WEDDING BELLS Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's husband), Mark "Sparky" Robinson (Cassie's father), Vanessa (Cassie's mother) and others too numerous to list Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Parental Guidance," Featuring Featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's fiancee) and Mark "Sparky" Robinson (Cassie's father) at Please read the sequil, "Immaculate Reception," Featuring XXXXX at You can see two images meant to go with this story here 2nd pic l-r.  Victor, Cindy, Cassie, Foxonian, Cloudchaser, Vixina, Rafe', Alex, Laretta, Ben (in Laretta's lap), Rachel and Dominic. All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina and Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor, who is copyright himself. Wedding Bells "How do I look?" Foxonian asked the red wolf furry morph as he adjusted the white bow tie of his tux. "Scared to death, but otherwise normal." Cloudchaser replied with a wolfish grin. Foxonian had to admit, he was a little scared. After all, marryng your lover was a big step. The human looked out the window of the small side room in St. Margret's Catholic Chruch. He could see a tall silver black vixen with long white flowing hair taking into a headset mike and earpiece. Shiva was dressed in a black satin dress that ended just below the knee. She had on her black leather thigh high boots and wore a white corsage on front of the dress, just above her right breast. Foxonian noticed Shiva holding her right paw hand up to the headset in her right ear. She nodded a few times, motioned with the same paw hand to some unseen security personel and then walked across the side lawn and out of view. "Something up?' Clouchaser asked as he peered out the same window. "No. Nothing. Shiva seems to have evrything in hand," the human said as he turned to look at the red wolf furry morph. "I'll say. She sure has done a great job keeping all those tabloid reporters at bay," Cloudchaser replied as he pointed to the barricades across the street from the church where a large group of reporters and photographers were being kept in place by both the local police and Shiva's own security force. *Knock,Knock* Cloudchaser opened the door, revealing a tall lion furry morph waering a priest's cassock. "Okay, gentlemen. It's time to go. Still want to go ahead, Foxonian?" Father Michael said with a slight smirk on his leonine face. "Of course. Otherwise, You will have to perform Last Rights on me, if Cassie ever heard of it," the human said with a straight face. "Sorry I asked," Father Michael said with a laugh. Just then,one of the altar boys, a raccoon furry morph about 12 years of age holding a gold-cased large leturgical bible arrived, followed by a another altar boy, this time a human kid with dark hair, around the same age as the raccon youth. The human altar boy held a large lit altar candle. Both youths waited paitently in the hallway just outside the door. "Okay, let's go. Don't worry, you will be fine. If it's any consolation, your bride is in the same condtion as you," Father Michael winked as he motioned to Cloudchaser and Foxonian to take positions behind him as the furry morph priest followed the two altar boys out of the small room into the main body of the church. As he entered the large gothic chruch and approched the altar, the human heard all the wedding guests suddenly rise from their pews. Taking a quick look around at those in attendence, Foxonian saw his sister taking with Cassie's mother, the red fox vixen Vanessa. Vanessa was dressed in a fine off white dress, that she often wore during her harp recitals. Foxonian's sister wore the same tan dress she wore at their cousin's wedding a few years back. The human kind of chuckled that she still had it, since she wasn't all that fond of it. At least she was here. A few days ago, Foxonian's father had gotten a severe infection. The doctors were monitoring his condition. Foxonian's mother had to stay with him, since he was constantly calling for her. It was a hard decision, but both Foxonian and Cassie told her to stay at the home. Besides, both the future bride and groom planned on stopping by to see Foxonian's father on the way to the reception. Not counting Foxonian and his sister, there were very few humans present in the church. One human that Foxonian was very pleased had accpted his invitation, was an artist named Jennifer. She had rendered beautiful drawings of Cassie and her band that later appeared in concert posters and t-shirts. Jennifer had on a black strapless dress that ended with