Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's husband), Slim (Cassie's road crew chief) Yang Li (Cassie's session guitarist), Shiva (Cassie's chief of Security) and Dr. Johnson Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org Please read the prequil, "Simple Gifts," featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's husband) and Dr. Johnson http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/simple_gifts.txt Please read the sequil, "Resolutions," featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's Husband) and Shiva (Cassie's chief of security) at http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/resolutions.txt All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina and Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor & Ben, who are copyright themselves. "The Scientist's Return" "Cass,you have to see this!" Slim said as he showed the open back of the old Fender Stratocaster that Cassie had brought to his workbench. Peering over the seated furry morph otter, the Rock Vixen saw that the entire cavity of the Strat was full of printed circuit boards and wires. "What is all this stuff, Slim? Some kind of early Midi-set up?" Cassie asked, pushing her enormous mane of sable black head hair back over her left shoulder. "Cass," the otter morph began, stopping suddenly to gaze at the red and white furred human-like cleavage showing from Cassie's slightly low cut blouse. "Uh, your point, Slim?" the Rock Vixen asked as she playfully tapped Slim on his otter-like muzzle. "Yeah, right Cass. Sorry. Anyway, this stuff is far too old to be any Midi stuff. It's, like from the early 70's. I mean, I haven't seen stuff like this since I was a kid hanging around my uncle's house. He used to be a tech for the old Control Data corp. Fixed the memory banks on the old comps. You know? The ones that used to take up the whole floor of a building but had about as much computing power as today's digital watch. Anyway, my uncle used to bring home all the scrap boards and sell them on the sly to techie kids. Mostly Star Trek fans I think back then. You know,the kids who thought they could make their own tricorders and the like." "Slim, both Foxonian and I are Star Trek fans. Not as rabid, but we do like all the shows. So, I can relate. But, what does your uncle have to do with this guitar?" Cassie asked as she took a seat across from the otter, crossing her humanlike red orange and black short furred legs coming out of the denim skirt she was wearing to by fully exposed. The Rock Vixen then slipped off the flat shoes she wore and wiggled her black furred human like toes in mid air. Despite her marriage, she could still make Slim squirm with a few sultry moves to her amusement. "Uh, I was just getting to that Cass." Slim said as he took a nervious glance at Cassie's legs before getting back to the guitar. "I sent some picks of this guitar to my uncle and he said that it looked like something he had heard of a long time ago. He did some digging through his old scientific journals and came up with this." The otter then passed to Cassie some news clipping about the missing warehouse, the Dr. Johnson and his theories about alternate dimensions and acoustics. After reading for a moment, Cassie looked up and said, "This is very interesting. I don't know if this Johnson fellow was a genius or insane. Slim,you think that's Johnson's guitar?" "Cass, when I hooked this thing up to an oscilloscope, the readings went all over the place. And that's from just striking one string. I really think you should get rid of it. I don't like the idea of you or Foxonian trying to play it and getting killed," Slim said as the otter began to replace the back of the Strat. Putting down the notes Slim had given her, the Rock Vixen put her shoes back on and walked over to the guitar. Taking it from the otter, Cassie gave the guitar a strum. Suddenly, a breeze began to develop inside Slim's workshop, causing the otter morph to jump off his workbench stool and gaze around the room in shock. "Slim! Look over there!" Cassie exclaimed. The otter morph turned to see the form of a human male with very long straight head hair with long beard and moustache looking like he was calling for help with his arms outstretched towards Cassie before vanishing like a ghost. "If I hadn't seen it, I would never have believed it. You don't suppose it's him do you?" Slim said with his eyes as wide as saucers. "I hope you mean Dr. Johnson." Cassie said slyly. "Oh, for Pete's sake,Cass! That wasn't The Second Coming! Who do you think I mean?" the otter morph replied as he tucked his plaid work shirt into