GHOSTS OF THE PAST Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie and Jeff Best (former Furrosity lead singer & old friend of Cassie) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "Cassie's Children's concert," featuring Cassie and Foxonian (Cassie's Husband) at Please read the sequil, Dark Passage, featuring Alex and Rafe (Alex's old lover) at All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina and Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor & Ben, who are copyright themselves. Ghosts of the past In the corner of her new studio, Cassie sat and played a melody on a very special instrument. It was a Gretsch White Falcon with a red rose on the front near the bottom. As she continued to play, thoughts of her old friend came back and a tear could be seen coming down the Rock Vixen’s fox-like face from one of her light blue cat-like eyes. It was late September. On a matter of weeks before the nights grew colder and the leaves surrounding her Berkshire home and studio would turn their golden shades. Cassie loved summer and liked winter, but Autumn was always hard for her. Though her human husband Foxonian tried to liven her spirits (especially around Halloween and Thanksgiving), but it didn’t seem to matter much. This was the time when her close friend Rose died after battling Synger’s Syndrome and when Cassie always missed her the most. “That was very lovely,” Said a voice from out of the shadows of the far end of the studio. Putting the guitar back in it’s stand,Cassie stood up form the stool from which she was sitting and quickly straightened the dark blue denim mini skirt she was wearing (in addition to tank-like light blue t-shirt and her black neck/blue gem choker). “Who’s there?” the RockVixen asked as she padded over on her bare human-like feet. She had thought about putting on her sneakers, but since the studio was carpeted and the walkway up to her ski-lodge home was laid with brick, it wouldn’t matter. Besides, Cassie usually only wore shoes if she was going out or working in her garden. “Oh, I can tell you what I once was, but I think you might like to see me now” said the voice. It was clear to Cassie that this person wasn’t someone who should be on her property. She recalled the talk that both Foxonian and Shiva had with her about getting a personal weapon of some kind to carry (Foxonian had playfully suggested Cassie get a “thigh holster” to carry either a small gun or a knife, but the Rock Vixen thought he was just being silly or wanted to play some kind of game). Now,she was starting to wish that maybe she should have listened to them.What bothered her was, how could this person have gotten by the elaborate security fencing and the private security co. that patrolled the parmeter of her and Foxonian’s land? “Look, whoever you are, I am not pleased. How dare you come onto my land and into my studio? Don’t you realize how rude that is?” Cassie said as she stopped less than 30 ft. away from the intruder. “Oh, come now, Vixena! Is that anyway way to treat an old friend?” the voice said with a chuckle. The Rock Vixen felt a chill crawl up her spine. There was only one person who ever called her by her last name constantly. But, it couldn’t be him, Cassie thought to herself. “J-Jeff? Is that you?” Cassie asked. Coming out of the shadows stood a 6 ft tall coyote furry morph dressed in black jeans, black t-shirt, black sneakers and sported a black mane of head hair that came down to his shoulders and done up in a mullet-like style. Both of his eyes were surrounded with black eye shadow and he sported both earrings and jewelry from his two coyote like ears. On both of his arms, were various types of tattoos that had by burned into his pelt of fur and into his light skin underneath.It was clear then that this was Jeff Best. Former front man, driving force, creative genius of the legendary Furry Metal band “Furrosity”. Also, the same Jeff Best who went insane and had to be committed to mental institution after he tried to find and kill his “other self” that (according to Jeff) was responsible for the creation of all furry morphs to Watergate. Jeff was convinced that his “other self” lived inside of mirrors and all kinds of refections. The coyote morph jumped though a glass window and landed on top of a number of record industry types at a hotel where the band was playing, after Jeff thought he saw the “other” laughing at him in the window. It was Best’s mental breakdown (coupled with Cindy & Lucy’s alcoholism) that lead to Furrosity breaking up after Jeff’s self-commitment a few days later. To be honest, Cassie hadn’t bothered to keep track of Jeff since then and both she and Cindy wanted to put the years they were involved with Jeff and Furrosity behind them. Yet, here was the Coyote Morph who was as much of legend in furry metal circles as Syd Barret was to Prog. Rock or Johnny Rotten was to punk (mostly due to Jeff copying a lot of Rotten’s stage moves and perfecting a monsterous snarling singing voice that would be aped by death metal bands for years). “H-how did you get??” Cassie began before Jeff raised his hand paw and said, “I broke out of that crazy house enough times to get around anything as simple as your system.” The coyote morph then took a seat on nearby chair and looked at Cassie with grin before continuing, “But, thanks to the wonders of modern shrinks, I’m better. See for yourself.” Best then tossed a paper twords the Rock Vixen. Cassie picked it up and it was a release form from the sanitorum. As she read it, it indicated that Jeff was still under a councilor’s care and he was on some medication for his apparent mild form of schizophrenia, but he was considered harmless now. Cassie put down the paper and looked at Jeff,trying to figure out just what he wanted of her. It was not like the coyote morph to pay a social call on anyone. Even when he was still somewhat sane, he usually had an alterior motive when he paid someone a visit (drugs,sex,booze or all three). Anticipating her next question, Jeff began ”You still know me, Vixena. Even when I brought you into Furrosity after that loser Sammy (a tiger morph who was the band’s founding lead guitartist died of a drug overdose) bought it, you guessed I really wanted to get into those light blue panties of yours. Still, you played better than Sammy ever could and better than any gal I ever saw. We made quite a team. That’s why I want to know if…” Jeff lowered his head in what looked like shame. “You could help me re-start my carrear. Not putting the band back together, since you and your crazy Snowleopard buddy of yours seem to be doing well with that female band thing you have going. No. I want to start a solo carrear. You know, a comeback kind of thing. Think you can help?” For the first time in all the years she knew him, Jeff looked both sincere and had no shade of the slight “crazyness” in his coyote-like eyes. “Hold it right there!” came a voice behind where the coyote-morph was sitting. Cassie looked to see Shiva, along with a private security guard and local police officer pointing there weapons at Jeff’s back. The coyote morph rasied his hands and turned to face them. “Cassie. Are you okay? One of the proximity alarms went off and we thought that the house had been burglarised, since we assumed that both you and Foxonian were away”. Shiva asked. “It’s okay, you can lower your weapons. I know this guy. He’s an old friend. We go way back. He just wanted to make a surprise enteranc is all”. Cassie replied. “Excuse me,but aren’t you Jeff Best?” one the security guards asked the coyote-morph who nodded in reply. “I don’t believe it!” the bear morph said with an excited tone of voice, “this guy was the lead singer of Furrosity! He was the best metal singer I ever knew! All those guys in bands like Napalm Death tried ape him and they never could! Then one day at Furrosity’s LA show, he walked out on stage and said “good-bye” then walked off. They had to cancel the concert and huge riot happened.” “Uh,I was there too.” Cassie said with a sly smile. “Oh, yeah. That’s right Ms. Vixena. Sorry, I was more a fan of the original line up before you and Ms. Cindy joined” the bear morph said looking nervous. “That’s okay. I can play the old stuff and I know how much it means to some.” The Rock Vixen replied. “So, are you gonna sing again? Is Furrosity coming back? Sorry, but I have to know.” The bear insisted as Shiva and the cop both left the studio. Jeff looked at Cassie who grinned, then looked at the bear and said in a deep dark growl with curled fanged lips, “I’m BACK!!!” THE END