IMMACULATE RECEPTION Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's husband), Mark "Sparky" Robinson (Cassie's father), Vanessa (Cassie's mother) and others too numerous to list Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Wedding Bells," featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's husband), Mark "Sparky" Robinson (Cassie's father), Vanessa (Cassie's mother) and others too numerous to list at Please read the sequil, "I'll Be Home For Christmas," featuring Cassie, Rachel (Cassie's keyboardist), Foxonian (Cassie's husband) and Shiva (Cassie's security chief) All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina and Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor & Ben, who are copyright themselves. Immaculate Reception "Attention everbody! I would like to make a toast to the happy couple!" Cloudchaser began as he stood, raised his glass of champane and faced Cassie and Foxonian,"may you both find eneternal happiness and my God bless your marrage to the end of your days!" Both Cassie and Foxonian smiled and raised their glasses in salutation. Then, the red fox vixen bride and the human groom gave each other a long kiss and proceeded to do so each time the reception guests began to tinkle their water glasses with their silverware. "So, when are you two going to tie the knot?" Foxonian said to red wolf furry morph sitting on his left at the head table. "Well, we really haven't talked about it too much," Cloudchaser said as he looked at Vixina, who looked a little embarrased. "Well, thar' was thet tahme back when yew were home when we kinda did. But Ah thought we were gonna wait a bit." the red fox vixen replied, adjusting her wide rimmed glasses on her muzzle as she leaned forward and to the right to get a better look at Foxonian from her seat. Cloudchaser then whispered something in Vixina's ear she then smiled and giggled and went back to eating her meal. "What was that about?" Foxonian asked Cloudchaser. "Oh, private little joke," the red wolf replied who poked Vixina with his index paw finger causing her to giggle again. The reception was held at the Shady Glen Inn. An old white mansion, that kind of resembled something that would have been at home on a southern plantation in Alabama. The Inn was on a rolling hill that had a beautiful view of the surrounding area. Wu's Mr. Lee had taken full charge of the entire feast. The food wasn't just Chinese, either. Chiefs from some of NYC's finest resturants and been brought in to prepare fine dishes. But Mr. Lee's finest achievement was the wedding cake itself. 6 tiers covered in the finest white frosting and laced with delicate roses made of icing and sugar. In it's top, under a miniature gazebo made out of hard sugar, was two minature statues of Cassie and Foxonian, dressed in their wedding garb. "Okay. It's that time. Cassie? Could you come out here please? Be sure and bring your bouquet." Andy, the band's wolf manager and informal MC of the reception, stood out in the open dance space in front of the head table next to a chair. The rock vixen turned and smiled at her husband. She then stood up and walked out to where Andy and the chair were. "Okay, Cassie, just sit right down there. Hey, Foxonian! Wanna come out here and give your wife a hand? She needs your help with something." The grey wolf then gestured to the human who was smiling and nodding his head in agreement. Cassie sat down in the chair and waited, holding her bouquet in her lap. The Rock Vixen had come out to the table in her stocking feet, partially since her white wedding pumps were a little uncomfortable and also because she knew what was going to come next. Foxonian walked up to the sitting vixen and was motioned by Andy to stand directly in front of her. "Okay, Foxonian. Now what Cassie needs is for you to take that garter off her right leg. She says that it's bothering her. Think you can do it? After all, you are gonna have to get the other straps off later tonght." Foxonian shot the wolf a look of "you are really enjoying this, aren't you." Cassie started to laugh followed by the rest of the guests. Uh, Foxonian, you had better get down on one knee, since your'e kind of up there." Andy then guestured to the floor with his paw hand. The human took a quick look around the room. All the ladies in Cassie wedding party were yelling "Go On Foxonian!" while the all of the guys in the party, including Cassie's father, were hooting and yelling "Allright!!" Only Shiva (who stood at the rear of the room next to a set of double doors), Rachel and Dominic remained silent. Each had a bored look on thier muzzles. Foxonian then looked down at his wife. Cassie had one of the most sultry expressions he had ever seen the red fox vixen sport. She reached down and parted the folds of her wedding dress along the long front slit, so that her legs, covered in sheer 50's style white stockings and lace garters were visible up to her white satin underwear. On her left leg just below the end of the garter strap hook, one one of those lace elastic garter bands. The human got down on his right knee and whispered to Cassie "You ready?" "Ever since I first met you, yes!" Cassie wispered back with loving eyes. Just then, traditional sax-laced stripper music began to come out of speakers concealed around the room (music courtesy of Slim and the band's road crew). "Okay, Foxonian. You wife needs that little lace garter off her leg." Cassie the raised her leg so that her stocking covered left foot rested on the human's right shoulder. As Foxonian slid the garter down Cassie's leg, she playfully stroked the human's right ear with her foot causing Cindy and Alex to nearly fall of their chairs in laughter Foxonian then stood up and held the garter in his right hand to thunderous appluse. "Great job, Foxonian! Cassie feels better already! Now, could all the brides' maids and the best man and the ushers line up right here?" Andy said as he motioned to a space a few feet from where Cassie now stood next to her husband. As soon as the group assembled, the grey wolf morph began "As you know, it's time for the catching of the bouquet by some lucky future bride and the garter by some lucky future groom. So, with out futher delay, would the ladies stand over there please." Andy then motioned to the left side of the room. As the brides maids lined up,Cassie the raised the bouquet over her head. "Ready, Cass? Let her go!" With careful aim(Andy, Foxonian and Cassie had rigged the whole thing so a certain pair got each gift), Cassie let the bouquet fly, right into Vixina's hands. With a suprised look, Vixina then smiled and held the bouquet. "Okay, Vixina! You got the luck of the draw! Now, which one of these fellows will possibly be your future mate? Foxonian, are you ready to send the garter on it's way?" Andy, acting more like a circus ringmaster, then motioned with his hands toward the human. Foxonian then raised the garter in his right hand over his head, facing the bunch of tuxedoed male furs. He could see Cloudchaser waving him on, almost begging him to throw it his way. "Okay, Foxonian. Let her go!" Andy cried. With very little sublety, the human send the garter speeding directly at Cloudchaser. The red wolf morph was unprepared for the velocity of the garter, since it missed his raised hands and landed right over his muzzle. When the appause died down, Andy then told Vixina to sit in the chair and Cloudchaser got the honor of placing the garter on Vixina's right leg, fallowed by giving the bespecticaled red fox vixen a passionate kiss to the sound of cheers. "Okay, with that out of the way, we will now open up the floor for a few dance numbers. By request, the bride's father has asked to have the first dance with his daughter. The light of the room dimmed slightly and soft music began to play. Sparky then stood up and took Cassie's hand and the two began to dance. Foxonian could see tears flow down his wife's face as she danced with her father one more time. About halfway through, Foxonian took the hand of Cassie's mother, Vanessa and together they began to dance, circling Cassie and Sparky. When the song ended, applause broke out. Cassie and her mother than took their husbands and the next dance began. As the day's light began to fade, the sun's rays bounced off Cassie and Foxonian when they danced near the reception room's large picture window, giving them an almost hevenly glow. "Ah! That is a welcome sign! Most welcome!" Wu the large golden chinese dragon said from his table as he saw Cassie and Foxonian dance in the evening sunset. "What is? What are you talking about, Wu?" Jennifer asked. The human artist was a friend of Foxonian and Cassie and had been Wu's unoffical companion for the remainder of the reception. "The glow around them. There is an old saying that when the sun shines over two who are just married, they will forever know nothing but happiness! I thank my ancestors for being so generous as to grant my request." Wu said as he bowed his snake-like reptilian head, closing his eyes and folding his huge claw-hands across the front of his jade colored business suit. Jennifer placed her human hand on the golden dragon's shoulder and with teary eyes watched the two newlyweds dance as the waltz played on. Slim sat with his wife watching the whole spectacle. As much as he wanted dance with some of the pretty ladies in attendence, his better half refused. She didn't like to dance and she couldn't, he couldn't. Just then, Slim's wife went to "powder her nose" as she nicely put it. As the otter looked around for one of the Inn's waiters to bring him another drink, he got a tap on the shoulder. Slim turned to see two of his roadies, a young rabbit morph named Jonn and a bear named Bill grining. "All set, Boss! We got the car fixed up real nice!" Bill said. "Yep! We must have tied 45 beer and soda cans to the bumper of Foxonian's old Intrepid. We also found about 4 pairs of her autogrpahed pumps that she keeps in her road wardrobe tied on.Along with some of Foxonian's sneakers." Jonn added with pride. "What,no balloons?" Slim asked with a grin on his otter like muzzle. "Naw, we blew the budget you gave us on all the silliy string and the cardboard for the Just married sign!" Jonn