SOUNDS OF SPRING Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie, Andy (Cassie's manager), Dominic (Rachel's BF) and Rafe (Alex's Ex) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Holidaze," featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's husband), Shiva (Cassie's security cheif) and Yang Li (Cassie's session guitarist) at Please read the sequil, "Still Live," Featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's Husband) Mark "Sparky" Robinson (Cassie's father), Cindy (Cassie's Bassist) and Shiva (Cassie's security chief) All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina and Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor & Ben, who are copyright themselves. Sounds of Spring "That cover is so awesome,Cass. I just know that this album is gonna be a hit!" Andy exclaimed as he saw the cover design on the Rock Vixen's laptop. "I agree. However, what's inside has to matter as well," Cassie replied as she rotated the cover design slightly so the wolf dressed in his usual clean suit could get a better look. The cover was actually an oil painting that had been concived by the record label's design staff (from suggestions made by other female members of the band). It featured a furry-morph red fox vixen dressed like a classic medievel sorceress with her arms raised in front of a stone temple that looked like gothic castle. The vixen of course was based on Cassie herself and even sported her neck choker. Standing to one side were a bunch of female warriors who were dressed like Norman foot solders but were clearly the rest of the female band members (except for Rachel, who looked like a another socerres, except in a long black dress vs. Cassie's elegant long dress done in shades blue pastells). "You never told me the title of this one. But, judging from what I see here it must have a magical name," Andy asked as he leaned over the Rock Vixen's shoulder to get a better look at the tiny flat screen. "It's called 'The Tale of Elanna'. It's about the life of a pagan sorceress during medieval Europe. It's a tragedy of course," Cassie said with a bit of pride in her voice. "Okay. Well, I'll get the PR train started. Just let me talk to the promoters about getting the tour package in place and..." Andy began before the Rock Vixen interrupted him. "We aren't going to tour \with this album. I talked with the girls and they are really wrung out for the tour we did last fall. It's time for us all to get off the road again and get back to our lives." "Cass,you know yourself that this is the first new album you ladies have done in years. It needs to be pushed. Especially because it's a 'concept' piece and you know that those never do all that well in the marketplace. I know that the last tour was mostly a 'damage control' thing due to the whole Live 8 Incicdent last Summer and it would have been better if you guys had not gone out on the road then. But,you had to do what you had to do and it paid off big with both the fans and the music press. To just release and album and go back out of the public eye is gonna make some wonder if all is well with you ladies. Could even hurt the albums sales." The band's wolf manager paused when he saw the look of "I know you were going to say this, but I don't give a damn" expression on Cassie's muzzle. "I'm just giving you the facts as I see them, Cass. It's what you hired me to do. Remember?" "I know. And you obviously know what I'm going to tell you. Money isn't important to most of us. Granted, Cindy did have a rough time of it last Fall, but she and Vic are on a good footing now and really don't need any extra cash that another tour would bring. Plus, and I'm being honest here, I want to spend an year off with my husband. We have both been through a lot and we really need each other right now. Just do what I ask and don't schedule a tour? Plug the album as hard as you can. I'll even do TV and radio interviews for it, but no tour, kay?" Cassie replied as she ran her right hand paw through her extreme long and full black mane of head hair. "Okay. You have point. I'll do what you want. But,it's not gonna be easy," Andy said as he showed the Rock Vixen out of his office door. "It never is, but thanks Andy. I really appreciate this." Cassie replied as she gave the wolf a peck on the cheek. "Oh, not a problem. Who am I to refuse the wishes of the Rock Vixen? I'll keep you apprised" Cassie waved to Andy as she headed out of his office and down to her wating Corvette. Andy maintained an office in the nearby city of Pittsfield Mass. That was only 45 min drive from Cassie and Foxonian's home. Since it was a warm day, The Rock Vixen sported a nice sleveless summer dress that was slight low cut in the front.The dress was light blue with a floral design on it and the hemm ended just above her knees.Cassie was sported her usual stockings and garters (light blue sheer stockings with a cuban