Family Matters Written by & copyright of Earl Bacon Featuring Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen And Vixina Please read the prequil, "By Dawn's Early Light", featuring Cassie at and the sequil, "The Last Rose of Summer", also featuring Cassie at Cassie and all other characters are created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except for Vixina, who is created by & copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage, and Laretta, who is copyright her player. Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, a tall,dark-haired, huinan stood combing his hair. It was almost time to go, The human thought as he put the comb into his pants pocket. He looked around the hotel suite one last time. Al1 of his personal belongings sat on the floor at the foot of the bed, all packed and ready to be picked up. His lover's portable wardrobe,which resembled a huge 10 ft. tall footlocker, was locked and ready for trapsport. "Well, I guess Cassie managed to get her stuff together before she left for the concert," Foxonian thought as he looked at the wardrobe. Tonight was the band's last show of the tour. Cassie, the band, the road crew and the rest of the support staff would go their seperate ways after the wrap party later this evening. He and the Rock Vixen would head to their home in the Berkshires, to spend four months of sheer relaxafion. After that, tbe band had booked time in the recording studio to work on a new album. A sure smash, if Cassie's predictions about it were true. As the human finished calling for the limo that would take him to the band's gig, there was a knock on the suite's outer door. Thinking it was the hotel porter and his crew, Foxonian called out "lt's all ready to go! Come on in!" The door opened, but instead of a human porter,there stood a 6ft tall red fox morph, wearing a dark blue suit with a thin dark blue tie. A fedona was on the fox's head,with holes cut in the hat's brim for his tall fox ears to poke through. The fox looked a lot like a furry-morph parody of the old Dan Akroyd "Blues Brothers" character. The only difference was the glasses. The fox's were the oval kind that the late John Lennon used to wear, except the fox's were tinted light blue. The fox had a cigarette holder between his muzzled lips with a lit herbal cigaette attached to it. All canine furry-morphs, especially foxes and coyotes with their long muzzles, liked to use holders in order to smoke. Only feline and mustelid morplis could hold a drag in their mouths like humans could. "Sorry, man. Haven't toted bags since I was a little fella." Quickly putting the outfit with the fox and noticing the grey fur around the fox's cat-like blue eyes and on his black furred, clawed hands, this could be none other than Mark "Sparky" Robertson. A great furry-morph blues guitarist. R&B fans called him the next John Lee Hooker. He was also Cassie-The Rock Vixen's father. "Sparky!" Foxonian said in suprise as he walked forward to shake the old fox's hand. "What are you doing here? I thought you were still at your home in Boston!" "Well, it's like this," Sparky said as he took the holder (with it's cigarette still smoldering) out of his mouth and held it in his right clawed hand. "Two months ago, the guys who own the House of Blues called me. They wanted to do a special one-night show featuring the best players of the blues. The asked me if I would like to come and do a couple of songs and such. Now, I didn't want to right off, being retired and all. But when I heard that My Little Vix was gonna be in town the next night after the blues gig, well, my fingers just started to itch! And the only way I know to cure them is to scratch them on steel strings." The old fox took the burning cigarette out of the holder and pitched it into an ashtry on the wall of the suite. He then pushed the bnm of his fedora up slightly and walked into the suite. "By the way, Foxonee Where is My Little Vix?" Sparky asked as looked around the room. "'Fraid you missed her, Sparky," the human began. "She's already at the civic center. I was just on my way there. Why don't you come along? Cassic would just love the suprise." "I would love to Foxonee!" "Just lead the way!" With that,the old fox strode out of the room and into the hall. As Foxonian shut the door to the suite, he saw a large, black guitar case with the words "Sparky" in gold letters on the lid. Next to it was an old Fender tweed amp. "Oh yeah! Think you could carry my amp for me, Foxonee? The old body just can't take another walk with it!" The human siniled as he picked up the amp. Typical Sparky. He'd risk injuring himself carring his own gear, so he could play with Cassie. As they walked down the hotel's steps to the waiting limo, Sparky put his cigarette holder into his mouth and lit another herbal cigarette. Foxonlan never knew why Cassie's father