HOLIDAZE Written by & copyright of Foxonian Foxonian@aol.com Featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's husband), Shiva (Cassie's security cheif) and Yang Li (Cassie's session guitarist) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org Please read the prequil, "Fall's Paintbrush," featuring Shiva (Cassie's security cheif) and Yang Li (Cassie's session guitarist) at http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/falls_paintbrush.txt Please read the sequil, "Sounds Of Spring," featuring Cassie, Andy (Cassie's manager), Dominic (Rachel's BF) and Rafe (Alex's Ex) at http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/sounds_of_spring.txt All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina and Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor & Ben, who are copyright themselves. Holidaze As the sun dawned on the 3rd day after Christmas, the light coming through the large glass windows of the large old ski lodge/home saw a tall Christmas tree with piles of gifts all open and neatly arranged as not to look messy or unkept to the naked eye. Around the fireplace were strands of holly and ivy, each accented with pinecones (all were fake) and strings of tiny white lights woven through them.Two large Christmas stockings could be seen with candy coming out of them. One had the name “Foxonian,” the other “Cassie.” Each stocking had running foxes stitched into them accented \with Christmas trees and snowmen. At a wooden table close by, a tall human with streaks of grey in his hair was busy at work. In front of him, a very old radio could be seen in various stages of disassembly. With his tools laid out in front of him, Foxonian looked more like a jeweler fixing a watch, right down to the glass jeweler’s eye he sported as he continued to fiddle with the circuit board in front of him. Just then, a tall furry morph red fox vixen sporting very long luxurious brunette colored head hair, a black neck chocker with an oval blue centered gem, a light blue sweater & dark blue courteroy knee-length skirt came padding into the room on her human-like furred bare feet. “How’s it going?" Cassie asked her husband as she brought him in one of the two mugs of hot chocolate she had made. “Well, I almost have the circuit board done,” Foxonian began as he rose up from his crouched position, winced for a moment in pain then smiled and took the cup from his beautiful wife after giving her a kiss on the muzzle. “You know that radio was working when I gave it to you, Hun. I don’t understand why you had to take it apart” The Rock vixen said with a slight smirk. “There was some static on the contacts and two the frequency bands didn’t work all that well. However,once I’m done it should be as good as new. Thanks for getting me this, Hun. You know how much I have always wanted a Zenith Trans-Oceanic 7000,” Foxonian replied with the grin of a new kid getting that favorite bicycle he long desired. “Your welcome. I also really liked all the nice guitar stuff you got me, including that old vintage Vox amp I had my eye on for years. Plus, you know how much I really liked the lingere. Especially the one with the transparent silk shawl that had musical notes stitched into it.” Cassie then sat on her husband’s lap and put her arms around his waist in a seductive way. Foxonian had a brief flash back to Christmas night, when Cassie climbed onto their bed wearing that light blue satin bra and bikini panty with matching musical transparent silk shaw. The human was already in bed and the Rock Vixen being in a playful mood, made him wait until she made a seductive enterance into their bedroom. She then crawled on her hands & knees across the top of the bed with a mistletoe clenched in her teeth and an open mouthed toothy smile on her muzzle. Needless to say, if it were possible for humans and furry-morphs to have children, it’s a good bet one would have gotten conceived on that day. “So, how’s the New Year’s party shaping up?” Foxonian asked his wife. “Well, I talked with Cindy yesterday. Her and Vic are gonna try to get a flight back here for tomarrow. Don’t worry. They are gonna rent a car. Vixina and Cloudchaser are planning on stopping by on Friday. Laretta is going to pick up Alex and they will be here as well. I talked with Slim, his wife said yes, so He’s gonna try to get some of the road crew to show up. Andy will also be there. Rachel and Dominic, however are another matter. I haven’t heard from Rachel since the tour ended. And I have no clue where Dominic is, per usual,” Cassie said as she sipped her mug of cocoa. “I could ask Shiva if she has heard anything,” Foxonian began, causing the Rock Vixen to put down her mug quickly. “I’ll speak to Shiva. I would rather you didn’t,” Cassie said in a level voice looking directly at her husband. The human put his right hand across is wife’s long mane of hair, causing Cassie to tremble slightly before he replied “Cass, that’s all done with. It’s in the past now. Besides, you have noticed how Shiva has been spending a lot of time around Yang Li. In fact, I think you have noticed the looks they have been giving each other lately. What do you think is going on there? Has Shiva once even looked in my direction with the affection she used to show? How do you think she’s looking at the golden dragoness now?” As if she had been hit on the head, Cassie suddenly realized that her husband was right. All through the holidays Cassie had noticed that both Shiva and Yang Li were acting strange. In fact, Shiva was getting to be so helpful and pleasent that she was worried that what happened before was going to happen again. Yet she never seemed to want to stay around Foxonian all that much. In fact, Yang Li was always close by whenever they saw the silverblack vixen. So that explains it, both Shiva and Yang Li were in love with each other. Instead of being suprised, The Rock Vixen felt a wave of relief and some bit of happiness in the knowledge that finally, Shiva’s tortured soul might at last know some peace. Clearly, that was a Christmas gift that no amount of money could buy. “I see. Well, I hope that Shiva is happy now.” Cassie said. “She is. Very much so. I think for the first time in her life in fact,” Foxonian said as his kissed his wife on her muzzle. “I’m sorry I said that. I guess there is still a slight bit of scar tissue on my heart from that day. I was soo scared of losing you my darling Foxie that I still have some” Cassie said with her fox like ears drooping and her head tilted down. Foxonian took his index finger and gently pushed up her muzzle so that their eyes locked. “Cass, I have my own scar tissue from that day. I too, though that I was gonna lose you forever. I have never been so scared in all my life. I would rather die than lose you, I just wanted you to know. You are my life and my wife and that is a Christmas present that keeps on giving in my mind.” As soon as his finished, both the human's & the Vixen-morph s eyes began to tear up. Then both husband and wife began to passionately kiss one another. “I’ll make sure that Shiva & Yang Li are invited to the New Year’s party. After all, they are family now,” Cassie said as she continued to embrace Foxonian. In a large condo just south of the Berkshires, two figures could be seen lying next to each other on an elaborate oriental style four poster bed. One was a silverblack vixen with a long mane of white head hair. Sporting a silver pendant with a fox’s head in a circle, the morphic sliverback vixen wore white satin bra and panties.Next to her was large furry-morph golden dragoness clad in a light jade bra and panty set accented with Chinese dragon designs. Both figures were lying in each other’s arms, eyes closed in passionate embrace. Although the silverblack vixen’s head came up to her chest, the dragoness had snaked her head down to lean against the vixen’s. On a small table next to the bed, various sexual devices of the feminine variety could be seen as well as a jade flask containing scented oils that Yang Li had brought from her native China. On the two rear posters of the large bed, a pair of silk lined handcuffs could be seen on each wooden rail. As the light of the day began to filter through large orental curtans,their beams came down upon a pile of clothes on the floor at the foot of the large bed. One pile looked like a black leather dress with a pair of thigh-high boots and some matching black leather opera length gloves. Next to that was a larger pair (in terms of size) of clothing that consisted of a dark green mini-skirt & light green oriental-style silk shirt. There was some bracelets and other precious jewelry laid down on to of that pile. Just beyond the bedroom, there was a large living area with a fireplace & a small Christmas tree that sported decorations ranging from Chinese to Gothic in nature. There were no presents under the tree, but there were two stockings on the mantle. One\ bore the name of “Yang Li” the other said “Shiva.” Both showed a fox and dragon frocking together in a snowy land. Both at peace with the world. THE END