Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie, Foxonian and Cassie's road crew Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org Please read the prequil, "Dark Passage," featuring Alex and Rafe (Alex's old lover) http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/dark_passage.txt Please read the sequil, "The Oracle," featuring Rachel and Madame Erica http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/the_oracle.txt All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina and Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor & Ben, who are copyright themselves. Rock Around the Christmas Tree "Just a few minutes and we'll let you see,Cass.Don't want to spoil the surprise!" came a voice from outside. The Rock Vixen wasn't sure just want to expect of Slim and his merry band of roadies. They arrived in their various personal cars in front of Cassie & Foxonian's converted Berkshire Ski lodge/house and immediately began to unload wires and cables out of trunks and back seat areas. The otter morph Slim (dressed like a miniature Paul Bunyon except for the "Peavey" patch on his ski hat) insisted that Cassie head down to her recording studio at the lower edge of her property until everything was ready. If she wanted to come up to the house, she had to refrain from looking out the front windows. Now, Her human husband who went by the name Foxonian had told his wife that Slim and the roadies had wanted to dress up their house for the Holidays with a nice light display as a "Thank You" for all the years she kept them in her employ. In the past, all she and Foxonian had done is put some electric white candles in the windows,a wreath on the front door and their decorated Christmas tree in the main rear windows. After years of Slim, the roadies and Alex making comments of how "Puritan" their home looked at the Holiday Season, Cassie relented and allowed the Otter Morph and his bunch to do what they wished. The only requirements were that they didn't start to their work until the day of the band's annual Christmas party (usually on or close to the 21st,to allow those of the band's employ who weren't Christian and observed the pagan holiday of Yule to take part) and that they came about after New Year's to remove everything. As she looked up from her office in the recording studio at what looked like one of Slim's roadies, a big Ox Morph named Bill bringing what looked like a huge light up Santa up the driveway twords the front of the house, Cassie closed her light blue cat-like eyes and shaked her fox-like head (causing her huge mane of black head hair to ebb and flow in the slight wind she generated) and said to herself: "I have a feeling I'm gonna regret this". "So, isn't all this putting you in the Holiday mood?" Foxonian asked as he entered the Rock Vixen's studio. The human was dressed in similar clothes to Slim, jeans, leather work boots and a blue plaid flannel shirt(he didn't sport a head on his shoulder length light brown hair). Cassie was wearing her usual oval blue gem neck choker, a light blue sweater with a white snowflake pattern stitched in, a knee length satin skirt,accented by a pair of her sheer light blue nylon stockings (attached by garters not visible unless Cassie hiked up her skirt a bit when sitting down). There were a pair of dark grey leather dress boots that went up just below her knees by the studio's small entryway that she put on when she went outside. Inside, there were a pair of her light blue pumps under her desk. However, due to the carpets being dry, the Rock Vixen was at her desk in her stocking feet. Cassie was doing some work on a couple of new songs. She usually wrote out all the lyrics long hand, then began to write the chord notation on a separate page. In the office was a Marshall Bluesbreakers combo tweed amp and two of her purple electric guitars in stands closeby. The office itself was quite small. Aside from her desk, a very small two seat dark blue felt couch, the guitars & amp, a wall mounted 22" flat screen tv put into a dark Victorian scrolled picture frame, the medium sized pane window that looked up at the main house and part of the long driveway, there really wasn't much else. In fact, the room itself was only a 30'x30' space. The rest of the building was devoted entirely to the recording studio. Cassie did have her framed gold records on the walls and some framed tour posters form her Furrosity days. The rock vixen also had a couple of picks of her and Foxonian and some individual photos of each of them as little kids in a smaller frame that Cassie & Foxonian's parents had put together as a wedding gift. After embracing her husband, Cassie began "As long as those guys don't electrocute themselves,I guess so." Foxonian sat down across from his furry-morph vixen wife and looked into her loving light blue cat like eyes. He could always tell when something was troubling her and he saw those signs clearly. "Talk to me,Cass.What's bothering you?" Foxonian asked. "*sigh* I miss not having my own child. During the Holidays,my mom and dad always made Christmas such a special time. I know your folks did too from what you said to me" The human nodded. This wasn't the first time this issue had come up during the years of their marrage. Since the gene-techs had engineered furry-morphs to breed true, mixed species offspring were not possible. Foxonian had