THE IDES OF AUGUST Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's husband) and Cassie's Band Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "'Till Death Do Us Part," featuring Cassie and Foxonian (Cassie's husband) _us_part.txt Please read the sequil, Chance Encounters, featuring Featuring Cassie's Band and Furversity All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina and Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor & Ben, who are copyright themselves. The Ides Of August "Open the door," Zaran spoke to the guard at the doorway. As the High Priest of all Furry-morph vampires stood and gazed into the chamber within, a look of both sadness and slight anger appeared on his jackyl-like muzzle. In the small room, there was a bunk. Lying on the bunk on her side was a silver black vixen with long full siver-white head hair that flowed from between her foxlike black furred ears. She was dress in a simple white sleeveless tunic made of silk whose hem ended at mid thigh. The tunic had a low neck line, so her large fur covered ½ black & white breasts could be shown. Around her neck, a silver pendant that had a fox’s head in a circle lay on the side of the bunk’s mattress, having shifted away from it’s own due to gravity. The silver black vixen wore no shoes and her human-like black furred feet would move slightly against each other. However, the expression on the Silverblack vixen’s muzzle was one of vacancy. Her eyes were open but staring into space. She was lying on her side facing the doorway. The walls of the small room were dark grey with only a small round light giving any illumination. There was a small sink and toilet at the far corner of the room attached to the wall. Despite efforts to the contrary, this wasn’t a room. It was a prison cell. As Zaran continued to stare at the comatose Shiva, the priest responsible for her "re-habilitation" a small red fox named Luther approached the jackyl and bowed in reverence before giving his report. "It is as I stated, Eminence," Luther began. Despite all of our best efforts and every technique we know, she refuses to let go of her love for that mundane human. Her desire for him penetrates deep into her soul. I doubt she will ever be rid of it." "Is this catalyptic state you doing?" Zaran asked. "Yes, Eminance. We had no choice. She had started to become irrational and violent as our treatment progressed. She would have destroyed us all had we not managed to use our spells to put her in this condition". Just then, both Zaran and Luther turned to see that Shiva was now lying on her back giggleing. "If you think that will work, you are all a bunch of fools," Shiva said in a mocking whisper. "Why are you fighing us? We only want to help you, Shiva. Can’t you see how you are destroying yourself? Keep this up and you will become insane. You could harm others and yourself. Is that what you want?" Luther pleaded to the silverblack vixen who was twirling her legs in the air (high enough for her white panties to be clearly visible form beneath her tunic) as she lay on the bed staring at the celing. As Zaran watched, Shiva began to sing a tune and laugh as Luther’s pleas continued, all the while continuing to twirl her legs and flay her arms as if she was conducting a symphony. "A moment, Luther." The jackyl then pulled the fox over to a corner of the room, out of earshot of the still singing Shiva. "What do we do about her?" Zaran asked. As Luther took an angry gaze at the silverblack, he replied, "Since her condition has advanced to the point of near madness, we only have 3 options open to us. One, we keep her here at the temple under constant watch for the rest of her life. Two, we cut off her blood supply so she slowly starves in hopes that the near death will cure her of this madness." "I do not believe our Sacred Lord Dominic would approve. He thinks of Shiva as a friend and has instructed us to help her. What is your 3rd option?" The fox looked at Zaran in a cold stare, "We let her go." "Are you as mad as she? In her state? She would immedatedly seek out that human and try to mate with him and turn him into our enemy. A human Vampire! Then she would kill that Muscian vixen morph wife of his by sucking her dry. At that point, she would even become a threat to us since I can feel the hatred she has toward you in particular," Zaran replied. "In all honesty, Eminence, I do not believe we can hold her much longer here anyway. Her teleportation skills are very formidible. It has taken the combined efforts of myself and some of our brothers just to keep her in this room. It’s only a matter of time before she has the power to just leave." "Too