Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie's Band Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org Please read the prequil, "Resolutions," featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's Husband) and Shiva (Cassie's chief of security) http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/resolutions.txt Please read the sequil, "The Story Continues," featuring Cassie, Cindy (Cassie bassist) and Shiva (Cassie's chief of security) http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/the_story_continues.txt All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina and Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor & Ben, who are copyright themselves. "Noteworthy" "That sounds great, Let's cut off right there," Cassie said as she listened to the playback in the mixing room. Standing next to her were her band's rhythm guitarist Laretta dressed in her usual stage garb of red bustier black leather mini skirt and stiletto black pumps with white frilly ankle socks. The wolfess had altered her grey, red and blue hair streaks slightly to give her hair a multi-colored effect. Next to Lartetta, Rachel, the gothic furry morph doe in her grey and light "beer-maid's" outfit also nodded in agreement to Cassie's suggestion.Vixina, the bands violin player wearing her usual short denim short shorts and white bra like tank top gave Cassie the "thumbs up" sign with her right hand paw. In the next room, The white arctic fox vixen Alex in her usual red mini dress could be seen behind her drum kit, her strapped sandals lying on the floor beside the snaredrum (since the furry morph white vixen preferred to use her bare human-like feet to work her drum peddles ). Standing next to the drum kit, a very tall golden dragoness morph wearing a "Geisha" dress in silken jade with elaborate golden dragons & pagodas woven into it's fabric all the way up to it's high neck collar and down to the side slits that graced Yang Li's thighs. The dragoness morph was still holding her custom made green electeic guitar with running Chinese dragons on it. Like Alex, Yang Li also sported a set of specially made head phones that could accommodate her reptilian-like head better. "You are certain you want to send this song here,Cass?" Yang Li asked as she looked at the vixen with her snake-like golden eyes from the studio. Looking slightly perplexed,the Rock Vixen responded, "Well, if you think it needs anything else, then by all means," Cassie then waved her dark furred handpaw to the dragoness. Closing her eyes and lowering her head with her snake-like neck while her body remained upright, Yang Li proceeded to play avery tender yet powerful melody that would have done Cassie justice. In fact,everyone in the mixing room was so moved by it, that each one had to make sure that the recording buttons were pressed to capture it. As soon as Yang Li finished, the golden dragoness raised her head and opened her eyes and said, "I think this will work nicely. Do you think you and Laretta can duplicate the chord structure on stage"? "Uh, yeah. We can work on it," Cassie said with a happy grin that she shared to an enthusiastically nodding and smiling grey wolfess with multi-colored head hair. "Ah think it's tha best dang song Ah herd in a long while. Way to go Yangy!" Vixina replied as she smiled back to the dragoness. "Hey guys! What did I miss?" came a familiar voice from behind Cassie. "Only one of the greatest guitar riffs to come into this studio for a bit," Rachel said in a droll sort of voice. Cindy looked into the studio to see a slightly annoyed golden dragoness wearing a guitar staring back at her. From behind the drum case he could see Alex making motions to snow leopardess not annoy Yang Li or it would be trouble. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were going to add something, Yang Li, or else I would have come back sooner. Anyway, I had to show you guys the designs for my wedding dress! I just got them and I want to know what you all think." Cindy then opened the manilla envelope and brought the pics into the studio, followed by Cassie, Rachel, Vixinia and Laretta. As the 5 foot arctic fox vixen morph came from behind her drum kit over to the table, Cindy put the pics out, showing the designer's renderings for all to see. Yang Li carefully unplugged her guitar and put it back into it's green leather case. She too joined the other ladies with a mix of interest and curiosity. The pictures depicted a pick of Cindy superimposed via digital manipulation into a wedding dress that reminiscent of the kind worn by human women in the early 1920's. Very elegant yet artistic in design. "Oh, Cind! It looks wonderful! Like something out of an Alphonse Muncha painting! Cassie said with delight as she saw what her best friend had in mind. "Hee! Thanks! Actually, I was more inspired by what Padmae wore in that Star Wars Attack Of the Clones film more than anything else!" Cindy replied with glee. "So, are you comparing Vic to a future Darth Vader?" Rachel replied with a laugh. "Yaeh, Cind! What kin o messasge are you makin here"? Vixina added chucking so hard that she was having trouble keeping her wide rimmed glasses on her fox-like muzzle. "Hey! I wasn't trying too! Oh, You guys!" Cindy then picked up a piece of crumpled paper that someone had left behind and playfully chucked it at the still laughing Vixina & Rachel. "So, what are our dresses going to look like Cind? Alex asked. "Here you go!" The snow leopardess then showed the next illustrations. She took off her strapless stiletto sandles and tucked her black nylon stockinged humanlike fur covered legs under herself and she sat on the sofa that faced the table, adjusting her black sleeveless mindress with orange & yellow flames as she did so. The dresses all were similar in structure to Cindy's wedding dress, minus the elaborate veil and head piece. As maid of honour, Cassie's was a shade of dark pink done in pastels, Vixina, Rachel, Alex & Laretta were all a version of light pink to match. Although she was offered a place in the wedding Party, Yang Li chose not to participate, fearing that word of her involvement in Cassie's band & this