smoked those things. They had no tobacco in them at all nor were they a narcotic. All they did was make whatever room the old fox was smoking in smell like a Glade Air Freshener. "Guess he must think that they make him look hip," the human thought as he followed the suited fox out of the hotel. Carrying that black guitar case, weartng that suit and fedora and all, Sparky looked less like a blues player and more like he should be on the cover of a "Mob's Greatest Hits" CD, Foxonian mused to himself. Still, Foxonian had to admit, Sparky was one hell of a blues guitarist, outfit not withstanding. It's no wonder his daughter is so great with an axe. It's in the blood! As they rode in the back of the limo, Sparky, cigarette holder (with lit drag inserted) firmly in place between his teeth, began to speak. "Foxonee, when are you going to marry that daughter of mine? She's never gonna find another guy she likes as much as you!" "Sparky, we have been through this before," an exasperated Foxonian replied as he addressed the fox. With Cassie's carrer in full-swing, marrage just isn't in the cards right now." Turning to look at the human, Spaiky pushed his oval blue specks to the edge of his muzzle, so his blue catlike eyes were visible. He then said, "Uh, Huh. Still scared to commit, aren't you son?" Before the human could speak, Sparky began to talk. "Listen, Foxonee. I was like you, once. I didn't want to get in the way of someone's carrear,or have mine all messed up. But then, I met Casste's mother. She was the finest vixen I had ever laid my eves on and brother, I had seen quite a few in my day." The old fox took a deep puff of the herbal cigarette and continued. "I was afraid to ask her to marry me, because she had a big carrear in classical music, being a harpist and all. Was just a bluesman with not much to offer such a classy lady. "But one day, I got the courage up and I made my proposal of marrage to her. She accepted. To this day,that was the best decision I ever made in my whole life!" As the limo approached the rear of the civic center, Sparky said, "All I'm asking is that you consider it. You have made My Little Vix happier than I have ever seen her since she was a little kit. Plus, I would really like to have you as a son-in-law." Foxonian patted the old fox's shoulder and replied, "Thanks, Sparky. Your'e a hell of a guy!" "Damn,Right!" Sparky said as he opened the door of the limo. Foxonian told the limo driver to open the trunk, so Sparky's amp and guitar could be removed. As the human carrying the amp and the old blue suited fox carrying a black guitar case walked tword the stage door, the human asked, "You never told me how you got your nickname, 'Spaiky'. If you want me to be your son-in-law, I think I should know, don't you?" The old fox siniled with a fanged grin as he spoke I got that cuz people said that I used to make sparks fly when I played. I didn't have the heart to tell them it was probably that old cheap electric guitar I used to own at the time. Damn thing was shorting out like erazy. Had lousy wired pick ups. Wonder I wasn't fried!" At that, both the human and the old fox broke out in fits of laughter. Cassie was uptight. It was less that 20 min. before showtime and there was no sign of her lover. The tall red fox vixen had a long black mane of head hair, wearing a black leather choker with a oval blue gem in it's center, dressed in her trademark sleeveless low-cut light blue dress, with a yellow belt around its waist and slit up to her thigh on her right side, showing off the light brow'n nylon stockings hooked to black garter straps, ending in light blue pump shoes. Foxonian was never late for a concert when he was with the band on tour. He was always just off stage. A tall wolf morph,wearing a band t-shirt, bluejeans and sneakers, came walking up to where the vixen stood staring at the stage door with her arms folded. Andy used to be a rep from the band's record label before Foxoman asked him to take over managing the band, so he could concentrate on being the band's agent. "Where is he? He's never been late to a show before What if something happend to him?" Cassie asked as she turned to look at the approaching wolf morph. "Don't worry, Cass." The wolf replied. It will only affect your perfomance. He's okay. We would have heard if something was amiss. Trust me." From behind Andy, a young wolfess with what could best be described as multiclored short head hair, wearing a studded leather collar around her neck and matching leather bracelets. She had red tank top and a black leather miniskirt. On her feet were white, frilly ankle length socks inside black pump shoes. "l5 min. to showtime, Cassie," the wolfess said. Thanks, Laretta. l'll be with you guys shortly." As soon as she said this, the stage door opened and a tall human carrying a small tweed amp entered. "Sorry