By Dawn's Early Light Written by & copyright of Earl Bacon Featuring Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen Please read the prequil, "When You Least Expect It", featuring Cassie at Please read the sequil, "Family Matters", featuring Cassie at Cassie and all other characters are created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except for Vixina, who is copyright Cloudchaser Shaconage and Laretta, who is copyright her player. CAUTION This story does have adult situations in it. But no nudity is specifically mentioned and there's no yiffing, so it's not as bad as this cautionary disclaimer makes it sound. Dawn was beginning to peek through the curtains of the hotel suite bedroom. A ray of light shone down upon a red fox vixen morph with outrageously long black head hair that resembled a lion's mane, if anything. The vixen was sleeping in a large bed, her dark-furred arms wrapped around the tall human dozing next to her. The dark haired human had his arm wrapped protectively around the vixen. The fox morph had her head on the human's chest. As such, her muzzle would bob up and down gently as the human inhaled and exhaled. Both the human's and the vixen's bodies were covered by the sheets of their bed. Only a pair of bare feet (one large human set and one set covered in a soft, black pelt of fur and containing red-painted toe claws) poked out of the sheets at the foot of the bed. A bulge under the sheets just above the human's feet semmed to move slightly. A white tail tip slipped out from under the shets on the human's side of the bed. The vixen had wrapped her long, luxurious fox tail over her human lover in a show of deep affection. As the sliver of sunlight began to grow in intensity on the vixen's face, she began top open her eyes, her cat-like pupils in fill-slit mode as the bright light made contact with them. Cassie slowly opened her eyes and began to slip her head from under Foxonian's arm. Her mate made a slight groaning noise and then moved his arm away from the vixen and towards one of the pillows near his head. Cassie smiled as she looked at her human lover, peacefully sleeping away. She slowly sat up on the edge of the bed, moving her legs untill they touched the plush carpets of the hotel suite. Cassie then gave a yawning, fox-like, open-mouthed yawn. Her full assortment of small, cannine-like teeth shining in the morning light. She then did her morning stretch, spreading her arms over her head while stretching her long legs out in front of her, wriggling her clawed toes for a minuite. Cassie took a good look around the bedroom. Over near the bedroom door lay her low-cut light blue dress and yellow waist belt. Pieces of Foxonian's blue suit (pants, shirt, socks and tie) lay strewn all over the floor near the dresser. Cassie noticed that her garter belt was on the sofa (which shared the room with the bed and the dresser) while her brown nylon stockings were on the other end. She giggled slightly as she noticed both Foxonian's boxer shorts and her light blue satin panties were both in the same spot in front of the bed. Getting out of bed, Cassie grabbed two white towels out of the dresser drawer and proceeded to take a nice, relaxing shower. Finishing after a nice long soak, Cassie took out her blow dryer from her travel kit and proceeded to dry off her head hair and her pelt as well. This always helped to waker her up. Especially after a late concert! With her black mane of hear hair all dry and brushed and her pelt dried and brushed, the vixen returned to the bedroom, opened a drawer of the dresser and slipped on a pair of bikini-cut light blue satin panties. She then went to the sofa, picked up the garter belt and slipped it onto her waist. Taking the pair of nylon stockings, she sat down on the sofa and began cinching each stocking up her legs. As Cassie was hooking each stocking into place with her garter strap hooks, she would give a loving glance to the human still sleeping. "It's been over two years since I first met him and I still feel like we first met every time I'm with him," Cassie thought to herself as she looked over at her lover. She then closed her eyes and a smile crossed her muzzle. With her stockings on, Cassie walked over to her portable wardrobe located just opposite the sofa. It was a clever thing, designed to look like an amp stack travel case when closed. It was 10ft tall standing on end and around 4ft deep with a full length mirror behind the door/lid and a clothes bar to hang her dresses on. A small set of drawers were located just near the bottom of the wardrobe, under the clothes bar. The whole thing was large and quite bulky, but she appreciated her road crew taking the time to bring it up to her room and set it up for her. That was proof of how much Slim and the rest of the roadies liked her. Cassie always treated her road crew like family. In return, they would "go the extra mile" for her. Because ofthe style of dress she wore, Cassie rarely wore a bra. Only when she was "off tour" in some of her casual home clothes (T-shirt and jeans or a mini-skirt) would a bra be considered in good taste. The vixen began to check her blue dresses. After a little thought, she settled on the single