THE TEMPTRESS Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's husband) and Rachel (Cassie's keyboardist) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "The Long And Winding Road," featuring Cassie and Foxonian (Cassie's husband) at Please read the sequil, "'Till Death Do Us Part," featuring Cassie and Foxonian (Cassie's husband) at _us_part.txt All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina and Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor & Ben, who are copyright themselves. The Temptress Cassie sat on the edge of the hotel bed and simply stared.She had been playing in obver 5 cities over the last month and it was running her ragged.Despite everyone's assurances,she was still worried about her husband. Foxonian continued to call her each day to tell her that he was just fine and was using the time they were apart to catch up on his novel. However, when the possibility of him joining her on tour came up, he became evasive. "I really don't know if I should. Shiva thinks that I might still be a little week, etc." the human would say with some variation, each time she asked him. While it was understandable the first few weeks after his ordeal, now that over a month had gone by, The Rock Vixen was becoming suspicious. Also, she was becoming increasingly annoyed with a certain silverblack vampyric vixen in her employ. Most of the\ Securty personel on the tour were reporting to a large grizzly named Max. Andy, the band's furry-morphic wolf manager had been forced to hire the bear during Shiva's absence just so the tour could be put together. Once Shiva returned, both Cassie and Andy had expected the silverblack vixen to get in contact with Max and co-ordinate all the necissary security personel. Shiva didn't contact Max nor show any interest in her former position at all. All she did was stay around Cassie's husband. What bothered the Rock Vixen the most was how Foxonian had been "covering" for Shiva each time Cassie wanted to talk to her during their daily phone conversations. Shiva was always "busy" or had "gone out", etc. When Cassie pressed the human, Foxonian would be come almost angry with her. That usually startled her into silence. Especially since he had never treated Cassie like that before, ever. *Knock, knock* Cassie closed her blue cat-like eyes and sighed, "Come in." Rachel entered the room with her usual stoic look on her face. Cassie had noticed a change in the doe femme on this tour. For one thing,she had completely re-designed her outfit. While it was still the gothic beer maid's outfit from the waist up, the hem of the dress now ended on her mid-thigh. She sported black fishnet stockings accented with black garters (like the one's Cassie and Cindy sported). On her human like feet, instead of combat boots, the gothic doe now wore black pumps with large golden buckles on the top (like the kind cartoonish witches often wore at Halloween). Rachel also began to wear fishnet opera-length fingerless gloves. Plus, her black head hair was now as long and flowing as Cassie's was instead of being braided. Taken together,the entire outfit looked less like a beer maid's outfit than a gothic French maid's outfit (as Alex remarked with a grin when she first saw the doe at the pre-tour rehersals). "I keep forgetting to tell you how nice you new stage look is," Cassie said to the doe with a slight smile. "Thanks! Although Dominic suggested something like this to me, I have to admit both you and Cindy are a corrupting influence," Rachel replied with a wry smile. Rachel then walked over and sat down on the bed next to Cassie. The doe slipped off her pumps and tucked her human-like stocking covered legs and feet under her while doing so. Cassie turned and did the same gesture with her own stocking covered legs and feet. The rock Vixen then faced the doe, giving her complete attention. "Cass, you must go home. Foxonian needs you by his side now," The doe said with a straight face. "You know I can't do that. We have a tour to finish. We have already cancelled too many tours over the last few years. If we do it again, we could end up…" Cassie began before Rachel interrupted her. "If you don't go home soon, you will lose your husband's love forever." Cassie paused and let the gothic doe continue. "After I told Dominic what Shiva had done, he paid a visit to Shiva. What he saw confirmed his suspicions. Shiva has bonded with your husband." "WHAT????" Cassie said in voice that almost reached a scream. "Please do not blame her. It wasn't her fault. She was acting out of instinct. When a vampire comes close to death, something within them fights to stay alive at all costs. The survival instinct clouds their judgement, causing them to feed without thinking. At least Shiva had enough forsight to ask Foxonian to help her, rather than simply attacking him." "Maybe, but why did she do what she did?? And what does