THE BARGAIN Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Rachel (Cassie's Keyboardist) and Dominic (Rachel's fiance') Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "I'll Be Home For Christmas," featuring Cassie, (Cassie's keyboardist) Foxonian (Cassie's husband) and Shiva (Cassie's security chief) Please read the prequil, "New Paths Taken," featuring Featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's husband), Cindy (Cassie's bassist), Victor (Cindy's fiancee), Shiva (Cassie's security cheif) and Gandalf (Shiva's companion) All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina and Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor & Ben, who are copyright themselves. "The Bargain" In a darkened NYC apt., a furry morph doe sat on the floor. She stared at the Christmas tree that stood across from her. All of the ornaments and needles had been spray painted black. Only the light from the city coming through the large picture windows gave the tree and the room a colorful glow. With her arms wrapped around her legs, Rachel sat alone in the dark. Outside, the churchbells tolled the coming of Christmas and yet, the doe dressed in a long black gothic night gown couldn't hear them. All she heard was her slowly breaking heart. Her Dominic was gone. He must be destroyed. She knew that if this were so, she would soon die. She could not live without the vampiric collie-morph, this she admitted to herself. All the fame and fortune she obtained by being a part of Cassie's Band didn't matter to her anymore. All she wanted was him. As she sat in her misery, Rachel thought she saw shadows moving around the apt. They didn't have any real form. Sort of like those things you think you see out of the corner of your eye, but when you look there is nothing there. The gothic doe was about to dismiss them as this, when she actually began to see the shadows. They had glowing red eyes and darted in and out of every room and around her at light speed. She counted 2 or three of these "phantoms" and was soon becoming quite pissed off at them. "Whoever you are, please either kill me or leave me.But stop this insane running around!!" Rachel said as she shook her fist at the shadows. As if in response, the three phantoms appeared in front of her. Three sets of eyes residing in black "blob-like" shapes looked at one another and appeared to move up and down as though they were nodding in agreement. Then all three phantoms vanished. Before she could react, she saw a figure standing next to her. "You know, being in the dark like this is very depressing, my Love! Even for you!" She looked up and saw her beloved Dominic staring down at her. With a joyous rapture, the gothic doe wrapped her arms around the collie-morph's trousered legs and hugged him tightly. "I-I thought you were gone forever! Especially when I didn't hear from you!" Rachel sighed as she caressed Dominic's leg with her head. The collie morph took Rachel's hand and sat down on the floor next to her and replied "Darling, you don't know how I wanted to see you! But, I couldn't. They wouldn't let me. They said it was far too risky for me to do so." "Who are they? You mean those "things" that were in here before you arrived?" Rachel asked. "Humph. You mean my 'protectors' or rather my 'jailers.' Depends on your point of view," Dominic replied with slight distain. "Are they vampires, furry-morph ones like you?" the gothic doe said looking around the room as she did so. "Yes," Dominc began, turning the gothic doe's head as to face his collie-like muzzle, "but they have hidden themselves from you and from our enemies. They are watching this apt. so long as I am here. They never leave me. You see, due to the war with our human counterparts, I am especially at risk." "NO HARM WILL BEFALL THE PROGENITOR! OR HIS BETHROED!" a loud voice proclaimed. Dominic then stood up and shouted,"ENOUGH!! Keep your opinions to yourselves and guard the parameter. Now LEAVE US!" "Yes, Magificence! Your word is our command!" said the voice is a low tone. The collie-morph then put his right hand paw across his closed eyes and down the length of his muzzle,bending his head as he did so. "I didn't realise that you were now a "cult of personality," Rachel said in a somber tone. "It's far worse than that," Dominic said. "They seem to think I am Buddda, Mohamed, Christ and Gahndi with a dash of all the Pharoahs of Ancient Egypt thrown in. I am so sorry for this, My Love. I tried to resist them as long as I could, but they left me no choice. The final straw was when some of them threatened turn you in to a vampire unless I complied. Since there was no way either Shiva or I could prevent these "radical zelots", I gave into their demands and accepted "divine status." Now, I feel I have sold what was left of my soul for love." "Spawn," Rachel said quitely. "What? What did you say?" the collie-morph asked. "Spawn was a Marvel comic book hero. He was a police detctive who was so in love with his wife that,when he was killed,he sold his soul to the devil and agreed to lead his armies of darkness in order to be able to return to Earth and see her again," Rachel said as she gave the collie-morph a loving kiss on the side of his muzzle. Dominic nodded at the irony of it and said, you don't happen to have a copy of this comic, do you?" "No. My Ex-husband did. He was a rabid comic collector. Or as he called them 'graphic novels," Rachel replied. "I'll have them sent to me," Dominic then gave his beloved a passionate kiss. "Will they ever let you go? Or will you forever be their prisoner? And what about us?" Rachel asked. "They have allowed me to stay with you for two days. After that, I must go. They have promised that once the war ends, no matter the outcome, I will be allowed to return to a normal life. Without interference," Dominic said as pulled Rachel up off the floor and stood next to her with his left arm around her waist. "But, you don't believe them. Do you?" Rachel said as she rested her doe-like head on Dominic's shoulder. "Not for a second. I am far too important to them. They will never let me go. However, rest assured. No harm will ever come to you or your friends. My decision guarantess that," the collie-morph said. "But I can't bear to be without you. Can I come with you when you go?' Rachel asked. Dominic caressed Rachel's muzzle with his paw hand. The gothic doe closed her eyes and rubbed against his paw hand, licking his fingers lovingly. "As much as I would desire you to share my prison, it would not be fair for you to lose your freedom. Further, since you are somewhat famous, your dissapperance would be noticed and would draw the curious "mortals" into our war. My people, as such, have told me that they would not allow it. I did manage to get them to agree to this little 'visit.' I told them that I would end my existance if they refused my request." "I am so thinkful to have such a loving man!" Rachel said. As the morning light entered the apt., Rachel was about to ask something but Dominic stopped her, "I know. You have many questions. But, for now, let's just enjoy this moment. I am so filled with joy, that I don't want anything to spoil the moment!" "I'll wait. I have you and that's all that matters!" Rachel replied as she kissed her beloved. THE END