Written by & copyright of Foxonian Featuring Shiva (Cassie's cheif of security) and Yang Li (Cassie's session guitarist) Cassie, the Rock & Roll Vixen http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org Please read the prequil, "The Oracle," featuring Rachel and Madame Erica http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/rock_around_the_christmas_tree.txt Please read the sequil, "Simple Gifts," Featuring Cassie, Foxonian (Cassie's husband) and Dr. Johnson at http://www.cassietherockvixen.furtopia.org/simple_gifts.txt All characters created by & copyright of Earl Bacon except Laretta, who is created by and copyright of Andre' Cotton, Alex, who is created by and copyright of Donna Fritz, Vixina and Cloudchaser, who are created by and copyright of Cloudchaser Shaconage and Victor & Ben, who are copyright themselves. The Heart Of The Matter Standing at the large bay window in the morning light, a sliver black furry morph vixen with long full white head hair the reached to the base of her fox-like tail stood and stared at the morning light. Wearing her fox-head pendant on a chain that seemed to glow with the sun's rays, her matching white bra & panties showing through the open front of a silken dark black kimono (accented by golden dragons & foxes). Shiva was troubled. Without thinking, she had taken off the engagement ring that her recent lover,a tall golden dragoness had given her (along with the kimono as Christmas present) and gazed into it. For months, the silverblack vampric vixen had known such happiness with Yang Li. But, despite her best efforts, her heart wasn't with the dragoness. It's still belonged to that certain human. It was a love that she knew could not be reciprocated, but she still desired it more than her own life. What she thought was love with the golden dragoness, was nothing but lust coupled with a desire to substitute her feelings about Foxonian with another lover. What galled her the most was the fact that Shiva had been "using" the golden dragoness (even if she didn't realize until now that she was doing so) and cared about her as a close friend. The silverblack didn't want to hurt her, but she couldn't live a lie any longer. "Mistress!!!" a familiar voice came from within Shiva's fox-like head. A voice she hadn't heard in almost a year, since she began to take an interest in a certain golden dragoness. Perched on tree limb opposite the window of the condo that the silverblack vixen shared with Yang Li (although the dragoness leased the condo), a large barn owl could be seen staring at Shiva. It was no secret that her familiar Gandalf disliked Yang Li, claiming that she had "devious" thoughts (although Shiva speculated that the barn owl was more concerned that he might be on Yang Li's diet plan).As such,she hadn't seen the owl since last November. "Well, hello stranger! I take it you missed me?" Shiva thought with a hint of smugness. "Very much so,Mistress! I was worried about you, but did not know how to reach you. Your thoughts were so clouded with that... other female that I knew you wouldn't listen to me. Now,at last you are beginning to see the truth." Gandalf replied with his usual aplomb. Looking slightly shocked, Shiva sent back "You mean, you knew that I didn't love Yang Li?" The barn owl then closed his eyes slightly and looked like he was making an expression similar to a happy smile when he sent "I have always known, Mistress. Your heart was never with her, despite you trying to deceive yourself. You are bound to the human for as long as you both shall live and beyond your existence as you now it. For all time. Let us leave this place and return to where you once lived." Just then, Gandalf flew away, causing Shiva turn around. Yang Li walked up in her matching Kimono (accented by her green silk bra and panty set underneath) The golden dragoness lowered her reptilian head and nuzzled the silverblack vixen, but suddenly pulled back and saw Shiva holding the engament ring in her right hand paw. "W-hat's wrong, Love? Why did you take off the ring??" the golden dragoness asked with the slitted pupals of her large snake like eyes opening wide. "I–I am so sorry, Sweet. But I can't marry you. I care about you too much to decieve you,but I have to be honest. What I thought was love wasn't. I just wanted to forget someone I once loved, but I cannot. I still love him and I'm certain that I always will. You are still my good friend I was always cherish the time we spent together. But, I can't live a lie any longer.It's not fair to me or to you." Shiva then took the ring and put it on the hand claw of the golden dragoness. "I knew there was something bothering you," Yang Li began as tears began to flow down from her snake like eyes down the sides of her reptilian–like muzzle. "All the times we made love, I could feel you were somehow restrained. Though you didn't come out and say it, I knew that you didn't feel the same for me as I did for you. I thought that in time we would grow closer, but I guess I was wrong." With that,The golden dragoness turned and walked way from the silverblack vixen, raising her snake like head to it full height (causing her two horns that came out of her skull just above her ears to light scrape the tall ceiling of the condo). "Yang Li, wait!" Shiva began but the golden dragoness cut her off, "Please! Don't say any more! Just take your things and go. I want to be alone for a while. Shiva could feel the tears fall form her own golden cat-like eyes and travel down the sides of her muzzle as she watched the fan like tip of Yang Li's reptilian tail swish back and forth from behind the kimono as she walked into her study and slowly closed the door behind her. After a moment, Shiva went into the condo's bedchamber and packed away all of her clothes and other possessions. She them removed the silk kimono and was about to leave it on the bed, but thought the better of it and pack it away as well. Then, putting on her usual garb (black leather sleeveless dress, low cut bodice and thigh slight hem accented by thigh-high black leather high heeled dress boots), the silverblack vixen waved her right handpaw at the luggage, causing it to vanish into thin air. "Well, it's back at the Vermont Cabin now. As will I be in a moment," Shiva thought as she saw the bags disappear. But,before she could leave, Shiva had to know if Yang Li was okay. Unlike most species,she could not read the thoughts of golden dragon furry morphs and so she had to check. "Are you okay?" Shiva asked as she knocked on the door of the study. "Yes… Are you leaving?" came a very slow feminine voice from the other side of the door. "Hun, Can I say good bye to you? Please. You still mean a lot to me," Shiva asked in a voice that bordered on pleading. "Come in." Yang replied. The silverblack vixen entered the study to find all of the books and oriental trappings the Golden dragoness had amassed over the years to be in total dissarry. Lying on the floor on her back dressed only in her undies and with along lit cigarette in her mouth, the golden dragoness had an expression of calm on her reptilian muzzle. Shiva saw that Yang Li had shredded her matching kimono with her hand claws until it looked like a pile silken rags. The silverblack vixen noticed a certain smell coming from the lit end of the cigarette holder. "It ease your couriosity, it IS opium I'm smoking." Yang Li replied as she blew a square cube of smoke from one of her nostrils. Getting down on her knees, Shiva reached down and kissed Yang Li on her head. The golden dragoness continued to stare at the ceiling of the study, oblivious to attentions shown her. "Good-Bye, I'll be in touch" Shiva said. As she stood to go, Yang Li said, "Shiva, you had my heart you know. I have had many lovers over the years, but you touched me in ways I'll never forget. If you ever want to return to me, I will always be here. I hope you are happy no matter what you decide" The golden dragoness the took a deep drag on her narcotic, streched out her long human like scalled legs and wiggled her reptialian toe claws,spread her human like arms then closed her eyes. "Good Bye, Hun. Be well." Yang Li replied as she drifted off into a drug induced sleep. Carefully, Shiva took the cigarette holder out of the dragoness's mouth and after putting out the lit end, placed the holder on the ashtray located on the nearby table. The silverblack vixen then slowly walked out of the study and closed the door behind her. With a deep breath, Shiva raised her arms and began to chant the teleportation spell that would take her back to her Vermont Cabin. "Mistress is ready to go now?" Gandalf sent as Shiva saw the owl hovering outside the hallway window. With a deep sigh, the silverback vixen sent back, "Yes, Gandalf. I must go back. I must follow my heart." The silverblack vixen raised her arms,then vanished as the barn owl flew away. THE END