heel and back seam on each leg and foot and accented by her usual blue pumps). Jumping into the new red-orange 'Vette, Cassie put down the cloth top and took off her pumps. The Rock Vixen knew that driving barefoot was illegal,but she felt that her response time was faster if she could feel the petals with her soles. Besides, her feet were covered in nylon, so that wasn't really being "bare footed" now was it? Cassie thought to herself at moments like these. Soon, Cassie and her Vette travelling up Rt. 8. As her long mane of head hair blew like a sail in the air and the hemm of her dress flew up revealing her garter straps hooked to eached stocking leg. This caused a passing truck driver to almost veer into a tree as his eye wondered from the road to the lovely furry morph vixen behind the wheel of a hot Vette. "Where did you find him?" a tall furry morph collie in a expensive Armani suit asked a shadowy figure just out of view. "Magifince. Isn't it marvelous? We have a new brother! One who was lost and did know know who or what he was. He was one of us but did not see. Fortunetly, one of our order discovered him near death and saved his life," the shadowy figure said with a sort of pride. "Where is he? I wish to see him," Dominic said as he walked toward the figure. "Of course, Great One! He is in this room. He has been asking for you, but we wanted to make sure he was well enough." As Dominic walked toward the room, he glanced over at his two constant body guards. A vampiric Bear and Tiger dressed and black business suits and looking like a pair of Secret Service agents. They never left him, but he often wished they would. Dominic felt like what was left of his own soul was now a piece of flint. His relationship with Rachel was starting to crumble. The gothic doe still loved him deeply, but Dominic was having trouble returning that love. They wre apart so much and everything that was being done in his name by the growing legion of furry morph vampires was slowly draining him of all emotion. He was becoming of godlike statue and and couldn't see away to stop it. That as the problem with being immortal. Even death was denied you as means of escape. As these thoughts crossed the collie mroph's mind, the door in front of him opened and he could see a familiar figure glaring back at him from behind a desk. "Rafe?" Dominic said as he saw the bobcat furry morph looking back at him. "You still remember me, Your Magesty! I am honored. Espcially after what you had done to me. How you sent me to spy on your human vamp enemies at the expense of my own carear as a cop. Not to mention how it ruined my relation ship with Alex, the only woman I really loved. The final insult was when that vamp bodyguard I had, that Coyote named Vern took a shine to me and made me into his own kind by biting my while I slept after trying to rape me. Didn't know he was gay did you? Well, I found out. That really brightened my day let me tell you." "You have reason to hate me,Rafe.I am truely sorry for all that has happened to you.If I could change it all,I would." Dominic said. "Oh, like that's supposed to make it all better? Now that I'm one of the living dead and my have no one to turn to and my life has been destroyed, it's all 'sorry about that.' Well, you can take your apologies and shove them up that Divine ass of yours!" Rafe began as his voice rose to a screaming rage, "if it's the last thing I do, I'm gonna pull you and your sorry bunch of followers down into the Hell where you all belong. I don't care if I die, because at this point that's exactly what I want! Death! But, thanks to you, even that won't happen. The best I can hope for is being almost dead but not for ever! And the worst of it all is, I can never see my beloved Alex again," tears began to flow down the bobcat's muzzle at this thought. "Rafe, you know that's not true. You can see Alex anytime. She would understand," Dominic began, "NO!!! SHE MUST NOT KNOW! I AM DEAD, DO YOU HEAR?? DEAD!!!" Rafe screamed as he lunged at the collie morph in a fit uncontrolled rage. Dominic swiftly avoided the oncoming bobcat as the collie morph's body guards blocked Rafe's advance. Seeing his target blocked, the bobcat then vanished in thin air leaving an insane laughter his wake. "He's learned to teleport. Don't worry magifiance. We will destroy him for you," one of the shadowy figures responded. "No. Let him be. I owe him that for what I have let happen to him. Simply make sure that he doesn't harm himself or others. And keep a watch on the arctic fox vixen Alex. I fear he might do her harm now. Is that clear?" Dominic asked. "It will be as you ask,Great One," the figure replied before vanishing into the mist. Dominic was now back in his home. He could see Rachel approching him. As he embraced and kissed the gothic doe, he said "My Love. I have a problem. I have done someone a great injstice and I need your help." THE END