Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's husband) and Dr. Johnson Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org Please read the prequil, "The Heart Of The Matter," featuring Shiva (Cassie's cheif of security) and Yang Li (Cassie's session guitarist) http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/the_heart_of_the_matter.txt All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina and Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor & Ben, who are copyright themselves. Simple gifts August 16 1973. "I think we will have it. Just give me a few minutes," a small racoon furry morph said from behind a computer console. At one end of the console, a huge wire cable filled with smaller cables led to metal stand at the far end of the warehouse. Sitting in the stand was a ordinary looking Fender Stratocaster. Standing just in fornt of the stand was a young human with a long black beard and long stringy black hair. Dressed in a black tshirt, blue jeans and sneakers, Dr. Ben Johnson was a radical amoung scientists. His theories about alternate universes coupled with the science of sionic acoustics was even farther out. But, working in secret with minimal funding, he had managed to come this far. "We are ready, Doc. I'm activating the circuits," came the voice of raccon morph. With a pleased look on his face, Dr. Johnson grabbed the Strat form it's stand and starpped it onto his frame. Touching a small switch on the front, two telescoping steel antennas came out of the two "horn" sections of the guitar's body. At the far end of the warehouse was a target painted on the far wall. Turning to face the wall, Dr. Johnson began to play a ordinary guitar riff. But, what happened next wasn't ordinary. The strings on the guitar began to glow a light blue and the area about 12 feet in fornt of Dr. Johnson began to swirl and glow like a small hurricane begining to form. As he continued to play, a huge gust of wind began to eminate form the storm,causing Dr. Johnson's hair to blow into his face, but he continued to play. From the view of the control console, the raccoon furry morph asstant could see his collegue surrounded by a blue forcefield of transparent energy while the back end of the warehouse was becoming engufed by the dark blue energy vortex. In a panic, the assistant ran toward the place where Dr. Johnson was playing. "Doctor! What's happening??" Came a startled cry form the raccoon morph. Dr. Johnson upon hearing the cry, spun around and faced the source. A bolt of energy shot out of the guitar and the raccoon morph vanished. With a shock Dr. John stopped playing, but by then it was too late. The vortex leapt forth, consuming Dr. Ben Johnson and the warehouse. After a second or two, a vacant city lot appeared with one small object in it's center. A dark black Fender stratocaster sitting in a pile of dirt. As the police and others who happened to notice the building's dissappearence began to arrive, an unknown man picked up the guitar and wandered back into the shadows. Present Day "Everything's wonderful, Hun! I am so lucky to have you for a wife!" Foxonian said as he gazed down upon the picnic lunch laid out before him. Cassie had picked the perfect place on the bank of a local stream that ran near their Berkshire property. "The least I could do for your birthday, my love," the furry morph vixen replied as she poured the champapnge she had brought into two tall wine glasses. Taking his glass in hand and gazing into the eyes of his loving wife, Foxonian said "I am the most fortunate man in the world." "And I am the most fortunate furry morph vixen in the world to have you as my husband!" Cassie replied with a sultry look on her muzzle. After clicking their glasses together and drinking their bubbly, Foxonian said "So I hear that Vic & Cindy have decided on an October wedding." "Yeah. Cindy wants to have it on Halloween, but Vic is too superstious for it. So she might have it the week before. I'm sure they will get in touch with us in a few weeks about the day" Cassie replied as she thought of her snowleopard morph friend and her Tigermorph finance. Foxonian began to peer into the picnic basket as Cassie playfully swatted his hand. "Not just yet, Love. I have to give you your present first." "Uh, here?" the human said with a worried look aorund the clearing. With a laugh on her muzzle, Cassie replied "Not like that, Silly. I have a real gift here. Just a sec." Foxonian watched his wife stand up put on her flipflop sandles, straighten out her tan hiking shorts and blue shirt and walk down the trail to where they parked Cassie's Red Orange Corvette convertible. Foxonian said the blanket and waited while thinking about what had happened recently. He knew of Shiva and Yang Li's breakup, even though he could no longer feel the silverblack vixen in his mind. He wondered if her feelings for him were still as strong as before and if that had let to it. "Close your eyes!" Cassie asked as she came up the path before him with something behind her back. Foxonian did as he was asked and Cassie placed a rough looking black Fender Stratocaster in front of him. "Cass! Where did you get this? It's neat!" Foxonian exclaimed as he kissed the furry morph on the muzzle. "I glad you like it. I found it at a pawn shop in Chicago. The owner said it was in bus station storage locker for over 30 years. When the bus depo was renovated, he bought all the stuff out of the lockers. I haven't had a chance to have Slim check it out yet, but I plan on it sometime next week." Cassie said as she snuggled up to her husband. Foxonian looked at the guitar closely. He noticed an extra set of controls on the body below the knobs. "What's all this stuff for?" Foxonian asked. "Hmm. Might have been an early midi set up. I'll have Slim check it out" Cassie said as she took the guitar out of her husband's hands. As she did so,Cassie playfully played a small note on the guitar's strings. As soon as she struck the note, a small bolt of light came out of the middle of the guitar and struck the tree behind them, causing it to vanish into thin air. "Cass! What the heck just happened??" Foxonian asked with a note of terror in his voice. Putting the guitar down quickly, Cassie replied, "I-I don't know. But I have a feeling we had better get this back home quickly. I'll call Slim and have him meet us at the studio as soon as he can. You okay with that, Hun?" Cassie asked as he began to repack everything into the picnic basket. "Yeah. I think you are right. Besides,after we get this guitar delt with, we can pick up were we left off." Foxonian said with a smile as he picked up the guitar and followed his wife down the path. As the human and furry morph left the river bank, over at the place where the tree once the stood, an outline of a tall man dressed in a dark t-shirt, blue jeans, sneakers with long string blond hair and long bearded could be seen with his hands raised and alook of horror on his face before fading into oblivion. TO BE CONTINUED...