a wrap around hem line just above the knee. The dress was accented by a pair of black open toed sandles and a small pink rose just above her left breast. Jennifer gave a wave and smile from her second row position (just behind the "reserved" section), next to Foxonian's sister. Sitting behind Jennifer, was the dragon morph-Wu and his entourage (a red fox vixen morph, female red panda morph and a female calico cat morph, all dressed in komonos, a group of assorted male dog morphs all dressed in dark blue suits wearing ear pieces). The human noticed how Wu and the human Jennifer were talking quite often, the human giggling at Wu's comments. The other side of the church had large contingent of Cassie's father's blue's buddies. They reminded Foxonian of those "scat cats" from the old Disney animated cartoon of which he couldn't remember the title of. Sitting just behind them, were Slim's road crew. Foxonian still had memories of the bachelor party they gave him. 4 hours of non-stop mayhem, culimnating in a the typical girl popping out of the cake bit (except this girl was a cougaress furry-morph with a long luxurious golden head hair, who also had far too much to drink before begining her act. So much so, that she started her "strip tease" sawying so much, that she made Foxonian seasick just looking at her. This followed by her passing out on the floor while trying to unfasten her bra. The party ended with the paramedics coming and Foxonian being whisked out of the rented hotel room by Andy, the band's furry morph gray wolf manager and Cloudchaser. "Get ready. Here they come," Cloudchaser motioned with his head to yet another altar boy (a young tiger morph) who was holding a large staff topped with a gold cross. Behind him,a procession of furry ladies and gentlemen walked arm in arm toward the altar where Cloudchaser and Foxoinan stood to one side and Father Michael stood in front of two kneelers that were placed side by side in the center of the isle for the bride and grooms use. Each bridesmade wore a light red strapless dress that ended just above their ankles. The dresses were drimmed in matching lace and had a modest cut to the bodice. The only exceptions were the ones worn by Cindy as Cassie's Maid of Honor and Rachel's. The snow leopard's dress was a lighter shade, almost "pink" in color, and had floweral designs stiched into the material. The bodice was also cut lower, but not too low. Rachel's dress was different at the gothic doe's insistance (she even paid to have it made, despite Cassie's offer to do so). The dress was dark grey in the same design as those of the other bride's maids, except that the hem was accented by dark roses (and Rachel's laced black combat boots could be seen just below the end of the dress. Sharp contrast to the light red pumps and tan sheer stockings that all the other bridesmaid's wore). As they walked down the isle, each bridesmaid had her "beau" in tow. The only exceptions were Vixina, since Cloudchaser was standing up with the groom. Andy, the band's wolf manager subbed for the red wolf. The other was Laretta. Although Ben, her small mouse boyfriend was dressed in his tiny tux, he was far too small for the processional, so Slim the otter morph who ran Cassie's road crew, took the wolfess's arm (However, Ben did walk down the isle with his love, in her bodice, jumping out to sit on the rail of the usher's pew when the wolfess walked close enough.) As he looked, Foxonian noticed that Dominic, Rachel's lover and collie-morph of a "nocturnal" nature, was quite agitated. He seemed to act like he was sitting on a pile of red hot coals. He also kept twisting his muzzle in expressions of complete discomfort, if not outright pain. Then it struck the human. If the collie-morph was truely vampiric, being on "hallowed ground" must be sheer tourture for him. Indeed, this explained why Shiva was staying outside the church and running her security force from that point. She couldn't cross the church's threshold. The very fact that Dominic did and was so far, holding his own, said a lot about the loyalty of the man to his friends and his devotion to Rachel. However, if he continued to behave like a victim in a Preparation H ad, he would ask Rafe (the bobcat cop and Alex's boyfriend) who was sitting next to him, to discretely take him out of the church via a side door for some air. "Hold still, Daddy! It's almost time to start down the isle!" Cassie said as she adjusted the corsage in her father's tux buttonhole. "Oh, don't make such a fuss, little vix! It's just fine," Sparky said as he