Parental Guidence "What are you thinking about,Love?" Cassie asked as she saw her human fiance looking at the view of the Berkshire hills from the balcony of the converted ski lodge the two shared. Foxonian glanced at Cassie a moment. The morphic red fox vixen was wearing a light blue t-shirt that said "Cassie's band" in dark blue letters across the front, dark blue denim skirt that ended just above the knee and had a slit in the rear for the vixen's large luxurious fox-like tail to poke through and a pair of light blue sneakers on her human like furred feet. Cassie's very long black head hair fell in long flowing waves down to the base of her tail. She had a look of concern in her cat-like blue eyes, even if a playful smile was on her fox-like muzzle. "Oh, just starting to get some pre-wedding jitters, I guess. Sure we are doing the right thing?" the human asked. Cassie then walked over and placed her human like arm around Foxonian's waist. She then placed her head on his shoulder and replied in a slow slutry voice "Oh, I'm sure. Are you? Please say yes." The human then turned and looked Cassie in the eyes and said, "Yes I am " He then turned his head slightly to the left to his lips would meet the waiting muzzle of his betrothed. "Hee! Hee! Your face still tickles!" Cassie said. Over the last two months, Foxoninan had grown his hair long and also now sported a beard and moustache. When Cindy and Victor first saw him last week (the tiger and snow leopard decided to rent a small lake cottage down the road, so they could be around to help the future couple with their wedding plans. Foxonian speculated the both of them were actually hanging around to plan bachellor and batcherette parties for each of them), they remarked that he bore a strong resemblence to the guy who played that Van Helsing fellow in the movie that came out a few months ago. "I thought you said you liked my new look?" the human asked in a slightly hurt tone. "I do! It's just that your beard tickles!" Cassie replied with a slight laugh. "Now you know what I have had to endure since I first met you. After all, you have a furrier face than me," Foxonian added with a smile on his face. "Okay, you got me there. Still like what I gave you for your birthday last week, Hon?" Cassie asked as she began to stroke her lover's back with her long, wide fox-like tail. "Always. Oh, you mean the gift?" Foxonian said as he dodged the playful slap Cassie was about to give him. The rock vixen, in addition to a pic of herself in the light blue lingerie that Foxonian always loved to see her in, had bought the human a vintage tobacco Sunburst 1960 Gibson Les Paul electric guitar. She also gave him a Marshall 100 watt "bluesbreaker" combo amp to plug it into. Both items were very expensive and at first the human was a little nervous about accepting it. But, Cassie said he knew he had great potential and even though he was old (for a beginner) at 39, she knew he could still be as good a player as her. She even offered to help him if he asked. "I love it as much as I love you. Actually, I love you more, but you know what I mean!" Foxonian said with a slight nervousness in his voice. "As for the 'other' gift, you just wait till our wedding night!" Cassie said excitedly. "I will cherish that night for the rest of my days," the human said as he bent down to kiss the red fox vixen again. "As will I, My Love!" Cassie replied and returned the human's kiss. "Hey. How are you two love birds doing?" a familar voice echoed from the front screen door of the cottage. Cassie and Foxonian walked trough the cottage to the parlor. There was a familar figure of a red fox furry morph in a dark blue suit & tie, dark blue fedora and wearing dark sunglasses. A cigarette holder hung out of his fox-like muzzle. In it, a cigarette that smelled like a glade air freshener burned slightly. "Hi Daddy! C'om on in!" Cassie said excitedly as she let Sparky through the door. "Thank you little vix! My, what you two have done with this place! I remember when it still had the skis staked over there," Sparky said, pointing in the direction of the main living area. "Thanks, Spark. I was a lot of work and money, but we like it," Foxonian replied as he took the fox's hat and placed it on a wall hook near the door and proceeded to show him to the large sofa. "Where's Mother?" Cassie asked, bringing in a large iced club soda with a lemon for