mentioned artifical insemination to Cassie once (with the donor sperm being that of a red fox furry-morph), but she refused to even think of bearing a child that wasn't his. While adopton was the only other option, Cassie hesitated saying that her tour demands wouldn't allow her to spend enough time with the child. Foxonian knew better, however. He was convinced that somehow the Rock Vixen wanted a miracle. The human was afraid that if she did get her wish (as impossible as it may sound) the result would be a child extremely deformed that would most likely be stillborn. "Cass, you know what our options are in that dept. Do you want to look into adopting?" the human said as he caressed the side of the vixen's muzzle. Taking his hand and kissing it lovingly, Cassie began "Maybe. I don't know. I just have that feeling of having an empty womb and not being complete. I don't expect you to understand, since it's kind of a girl thing. You know? It's one of those things that comes from being a loving wife. You just feel that everything is perfect except..". the Rock Vixen then lowered her fox like head in regret. The human got down on his knee, looked up at the sitting Cassie and said "Cass, I think I understand a bit. But, know this. I feel this same thing, but differently. For a guy, it's more like knowing your legacy will go on through your kids. Without them, your family will die out. You feel like you should have a kid to show them all the stuff you learned you're your dad. Plus, how to avaid the mistakes your dad made too. Maybe we should look into adopting. How about after the New Year's we talk some more about it?" The Rock Vixen's muzzle began to sport a happy open mouthed smile, and she said, "Just when I thought I couldn't love you any more than I already do, you show me how wrong I am make my heart grow larger." With that, Cassie pushed her husband onto the carpeted floor of the office on his back. She then lay down on top of his chest and began to smother the human with passionate kisses. Foxonian returned his wife's kisses and began to run his hands under his wife's skirt,caressing her butt and legs and running his fingers along her garter straps up to the Rock Vixen's light blue satin panties, then slowly rubbing her butt cheeks. The result of this was Cassie shivering with pleasure. She could always count on Foxonian knowing the right thing to say (and how to give her the right amount of pleasure in the right places). With a careful motion, Foxonian closed the door to the office as the sounds of articles of clothing could be heard unattaching or un-zipping. An hour or so later, Cassie and Foxonian walked arm & arm up to the house. It's was growing dark and the party was going to happen soon. This time, Cassie had the entire event catered, so she didn't have to bother preparing anything (nor did any one else have to bring anything). There was light snow flakes falling as the couple neared the rear door. It had been a snowy winter so far. Nearly 2' had falling since Thanksgiving, forcing Cassie to get her Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8 on the road a little sooner than she planned (the Z06 Corvette was put into heated storage). Foxonian had just put over $1000 worth of work into his aged 98 Dodge Intrepid that he still stubbornly refused to part with. Cassie basically gave up trying to convince him to replace it. Sooner or later she reasoned, he would get the point, especially if the repair bills got to be too much for him to stand. As they came into the main living space, with it's huge lofted celling, stone fireplace and couches, Cassie saw a tall individual looking at the open fire. Yang Li was busy with a iron poker, turing the logs and puffing small bits of flame from her nostrils into fire as she did so. The golden dragoness was dressed in an oriental dress that was high collared but opened to reveal a somewhat plunging neckline(showing the top of her somewhat large scaled human like pair of breasts). The rest of the dress was sleeveless but had a thigh slit on her right side (that had button straps leading from the thigh slit to the top of the chest. Giving the effect that all one needed to do to get the dress of quickly was undo the provocatively placed row of button straps) ending in a hem that ended just below the knee. Aside from some faint golden dragon designs, the dress was mostly plain. Yang Li's elegant mane of golden head hair had been accented by two cloth rings just behind her ears and "horns". Standing next to Yang Li, the silver black vixen Shiva wore a similar oriental dress to the golden dragoness, except it was made out of black satin and had a running fox pattern on it. The sliverblack vixen sported her black thigh high leather boots and her fox head pendant around her neck. "How are you two enjoying things? Sorry we were late. We kind of got…pre-occupied" Cassie began. "That's quite all right. We were just talking. I thought I would help with the fire, since it seemed to be dying," Yang Li said as Shiva walked up and put her arm around the dragoness effectionately. Foxonian noticed that Shiva gave the human an "I know what you do were doing and I think it's wonderful" look. He was greatful that the bond that he and the silverblack once held had dimminshed to the point that he could no longer feel her emotions or hear her thoughts, but he was aware that there was still