the pocket of his work jeans. The Rock Vixen stared for a moment and said "He's trapped. He wants our help. My help. I have to get him back." Cassie then took the Strat and the paperwork Slim had given her and began to walk tword the exit. "Cass! Please don't tell me you are gonna play that thing to try to help that old fool? You don't know what it will do to you!" Slim exclaimed as he ran up to stop the red fox vixen morph from leaving. "Just be up at my studio tonight. I'm going to go over this (holding the paper work in her right hand paw) and see if I can figure out what Dr. Johnson did." Cassie replied as she walked passed the otter morph and twords her red orange Corvette roadster parked in front of Slim's house. "Ok. I'll be there. I'll bring your overdrive pedal in case you need it. Just be careful, Cass." Slim replied looking very annoyed at his old friend and employer. With a friendly wave, Cassie sped off in the Vette, leaving the otter-morph to shake his otter-like head in frustration. When he arrived at Cassie's recording studio that was located on the lower half of her and Foxonian's property, the mood was very somber. Cassie's human husband sat on a chair on the far end of the studio looking very nervous. There were two of the largest speaker cabinets Cassie had placed on opposite sides of the other wall facing each other. Each cabinet was hooked into a mixing board with two laptops wired into them. Behind the mixing board, a tall golden dragoness dressed in a light green t-shirt and dark green felt mini-skirt stood adjusting controls on the panels. Near the office, a sliver black vixen with long white head hair dressed in leather thigh slitted dress accented by black thigh-high leather boots stood. "You can attach the overdrive pedal into that interface" Yang Li told Slim, pointing tword the socket on the front of her console with a claw tipped nail. "Geeze. Didn't any one of you try to talk her out of this madness?" The otter morph exclaimed. "We all did. But, you know how Cass is when her mind is made up," Foxonian replied from across the room. "Besides, she has to do this, I can feel the human now and his fear. He is not alone where he is and will not survive if we do not act," Shiva began with a serious look on her fox-like muzzle. "When Cassie used the guitar the first time, she began to open a door that should not have been opened. It neads to be closed forever. The human does not belong where he is and the others are angry." "What others? " Yang Li asked. Shiva closed her eyes and shook her head for a moment and began, "those who inhabit that universe the human blundered into. They are not like anything we can understand. They are angry and want the human out,now!" "What happens if we can't get Dr. Johnson out of that void?" Foxonian asked. "He will die and if the door is open long enough, they will come here. If that happens, no one anywhere will be safe from their revenge." Shiva replied. Just then, Cassie came form the office holding the Strat. Dressed in her stage outfit for luck (light blue sleeveless low-cut ankle length dress slitted up close to her waist on both sides, Light blue sheer 50's style seamed stockings on her human-like legs anchored by garter straps and Light blue autographed pumps on her human-like feet), The Rock Vixen strode over to the place marked with an "X" on the floor of the studio, just in front of the two large speaker cabinets. Walking over to where his wife stood, Foxonian handed the amp cable to Cassie and said, "whatever happens, I love you so much." He then gave his wife a passionate kiss and joined Yang Li and Shiva behind the mixing console. The dragoness threw some switches and called out, "We are all set here, Cass. Whenever you are ready." Giving a wave, Cassie began to play a classic rock riff on the Strat. As she did so, the studio began to be filled with a huge gust of wind, causing the folds of the Rock Vixen's dress to fly up in an effect similar to what Marilyn Monroe went through when she stood on the subway grate in "The Seven Year Itch". This plus her mane of black head hair flowing like huge bed sheet in a gale did not discourage the Rock Vixen from playing. Cassie simply closed her eyes and began to create sounds from the Strat that resembled heavy rock played through a distorted digital sampler. As the wind began to increase, the next thing to happen caused Foxonian to nearly jump over the mixing board before Shiva restrained him. Cassie began to levitate. As the Rock Vixen continued to play, she began to slowly rise off the floor. Her light blue pumps fell off her stocking covered feet and landed on the