with a shrug. "Yeah. You can only stretch 20 bucks so far," Bill said with a return shrug. "Hey! Can I help it if she took all my money this week? I was lucky to save that $20. You don't know what it's like to be married to a finnacial planner!" Slim said with anguish as he thought about his wife's profession and how it effected his daily life. "Well,we certianly know a lot about it,from all you have told us." Jonn said with a laugh. "Yeah, well never you mind. Go have some fun or some such. And thanks guys!" Slim said as he pretended to shoo them away. Taking the hint, the rabbit and bear morph left Slim and rejoined the other roadies who were milling about outside the inn chatting and smoking. When the waltz ended, Cassie and Foxonian returned to the head table to sit and talk with Victor and Cindy. "So, you guys are going to spend a long honeymoon, I trust?" Cindy said as she took a sip of water that one of the Inn's waiters had placed on the table. "Well, we are going to Aruba for a few weeks," Cassie said as she smiled at her new husband. "Actually, she was hoping it would be a long one, so she could have a longer break from touring. Ow!!" Victor began before being cut short by a swift kick from the snowleopard sitting next to him. "Thanks for spilling the beans, Hun!" Cindy tortly commented. Both Cassie and Foxonian let out a loud laugh before Cassie said, "Don't worry. When we get back, we aren't going to tour. It's time to record a new album again. Remember, it's been a couple of years since we put out any kind of product." "You make it sound like we manufacture cookies or something." Cindy began, "Yeah. I know we have been talking about that. So, what do we do this time? Another concept album? The last one did well." "I think we should do one of those cover tune albums. All the other furry metal bands are doing them now," Laretta said as she came over to sit next to Cindy. Her consort Ben jumped down from her left hand. The mouse walked over and sat on the edge of a small tray that held sugar packets. "I don't know if you guys would want my opinion. But as a fan of the Band, I would really like to hear you gals do some classic metal. You know, Ozzy, Dio, Metallica?" Ben said in his tiny sounding voice. Cassie and Cindy gave each other some knowing looks, before The Rock Vixen replied "Cindy and I used to play that stuff back when we were in Furrosity." "Really? How fast could you play, Cass? I have never heard you do that music since I have been in the band!" Laretta said,with a courious look on her muzzle. Cindy stood up and put her arm around the orange and purple headhaired wolfess and said, "Kiddo, you are looking at the Lady Fingers there. She was the fastest guitarist I ever saw. Used to give both Eddie Van Halen and Yngwie Malsteen a run for their money!" "Cind, you make it sound like I'm 60! That was only 8 years ago! I could still do it," Cassie said with a sly look on her face. The snow leopard then pointed over to the far side of the room. An amp and some guitars had been set up along with a drum kit and a keyboard. "Go on, show her, Cass!" Cindy said with a grin. Cassie gave Foxonian a look of "can I?" The human smiled an nodded. The Rock Vixen then rose and padded over in her stocking feet to where one of her violet guitars was sitting in a stand. First, Cassie took off the long opera length gloves, so her playing would not be impeaded. Then, being careful not to damage her wedding dress, Cassie slipped the strap of the guitar around her body so that it rested comfortably across her chest. As The Rock Vixen plugged in her guitar to her marshall Bluesbreakers combo amp, she noticed how the rest of the wedding guests seemed to take no interest in what she was doing. "Well, that will soon change!" Cassie thought as she flicked the switch on the amp was carfully adjusted the volume and tone controls on both guitar and amp. As Foxonian, Cindy, Victor, Ben and Laretta watched, Cassie picked up a guitar pick with her right paw hand and held it over her head. With a nood from Cindy,Cassie let loose.Suddenly,the whole reception hall was filled with some of the fastest most powerful metallic guitar riffs that could be imagined. Upon hearng the sound, all the wedding guests that were either outside or in another part of the inn, came rushing in to see the Rock Vixen doing what she did best. Cassie got full into the mood as she played. The folds of her wedding dress parting to reveal her white stocking covered legs and matching garters as she twirled and layed down riff after riff. At one point, with a smile, Cassie placed her left stocking covered leg on the chair that was left over from the earlier festivities. She then leaned down and began playing chords so fast her paw hands were a solid blurr on the both the guitar's fret board and body. Laretta watched with a star struck smile as Cassie played. Cindy just grinned and laughed. At one point in her mini-performance, Cassie looked over to Foxonian and mouthed the words silently, "I love you!" Foxonian replied "I love you too!" and blew her a kiss across the room. With all eyes upon