STILL LIVE Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's Husband) Mark "Sparky" Robinson (Cassie's father), Cindy, (Cassie's Bassist) and Shiva (Cassie's security chief) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Sounds Of Spring," featuring Cassie, Andy (Cassie's manager), Dominic (Rachel's BF) and Rafe (Alex's Ex) at Please read the sequil, Cassie's Children's Concert, featuring All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina and Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor & Ben, who are copyright themselves. Still Live “I hope you all are enjoying the show so far,” the MC began, “Now,I would like to introduce a lady who some of you may know. What you don’t know about her is the amount of money she has generously given to various causes over the years. Including the one we are here for today. So,with out further delay,here she is, Cassie The Rock Vixen and her band !!!!” With that, the MC truned to one side and watched as Cassie, Cindy, Alex, Rachel, Laretta and Vixina take up their positions on stage. The decision to perform at the Live Earth concert event was a no brainer for Cassie. After all, as the MC said, she had given a lot to various causes and the enviorment was one of them. So much so,that she had her new Vette converted to propane fuel. As she walked up to the mike, Cassie spoke to the huge Giants Staduim crowd, “How is everyone tonight?” Requisite cheers sprang up as the Rock Vixen continued, “I just want you all to know that I and the band are here not just to entertain you, but to help out Mother Earth. Oh, and by the way,” Cassie then reached up and playfully snapped the shoulder straps of her light blue stage dress, “The only thing that going to drop at this concert is our ingnorance” At which point the crowd erupted in a huge cheer. Watching from the side of the stage, Foxonian was smiling. He always enjoyed seeing his wife perform in front of a huge crowd. Not only was she an incredibly proficient guitarist, but she could also be showoman too, Especially when she twirled like a whirling dervish during her guitar solos. It hadn’t been easy putting the band back together on such short notice, but as usual the ladies came through for their close friend. The human watched as Cassie took off her autographed pumps as she was playing. Rather than kick them into the crowd, The Rock Vixen waited until the end of song, the held one shoe over her head. With a fanged smile on her fox-like muzzle, she called out “Anybody want one of these??” at which point a multitude of arms hands (both human and furry) began reaching up toward the stage, only to be held back by the band’s security force. With Cindy pointing to certain audience members Cassie would then send one light blue pump at one group of spectators, then the other until the Rock Vixen began playing the next song in her nylon stocking covered human-like feet. “How are you doing there?” a familiar voice said from behind the human. Foxonian turned to see and older fox furry morph wearing a dark blue suit, with matching dark blue tie, a dark blue fedora with two holes cut in the brim for fox like ears to protrude. On his slighty graying muzzle were a pair of oval dark blue sunglasses. In the furry morph’s muzzle was a cigarette holder with a clove cigarette burning. “Sparky! How are you doing? I didn’t know you were going to perform today!” Foxonian said as he greeted his father-in-law. “Shoot! You should have known better, Foxniee. Besides, with my little girl out there knocking them dead, sombody’s gotta bring them back to their senses. Hee,hee!” Sparky replied as he handed his dark red Gibson Es-335 guitar to a roadie to set up on stage. “I’m gonna be playing with my new band. The Fur Blues Review. Gonna catch our act??” the fox morph said as he removed his clove cigarette from it holder and placed it into a nearby ashtray. “You old sly fox, how could I not? Btw, I liked the birthday gift that you and Vanessa gave me. How did you know that I always wanted a vintage metronome?” “Heh. I have my ways of knowing. Besides, Cassie’s mom is a quite a detective when she want’s to be. That’s why I can’t get away with anything around her,” Sparky said with a touch of regret. Foxonian didn’t want to pry just what his father-in-law had in mind. Being famous blues musician could leave one’s imagination full of ideas. Especially,if you listen to what bluesmen sing about. “Mr. Robinson? Just wanted to show you to the rehersal stage. Your band is all set and they want to get in a few numbers.” a nice young human girl with long blond hair in a white t-shirt and tight jeans asked with a large smile. “Well, all be there in just second, Hunny!” Sparky replied with a large grin on his foxlike muzzle. As she walked away, Foxonian saw Sparky’s oval glasses come down to the end of his foxlike muzzle. Just then, Cassie and her band finished their set and were heading towards Foxonian and Sparky. As soon as she saw him, Cassie gave her father a big hug and kiss, while the rest of the ladies all came over to shake the bluesman’s hand paw and chat. As Foxonian was watching this scene unfold,another familiar figure walked up to him. A sliverblack vixen with extreme long full white head hair,a silver fox-head circlet pendant on a silver chair resting just above her human-like breasts. Wearing her balck leather sleeveless dress slitted to mid thigh on both sides,accented by thigh-high leather boots. In her fox-like ear was a wireless ear piece and stick mike combo, her main tool with keeping in touch her her security force in and around the band