something still there. This look of Shiva's proved that at least. Looking up the Golden Dragoness(who was at least a foot taller than the silverback vixen. No small feat since Shiva was 6' tall) the silverback vixen said. "should we tell them now?" Lowering her snake-like head so she looked down to Shiva, Yang Li replied,"why not?" The golden dragoness then took Shiva's left hand and showed the diamond ring on her 4th finger.Yang Li also sported a larger but similarly designed ring on her left hand 4 th finger. "We're engaged!" Shiva said with a happy grin. After being silent for a moment or two, Cassie said "That's wonderful news! I am happy for both of you!" She then went and hugged both Shiva and Yang Li. Closing her reptilian like golden eyes for a moment, Yang Li said, "I can honestly say that for once in my life I am truly happy. Shiva completes me like no other lover I have yet had, Either male or female. I want her with me for as long as we both will live." "Has your brother heard the good news yet?" Foxonian asked "Yes. I would be lying to say he was happy about it, but at least hasn't disowned me. Not because I was marrying another female as such, but because I was marrying one of her class," Yang Li said with some regret. At first Foxonian thought she was referring to Shiva being just another furry morph. But,the human realized it must be because the silverblack vixen was vampyric and certain Chinese Dragons tended the view vampires as being lower than dirt on the social ladder of life. "Well,if you are both happy, I can say from experience that's what matters." He looked down into Cassie's loving eye's before he continued," So when's the big day?" "Next fall on the anniversary of when we first met. It will be a traditional Buddhist ceremony held at a temple in Shanghi, my home city. I trust you will attend?" Yang Li asked. "Of course we will! How could we not?" Cassie said as smiled at the dragoness and silverblack vixen who were now sitting on the large couch across from them. As Foxonian began to talk to Shiva & Yang Li, Cassie left the room so she could change out of her winter boots and into a pair of light blue pumps that she had carried up from the studio with her. After doing that, Cassie went into to the kitchen. The catering staff was well at work getting the large meal ready. Some were putting finishing touches on some snack trays and iced coolers filled with soda, fruit juices and some beer and wine that would be brought out to the main hall soon. Just then,Cassie heard a knock on the front door. "Okay, Cass! It's done! Come on out and see!" Came a certain otter's voice from the door's other side. With a sigh, Cassie quickly slipped off her light blue pumps and put her winter boots back on. With a little bit of dread, she slowly walked out to where Slim and the road crew stood at the end of her driveway before the sidewalk the lead to the front door. Behind her, Foxonian appeared in the open doorway and walked up to stand next to his wife. Shiva and Yang Li remained in the house, putting some special ornaments that Yang Li got from China on the large Christmas tree in the main living room. As the walked up to stare at the front of their home, Bill handed Cassie a black box with a button on it. "Here ya go, Boss. Give her a push and I hope you like!" the Ox furry morph said as he stood back next to his fellow workers. Cassie pushed the button. One by one light up candy canes spaced 5 feet apart began to light up going from about half way up her driveway to just a few feet way from her. Next, a 7' Chrstmas tree placed just ahead of the Rock vixen lit up with multi colored LCD lights and a sparkling fiber optic multi-colored star began to shine in a kind of radiant glow due to a slight strobeing effect. Then, more multi colored LCD light began to light up all across the roof and door way outline of the ski lodge. But the real piece de resistance was on the roof. A light up Santa who looked a lot like Elvis with an electric guitar began to play. The words "Have a Rockin' Chrstmas everyone!" lit up in more multi colored lights. Small discreetly hidden speakers began to play selections from Trans-Siberian Orchestra as small lasers began to project scenes of reindeers and snowmen flying across white screen hidden on one side of the roof. With a look of both shock and slight horror on her face,Cassie then saw what must have been 50 tacky light up snowmen,Santas,Carolers,reindeers and even Snoopys that slowly came to life heading down the hill twords her studio which was the only thing not to have any lights on it. As a huge cheer went up among the crowd of roadies, Cassie turned to them and said," Well, you guys have exceeded all my expectations again! Thank you all! Now, let's head in and get this party started!" Standing to one side as the guys went up in a group(and Slim giving the Rock Vixen a wink and a thumbs up gesture with his right hand paw) Cassie just looked at the holiday décor and shook her fox like head. "Hey,Cass! Never thought anyone could beat Graceland's Holiday display, but I think you just did!" Cassie turned to see a certain snow leopard dressed in a black t-shirt that read: I've been nice, so Santa gave me something naughty!" and showed a black Harley with a red bow on it under a Chrstmas tree,a black leather mini skirt and black leather thigh high dress boots, accented by sheer black