'TILL DEATH DO US PART Written by & copyright of Foxonian Foxonian@aol.com Featuring Cassie and Foxonian (Cassie's husband) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org Please read the prequil, "The Temptress," featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's husband) and Rachel (Cassie's keyboardist) http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/the_long_and_winding_road.txt Please read the sequil, "The Ides Of August" featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's husband) and Cassie's Band at http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/the_ides_of_august.txt All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina and Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor & Ben, who are copyright themselves. 'Till Death Do Us Part Foxonian stood just offstage and watched his wife perform with continued admiration. This was the first time he had ever gone on tour with the Rock Vixen and he found it to be both an exciting and hectic affair. As they crossed the US, hitting a new city every two days, the human came to know not only Slim and the road crew very well,(Slim had a running poker game going most of the time and he felt that Foxonian brought him luck. How the Otter furry morph, got that idea, he had now clue. Especially, since Foxonian lost just about every game he sat in). The human watched as Cassie & Co. did their encore song. At the start of the tour, Cindy, the band’s snowleopard bassist had asked they do a “classic” rock tune. After some debate, The band settled on ‘Baba O’Relly’ from the Who. The song gave Vixina a chance to solo on her fiddle and Alex a chance to wail on her drums at the song’s finale. Despite all that was happening, Foxonian felt that his relationship with his wife had changed somehow. Cassie seemed a little more watchful of him than in the past.Plus,she refused to do any kind of appearance or go anywhere without him in tow. It was beginning to make the human feel like he was a pet on a leash. Foxonian *sighed*. He guessed the reason for this treatment. It was over the incident with Shiva. Although she told him repeatedly that she didn’t hold him at all responsible for what happened, Foxonian knew better. He could sense that deep down, Cassie did hold some anger toward him. If anything, it was clear that her trust in him had been shaken. Why else would she be keeping such a close eye on him now? As soon as the show ended, Foxonian met Cassie in her dressing room. Lying on the room’s sofa, the Rock vixen still looked as beautiful to him as the first day he met her. Her long black head hair draped over the back of the couch. The folds of her dress parted, so her long stocking covered human like fur covered legs were visible up to her garter belt and panties. “*sigh* Could you relax me a bit, Hun?” Cassie said with faint smile on her muzzle as she put her human like stocking covered feet on the small coffee table in front of the sofa. “You know, I would love to,” Foxonian said with a smile as he knelt down and began to massage the Rock Vixen’s feet with his hands. Cassie closed her eyes and let out a contented sigh as the human continued to massage. “Cass, we have to talk. About us.” Foxonian began. The Rock vixen opened her eyes and an exasperated look came over her fox-like face. “Not now, Hun. I have had a long day. Can’t we just wait until the tour is over?” Foxonian stopped is foot massaging and leaned over to look at the Rock Vixen face to face. “Cassie, I know that you still feel bad about what happened with Shiva.” “Please! Don’t mention that again! I told you that I know it wasn’t your fault! She had some kind of spell on you due to her condition. Honestly! You sound like a broken record over this! It’s done! Let’s just move on,kay?” Cassie exclaimed in a loud voice. Not quite yelling, but very agitated. “Cass, you don’t let me out of your sight anymore. Don’t you even trust me? You used to,” Foxonian replied. The Rock Vixen folded her arms across her chest and glared at her husband as she said “That was before. Can’t you see how things are different? We live in a dangerous world. The band get all kinds of threats from Humans First and other fringe groups! I can’t afford to have anything happen to you! Can’t you see that??? Can’t you???” Cassie then began to cry. As Foxonian came close, the Rock Vixen threw her arms around her husband and began to cry, sobbing into his chest. “*sob* Your’e right! I was mad at you! From the time you let Shiva bite you to that whole business in the kitchen! Despite it all, I couldn’t believe you did that to me!!” Foxonian kissed his wife and began to cry himself as he said, “I know! I am truly sorry. I promise I will do all I can to earn your trust fully again. I don’t know how I ever can,though.” “We will just have to work it out over time, Hun,” Cassie said as she looked into her husband’s eyes. “Will we, Cass? I mean, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I mean that. You are a part of me and if I ever lost you, I would feel incomplete. I love you fully, and truly. But, if you think I’m lying, then I don’t what I’ll do!” Foxonian said as he turned away from the Rock Vixen and stared down at the floor. Cassie pulled him back and gave the human a passionate kiss and said, “Let’s not think about the past, but go on from here. Okay, Hun?” Foxonian turned to face his wife and asked, “Okay. Thanks Cass for being my best friend as well as my wife.” Cassie then went into a small drawer of her portable wardrobe and pulled out a small box, wrapped in gift wrap with a bow. “What’s that?” Foxonian asked “It’s a birthday gift, Hun. Like I would forget? Seems you did!” The Rock Vixen said with a laugh. As Cassie snuggled up to her husband, placing her arms around him and wrapping her long bushy fox-like tail seductively around his waist in loving gesture, Foxonian opened the box. Inside, was a gold pocket watch. Inside the lid, was a pick of Cassie with loving expression on her face. On the Watch’s back was an inscription, “To my Wonderful, beloved husband, I will always love you! Cassandra Vixena, July 3rd, 2006” Foxonian smiled and passionedly kissed Cassie on the muzzle then said ”Your’e right. I had forgotten! I love you so much, Cass!” “I’m glad you like it! I know I could have given you a lot, but sometimes one thing is more than enough,“ Cassie said as she kissed her husband on his neck. “Cass, having your love after all that has happened is the best gift a man could ever have.” Foxonian replied. “Come on! Let’s go celebrate your birthday! Cindy, Slim and the gals wanted to something big like last year for you, but I felt you and I should be alone today. After all, we have to get to know each other better don’t you think?” The Rock Vixen asked as she stood up and put on a pair of her light blue pumps. “But, your still in your stage dress. Won’t we attract attention if we go out?” Foxonian asked as he followed his wife out of the dressing room. “I certainly hope so. After all, I love my husband and I see no reason not to. Besides, I keep an eye on you better this way!“ Cassie giggled. “Hey! Watch it, Vixen!” Foxonian replied with slight annoyance. “Just kidding!” Cassie laughed as she walked next two her human husband,his arm in hers. THE END