and it’s equipment. “We have everything broken down. Are you and Cassie planning to stay after Sparky and his band play?” Shiva replied in a efficient manner that kind of made Foxonian feel a little uneasy given their personal history together. Although he was aware that Shiva and Yang Li the band’s golden dragoness morph session guitartist were lovers now, he still felt that attraction and bond to the Silverblack vixen. From what he could see of Shiva, he know that the reverse was also true. Her act at being overly professional around him was a sheer giveaway. The old Shiva was more relaxed around him the whole time she knew him. “Well, Cassie does want to mingle about with some of the other musicians, but I think we will be heading back to the Berkshires after the party at the Hard Rock Café later. You want to come with us?” Shiva was startled by Foxonian asking her this and motioned him to one side out of view of Cassie and the rest. Before Foxonian could open his mouth, Shiva placed her arms around the human and have him a passionate kiss on his lips. Suprisingly, Foxonian didn’t resist. Instead,he wrapped his hands through the silverblack vixen’s long mane of white head hair causing Shiva to tremble with excitement. Just then, Shiva pilled away saying,” Thank you, Love. I couldn’t have resisted for much longer. Now, I’ll be fine. It’s just that being away from Yang Li has left me wanting.” “I knew you were like that. I could feel it in the bond. I am pleased that you and Yang Li have found happiness together. You both needed each other,” Foxonian replied as he looked into Shiva’s golden cat-like eyes. “Just remember, if you ever want to experience true happiness, you and Cassie could join Yang Li and I for some intimate pleasures” Shiva said with a lustful look on her fox-like face. While the thought of being the one male surround by 3 beautiful females in one large bed was exctiting, Foxonian knew that Cassie would be appalled by the whole thought. Plus,despite all that has happened, the human was still the devoted husband and would never agree to such a proposal. As Foxonian was about to speak, he could see Shiva’s fox-like ears drooping slightly indicating her disapointment at what she knew was Foxonian’s refusal. Shiva then took her index finger and placed it against the human’s lips and whispered, “the offer will always stand. Whenever you think you both are ready.” With a slight wink, the silverblackvixen strode away as she gave orders to her security force with her headset. “Is there something wrong? You look like you just saw a kitten run over by a bus.” A certain snowleopard remarked as she walked up to where the human stood. “Hi Cind! Un,no. Just lost in thought for a moment. Is Vic coming over the after dinner party at the House Of Blues??” a startled Foxonian asked. Cindy was dressed in her usual black mini-dress accented with flames on the hemm and sleeves. Out from under the dress were her usual light black stockings with garters visible. In her right hand were her two strapless sandles. Cindy usually walked around back stage or in her dressing room in her stocking feet as Cassie did. Although,she usually played on stage in her sandles. Once Foxonian over heard a conversation between Alex and Cindy about why she didn’t perform in her stocking feet like Cassie did. The snowleopard’s response was that it was Cassie’s bag and she didn’t want to be seen as a furry “mini-me” to the Rock Vixen. “Yeah. Vic’s got his knife and fork already to dig into those BBQ ribs I promised him there.” Cindy snickered as she thought of her tiger-morph fiancée standing ready to pounce on the waiter holding the tray of ribs like his genetic ancestors used to do on a gazelle. “Still gonna have the wedding this fall?” the human asked. “*sigh* If all goes well. I just gotta get Vic not to chicken out. That’s where you come into it. He listens to you. I’ll tell you and Cass when that plan has to kick into gear,” Cindy replied as she sat down on an amp case and crossed her stocking covered human like legs. “You guys gonna stay there all night? My dad and his band are up next and I want you here.” Cassie said as she padded up in her stocking covered feet to where Cindy and Foxonian were. The human noticed that Cassie had another pair of her light blue pumps in her left paw hand. That was a signal that she was planning on going out to an exit at some point. “I’m gonna go get my cell and give Vic a call. He’s somewhere out in the crowd and I don’t want to lose him. Catch you guys later.” With that, the snow leopard stood up, picked up her sandles from the floor and padded off, leaving behind the slight “swishing” sound of her stocking covered legs slightly rubbing against each other as she walked. Cassie wrapped her arms around her husband gave him a passionate kiss. She then buried her fox-like head against the human’s chest and closed her fox-like eyes. Foxonian placed his head against his wife’s and then said, “I love you so much, Cass.” “So do I, Hun. I’m happy you came to see me here.” The Rock Vixen replied. “Let’s give a big welcome to Sparky Robinson and The Fur Blues Review!” As soon as the cheering started, a tall human in a dark blue t-short jenas and sneakers walked arm in arm with a vixen furry morph with extremely long black head hair, sleeveless low cut thigh high slitted light blue dress with yellow waistbelt. With a black neck choker with oval gem on her neck and light blue sheer nylon stocking and garters on her human like legs and feet, toward the stage and the sounds of blues coming from the area beyond. THE END