beheld his daughter. The Rock Vixen looked just beautiful in her white wedding dress, low cut (but not as low as her blue stage dress) in the bust and accented by white flowerly lace. The dress itself was slit down the front at about mid-thigh level, so Cassie's white sheer stocking and garter covered legs (accented by a pair of white pumps) could move freely. While she wore no veil, the Rock Vixen had a large white rose tucked in her long, flowing black head hair just behind her left fox-like ear. Unlike most formal wedding dresses, Cassie's didn't have a long "train" of fabric behind it. The Rock Vixen was concerned that it would get caught up in her long bushy fox-like tail that jutted out through a tail slit in the dress just above her rear. On her human like arms, Cassie sported a pair of oprea length white lace gloves, slit at the hand, so her paw fingers could poke through. Around her neck, Cassie sported a version of her famous neck choker. This version was made out of white leather, trimmed with lace. A simimlar oval blue gem was in the choker's center. "My! You look just like your mother did on the day I took her hand! I am so happy for you, I could just, just.." Sparky then wiped a tear from his cat-like eyes. Cassie was about to respond when the wedding phtographers emerged from the interior of the church and began to snap pics of Cassie and her father. "Everything okay Cassie? Mr. Robertson?" Shiva asked as she stood in the doorway. Cassie looked at her father. Sparky smiled and Cassie returned the gesture. The Rock Vixen picked up her bouquet from the table in the church's entry foyer and placed her arm around her father's and replied, "We're just fine. Thanks Shiva for all you have done for us! I will always remenber it!" "You are welcome! My best wishes to you and Foxonian." The silverblack vixen then put her right paw hand to her rear and added," Excuse me. I have to go. It seems that your more "jealous" fans are pleading for you not to walk down the isle, claiming that they love you too much. They are starting to push the barracades, so I will have to over see to it that things don't get out of control. Good-bye!" Shiva then closed the door to the church. Cassie could then hear the opening notes of the wedding march begin on St. Margret's large pipe organ. "This is it, little vix. Ready?" Sparky said as he and his daughter stood arm and arm at the enterance to the church's isle. *snif* "Yes. I am. I just knew I would start to cry! Cassie said wiping a tear from her left eye, while holding her holding her bouquet with her right. Foxonian turned to look down the isle as the wedding march began. Up until this point, none of the male members of the congregation had seen Cassie in her wedding dress. As she walked with Sparky down the isle, Cassie noticed the expressions of suprise and envy of Foxonian. But, Cassie was most interested in Foxonian's reaction. She was not disappointed. When her father handed Cassie to her future husband, Foxonian whipsered, "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen! I just love that dress, and I love you!" Cassie replied in a whipser "You are the most handsome man I have ever seen and I love that tux and you too!" she then tried to conceal another tear falling, only too see Foxonian doing the same thing with a tear coming out of his own eye. "Psst! You guys gonna be okay?" Cindy said from her position on Cassie's left as she noticed both the future bride and groom starting to tear up while looking at each other. Cloudchaser from his postion on Foxonian's right leaned past the human to Cindy's point of view and with a wink and grin on his wolf-like muzzle shook his head. The snow leopard nodded and adjusted the small bouquet she held as a maid of honor in her two human-like paw-hands. At this point, since this was a Catholic cermony, Father Michael began the Order Of The Mass. As the Congregation sat in their pews, Cassie and Foxonian knelt on the kneelers facing the altar and the leonine priest. Finally, the time came for the wedding vows to be shared. Cassie looked back to see a small arctic fox sobbing into her hankerchief in the bridesmaid's reserved section. The Rock vixen smiled as she survey the rest of her court. Vixina kept taking off her wide rimmed glasses to wipe a tear or two, Laretta was waving to Ben who was standing on rail of the usher's section. Rachel looked worried as she continued to observe the spasms of pain that Dominic was enduring across the isle. Cassie tapped Foxonian's shoulder and motioned her muzzle to the collie-morph. The