right-side slitted one. "Gotta give the fanssome variety. Been wearing the twin-slit ones a lot lately," Cassie thought to herself. Opening one of the wardrobe drawers, she selected a leather choker for her neck. She used to hardly ever take one of these chokers off. In fact, she even slept with one on untill that awful episode with Foxonian's finger. Her mate had been sleeping next to her when he somehow hooked his index finger on her choker. When he turned in his sleep, his finger bent backward, dislocating in the process. Foxonian began to scream in pain. This caused Cassie to instinctively wake and jerk away in the other direction, with her mate's finger still in the choker. As such, Cassie was choked by her own choker before Foxonian pulled his finger away. Cassie shuddered at the memory of the event as she adjusted the current choker around her neck untill the large blue oval gem was centered. Despite what happened, Cassie would never give up her chokers. She loved how they felt on her neck and the way the blue gems they had highlighted her eyes. Having her choker on, the next order of buisiness was putting her and Foxonian's clothes in the hamper for the laundry service to pick up. It was her own service, ever since a hotel "lost" one of her dresses once, only to have it appear for auction on e-bay two months later. Cassie then took her violet colored robe and placed it on and round her fox morph body. After tying the sash around her waist, she stood to look at herself in the wardrobe's full length mirror. "My God, vixen!" Cassie quietly said aloud as she admired her image. "You really do look nice! No wonder Foxonian is nuts about you!" Cassie then felt two familiar arms around her waist and heard a well known voice in her left ear. "That's because he has good taste!" said the voice. Cassie turned her head and tilted it slightly to the right so her human lover could place his mouth around her muzzled lips, closing her eyes as he did so. After a minuite of passionate kissing, Foxonian said "Don't let me bother you while you are trying to get dressed. I'm going to take my shower now anyway." "Hun," Cassie began. "I would strip naked right now of you asked me to. You're never a bother to me. I love you!" "I love you too, vixen," Foxonian replied as he gave her a fox like lick on the soft white fur on the side of her muzzle. He then took his towel, a clean pair of boxers from the dresser, his own bathroom travel-kit and turning to exchange a snile with the vixen, went into the bathroom and started the shower. He then said as he began to close the door "But watching you put your lingere on again would be too much for my heart to take this early in the morning!" With a bemused look in her face, Cassie replied, "I should have known that you were awake!" She then spoke in a slightly louder voice so she could be heard over the running shower, "I hope you meant that as a compliment!" "Of couse I did, Cass!" Foxonian said from behind the bathroom door. "You're so gorgeous, a guy's heart could burst from beating so hard just by looking at you! I'm surprised that the Heart Assiciation hasn't made us carry defibulators at the cocerts for all your male fans!" "Ha, ha! Very funny!" Cassie replied as she sat down on the sofa, letting her long bushy fox tail hang over the sofa's armrest on her right. As she crossed her stocking-covered legs, Cassie noticed the old acoustic guitar in its holding stand, next to the sofa. The guitar wasn't hers, it was Foxonian's. A reminder of his one attempt at being a musician.It wasn't his fault that he couldn't read music or make his fingers dance up and down a guitar fretboard like Cassie could do with ease. Yet, she suspected that Foxonian felt that he had failed and he held onto some guilt over it. When she first met him, Cassie saw the old guitar in the back of a closet in his house and asked him about it. He told her that if she wanted it, it was hers. He just didn't care enough about it anymore. Cassie removed the old acoustic guitar from its stand and placing it across her lap, began to strum its strings. As far as she was concerned, this was still his guitar. She was just keeping it in good shape for him untill he wanted it back. One day, she hoped he would. "I think I'll work on this chord change for a bit," Cassie said to herself as she continued to play. The vixen liked to try out the new stuff on the old acoustic, before bringing the tune back for Vixina, laretta and the rest of the band to evaluate. "That's lovely, Cass!" replied Foxonian, freshly showered and wearing a blue bathrobe. He them proceeded to sit down on the sofa next to the fox-morph. "Thanx," Cassie replied. "I think I'm going to use it in a new song I'm working on." She then placed the guitar back in its stand. "What are you going to call the song?" Foxonian said as he put his arm around the vixen. Cassie placed her head on her lover's lap, swinging her stocking-covered legs over the arm of the sofa where her tail was located. Once comfortable, she looked up at her hansome human, closed her eyes half-way and let out a loving sigh. "How about, 'Heart Stopping Vixen'?" Cassie asked. Foxonian laughed and them began to kiss her left ear. The End