stockings and garters. Next to her, a large tiger morph in black jeans,biker boots and a light green t-shirt that showed a furry morph bear dressed as Santa surfing on a board and said, " Your Santa goes back to the north pole on his vacation.Not ours!" It then had Vic's surf board business listed. "Like that shirt, Vic!" Foxonian said as he gave his friend a firm handshake. "Thanks! They have been a hot seller this year at the shop." He then lowered his voice so a certain snowleopard femme wouln't hear, "check out what's under the tree from us this year!" "Vic! If you are telling him what's in that box,I'll kick your can!" Cindy yelled with an evil grin on her muzzle. The tiger then sighed and looked down to Foxonian and said with a sly grin, "welcome to my world" at which point both let out a loud laugh. The human then said,"Yeah,but you love it don't' you?" Vic then looked over to see Cindy bending over to pick something up.The snowleopard showed some of her black frilly panties before straightening up. The tiger then looked back at Foxonian and said with a toothy grin,"Oh,yes.Yes indeed!" "Hey guys! What's up?" Foxoinan and Vic turned to see a wolfess with shoulder length dark hair smiling at them. Wearing a nice light green sleeved satin dress accented by a dark geen belt with silver buckle,dark green thigh dress boots and a pendant with a golden Christmas tree around her neck, Laretta was the exact opposite of her usual stage garb of spiked leather,white frilly socks and multi-colored hair.The human thought she looked like a rich executive at an office party.Not that that was a bad thing,since the wolfess was quite attractive no matter how she looked. "Hi Laretta. How are you?" Foxonian began after giving her a hug,"How's Ben?" "He sends his Chrstmas Greetings, Unfortuetly, he couldn't make it.Is Cassie inside?" the wolfess asked. "She and my better half just went in." Vic said pointing twords the house. Laretta nodded and headed up twords the house. About half way up, the wolfess stopped,pointed up to all the lights and such and said, "I love it!!" with a huge smile on her muzzle. No sooner had Laretta gone up to the house when a small white arctic fox vixen with sholder length golden curled hair sporting a minidress with Christmas patterns all over it came walking around the house with her mouth wide open and eyes full of wonder. Foxonian noticed that Alex was walking in short white leather ankle boots as she came around to where he and Vic were standing. "I love this house! It's so Christmassy!! You guys are so awesome for doing this!" the arctic fox then gave Foxonian a big hug. "Well, you did bug us enough over the years, so.." the human replied. "Yeah,I know but I always thought you wouldn't." Alex began, "Oh! You have stuff out back too. I'm gonna go check that out. I'll be back!" with that,the arctic fox vixen began walking down the path to the studio. "So,you want to head in? I'm in the mood for some food, you you know what I mean!" the tiger morph said with a wink and then his cat-like nose to the air. Foxonian was about to reply when a gothicly dressed doe and a collie morph in fine tweed suit appeared behind him as if out of nowhere. "Sorry for our late arrival. I had some, um, business to deal with and I needed to clear my schedule as it were for the event." Dominic replied as he shook both Foxonian hand & Victor's hand paw. "Yes. Plus, I wasn't sure I could attend this year. But,Dominic insisted." Rachel added in an emotionless tone. "Oh? Well,I am glad you both came. Please,let's head up take in some cheer." Foxonian said as he and Vic lead Dominic and Rachel up the walk amist the sounds of the Hoiliday and the lights blinking all around the outside of the house. "Hey Thair. Yew fergit about us?? Came a loud voice. Foxonian turned to see a familiar bi-spectcled red fox vixen with long red orange head hair dressed in a blue denim mini-skirt, hiking boots and a red t-shirt with a Santa on it. Next to her was a bi-specticled red wolf with long reddish head hair that sported braids on the sides similar to those Cindy wore. Dressed in dark jeans, boots and a black t-shirt that said "Born in The USA and Proud of it!". Foxonian went down to greet Vixina and her beau Cloudchaser. It had been a while since he had seen both of them, mostly due to Cloudchaser's tour schedule and the fact that Vixina usually spent her time away from Cassie's Band on the road with Cloud's band Wild Animals. The human often wondered how Vixina could spend so much time on the road like she did. Just then, Foxonian noticed that Cassie had come down to greet Cloudchaser and Vixina and walked up to stand behind him. "Hi guys! We are just about to start. Come on up. Everyone is inside." Cassie said as she gave Vixina a hug. "Mighty nice lights and all. Looks better than Elvis's stuff. You think so, Vix?" the red wolf said as he started up at the light display show going on before him. "Ah, thank its soo wonderful nice! Jes' awesum!" Vixina said as she went up to the house with her beau. As the last of their guests went inside, Cassie and Foxonian stared at their house for a moment before Foxonian said, "Merry Christmas, My Love!" Cassie looked into her husband's eyes and replied, "Merry Christmas,My Love and My Life." Both a human and a furry morph vixen stood in a passionate embrace as snow flakes began to swirl downward. THE END