human patted her arm and whispered that he knew about it and that Rafe was watching him. The Rock Vixen then saw Rafe stand up and ask Dominic something. Giving a glance at Rachel and then a look of sorrow to both Cassie and Foxonian, the collie-morph gave the bobcat a slow nodd of his head. With as much discretion and silence as possible, Rafe then led the ailing Dominic out the side door. Seeing the situation,Father Michael looked slightly disgusted when he saw the Collie-morph,but then changed expression to a loving smile as he began the wedding rites. "Do you, Cassandra Robertson, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? In sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, until death do you part?" The priest asked the Rock Vixen. Cassie then turned, looked at Foxonian and with eyes that shone like the sun replied, "I do." Father Michael repeated the question for Foxonian. The human with equally bright eyes, replied, "I do." Father Michel then signaled Cloudchaser to hand Foxonian the ring. After repeating the words "with this ring, I hereby pledge my love and devotion to you, in the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit" Cassie then placed the other ring that Cloudchaser had given her on Foxonian's finger, repeating the same verse. "Then, by the power vested in me by God, I declare you husband and wife," Then turning to Foxonian," you may kiss the bride!" In a very slow sensous way, the human and the Rock Vixen embraced in the most passionate of kisses. The church erupted into a thunderous round of applause! Cassie and Foxonian waved to all assembled, before retuning to their kneelers. The Mass continued with Cassie and Foxonian recieving Holy Communion as a couple for the first time. Then the mass ended and Rock Vixen and her new husband marched down the isle arm and arm. Cloudchaser took Vixina's arm and followed the bride and groom. Cindy then took Victor's arm. The snow leopard and the Tiger morph followed behind Vixina and Cloudchaser. Next in order were Rafe the bobcat and Alex the arctic fox who by now was crying. Due to Dominc's sudden departure, Slim agreed to walk down with Rachel. This left the grey wolfess to carry the diminutive Ben in her cupped hands. There was applause at this from the congregation. Ben, being his observent self, stood up and took a bow from his position in Laretta's palms. As the wedding party lined up outside the entrance to the church, Dominic approached the bride and groom. "My sincerest apologies for making such a show." Dominic began, "I just hope that I didn't spoil everything." "Dom, I know about your "true nature" and what you did was one of the most courageous acts I have ever seen," Foxonian said while shaking the colliemorph's paw hand. "I agree. Thanks so much for being here for us," Cassie added while kissing Dominic on the side of his muzzle. The collie-morph smiled at the happy couple before Rachel took him by the arm and stood beside him in the reception line. All of the wedding guests took turns going through the line. One guest in particular raised a few eyebrows. Wu came out of the church arm in arm with the human artist Jennifer, followed by his three furry-morph ladies and his security detail. While Wu and Jennifer made their way through the line, the three kimono dressed ladies and the security guards stood off to one side until Wu was ready to leave. "My heartfelt congratualtions on this joyous day! My blessings are on you both for a long, happy life together!" Wu told Cassie and Foxonian. "Thanks, Wu. I take it you made a new friend," Foxonian said as he took a kiss from Jennifer. "He did! I plan to do a portrait of this nice fellow!" Jennifer said with a smile. "And I plan to place it behind the desk in my office for all to see. We will meet you at the reception. Mr. Lee just informed me that all is ready for your arrival," Wu added. "We are going to the home to visit Foxonian's Father and to pick up his mother, so expect around a 30 min. delay," Cassie said. "Splendid!" Wu said. The golden dragon morph then waved to his "party". Within seconds, the three komono furry ladies started to walk twords the dark black stretch limo parked across the street from the white wedding limos. The two large Doberman fiurry-morph male bodyguards in black suits and dark sunglasses approached and stood flanking WU and his human guest. "I will see you there. Farewell, honored ones," the dragon morph then bowed slightly and lowered his golden, snake-like head in a sign of respect to Cassie and Foxonian who likewise returned the