HOME FRONT Written by & copyright of Foxonian Foxonian@aol.com Featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's husband) and Cindy (Cassie's bass player) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org Please read the prequil, "The Bargain," Featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's husband), Cindy (Cassie's bassist), Victor (Cindy's fiancee), Shiva (Cassie's security chief) and Gandalf (Shiva's companion) http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/new_paths_taken.txt Please read the sequil, "Challenges," featuring characters copyrighted to Earl Bacon, Andre Cotton, and Cloudchaser Shaconage at http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/challenges.txt All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina and Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor & Ben, who are copyright themselves. "Home Front" Foxonian stared at the remains of his birthday cake. A few days had passed since the 40th annaversary of his birth. The human chuckled to himself as he saw how his furry-morph wife, Cassie (a.k.a. The Rock Vixen), had the cake decorated in musical notes done with blue icing on a white frosting background. As he took a small peice and pushed the remainder of the cake into the refrigerator, he felt a little empty. Granted, Cassie did manage to have the ladies and the band's road crew attend a small party for him. But it had to be held on July 1st due to Cassie and the band agreeing to do a performance at the Live 8 Benefit for Africa event down in Philly the next day. The human looked at the new watch that Cassie had given him. She was supposed to call him in an hour or two. It's at times like this that he often worried the most about her. After the band's performance, the girls were heading directly down to the studio to begin work on their next album. Foxonian was questioning Cassie's judgement of taking only her stage costumes with her rather than some more "civillian" wear. But, as she explained, the ladies usually did their recording in their stage gear and that meant their stage outfits as well. It had become a kind of tradition with them. "Or a superstition with them," the human mused to himself, thinking about how Cassie and Cindy, (the band's snow leopard bassist) felt that if they didn't keep their stage gear on during recording sessions, the album was sure to tank. Foxonian walked over to the large 50" plasma LCD TV that hung on the wall over the fireplace of the Berkshire lodge home that he shared with the Rock Vixen. Picking up the control, he switched on the unit, smiling at the wooden picture frame Cassie had made to go along the edges of the set, making it seem like a painting had come to life. The human turned to one of the entertainment channels since he had been too busy working on projects around at lodge as well as catching up on his writing to even watch TV. As such, he didn't get a chance to see any coverage of the concert this weekend. Just then, the phone rang. "Hello?" Foxonian said as he sat down on one of the two sofas in the huge room and continued to flick the remote. "Hi hun! It's me. Sorry, I haven't been able to ralk until now. It's been a real media circus around me after what happened," Cassie said in a tired voice. "What happened, Hun?" Foxonian asked. With a note of surprise in her voice, the rock vixen asked "You mean you haven't seen the concert?" As he was about to reply, the human saw Cassies name behind the entertainment newsreader and quickly turned up the volume. "In an incident that has overshadowed the true meaning of the concert, furry-morph performer Cassie the Rock Vixen had a 'wardrobe malfunction' similar to that of Janet Jackson a few years ago. While doing one of her numbers during her stage set with her band, Cassie's Band, one of the straps on her light blue sleeveless stage dress broke, causing one of her naked furry breasts to be fully shown. Rather than stop the performance, Cassie continued her guitar solo. This caused a group of mostly young male fans to rush the stage." As the reporter continued, footage of the incident was shown with Cassie's right breast digitally edited as she continued to wail on her black Les Paul custom guitar. The reporter continued "towards the end of the guitar solo, the remaining strap slipped past her shoulder and both of the rock vixen's breasts were fully showing. Yet despite this, Cassie made no attempt to cover herself up or stop playing. It was only when Philadelphia police went up on stage to end the set and escort Cassie offstage that she quickly covered her breasts. She acted, as one security officer observed, 'Like she didn't even know they were showing, which I find hard to beleive.'" Foxonian sat as expresionless as a stone with his hand on the phone receiver as the newscast continued. "Philadelphia police have reportedly charged the rock vixen with two counts of indecent exposure. Concert organizer Bob Geldof in a statement released to the press said that he is 'furious' at Cassie using an event to help end hunger "For her own publicity" by comitting a vulgar and tasteles act. He is contemplating suing the performer and her music company for damages caused by the incident. For some reason, MTV showed the whole breast exposure incident unedited. As expected, many Christian fundamentalist groups are calling for the FCC to step in to investigave the type of programming curently being shown on the music channel." "A-Are you still there, H-Hun?" Cassie said in a tearful voice. "Why, why didn't you stop playing when the happened?" Foxonian asked the Rock Vixen on the other end of the phone in a calm even tone. "I-I don't know. I guess that I didn't want to let everyone down. Besides, you know how it screws me up if I stop right in the middle of a solo," Cassie replied, her voice becoming trembly. "So you instead did something that might have ruined your carrear. Makes sense to me," the human said. At this point, he could hear Cassie crying loudly. "DAMN IT! I'VE RUINED IT! NOT JUST FOR ME, BUT FOR CIND AND THE OTHERS! I-I JUST WANT TO DIE! I'M SO SORRY! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!!!" Cassie howled. Just then, the receiver made a shuffling sound and a familiar voice could be heard. "Foxoian? It's Cindy. You had better get down here as fast as you can! Cassie is losing it. Rachel and I are trying to keep her calm, but she is really starting to crack. We told the local officials that you would be notified by us, so that's probably why you haven't gotten any calls from them about all this. I'm worried about her, Fox. the media have been on our asses since all of this broke and we are holed up on the 5th floor of the Ritz-Carlton in NYC. We haven't been able to get out of the place due to all of the media outside the door. Get here fast, Fox, I think she might try to kill herself." "Put her back of the phone NOW!" Foxonian yelled over the phone to the snow leopard. A sobbing Cassie answered "She's right! I should just end it now! And put you all out of your misery! I haven't been a good wife or business person! I suck! I..." "Just shut up and listen!" Foxonian began. "I could tell they you were so in the zone that you didn't even know what happened! We will get through this. If you EVER say you will kill yourself again, I will do the honors to you. GOT THAT???" "Y-Yes, Hun, I needed to hear that," Cassie replied in a very quiet tone between sobs. "When I come down, we talked about something else once. Remember how we once talked about the two of us going to see a therapist to help us cope with your carrear and the effects on out marriage? Well, it's time now," the human said in a quiet, reasuring tone. "Yes. It's time. You saved me again, Hun!" Cassie said with a happer tone in her voice. "Well, that's what a husband is for. I'll be down by tonight. Then we'll talk it out. Now you just get some rest. I'll call Andy (the band's wolf morph manager) and get up to speed on how we stand legal wise. I love you!" "How selfish I am! And how wicked! How could I think of suicide when it means that you will be alone? I promise you Hun, I will never talk that way to you or anyone again! I love you too much to be parted with you, now or after death! Do you forgive me?" The Rock Vixen pleaded. Foxonian smiled and replied "I already have, hun!" Cassie sighed and said in a loving voice "You mean everything to me. I love you so much, Hun! I'll get some rest and I promise I will behave! See you soon, Hun!" "Bye," Foxonian said as he hung up the phone. As he went to get his travel case, the human thought to himself "I knew that this day was coming. Fame and fortune can drive anyone over the edge. I just hope she didn't suffer any lasting damage. Well, the therapy will tell." He took a quick look at the muted TV showing the edited performance and shook his head. THE END