Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's Husband) and Shiva (Cassie's chief of security) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org Please read the prequil, "The Scientist's Return," featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's husband) and Dr. Johnson http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/the_scientist's_return.txt Please read the sequil, "Noteworthy," featuring Cassie's Band http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/noteworthy.txt All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina and Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor & Ben, who are copyright themselves. "Resolutions" "3....2....1...Happy New Year!!!!" came the voice from the TV in the other room as Cassie and her human husband celebrated yet another New Year's in their Berkshire hilltop home. The Rock Vixen was lucky she was able to enjoy this time at home, since the last few months have been a bit of blur for her. The band's last album had faced some stiff competition in the market place. Furrversity's debut album was moving up the charts and the incident at the airport with Sasha & Co. was fueling that rise at Cassie's Band's expense. Another factor was Heather Hanson, the pop teen sensation. Although she was largely a corporate product that was put together by some major music studios, the teen-age furry morph lioness with long blond head hair and trendy clothes was singing her way to the top of the charts, right past Cassie's Band and Furversity. The last factor was Cassie's own handiwork if it could be called that. A few month's ago, Cassie helped her old bandmate from Furrosity Jeff Best re-launch his solo career. The punk wolf morph was doing very well on tour with a new band he put together playing old Furrosity hits and the like. But what really got Jeff back on the charts was the release of the lost Furrosity album, "The Aires Project." This album was started before Cassie and Cindy joined the band. The album was made while Furrosity was on the road. Two of the tracks had been recorded when the band's then lead guitarist Sonny Jones and bassist Sid Symington were killed in a car crash on the way to a gig. Both Cassie & Cindy were then recruited by Best to fill in the gap in the band's line up and finish the tour. Then Best brought Furrosity back into the studio in an attempt to finish "The Aires Project". However, it became apparent that the more melodic style of Cassie's lead guitar work was very different from the former speed metal sounds of her predecessor. Yet, on a whole, the new tracks the Rock Vixen supplied complimented the older tracks quite nicely. Yet, Jeff didn't like the whole "feel" of the album at that point and consequentally scrapped the whole effort (while keeping the master tapes of the sessions in his collection). Furrosity then went on to record what would be the album that would be so closely identified with their "new sound" called "Paradox" and the rest as they say was history. That was until Jeff decided to re-mix and then release "The Aires Project" (with Cassie & Cindy's consent, since both wanted to help out Best). Plus Cindy felt that the album could help bring some publicity their way). Music critics and fans alike thought the Furrosity album was genius and praised Cassie's guitar work along with reminiscing about the old days of Jones & Symington (Jeff,Cassie & Cindy dedicated the album to their memory). Yet, despite all the praise, "The Aires Project" soared to #1 and stayed there for weeks. This caused the newest Cassie's Band album to fall off the top ten and stay down at #11. While this bothered Cassie, she didn't let it show. However, Andy, the band's manager was starting to panic. The wolf morph talked the gals into a series of small gigs and appearances on award shows and the like to keep the band in the public eye. Most of the events lasted up until the Christmas holiday, which annoyed both Cindy & Rachel who wanted the time to spend with their loved ones (Cindy's finance Victor used the mini-tour as an excuse to postpone their wedding plans yet again. The event was now set for May and Cindy was going to nail that tiger morph's feet to the church floor is he dared try to wiggle out of it once more.) Rachel had also said that her own wedding to her collie morph lover Dominic was going to happen next year, but she hadn't seen him due to the tour. "Care for some more champagne, Love?" Foxonian asked as he sat down next to his furry morph wife on the couch. Both he and Cassie were in their flannel night robes that they had given each other at Christmas. "Yes, thank you" the Rock Vixen then took her glass and waited for her husband to fill it, then kissed him on the lips with her muzzle. "So, what's on the horizon for the next year, Ms.Vixena? You seem to be a bit lost in