gesture. Then, with the sunlight causing his bright green suit to give off a slight glow, took Jennifer's arm and led her toward his limo. The guests continued through the line. In addition to the usual media crowd, came Sparky's blues gang, who planned on playing at the reception and the road crew who tried to pull Slim out of the reception line and run off with him. However, Slim's wife came out of the church at the same moment. The otter femme gave the boys her trademark scornful stare and the roadies quickly dropped Slim. They then apologised to the female otter and looked like they had all been caught stealing my the police. The wedding party then laughed as Slim tried to convince his wife that he had no idea that they were going to do this. Slim's wife just shook her head and told him to get back in the line. When the last wedding guests came through, the two photographers began taking the wedding pics. Cars and fans from across the street kept cheering the happy couple. Shiva stood just out of camera shot, keeping a watchful eye on things. The rowdy spectators/fans had dispersed or were arrested and removed. Only the taboid photographers snapped photos from an area a block away using high-powered camera lenses. "Well, I guess we will see you all at the reception. Thanks so much for being a part of this. You will find some gifts at your table from Cassie and I," Foxonian told the members of the wedding party. With a round of thanks and some cheers, the ushers and bridesmaid's boarded the limo, Cindy and Alex walked up to Cassie. "Just heard from Slim, our stuff is set up at the recpetion. You got your guitar?" Cindy asked the Rock Vixen. "Yep! It's in the trunk of the limo. I also packed Foxonian's electric guiar too. I really want him to jam with us. He's gotten quite good." Cassie looked in the direction of her husband, who was busy talking with Dominic and Cloudchaser. "Think he will?" Alex added, her whte furry face now completely dry. "Oh, how could he not? Besides, I know a way to make him do it." Cindy said with a wink and a nudge at Cassie. "I will ask him nicely," Cassie replied with a "don't even think it" look at the snowleopard. "Okay, it's your day. Just trying to help!" Cindy said with a smile on her catlike muzzle. "Actually, I agree with Cassie" Victor said as he put his arm around the snowleopard's waist and gave her a kiss. "C'mon,we gotta go. We'll see you guys at the reception." "Me too!" Alex waved as she ran to embrace Rafe and follow him toward the limo. "Say Hello to Foxonian's dad for me!" Laretta said as she held Ben in her hand. "Me as well! See you guys there!" the small mouse morph added as he waved to the happy couple from his sweetheart's paw-hand. Foxonian and Cassie stood for one last round of picks in front of the church and a few with Cassie's folks and Foxonian's sister. Sparky and Vanessa agreed to take Foxonian's sister and meet the happy couple at the home to visit Foxonian's dad. As the human and the Rock Vixen approched their long white strech limo, Shiva met them. "I will be in the front car," the silverblack vixen pointed to the black Mercedes parked in front of the limo, behind the local police cruiser. "The local police have assured us of a safe time at the home and at the reception. I have to tell you both what Dominic did today is a great sacrifice for him. Despite my apparent coolness, I didn't have the courage to do such a thing." "What will happen to him?" Foxonian asked. Shiva looked a little worred then replied "He is not well. After the reception, I will do what I can to heal him. I have talked with Rachel and we have made arrangements. He will be fine, but I must tell you, it could have been fatal for him had he not left the church when he did. Thank you on my behalf for being so understanding," the silverblack vixen said as she embraced both Cassie and Foxonian. "No problem. Thank you again Shiva for all you have done for us. We have a little gift for you at the reception. Our way of saying thanks!" Foxonian said. Shiva smiled then walked off to her vehicle. As Cassie and Foxonian got inside,a bottle of chilled champane greeted them. As the limo sped off,the human gave his lovely bride a glass and began to pour. After pouring his, the human turned to his Vixen furry-morph wife and said "To the happiest day of my life and the lovely lady who made it all possible." Cassie replied "The same for me and for the man I feel so happy to call my husband." A clinking of glasses and much giggleing could be heard as the limo driver closed the glass partition. THE END