this bonding thing mean?" Cassie asked. Rachel closed her eyes and shook her doe-like head causing her extremely long black head hair to flow around her shoulders like cape. "I do not fully understand it all myself, but Dominic explained to me thusly. When a vampire has feelings someone strongly, when they take their blood, they form almost an empathic bond with them. Further, their own desires towards that person become solidified." Rachel, then took Cassie hand-paw and looked into the Vixen's eyes. "Cass, Shiva loves Foxonian,as much as you do." Cassie then turned away from the gothic doe and began to cry. "Dominic suspects that Shiva may have had there feelings for some time. Since she cared about you and didn't want to see your relationship with Foxonian ruined, she decided to leave both of your lives. However, her desire for the human became so great that she could no longer bear it. That was when she tried to kill herself." Cassie then turned and looked at the doe in horror. "O-oh my God! That's what happened! We never knew! It all fits. Her behavior, everything. Oh,Rachel! What am I going to do???" Cassie said through the tears. "Dominic told me to plead with you to return to Foxonian now. Shiva has become so attached to your husband that she will do whatever she can to mate with him. That is not wise. Foxonian is still very susecptible to her, both empathically and through the little telepathy she knows. If they should mate, his heart may be hers forever. However, do not blame Shiva. The bond has made her mentally unstable. She is not even aware what she is doing. You need to be there to force Shiva into confronting herself and what she is doing to both you and Foxonian. Only then,Can Dominic help her." Rachel then put her black buckled pumps on her human like stockinged feet and stood up. "How long will I have to stay with my husband?" Cassie said quietly. "I'm not sure. Dominic said that Foxonian was doing his best to resist Shiva's advances, but he was begging to weaken. Especially since Shiva was begining to use her empathic bond to sense what he finds 'interesting' in women," Rachel replied. Despite Rachel's urgings, Cassie felt the anger within her begin to rise towards the silverblack vixen. The Rock Vixen picked up the phone and called Andy. She said that Foxonian was ill and she was heading home immediately. She also left instructions that no one else on the tour was to visit them. Rachel said that her finance Dominic(the collie-morph vamp) will be observing and will be there when it's time. Sitting at his comp, Foxonian worked on the next chapter of his novel. As he was about to type, he felt two soft and sensuous hands begin to rub his shoulders. "Miss me?" came a low sultry feminine voice. Foxonian turned to see a silver black vixen standing behind him. She was dressed in only white satin bra and matching white satin bikini panties. "I-I just was working on a chapter. Aren't you going to get dressed?" Foxonian replied with look of shock. The human had to admit to himself that Shiva was the most exotic female he had ever seen. The desire to reach out and to caress her chest and her two large human like breast was strong. "In time, my love.But I have something to show you," Shiva's voice said within his head. Ever since the day she took his blood,the bond bwteen himself and the silver baclk vixen was growing stronger. He was trying to resist, since he desired his wife, but she was so far away and he was all alone with Shiva. As he tried to gather his thoughts, he hadn't noticed that the silverblack mrophic vixen had left the room. Just then he heard something. Turning he saw a human-like leg and foot covered in soft short black fur appear from the corner of the doorway. The leg and foot were covered in a white 50's style sheer seemed stocking with shaded heel, sole and toe. Just then another leg appeared in the same colored stocking. Shiva then swung around into the doorway. While she still had her white silk panties on, she was now sporting a white silk corset accented by garter straps. Around her neck was her fox head pendant bisecting her white furred human like breasts. Placing her human like paw hands on the door casing and shaking her fox-like head in such a manner that her huge mane of white head hair flowed like a sail in the breeze, the sliverblack vixen asked with a sly smile on her fox-like muzzle "Like what you see?" Almost without thinking, Foxonian lept at Shiva and threw her to the floor. He then began to passionately kiss the silverblack vixen on the muzzle. Shiva returned his kisses as she lovingly wrapped her stocking covered legs around the human's waist. "Yes, Yes"! Shiva began to exclaim as the human began to nibble on her fur covered breast. As he reached to begin to remover her corset, Foxonian froze. He saw his wedding ring. Like a man awaking from nightmare, the human pulled himself away