Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Alex and Rafe (Alex's old lover) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org Please read the prequil, "Ghosts of the Past," featuring Cassie and Jeff Best (former Furrosity lead singer & old friend of Cassie) http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/ghosts_of_the_past.txt Please read the sequil, Rock Around the Christmas Tree, featuring Cassie, Foxonian and Cssie's road crew All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina and Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor & Ben, who are copyright themselves. Dark Passage Sittting at the window of her house, an white arctic fox vixen with blond curly head hair looked out upon the fall night and pondered. Since her move up to this small Ct. town just south of Waterbury, Alex had started to find some piece and quiet. Between her dumping of her former bobcat furry morph BF Rafe and the constant tour schedule put upon her by being the drummer in an all female furry morph metal band that was currently on the top of the charts, all the arctic fox vixen wanted was a slower pace. What could be better than an old farm house situated on 50 + acres of farmland? Plus, since the land was leased to a local dairy farmer, all she had to worry about was the colonial-style farmhouse. Not a problem, since Alex loved to work on things, especially "how-to" projects that PBS shows loved to run. Unfortunetly, Alex moved into the house very quickly after the band's tour ended (she had only had a chance to see the house in between gigs. Rachel had traveled up with Alex after the arctic vixen saw the house on an online real estate ad). The gothic doe had offered to help Alex move all of her belongings out of her NYC condo, but the Arctic fox vixen was adamant about doing the whole house closing, moving and such alone. Then, just as she was ready to move, news came that Cassie's husband Foxonian had lost his father. Hurredly, the band gathered to attend the funeral. Alex recalled how Cassie had a special black pencil thin long sleeved dress made with a hemm that just covered her human like knees,accented by black pumps on her human like feet. The entire ensamble was complimented by not only her black neck choker with oval blue gem, but also a wide brimmed black sunhat with holes cut out on the brim for the Rock Vixen's fox-like ears to poke through. Even though she shed a few tears as she held her husband close, Cassie nevertheless showed remarkable stamina(as did Foxonian). Unfortuetly,that could not be said of Alex. The arctic fox vixen felt terrible about all the crying she did at both the funeral mass and the graveside service. She couldn't explain it,since she had never met Foxonian's dad or his family before that day. Yet,it seemed like her eyes were hooked up to garden hose. Thank goodness that Rachel and Dominic had taken it upon themselves to keep an eye on the little arctic fox (although Dominic didn't show up until the reception held at Foxonian's brother's home). As she picked up her dinner dishes from the table and brought them into her kitchen to wash, Alex recalled how Foxonian's relatives treated her and the rest of the band. As the only furry morphs at the reception (and famous ones at that) most of Foxonian's younger cousins thought they were in the presence of movie stars. All of them could not get enough of Cassie & Co. Even some local paparazzi had managed to find out that the band was at the house and had set up a cameras at the end of the driveway with high powered lenses, each one trying to get a glimpse of the famous female furry-morphs. However, Foxonian's mom, sis and brothers were not amused. Despite them accepting Cassie into the family, they did not like all the commotion that it brought. Plus, Alex was convinced that some of the gals (Rachel, Shiva and especially the huge dragoness Yang Li) really "creeped" out Cassie's in-laws. Yet, Foxonian held his ground and insisted that all of his wife's friends be treated nicely and that was for the most part the case. The only incident that got a little heated was when one of Foxonian's cousin's claimed to see the silverblack vixen Shiva and Yang Li in each other's arms engaging in passionate kissing while sitting on a picnic table behind the house. Foxonian became very upset and went outside. Soon after, Alex saw both the Silverblack Vixen and the tall dragoness leaving the reception and heading for the rented suv Shiva had. Both were apologizing profusely, while Foxonian in a calm voice told them that they had better go, since things were tense enough already. After both left, Alex was on her way out to see if the human was okay, when Dominic came up to her. The collie morph said that Foxonian was alright, but the human had asked Shiva to leave because he could feel what she was experiencing and it was making him feel horrible due to the grief he was dealing with. Then,without a word, the Collie morph turned and walked away. Looking puzzled for a moment, Alex shook her fox like head, so her golden curls twirled and her golden snowflake pendant bounced a bit on her two human like white fur covered breasts. She looked out the window and saw that Cassie was hugging her husband closely as she leaned her fox like head on to his shoulder while the human continued to stare at the road. Now, two weeks had passed. Alex was in her new home and it was Haloween night. Alex knew she was so far off the beaten path that she doubted anyone would visit her tonight for candy. Still,she put out her jack o' lantern and had a dish of candy waiting inside the parlor by the front door just in case. Soon after she finished her dishes, Alex went into her living room and sat down in her recliner. Dressed in her jeans and wearing an orange t-shirt with black cat on it,the Arctic fox vixen turned on the large plasma flat screen TV and put on an old horror movie. As she closed her eyes, a knock came from the front door. Alex got up and went to the door. As she snapped on the lights, the arctic vixen expected to see a couple of kids. What she didn't expect to see was an adult face. "I-I had to see you one more time" Alex saw what looked like a bobcat furry morph. However,the person she saw looked emaciated and disheveled and wearing clothes that looked more like rags. Looking for all the world like a homeless person. All of the bobcat's facial fur had gotten so unwashed & uncombed,that it looked like he was sporting a scraggly beard. As she started into his eyes, Alex reconginzed them. Except that they looked lifeless now and so terribly sad. "R-Rafe?? My God,what has happened to you??" Alex said as tears started to form in her eyes at seeing what had happened to her former lover. "I'm dead. The person you knew is dead. I-I just can't let go." Then suddenly,the bobcat lunged at Alex pinning her against her front door. As the arctic fox vixen screamed his old name, the bobcat opened his mouth and felt his fangs grow. Bending her neck, the bobcat formerly known as Rafe began to reach toward his intended victim. Then, he stopped, pulled back and with the look of fear and horror in his dead eyes he screamed, "I'm Sorry! I'm Sorry!! I'm Sorry!!!" Before she could catch her breath, the bobcat disappeared into a whiff of grey smoke. Alex, here eyes wide with fear, ran into the house, slammed the door then ran into her living room. Falling into her recliner, the arctic fox vixen looked up to the ceiling and screamed at the top of her lungs then began to cry saying, "Oh, Rafe! Why?? Why???" The next morning, Alex woke up, still in her clothes in the recliner. She felt like she had cried for hours until she could no longer shed any tears. Once again, her heart felt like it had been ripped out of her body and devoured by something evil. Getting up, she walked over to where the bowl full of candy was. In one move, she picked up the bowl and flung the bowl and the candy until the candy went all over the floor. Then, the arctic fox vixen calmly went into her kitchen and began to make breakfast. THE END