thought," Foxonian asked with a playful smile. Cassie rolled her light blue cat-like eyes and let out a sigh before replying. "Oh, I really have no idea. Part of me wants to just take a year off and spend it with you. Another part wants to go back into the studio and record something. If not another band album, then a solo project of some sort. In other words, same as last year!" The Rock Vixen let out a laugh. "Sorry to interrupt you," Came a voice from behind. Cassie & Foxonian turned to see a silverblack vixen in a black robe standing in the doorway. "Not at all, Shiva, please come join us!" Cassie replied with a smile. "No, that's quite alright. I just came to let you know that the area is secure and that I am going back to my cottage tomorrow morning. Thanks for letting me use the guest room." The silverblack vixen said with a cold look on her face. "Shiva, it's alright. Come here." Foxonian said. As she turned to face him, the human could see the silverblack vixen's ice cold exterior melt like snow on a warm day. The love in her eyes tword him was still very evident, even Cassie noticed it but did her best not to allow any hint of jelousy to show. In the Rock Vixen's mind Shiva was family and needed both of them more than she at times would let on. "Thanks. Both of you have shown me such kindness. More than I deserve after what I have done to both of you over the last few years. I just wish I could re-pay you better," Shiva said as she sat down next to Cassie & Foxonian on the couch. "Shiva, you have done a lot. You keep both my husband and myself safe, as well as the other ladies in the band. That is something I always appreciate." Cassie then gave the silverblack vixen a kiss on side of her muzzle. "And that is something I appreciate too" Foxonian also gave Shiva a kiss on the side of her muzzle. Fighting back tears, Shiva replied, "T-thanks. I love you both. But now, I really must get to bed. Thanks and enjoy your sleep." The silver black vixen then got up and went into the kitchen, leaving Cassie and Foxonian to look at each other. Heading toward the kitchen door, Shiva stood in the doorway. Opening it, the silverback vixen noticed a small squirrel on the step. With very fast reflexes, the silverblack vixen snatched up the still struggling squirrel. Opening her fox-like mouth and feeling her fangs begin to extend to their full length, she sand both of them into the small animal's side and began to drink the blood the poured forth. As she drank, the squirrel began to shrivel as if it had died and was found on a sidewalk after a few days in July. "Shiva? Are you???" Cassie stopped and looked shocked when she saw the silverblack vixen's long blood covered fangs pull out of the desiccated squirrel that she tossed into the woods just past the doorway. "You forget who I am, Cass. I am sorry to frighten you but you did startle me. I would have gone outside to do this, but all I have on is my underwear under this robe and at -10 it's too cold even for me." Shiva then took off her black robe to show the white bra and matching panty set that she usually wore. Without thinking, Cassie took off her own robe showing the satin blue bra & panty set she had,along with a light blue garter and stocking set she sported on her human-like short fur covered legs. "Yes,I guess I did.Care to have a seat?" the Rock Vixen then motioned to Shiva to sit at the kitchen table. Cassie then went and got both of them a cup of coffee. Sitting down and taking the cup, Shiva began, "You know, I really wish I could be normal again. Not a vampire. Just me. It's been so long now." "How long has it been?" Cassie asked as she sat next to the silverblack vixen at the table with her cup. "Oh, at least 10 years. But over time,it won't matter. You see, I stopped aging once I became vamprirc. I'll be the same as I am now forever. If that isn't punishment I don't know what is!" Shiva replied with a laugh as she sipped her cup. "I can't even begin to imagine living that long!" Cassie replied with a laugh. "Hey! What's going on in here?" Foxonian said as he entered the kitchen. Upon seeing two gorgeous furry morph vixens in their underwear sitting at a table laughing over a cup of coffee, the human though that he might have entered the set of some odd art house movie. "Oh,nothing. Just girl talk." Cassie told her husband with Shiva letting out a giggle. "I see. Well, can you include me?" Foxonian asked as he got himself a cup of tea and sat down next between the two chatting vixens. "If it's okay, I would like to make a toast to the New Year. May our friendship never end and that is from the heart" Shiva then took her up and raised it into the air. "Agreed! And knowing how our lives are going, it's gonna be a heck of a ride!" Cassie said as she and Foxonian joined Shiva in clinking their mugs together as the new year began. THE END