late, Luther! I am ready to go now!" Turning, both Zaran and Luther saw Shiva standing before them. She had removed the tunic so that she was wearing only her white satin bra and panties (as well as her silver pendant). Shiva took the tunic and threw it at the fox saying "You can keep that thing. I don’t like your seamstress." "Shiva, please listen. You are not well. You are putting both your life and Foxonian’s in danger. You must stay with us!" Zaran said in a firm tone of voice. "I must protect those I love. That is why I am going mad in here. You are keeping me from my duty and I am very late for work." Shiva replied as she spead her black furred human like arms over her fox-like head and mumbled an incantaion. With a flash of blue light that momentarlly blinded both the jackyl and the fox as well as the 3 or 4 brothers in the corridor behind them, the silverblack vixen vanished. Looking at one another, Zaran said "I will tell our lord what has happened. He will know what to do." Foxonian was in heaven. Here he was lying on the beach in his dark blue swim trunks next to the most beautiful woman he had known. The Rock Vixen was wearing her light blue one-piece athletic swimsuit that was low cut in the front and strapless with a plunging back. Across the chest of her swimsuit was a musical C-Cleft done in dark blue. Since she had gone in for a swim, Cassie had removed her neck choker with it’s oval blue gem and placed it on top of the small cooler next to where both her and her husband lay in each other’s arms. As Cassie slept snuggled next to the human, Foxonian had gently taken the choker and placed it around her neck, making sure that it was fastened securely. The Rock Vixen was so used to her husband doing this that she simply tilted her head back with her eyes closed. When Foxonian had finished, Cassie simply kissed him on his cheek and rested her head covered in very long and luxurious black head hair on his bare chest, letting out a contented sigh and a canine-like swallow before drifing off to sleep under the hot sun. Foxonian smiled, then kissed his wife on her fore head before laying back down next to her and closing his eyes. Only Cassie’s fox-like tail could be seen lazily wagging back and forth over their entertwined bodies.The large beach umbrella obscuring the rest of the view. "Hey you two old sleepy heads! Look here!" Both Foxonian and Cassie woke up and looked in the direction of the commotion. Coming across the water was a very fast speed boat. A tall white tiger could be seen at the controls. In the seat next to him, a snowleopard femme with very long and full white head hair accented by braids wearing a black bikini and a life jacket was waving in Cassie and Foxonian’s direction. But what was the real surprise was behind the boat. On two water skis, each being pulled by long ropes trailing from the rear of the boat were a arctic fox furry morph vixen with shoulder lengh blonde slightly curled head hair. In addition to a red bikini,the 5’ tall white vixen had a gold snowflake pendant that bobbed up and down as the waves hit her skis. Just a few feet behind her, a grey wolfess with shoulder length head hair that was clearly one quarter blue, red, grey and a few other colors was riding another pair of skis being pulled by the poat. The grey wolfess sported a bikini that was exactly one half red and one half blue. Getting a good look, Foxonian could see that both Alex and Laretta were true water sport nuts. He was glad that Cassie decided to take a few weeks off the tour. He was also grateful that Cindy & her finance Vic had opened up their oceanfront CF beach home for the band to use if they felt like it. As Cassie looked down the beach on her right, there was small wooden boat dock. Lying on a blanket on the dock was a red fox vixen morph with long reddish hair. She wore a bikini top made out of blue denim and had very short "Daisy Duke type jean shorts on. On her muzzle were large oval eyeglasses that due to the fact that her head was flat, seemed to be lying flush against her eyes. She had an a golden cross on a pendant aorund her neck and some arm jewelry and a ankle bracelet on her foot. Unlike most furry morphs, Vixina had digigrade or real fox-like foot pads. It was a rare trait amoung furry morphs, a trait that her and her red wolf mate Cludchaser shared. Next to the Vixen morph, a fishing pole leaned over the side of the dock and a small fish float could be seen lazily bobbbing up and down in the surf. Cassie wanted to ask her fiddle player if she had caught anything, but though the better of it since it was clear that Vixina was comfortibly dozing in the summer sun." Foxonian had missed