I'm late, Cass, but an old friend of mine wanted to see you." The old fox then came through the door almost on cue, dofflng his fedora and smiling in greeting as he entered. "DADDY!" Cassie yelled as she ran over to where Sparky was standing. Foxomin quickly grabbed the old fox's guitar so he could give his daughter a big hug "What are you doing here, Dad?" the vixen said excitedly. "Hey, I came for the show! I heard there was supposed to be a good headliner playing tonight!" the old fox said with a toothy grin on his fox-like muzzle. Foxonian could tell that father and daughter were very happy to see each other because their Fox~like long bushy tails were whipping back and forth a mile a minute. Andy then walked over to where Foxonian was watching the happy reunion. "How did you find him?" Andy asked. "I didn't. He found me. He was at the door of the hotel suite as I was leaving. l just had to bring him." Foxonian replied. "Whut are ya'll doin' heah?" a vixen named Vixina who had shoulder length dark red head hair, wearing a white tank top, cutoff bluejean shorts, a cross pendant around her neck and wide rimmed glasses on her muzzle asked as she came over from the stage area to join the little group surrounding the blue suited fox. "Guys," Cassie said as she stood next to the old fox. "I would like you to meet Mark 'Sparky' Robertson. A great blues guitarist, and my father." A round of hello's started as the rest of the band and the roadies all came from the stage area to meet the legendary bluesman. After a few moments, everyone started to head back to the floodlights of the stage. "How come your dad has a different last name from you, Cassie?" Lareta asked the vixen. "My last name, 'Vixena', is my stage name. My real last name is 'Robertson'," Cassie replied as she stared at her father from a few feet away. "Dad inisited on it," Cassie said. "He felt it would give me confidence plus the name would give me good P.R." "Sounds like a nice guy. Your are sure a lucky to have him as your dad," Laretta said as she stared to walk toward the stage. "Oh,yes, I am." Cassie replied. "I'll be out soon, promise." "Don't worry, Cassie, we'll wait for you. Just make sure your dad's okay," the wolfess said. She then went out to join Vixina and the rest of the band onstage. When Laretta left,Cassie walked over to her father. "Dad?" Cassie began, "I've got to go on now. Think you will be okay back here?" "Sure, Little Vix, sure." "You just get goin'. You got a whole lot of people who paid good money to see you and your band and they should get their money's worth," Sparky said as he patted his daughter on the shoulder. Cassie then gave the old fox a lick on the side of his muzzle, and walked out onstage. Sparky took a folding chair that was against the wall next to him, unfolded it, and sat down. From his vanatge point,he could see Cassie and the rest of the band clearly. The old fox then reached into his suit pocket and took out his holder and pack of herbal cigarettes. He was about to light up, using an old Zippo lighter with a natural fox on it's case, when Andy noticed what he was going to do. "Sorry, Sparky. You can't smoke in here. Fire regs," Andy said. "Oh, Shoot! Shoud have known. Sorry about that," the old fox said as he put the lighter and the holder back into his suit vest pocket. Satistfied, Andy went toward the stairs, leaving Sparky sitting in his chair watching the band playing. The concert was going great. Cassie was in full form, knocking off lick after lick as easily as she had kicked off her shoes in to an eager crowd. Both Laretta and Vixina were just as hot, keeping the whole sound of the band pumping with energy with their excellent playing. Foxonian, after checking the gate recepts with Andy downstairs in the stage managers office, went backstage to check on Sparky. As he came up the stairs, in the distance he could see Cassie rocking her heart out to cheering fans. In the foreground,the old blue suited fox with a fedoa on his head and oval blue specs on his muzzle, was sitting in the folding chair, his right blue suede loafer tapping the floor in time to the beat of the band. As he came closer, the hunian could see a tear rolling down the old fox's furry muzzle, which had a smile across it. Noticing the human approach, Sparky doffed his hat to the human and said "Foxonee, I may not have made a whole lot as a bluesman, but tonight, I'm the richest guy in the whole world!" Foxonian was about to reply when he saw Cassie waving to her father with a "come here" gesture. Sparky, seeing his daugluer beckoning him, he grabbed his guitar, a vintage 1959 Gibson ES-175 f-holed electric, and his amp and proudly walked out to the floodlights. "You're right, Sparky, you are a very rich man," Foxonian said as he watched father and daughter jamming heavy blues together in front of cheering fans. The End