her father to drink. "Oh, she's in town getting our place just right. You know how your mother is when she stays in a strange place," the older fox morph replied as he placed his cigarette holder in the ash try that Foxonian had brought in and placed on an end table for him." "Daddy, You and Mother could have stayed with us. We have more than enough room here. You didn't have to rent space in a bread and breakfast!" Cassie said as she hugged her father. "Oh, you two don't need a pair of older folks like the two of us, under foot. Besides, your mom and I want to do some sightseeing and such. We don't get up here too often, due to your mom's concert sechedue and my blues gigs. We are kind of looking at it as a second honeymoon. As such, we kind want to 'do are own thing," dig it?" "Hah! Spark you are something else!" Foxonian said with a grin, knowing that Cassie's mother tends to be a pragmatic type. Only a fox like Sparky would be coy enough to use his own daughter's wedding as an excuse to spend a romantic vacation with his wife. Especially, since Vanessa would rather have spent the time practing on her Irish Harp at home then doing something so "frivilous." "How long can you stay, Spark?" the human asked as he poured a glass of diet soda for himself and another one for Cassie. "About about an hour or so. Your mother wants to go meet a collegue of hers at Tanglewood. Since I have the rented car, I have to go bring her there," Sparky said as he took a sip of his club soda. "Take it you aren't going to stay for the concerts they have up there." Foxonian said with a smirk on his face. "Foxonee, you know I would be snooozing if I did! Now, I love my wife dearly, but her music puts me out like a light!" the older fox said pushing his shades down, so his blue cat-like eyes could be seen. "So Mother has remarked many times, Daddy!" Cassie said with a grin. "Yeah, well. She doesn't think to highly of my blues so I guess that's only fair. Hey, Foxonee. How's your dad doin'? Haven't heard much since all that stuff came down last fall," Sparky asked. Foxonian and Cassie gave each other concerned looks.Foxonian's Dad suffered a stroke was was now in a nursing home. His memory was also effected, so that he didn't recognise his son or where he was. Foxonian's mother made the 20 mile trip 7 days a week to spend the day with his dad. Foxonian went to visit his father when he could, sometimes with Cassie if she was off tour or with his sister. As such, it looked now like only his sister would be at the wedding. As far as the human's two brother's were concerned, both had disowned him for having a "perverted" realtionship with a "freak." Just as well, since he wanted nothing to do with either of them, anyway. Especially since neither one ever visted their dad in the home. "The same, Spark." Foxonian said quietly. "That's a real shame. He's a really nice guy. I tried to visit him once, but I guess they are only allowing close relatives in that place he's in," Sparky replied. Cassie and I are planning to go to the home before we get to the wedding reception. We will both be in our wedding garb when we see him. If you want to come along, I know my dad would like to see you again," Foxonian said and Cassie nodded "You and mother are more than welcome to join us!" "That's mightly sweet of you both! I'll ask your mom about it, but I would love to see my old friend, no matter what's wrong with him," Sparky said as he looked for a moment at the clock in the kitchen "Dang! Gotta go get your Mom! Thanks for the drink, kids!" Sparky said as he got up and gave his daughter a big hug and kiss. "You and Vanessa are always welcome here!" Foxonian said as he shook the older fox's paw hand. "Speaking of which, you and mother are coming to dinner here Sat. night?" the rock vixen asked as she handed her father his fedora. "Woludn't miss it for anything! Bye!" the older fox said as he climbed into the rented 2004 black Lincoln Town Car. As he drove off, Foxonian remarked, "Hate to say it, Love, but driving that car,your dad looks all the world like mob enforcer." "Hee! Yeah, he does at that," Cassie said as she hugged her human lover. "Think you could show me how to play the theme from "The Godfather" on the Les Paul? Might want to suprise your dad with it someday!" Foxonian said with a playful grin. "You!!!" the rock vixen replied as she gave Foxonian a passionate kiss. THE END