ceremony might leak out to certain Chinese elements that would no doubt give her brother Wu considerable headaches. However, She did manage to get her brother's restaurant to cater the event as he had done for the Rock Vixen's wedding years before. "So, have you seen what the groom and his best man are wearing yet? Yang Li asked as she used her snake like neck to creep around Laretta's back to view the picks, knowing that it unnerved the wolfess and giving the dragoness some amusement. "Nope! It's tradition not to see what the groom and his party are wearing until my wedding day in my family," Cindy said as she turned the pages of the portfolio. Taking a seat on the couch next to the snow leopardess, Cassie also tucked in her human like light blue nylon stocking covered human like legs under herself and adjusted her double slitted lightble sleeveless dress and asked "Does this mean that I will get a chance to see that sister of yours after all this time? I mean, the last time we met she had just passed the bar. I can only assume that she doing well". "How,could I keep Donna away? Much as I would like too." Cindy said with slight disgust. It was no secret that Cindy and her younger sister Donna were not the best of friends. Donna thought of Cindy as a "bum" who should have finished college and gotten a decent carrear. Never mind the fact the Cindy now made 3 times what Donna could ever hope to achieve with her law practice. Also, unlike Cindy, Donna had about as much of sense of humor as Rachel with a head cold. Yet, Cindy and Donna had made an effort to stay in touch with each other over the years despite their differences. When Cindy was fighting her alcohol addiction, Cassie made a point of letting Cindy's sister know what was going on and Donna did visit Cindy from time to time. "Oh, Goody! I always wanted to meet your sis!" Alex exclaimed as she looked at Cindy. "Trust me, Ally. She's the only one who will get along with my sis" the snowleopardess ponted at Yang Li. "Oh? May I ask why?" The golden dragoness asked as she moved her large frame over to stand next to the couch her Cassie & Cindy were seated. "Because you and her have the same sense of humor. None whatsoever!" Cindy then let out a huge belly laugh and rolled into Cassie as she did so. "Ah, Cind. I think y'all are bein' too hard on that sis of yours! She caint be all that bad thar!" Vixina added as she sat on a stool next to the table of prints. "Yeah, Cind. She can't be all that bad" Laretta said as she took off her stiletto pumps and sat cross-legged on the carpeted floor by the table. "Gals, trust me. I met Donna a few times and yes. She is that bad! " Cassie said with an evil grin. "Oh, I forgot! Cass, you check your mail box yet? Guess what I found in mine?" The snow leopardess heald out an envelope from none other than Jeff Best. "I haven't checked my mail yet, so it's likely that I got one too. It must be an advanced copy of his solo album that's due out soon." Cassie replied. "Cind, open it! Let's have a listen!" Laretta asked. With the rest of gals agreeing with Laretta, Cindy unsheaved a claw on her human-like fur covered index finger and opened the envelope. Inside was a CD that showed Jeff Best wearng what looked like a Scottish kilt with white socks and combat boots, above that was a white t-shirt with the words "Louder the better!" The wolf morph had grown his head hair long and full and had grown his muzzle whiskers long and the fur under his neck long so he looked like he sported a full beard and mustache.Best was standing in what looked like a Scottish meadow with one foot propped up on a rock. With deadly serious look on his wolf-like muzzle and his left hand paw half way up in a typical metal "horned" sign. The ablum's title? "Jeff Best - Folk You" Cindy fell on the carpeted floor rolling with laughter saying between the tears, "Cassie! Jeff think's he's Braveheart!" The Rock Vixen looking both surprised and puzzled said nothing and put the CD into the player of the wall mounted system behind the couch. Over the studio's speakers could be heard Furrosity syle music and Jeff's typical snarling gowing vocals,but there was also Fiddles, Ullean pipes, war drums, a tin whistle even a hurdy gurdy could be heard. The lyrics (what could be made of them) were about wizards, warriors on mythical quests, druidic rights, etc. "I don't understand it. This isn't the album I mixed for him. This is something he did on his own! Well,It is something different, I'll grant you that," Cassie replied looking perplexed. "Ah think it sounds neat!" Vixina said as she picked up her fiddle and started playing along with the CD. "Yeah. Good for him" Laretta said as she watched the tiger stripped red fox vixen playing. "Cass," Cindy said as she came up from the floor to face the Rock Vixen, "You realize what he's done don't you? Remember our last album "The Tale Of Elanna"? It's theme? Our lyrics for it? Can't you see? He's tried to "one-up" us! He still thinks that he can do things better than us! Just like when we were in Furrosity." Cassie bowed here fox-like head closed here eyes and shook it back and forth so her enormous mane of black head hair swayed like a sheet in the wind before replying, "Why does it always have to be a competition with him? It's bad enough that we have those "nit wit" chicks in Furrversity to deal with but Jeff too? Cind, I just don't know" "Cassie, it's been my experience that more competition often leads to greater achievements" Yang Li said as she took her cigarette holder and walked toward the studio exit to have a puff. "You are starting to sound like your brother, Yang Li" Cassie replied with a grin. "Well, some things do run in families. Like wisdom," the golden dragoness said with a smirk on her reptile muzzle as she went outside. "Cass, let's keep going on this next album. If this is what it takes to keep us "motivated," them I'm all for it," Rachel said as the gothic doe took the cd and held it up for moment before putting it back in it's case. With the other ladies agreeing Cassie stood up and said "Yeah. Let's make this next album one that both Jeff and Furrversity are gonna scramble to beat! THE END