from the silverblack vixen with a scream. Foxonian then began to cry harder than he ever had, yelling "What have I done? Cassie, What have I done?? I failed you!!!" As if waking from a similar experience, Shiva jumped up and ran to her bedroom. Once in side, the silverback vixen bit her lip and she felt the last waves of the orgasmic frenzy she had worked herself up into hit her. As she sucked her own blood with her fangs and felt the wetness between her legs, she began crying bitterly at sensing the misery she had given the one man she truly loved. Again, feelings of suicide began to return. Shiva prayed that Cassie would return home and use that dagger she had given her. This pain had to end. She couldn't go on like this. Just then, a car could be heard coming up the driveway. It was Cassie's Jeep. She had come back. Shiva could hear Cassie with Foxonian. Peeking though the doorway of her room, she saw the rock vixen, still dressed in her stage outfit holding her husband in her arms. He was sobbing into Cassie's lap as the Rock Vixen lovingly caressed him. Cassie then saw Shiva and motioned her to come here. The silverblack vixen quickly grabbed a robe and walked over to where Cassie was sitting. Cassie then motioned her to set next to her. With an almost fluid movent, Shiva sat on the floor and began to sob into Cassie's shoulders. "I-I have broken our agreement. Use the dagger on me now and end my suffering," Shiva sobbed. Cassie, in a suprising move, placed her arm around the silverblack vixen's head, drawing her close. She then kissed Shiva on her head while caressing her back as she contuned to caress her husband's. "No, I won't, Shiva. Dominic told me what has happened and I want to help you. We both do, don't we?" Cassie began looking down at the human who nodded as he began to regain his composure. "Listen to her, Shiva. You have much to live for," a voice said from across the room. Standing in the opposite doorway was a collie-morph in an Armoni business suit. Next to him was a tall Black Jackyl dressed in dark black robes accented with golden symbols in a language that was unfamiliar. "May I present Zaran, my head priest. He will help you to regain your control while the mating bond fades." "Head priest?? Please,Dom! Tell me you didn't give into them! That's worse than my sin!" Shiva pleaded. "He did what was right, my child! Forever may His Name be Praised!" then the jackyl mane a revernt bow an Dominic's direction. Dominic made some kind of gesture with his hands that looked like an inverted Sign Of The Cross. Just then, two other hooded figures in black robes arrived and extended their hand paws in Shiva's direction. Both Cassie and Foxonian looked at this spectacle unfolding in their home with detached amazement. At first Shiva was reluctant to accept their handpaws, but after looking at Dominc, then the High Priest and giving an expression of hopelessness, she reluctantly submitted. Before leaving, Shiva bent down and kissed both Cassie and Foxonian on their mouths passionalty before saying," I love both of you so much, but Dom is right. I need help. All of my belongings will vanish when I leave. I will return when I am "focused" again. Good-bye, My loves!" Tying her robe tightly, Shiva then walked behind the black monks, padding out on her white stocking covered human like feet before vanishing into thin air. "Don't worry. With Shiva under our care, the drives you feel will slowly fade and your desire for your true beloved will return," Zaran began, "Be thankful that our merciful lord has saved you from your folly! All praise the Projenitor! All praise Dominic the Magnificent!!" Two both Cassie and Foxonian's shock,The jackyl then prostrated himself at the collie-morph's feet. Dominic then said something to Zaran,who promptly rose to his feet an vanished. "Dominic, what have you done?" Foxonian asked. "Do the other furry vampires think you are a god?" Cassie added. With an almost painful answer, the collie-morph replied. "Yes, they do. And I curse them for it!" Looking at each other in puzzled glances, Cassie and Foxonian then tuned to see Dominic slowly begin to dissappear. "Have no fear. You and everyone you consider your friends are under my protection. No harm will come you from us. I will inform Rachel on Shiva's progress. Foxonian, please do not hate Shiva, she had no control over her actions." "I know and I look forward to seeing her again," Foxonian replied. With that, Dominic vanished. "Cass, what about the tour? All that money? You can't just sit here with me," Foxonian began. "What do you mean? Go get your laptop! Your on the road with me, Mister! I'm not going to let you out of my sight!" The Rock Vixen said with a giggle As Foxonian raced to get his laptop, he saw Cassie standing in the doorway in the same seductive pose Shiva had been in earlier. "Like what you see?" Cassie said with a grin. THE END