seeing Vic. Over the years, he had come to look at the tall tiger as a good friend. As Foxonian always told Vic "You are the only person I can ever look up to." That was also a literal truth, since Vic was easily close to 7’ tall. It also made Foxonian feel good, since due to his 6’ 8" height, he had spent most of his life looking down on everyone. So had Vic. As such, both he and the human had a bond that kept their friendship going. "I hope Alex doesn’t lose that pendant of hers. I did try to tell not to wear it if she was going out on the boat." Cassie said with a sigh. "You are staring to sound like an old mother hen. I though foxes were supposed to eat them rather than act like them?" the human said with a grin. "What my ancestors did or did not do is not that big a deal. Besides,I thought your ancestors liked to eat bananas and fling their own filth around," The Rock Vixen replied with a coy smile on her fox-like muzzle. "Just remember, you have a bit of that blood in you too. Don’t go biting off your nose despite your muzzle as you would put it," Foxonian said as he lay back down on the each towel. "Why don’t I try biting off you nose? Cassie asked with a giggle. "Be my guest!" Foxonian laughed. Cassie then climbed onto her husband’s chest, pushing her mane of black head hair to one side. Wrapping her human like arms around his neck, she opened her muzzle. Then playfully and gently, she leaned down and placed her fox-like canine teeth around the human’s nose as if to bite it off. But, she quickly began to lick is nose then lowered herself down and began to both lick and nibble on his nipple buds and the rest of his slightly hairy chest. As Cassie enjoyed herself, Foxonian very slowly reached up and pushed off the shoulder straps of the rock Vixen’s swimsuit, causing her large human-like fur covered breasts to spill out. The human then took his hands and began to gently squeeze and caress Cassie’s bussoms,listening to his wife’s moan’s of pleasure as she continued to nibble at his chest. "Honestly you two! Get a room!" Both Cassie and Foxonian looked up to see a doe femme dressed in a light grey gothic themed beer maid’s outfit with a hem that ended in mid-thigh. The dress was accented with black garters and fishnet stockings that covered two very shapely human like legs and feet(except for the thick wide black toe nails that each foot sported). Holding a small umbrella made of the same grey material as her dress in her right hand and both of her buckled pump shoes in her left, Rachel stood towereing over the vixen morph and the human. In the shadow she cast, she looked a lot like the statue of liberty. "Glad you could make it, Rach. We are gonna be having a BBQ later and watch some movies that Vic and Cindy rented. Should be fun," Cassie said as she hurredly pulled back on her swimsuit shoulder straps and as Foxonian sat up and tried not to look embarrassed. "Thanks. But I didn’t come alone." Rachel then turned and pointed to the figure approaching them. The silverblack vixen was dressed in black leather mini-dress thigh high boots and opera length black leather gloves on each hand & arm. As Shiva approached, she could sense the fear in both of them, especially Foxonian. "Don’t be afraid, my Love. I am whole again. I just want another chance. Tell that to Cassie, when you are alone. She will have her doubts and rightly so. But,I love you both equally and I want to protect you both.That is where my energys will go,whenever I long for you." Foxonian shook his head for a second as he heard the telepathic message Shiva had sent him. He looked at this arm and felt the bite marks and the phantom pain for momemt before it vanished. "Hun, is she doing anything to you?" a worried Cassie asked. "No. I don’t hear anything or feel anything from her anymore. I think she’s cured and I think we should listen to what she has to say." As Shiva began to speak to both Cassie and Foxonian, Rachel crept away on her fishnet stocking covered feet across the beach sand to where a collie-morph in a dark gray Armani suit stood gazing out at the ocean. As soon as he was close enough, the doe femme flung her arms around her lover and gave Dominic a passionate embrace. "I did what you asked, My Love. Now,will your 'keepers' allow us some time alone?" Rachel said. "Yes. we will hav the rest of this week to ourselves with no intrusion. You have my word. Besides, It’s been a while since I have had anything BBQ’ed." With that, Dominic took Rachel by the hand and both of them walked tword the place where Cassie, Foxonian and Shiva were. On the ocean behind them,a powerboat raced by pulling two figures on skis and a fast clip. THE END