floor below her. Then, what could only be described as a ball of golden light began to form all around the Rock Vixen. Out of the light ball, a beam of light green light shot out toward the area between the speaker cabinets. As the crowd looked, a swirling mass of colored light formed bewteen the cabinets. Openeing her eyes for a moment as she played floating some 17 feet off the studio floor, Cassie could be seen smiling as she switched her playing to a more metallic series of riffs, causing the swirling vortex to stop spinning clockwise, then counter clockwise. Foxonian was relived that his wife seemed to be holding her position in that ball of light and was no longer rising twords the studio's roof, but he was still both terrified and mesmerized by what he was seeing. Before anyone could react, there was a large flash and a man with long hair could be seen flying out of the vortex. He landed on the floor just below Cassie and half dazed cried out to the floating red fox vixen morph, "CLOSE THE VORTEX! NOW!!!!" Cassie nodded and began to play her riffs slower and slightly backward in inotation. As she did so, she began to float down until her stocking covered feet touched the carpeted floor of the studio. As the ball of light around Cassie began to fade, Dr. Johnson grabbed the Strat from her hand paw. Then, using all his strength, the long haired human flung the guitar into the shrinking vortex of colors which promptly vanished. Both Cassie and Dr. Johnson collapsed onto their sides on the floor ]of the studio. Foxonian ran to pick up his wife and he carried her into the studio. As Slim went to pick up Dr. Johnson, he asked, "How long has it been?" "We think 35 years. It's 2008 now." Slim replied as the Dr. stood up under his own power and walked very shakily over to the chair Foxonian was sitting in. "I can't believe it. It only seemed like I was in there a few minutes. 35 years?? My God! What am I gonna do??" "Do you remember anything of your time in the vortex?" Shiva asked as she walked over to look at Dr. Johnson. "Only Darkness and floating in it, except for when I saw the gorgeous Vixen gal playing my guitar in what looked like a river band then in some guy's basement. The next thing I knew, I was flying into this room. Boy,my head hurts." Dr. Johnson said as he drank the glass of water Slim gave him. Cassie then came into the room with her husband in tow. "How do you feel, Cass?" Yang Li asked as the tall dragoness walked over to where the red fox vixen morph stood. "Very tired. Felt like I just ran the marathon, but I'm fine," Cassie replied. "That's to be expected. The resonance fields effect your life force energies slightly. It will wear off." Dr. Johnson said,before he added. "35 years. I can't get my head around that." "The vortex was successfully sealed. I do not sense the others anymore" Shiva said as she walked around the area between the two huge speaker cabinets. "Others?? What "Others"??" Dr, Johnson exclaimed. "Apparently, the place where you were was inhanbited and they did not enjoy your company at all" Cassie said. Nodding his head,so his long straight head hair bobbed slightly, Dr. Johnson replied "Yeah.That figures. I usually end up pissing somebody off after a while". Cassie then broke out in laughter before asking, "So, Dr. Johnson I presume?" The Rock Vixen extended her hand paw and shook the human's hand. "I'm glad to see that furry morph vixens have only gotten more beautiful with time. Thanks for saving me," Dr. Johnson replied as he returned Cassie's hand shake. Foxonian then felt it was time to introduce himself as Cassie's husband, lest the good doctor get any ideas about his rescuer. After all the formal introductions were made, Cassie asked the group to come up to the house for some dinner. What to do with Dr.Johnson will have to wait until he's rested and he has a chance to let his new reality "sink in". As Foxonian escored the last member of the group up to their home, Cassie turned to lock the door of her studio. As she did so, she ended up dropping the key to the studio door. As she started to reach down,the key suddenly floated up into her hand paw. Staring at the key, Cassie thought about having it rise up out of her and paw and stop in mid air. To her shock, the key obeyed her wishes. "This can't be happening" Cassie said to herself as she took the key and put it into her clenched hand paw. Looking at the studio and shaking her fox-like head in disbelief, the Rock Vixen walked up the path towards her converted ski-lodge home. "What have I done?" Cassie thought as she walked twords her dinner guests and shuddered as she did so. THE END