her, Cassie did I final twirl and ended up on the floor in a perfect leg split while striking a final power chord. With a loud applause and many camera flashes going, Cassie then stood up and motioned for her husband to join her. With a suprised look, Foxonian waked out to where the Rock Vixen stood. As he got within a few feet of her, the human saw Cassie open a black gutar case. Foxonian recognized it. It was the vintage 59 Les Paul Guitar Cassie had given him on his birthday. With a smile, Cassie handed him the gutar and whispered in his ear, "My Love, this is what I really want to make this day special. Will you? Please?" Taking the guitar from his bride, Foxonian whispered in reply, "How could I refuse such a beautiful Lady as you?" He then kissed her passionately on the muzzle before putting the guitar across his body. As Foxonian plugged his gutar into a small amp that Cassie had brought with her, five other furry ladies walked up to the human and the vixen. "Can we play with you guys?" Laretta asked as she stood with Alex, Rachel Cindy and Vixina. "Please, Cassie? Foxonian?" Alex said in a tone that was close to pleading. Cassie and Foxonian looked at the furry ladies before turning to each other. "Well, I don't know. Hun, do you think that they are any good?" Foxonian said with a smirk on his face. Cassie looked over the band with a serious look on her muzzle. Vixina had a slight smile on her muzzle, Alex and Laretta looked a little worried, while Cindy was trying not to burst out laughing. Only Rachel showed her usual stoic expression. "Well.. Okay! What the heck! C'ome on, guys! Let's plug in!" Cassie said with a laugh. As soon as everyone was with there stuff and ready to play, Cassie held up her hand and said "Guys, My husband will play the first few chords." Cassie then pointed her paw hand twords the human. With all eyes upon him, Foxonian leaned over and whispered to his wife," What do I play? You know I'm not that good at anything." "Dear, what did I tell you about being negitive? You ARE good! Just start off with some Dio. How bout 'Man On The Silver Mountian?' I know you can play that! You start and we will all join in." Yeah, Foxonian. We'll take care of ya! Show us all what yew kin do!" Vixina said as she stood with her bow at the ready on her electric fiddle. With a nod, Foxonian turned up the volume of his guitar and note for note, began to play the the opening chords to the song. Cassie and the rest began to follow. As the point were the lyrics came to be sung, Cassie was about to open her mouth, but to her and everyone's suprise, Foxonian began to sing the lyrics himself in a voice very close to Ronnie James Dio's. With a huge smile on her muzzle, Cassie began to twirl and really get into the music. With the wedding guests clapping cheering and dancing, the entire scene resembled a mini-concert. As the band plus their new unoffical member played, Dominc sat a table on the far side of the room, observing the scene before him. The collie morph was watching his love Rachel playing her keyboards with perfection, when he felt a paw hand on his left shoulder. He turned and saw a sliverblack vixen staring down at him. He saw the look on her muzzle and guessed what it could mean. "It's begun. They are preparing to strike," Shiva said. "How much time will we have?" Dominc asked. "A day or so. No more than that," Shiva replied in a quite tone of voice. "Do we have enough in our number to protect them all?" Dominic asked as he glanced towrd Cassie and the members of her band. Shiva stared at the muscians and then to Dominic before saying "I hope so. We will keep this to ourselves, unless our enemies are foolish enough to reveal themeselves. Then we will have no choice, since it will be a battle to the death. Are you ready?" With his eyes closed and a long exhale, the collie morph slowly nodded. "I will go now and meet with our forces. When you see the signal, go to our rendzevous," Shiva then started tword the exit. As she turned to leave, Dominic took her black furred pawhand and said, "Success." Shiva nodded. The silver black vixen then unzipped her thigh high boots, removed them from her black furred human like legs and feet and handed them to Dominc." Hold these until after this is all over. They will only slow me down." Dominc nodded and watched as the silverblack vixen padded out on her bare human like feet tword the back exit of the reception hall. Upon stepping out, Shiva looked up at the moonlit sky. looking to see if anyone was near by, Shiva hiked up her leather dress so it's hem was ubove her knees and got into a runner's crouch.Shiva then slowly moved two steps forward and vannished into thin air.Only a slight cool breeze and the rustle of dry leaves remained. As the band played on, Dominic caught a funny scent in the air. He knew what it was. Shiva was on her way. Now,it begins. As he saw the happy scene, he prayed that it would contune and that what was coming would be averted. "Time will tell," Dominic thought as he began to applaud the end of the song and saw Foxonian and Cassie being hugged by the other band members. THE END